Donald Trump will WIN BIG!

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
[Trump] has been happily married to Milanya for over a decade, and they have had a fine young man as a son.
He was happily married to Ivana for fourteen years.
Happily married to Marla for six.

Why can't you be happy for him on a personal level?
Should she really be happy that a serial adulterer has found his latest victim happiness?

I think any candidate has positives and negatives, they are humans, not perfect.
I think Manson tried that defense. :think:

Trump would be good for the American economy, and the veterans who get horrific health care right now.
So you aren't for government provided healthcare. Good to know.


Hall of Fame
He was happily married to Ivana for fourteen years.
Happily married to Marla for six.

Should she really be happy that a serial adulterer has found his latest victim happiness?

I find it interesting that so much effort is put into defending a serial adulterer.


New member
I find it interesting that so much effort is put into defending a serial adulterer.

People consist of much more than one act or character flaw in their lives. We are not electing the Pope or mother Theresa. We are electing the president. Every president has had moral failings. People are not defending his adulterery; they are supporting his traits that will get done what needs to be done. What we need in this country is to get rid of the establishment running things. The fact of adultery doesn't influence this in the least. We all have done wrong things in this life but most of us would be offended if our total being were reduced to the one act of failure.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
People consist of much more than one act or character flaw in their lives.
:think: That one I know Manson used.

We are not electing the Pope or mother Theresa.
Which is good, because I have a feeling being a serial adulterer with a demonstrated penchant for profanity and at least one pending suit for fraud would probably put a kink in that effort.

We are electing the president. Every president has had moral failings. borrow from Daniel Boone, not much of a bar then.

People are not defending his adulterery; they are supporting his traits that will get done what needs to be done.
You mean his ability to commit to something serious and see it through good times and bad, sickness and health?

What we need in this country is to get rid of the establishment running things.
So you want to buck the system by electing a rich, old white guy with ties to half the power brokers on the Hill?

That's one plan.

The fact of adultery doesn't influence this in the least. We all have done wrong things in this life but most of us would be offended if our total being were reduced to the one act of failure.
Or a repeated pattern of failure even...apparently. :plain:


New member
:think: That one I know Manson used.

Which is good, because I have a feeling being a serial adulterer with a demonstrated penchant for profanity and at least one pending suit for fraud would probably put a kink in that effort. borrow from Daniel Boone, not much of a bar then.

You mean his ability to commit to something serious and see it through good times and bad, sickness and health?

So you want to buck the system by electing a rich, old white guy with ties to half the power brokers on the Hill?

That's one plan.

Or a repeated pattern of failure even...apparently. :plain:
Repeat pattern of failure? Marla maples was his one failure. From the time he was cheating with her and through their long separation, is when he did all his playing around. He has been loyal to milana. I really don't see a pattern of failure. I see one period of time sowing his oats.

As for having connections to all the power brokers, who better to defeat the enemy than one who knows their world inside and out?


New member
The Ted Cruz we all know....

"The Bush-Cruz connection is clear. Ted was George W.’s brain when he ran for president. A top policy adviser, Ted maneuvered for Solicitor General in Bush World but settled for a plum at the Federal Trade Commission. Ted’s a Bush man with deep ties to the political and financial establishment. Ted and wife Heidi brag about being the first “Bush marriage” – they met as Bush staffers. Cruz was an adviser on legal affairs while Heidi was an adviser on economic policy and eventually director for the Western Hemisphere on the National Security Council under Condoleezza Rice. Condi helped give us the phony war in Iraq. Heidi then went to the Bush U.S. Trade Representative as a top deputy to U.S. Trade Rep. Robert Zoellick, who wired Heidi’s membership in the Council on Foreign Relations and job at Goldman Sachs. The bailed-out bank then loaned Cruz $1 million secretly to finance his Senate race. Crux would also borrow an undisclosed $1 million loan from Citicorp.

Cruz has become quite adroit at saying one thing while his history shows him doing the other. Rather than the outsider he claims to be, Ted Cruz is the ultimate insider, former top Bush 41 policy aide and globalist, Ivy Leaguer, and establishment insider. There is no better example of this than Calgary Ted’s actions surrounding the big Wall Street banks and their secret funding of his political ascension. Oil and Gas Millions fund this guy Cruz has been gorging at the table of the ultimate insider of all insiders – Goldman Sachs and Citibank. His TPP support is the proof in the pudding."

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
doser makes an on-point comment to thall:
yes she is

that's why she's the only poster i have on ignore

which provokes tardlyartie to sputter:
Oh, this coming from the guy..

who didn't used to be able to put her on ignore

yep, that was me

and everybody else

now we can

tardlyartie said:
who used to constantly post about how much he'd love seeing her burning in hell?

actually artie, it wasn't "constantly", it was only in response to her butting into conversations i was having with others and spewing her vile crap

now i have her on ignore :thumb:

and yes, i will rejoice when she earns her just reward for rejecting Christ

tardlyartie said:
You've got the 'art' of projection down to a bog SOD.

and you have a really weird obsession with me, that you satisfy by spouting off the gayest british slang :peach:
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