Donald Trump will WIN BIG!


New member
There is probably little doubt that Cruz is the best GOP candidate for Israel. We should all be ashamed of the way that Israel has been treated by the Obama administration, so we have fences to mend.


Well-known member
There is probably little doubt that Cruz is the best GOP candidate for Israel. We should all be ashamed of the way that Israel has been treated by the Obama administration, so we have fences to mend.

How has Obama mistreated Israel?


New member
How has Obama mistreated Israel?

The question is how has Obama not mistreated Israel. He would have done other things if he thought of them. You can start off with the Iran nuclear deal and Google the rest. Google "Obama mistreats Israel".


Well-known member
The question is how has Obama not mistreated Israel. He would have done other things if he thought of them. You can start off with the Iran nuclear deal and Google the rest. Google "Obama mistreats Israel".

That is just silly. You are saying because we exercise our authority in a way Israel doesn't like then we are mistreating Israel. I think you have exposed the truth that we are Israel's b!&ch.
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Well-known member
We could start with Obama taking the side of terrorists that would seek to kill innocent Israelis. The palestinians have gotten exactly what they deserve from Israel in return for their aggression.

And Israel never has gotten what she deserves for her occupation and continued subjugation since 1967.


New member
Tomorrow in the primaries I will do my part to keep Trump from being the GOP candidate.

I love Ron Paul's statement,

"Sanders wants to make the government bigger and Trump wants to be the government".

How true.


Well-known member
Giving 150 billion dollars to the one
country in the middle east that has sworn
to wipe Israel off the planet. Mistreated
does not cut it. How about aided and abetted
Israel's total annihilation?

No Iranian political leader with the authority to do anything about it has made those threats. Just clerics who have no authority. Israel has 200 nukes. Your fears are unfounded.


New member
An article from the Fiscal Times called

The brutal economic truth behind the rise of trump:

If his appeal was based on his language and bluster, America would have elevated someone like Howard Stern or Ann Coulter long ago. If his appeal was based on foreign policy concerns, why isn't a military general leading the charge? It's the economy, stupid! And the fact is that real, median household income peaked at nearly $58,000 back in 1999 and has been sliding ever since, standing now at just $53,657.