Donald Trump will WIN BIG!


New member
Very strange times indeed.

They have been a long time coming. You cannot give your father and his father a decent and proud middle class life and then see it slowly rot away for the last 25 years along with a decline in the culture and not expect the top to blow off the pressure cooker at some time.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
They have been a long time coming. You cannot give your father and his father a decent and proud middle class life and then see it slowly rot away for the last 25 years along with a decline in the culture and not expect the top to blow off the pressure cooker at some time.

And that would be what exactly? The pressure cooker part?


like marbles on glass
Trump winning is bad enough on its own. THall predicting it makes it even worse. :plain:

Yeah, well, THall said Hillary wouldn't make it out of the primary.

You seem too young and stupid to understand politics.

Hillary Clinton won't make it through the primary process

of her own party. She would lose in the general and even

the Dumbocrats know that.

I didn't think she'd make it this far, but it looks right now like the nomination is hers. Trump won't "win big" against Hillary.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Are you asking about a middle class life? Your question didn't refer to a specific part of my post.

By the way, how do you put someone on ignore with this new format?

I was referring to the pressure cooker comment, I agree the "middle class life" has had some reshaping. But a pressure cooker?


like marbles on glass
Trump Train



New member
I was referring to the pressure cooker comment, I agree the "middle class life" has had some reshaping. But a pressure cooker?

When your trying to achieve your father's success without a degree, it's a lot of stress. The main pressure I'm talking about is the built up resentment of your voting bloc being assured of their needs come every election and being continually ignored the rest of the time due to all government efforts spent on the groups with the most powerful lobbies. The only success coming as a result of the NRA. Still, the gun rights are constantly being threatened everytime there is a mass shooting.


New member
The answer i was looking for is to go to that person's profile and there is a link to let you add that person to your ignore list. Then you confirm it. No more eye glazing.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I am becoming convinced that Kasich and Rubio are going to stay in long enough to insure that Cruz can't overtake Trump. In which case Hillary it is!

This has been the worst Republican campaign I have seen, since Perot split the vote and Bill Clinton won. Mr. Clinton was held in check by 'the Republican revolution'. We tend to forget, had not the Republicans, in Congress, not held Bill Clinton in check, we might have gone in the socialist direction in the 90s.

Now, we have someone who appeals to anyone who is against Washington politics, as usual. The problem here is all the Democrats will vote against Trump, as well, many independents, because there are so many reasons to dislike Trump, not to mention the Republican party dislikes him, and polls show few Cruz and Rubio supporters will not vote for Donald Trump. This is because the Republican have demonized the quack Trump in these primary events. Trump will be likely lose, or, at best, to make a lame duck president.

Well Trump winning is not going to happen anyway, because, most likely, Hillary Clinton will win the election; if she wins, we have another four years of Washington deadlock; it will happen as soon as she takes up, where Obama left off, with gun control.

It is too bad so many good people abandoned the moral candidate, Ted Cruz, for a super rich troublemaker.

Far better politicians were train wrecks, Nixon, Bush. “It’s deja vu all over again.”