Does Calvinism Make God Unjust?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
...would spew out "some of the most impassioned profanity you would ever hear"

we got that part

my question to you had to do with your apparent belief that this would somehow influence amr's thinking :dizzy:

I didn't for a moment think that it would SOD.

Go fish elsewhere.


Robert Pate

Well-known member
Allow me to submit a caveat. Even though Christ died for the sins of all Humanity, there is a prerequisite to reaping the benefits of His sacrifice. That would be, one must first hear the Gospel and place their faith in Christ as their Savior. If one dies, after a lifetime of rejecting the Gospel; I believe their sins still are with them, even though God will judge them by their WORKS and not their sins at the final judgment. In that respect, they will be eligible to be cast into the "Lake of Fire" to suffer for eternity.

In conclusion, Christ died for the sins of ALL of humanity, therefore, forgiveness of ALL sins is available to ALL of humanity. However, not all will accept God's free gift made possible by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Hence, they will be cast into the "Lake of Fire" to suffer throughout eternity.

You are one of the few on the Forum that has the truth. "And few there be that find it" Matthew 7:14.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
so why throw it out there?

who were you trying to impress?

Nobody. If you think that was the aim then you're either trolling (pretty much a given really) or just...retarded...


Either way I'll leave you to go and obsess about TH and act like your usual gormless little self.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
well then, what was the aim?

what was your point of saying it?

If you're a loving parent or have any family that you love and care about you'd know why. Or, you're just irretrievably stupid or a sociopath not to get it. Granted, in your case it could be a combination of the two. Now go toddle off to your usual trolling/stalking business cos that's as much as you're getting from me dude.


Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
my question to you {Arthur Brain} had to do with your apparent belief that this would somehow influence amr's thinking :dizzy:

All unbelievers hate God, so it matters not whether they think they hate Calvinism's view or any other view.



TOL Subscriber
If you're a loving parent or have any family that you love and care about you'd know why. Or, you're just irretrievably stupid or a sociopath not to get it. Granted, in your case it could be a combination of the two. Now go toddle off to your usual trolling/stalking business cos that's as much as you're getting from me dude.


None of us can truly love while living apart from the Truths of God.

True love is always founded on faith in God's Word and Promises.

We cannot love our families and friends without sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
If you're a loving parent or have any family that you love and care about...

i do

tardlyartie said:
you'd know why.

nah - i really wouldn't - it would seem pointless in a discussion of the nature that was ongoing to raise the point that your opponent's position would (if shared with someone not involved in the discussion) cause that person to spew out "some of the most impassioned profanity you would ever hear"

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The sheer stupidity and ignorance of that statement is both breathtaking and frightening at the same time.

It would be impossible for a Catholic to become a member of "The Body of Christ." (Without the outside influence of the Grace Gospel)

Secondly, if a Catholic were to hear the Grace Gospel and place all their faith in Christ as their Savior, they would HAVE to leave the Catholic church and search for a church that taught the truths of the written word of God, (The Bible.) if they expected to grow and mature in the faith.


Mat 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Immortality is not commensurate to invincibility, but rather the inability to no longer exist. The soul is affected by the vessel, but otherwise transcendent to this mortal place. This is a big part of the reason for the warnings in the Bible about sin and treating one's body as a temple- inside, your soul is housed, and it lasts for eternity.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
It would be impossible for a Catholic to become a member of "The Body of Christ." (Without the outside influence of the Grace Gospel)

Secondly, if a Catholic were to hear the Grace Gospel and place all their faith in Christ as their Savior, they would HAVE to leave the Catholic church and search for a church that taught the truths of the written word of God, (The Bible.) if they expected to grow and mature in the faith.

Well, you are in no danger of being mistaken for an intelligent person, that's for sure.

I know I am sort of butting in to you guys' long time conversation here (136 pages) but I just can't believe this is even a conversation: The idea that any human being is born predestined to Hell, and cannot even repent and believe even if he or she truly has faith, is not only vile and repugnant, but it is absolutely ridiculous and it spits in the face of what Christianity and Christ's mission is all about.

Furthermore, any person who perverts Sacred Scripture in such a away as to present such a vile doctrine as being true, is also vile and repugnant, and absolutely ridiculous, and spits in the face of what Christianity and Christ's mission is all about.
Yes you are butting in. Thanks for the drive-by post......

Thank you Mr. Satanic Religion for your usual ignorant reply.

As I said: "The idea that any human being is born predestined to Hell, and cannot even repent and believe even if he or she truly has faith, is not only vile and repugnant, but it is absolutely ridiculous and it spits in the face of what Christianity and Christ's mission is all about."

Who disagrees? .....besides, of course, Mr. Irreligion and Grablick Magumba

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Well, you are in no danger of being mistaken for an intelligent person, that's for sure.

Thank you Mr. Satanic Religion for your usual ignorant reply.

As I said: "The idea that any human being is born predestined to Hell, and cannot even repent and believe even if he or she truly has faith, is not only vile and repugnant, but it is absolutely ridiculous and it spits in the face of what Christianity and Christ's mission is all about."

Who disagrees? .....besides, of course, Mr. Irreligion and Grablick Magumba

Thank ya very much. :cigar:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
i do

nah - i really wouldn't - it would seem pointless in a discussion of the nature that was ongoing to raise the point that your opponent's position would (if shared with someone not involved in the discussion) cause that person to spew out "some of the most impassioned profanity you would ever hear"

Well, let's see. Someone makes a case that your children could be 'reprobate', that under their belief system your own kids could be nothing other than vessels designed for eternal torment and suffering. If you loved your children you'd be incensed at such a monstrous view. If you can't do the math you're an idiot. Pointing out how my sister would react to such vile garbage would mirror a myriad loving parents on the exact same.