Donald Trump will WIN BIG!


New member
No Iranian political leader with the authority to do anything about it has made those threats. Just clerics who have no authority. Israel has 200 nukes. Your fears are unfounded.

Israel does not have 200 nukes,
you are clueless.


Hall of Fame
Trump won BIG!!!

Again........last night.....

Poor Zoo,.....

:think: Do you believe IF he wins the office of the presidency, it's a win for the American people?

After all, what's not to love about the pro-abortion, adulterous, thrice-married candidate aka as Donald Trump?


New member
You must be a seem fixated
on his failed marriages. He has been happily
married to Milanya for over a decade, and they have
had a fine young man as a son. Why can't you be happy
for him on a personal level? Because he found happiness
and you did not?

To answer your question, I think any candidate
has positives and negatives, they are humans, not perfect.
Trump would be good for the American economy, and the
veterans who get horrific health care right now.
Trump will change the rules of engagement for our
war fighters, and that is good for the USA.
He will fundamentally change the Republican Party,
which needs change, they have ignored their base and
created the Trump Movement.

Trump has consistently stated that he is anti abortion, and
he has for years, so maybe you should start being honest
about that.....

I don't agree with Trump on gay marriage and I don't like
his weak stance on the Bill of Rights or eminent domain.
I fear his Supreme Court appointments could be horrible for
America in the long run.


Hall of Fame
You must be a seem fixated on his failed marriages. He has been happily
married to Milanya for over a decade, and they have
had a fine young man as a son. Why can't you be happy
for him on a personal level? Because he found happiness
and you did not?

Oh, you must consider marriage as disposable and adultery as a quality that walks hand in hands with decency and leadership. It's okay, Thall, the very fact that you prefer to resort to personal insult instead of addressing the question speaks volumes.


Hall of Fame
Back to Trump and his *big* win:

Trump IS pro-abortion. Here are his latest views on abortion:

  • Defund Planned Parenthood. (Oct 2015)
  • Planned Parenthood is important, but abortions must stop. (Aug 2015)
  • I have evolved on abortion issue, like Reagan evolved. (Aug 2015)
  • Ban late abortions; exceptions for rape, incest or health. (Jun 2015)

So, as early as June 2015, Trump IS, as I stated, is pro-abortion.

On same sex marriage:

Same-sex marriage is a state issue. (Jun 2015)

Trump on drugs:

  • Brother died of alcoholism; so Donald never touched alcohol. (Jan 2016)
  • Study legalization, but don't legalize now. (Nov 2015)
  • Yes to medical marijuana; otherwise, decide state by state. (Oct 2015)
  • 1990: Drug enforcement is a joke; 2015: only medical pot. (Oct 2015)

At the very least, he is wishy washy ... at the most, he is a liar who will say whatever is necessary to get elected. So again, WHICH ever changing values of Trumps have you convinced he is a conservative?


New member
In order to be pro abortion, you must be for abortion in ALL cases. In order to be pro-life you must be for life in ALL cases. I can think of very few people who are either pro life or pro abortion. Most people are a mixture of both. Even those who will abort a child in order to save a mom are not pro life. Those who approve contraception that prevents a zygote from implanting on a uterine wall are not pro life.


Hall of Fame
In order to be pro abortion, you must be for abortion in ALL cases. In order to be pro-life you must be for life in ALL cases.

:plain: I am against abortion in ALL cases. In case anyone doesn't understand what the definition of the word abortion ... it is as follows:

Also called voluntary abortion. the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy.

any of various surgical methods for terminating a pregnancy, especially during the first six months.

As of June 2015, Trumps position on abortions is as follows: Ban late abortions; exceptions for rape, incest or health. (Jun 2015)

Perhaps you would like to explain his position on why the value of an unborn baby is dependent on how the child was conceived. Why on earth would someone believe that a child conceived of rape or incest is less innocent and deserving of life than a child conceived from consensual sex? THAT is exactly what Trump promotes.

BTW, there was a previous poll on TOL that pretty much separates the anti-abortion crowd VS the under certain exceptions crowd.