ECT Do those who believe MAD have no problem disregarding what Jesus actually taught ?

patrick jane

Can U read where it says ALL nations-and kindred's and peoples and tongues ? It is not all Jews represented but those that came out of great tribulation standing before the throne and the LAMB who have washed their robes white in the BLOOD OF THE LAMB.

You are really that blind to the meaning of scripture.

John the Baptist said of Jesus behold the the LAMB OF GOD THAT TAKES AWAY THE SIN OF THE WORLD.

I tried back on ignore you are a waste of time. You have no clue.
Wrong again dodge, it's a theme with you. Why don't you put everyone on ignore and just post by yourself -


The Dark Knight
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Hall of Fame
Sure it is just because you are blind to the truth does not make it UN-true.
How? How does that verse contain the gospel? Show me.

The same as it has always been ! i will not play your games and give you ammunition to further trash God's word.
Stop playing games. The truth is that you can't answer the question.

It only remains a mystery to the spiritually blind like most who have bought into the lie of MAD.
I'm not asking because I don't know. I'm asking because I don't think you do.

You haven't even given the answer I did before I was A9D.

No need scripture proves it, which you distort and pervert to stay in the lie called MAD.
What Scripture passage? Do you not even have one passage that proves it?

You claim Scripture proves it but you never provide any Scripture to do so.
I believe I started this thread. Go start your own thread and ask any question you want to.
And this is why you chose the perfect name; you're always dodging the question. Ya big :cry::baby:
You don't want an answer you want a point to argue. Like I said start your own thread and I might visit it.
You started a thread asking if we think it's OK to ignore what Jesus taught. So we want to know which of Jesus' teachings you think we're ignoring. You're the one being confrontational and argumentative.

NO need scripture PROVES it.
If that were true you'd be able to provide said Scripture proving it.
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Grosnick Marowbe

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Every Paul said in the Bible is as important as what Jesus said.

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The entire Bible is the inspired written word of God. However, it's necessary to be able to "Rightly Divide" that same written word. Sometimes it pertains to the House of Israel alone. Other times it pertains to the Gentiles. And yet, in other cases, it pertains to all of humanity.


New member
Now from everything in scriptures is written with specifications, how then are we involve, because even where It says"what ever 'you' bind on earth shall be bound in heaven" he pointed to some specific people, how can I take it to myself?

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Well-known member
Now from everything in scriptures is written with specifications, how then are we involve, because even where It says"what ever 'you' bind on earth shall be bound in heaven" he pointed to some specific people, how can I take it to myself?

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When Jesus spoke to the disciples at the last supper, he said "one of you will betray me" he spoke to them collectively. But each disciple said "is it I lord"

I take everything to myself.


Well-known member
The entire Bible is the inspired written word of God. However, it's necessary to be able to "Rightly Divide" that same written word. Sometimes it pertains to the House of Israel alone. Other times it pertains to the Gentiles. And yet, in other cases, it pertains to all of humanity.

The one-time expression in one pastoral letter of Paul 'handle properly' had nothing to do with divvying up passages back and forth between Israel and the Gentiles. True there are passages that were/are only binding to Israel. But a whole industry has developed on a misused expression, and huge numbers of mistakes at that.

The expression had to do with Timothy, Paul's apprentice, not wasting his time on stray expressions or rules in the law that were not constructive toward the Gospel's ministry. The problem was 'wrangling about words or expressions in the law.'

That is about par for the understanding of the Bible from D'ists.


New member
Ok just that i saw a little seperation like this was for jews and that for gentile but i should take it both for me?

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'Covenant' theology is proper theology, don't labor under 'Dispensationalism'- come back to real, historical Christianity instead of listening to some guy at the podium selling you a rapture and all that is convenient.
God does not operate in such a way, the MADist god is an entirely different one.


New member
The one-time expression in one pastoral letter of Paul 'handle properly' had nothing to do with divvying up passages back and forth between Israel and the Gentiles. True there are passages that were/are only binding to Israel. But a whole industry has developed on a misused expression, and huge numbers of mistakes at that.

The expression had to do with Timothy, Paul's apprentice, not wasting his time on stray expressions or rules in the law that were not constructive toward the Gospel's ministry. The problem was 'wrangling about words or expressions in the law.'

That is about par for the understanding of the Bible from D'ists.

Lol - your every post contradicts your above.

According to your every post, Dispys do not handle the Scriptures properly, and as a result; get the timeline of things...wrong.

Even as you assert that the following is not a part of what Paul is talking about in the very next few passages immediately following verse 15's "rightly dividing the word of truth."

2 Timothy 2:16 But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness. 2:17 And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus; 2:18 Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.

It is clear to me that "rightly dividing the word of truth" is in contrast to "profane and vain babblings."

In other words - that both expressions refer to what each is "SAYING" there "CONCERNING THE TRUTH."

Timothy is to RIGHTLY divide it, IN CONTRAST TO their word - to THEIR dividing or SAYING of it - IN CONTRAST TO THEIR error.

He is talking about what Timothy is to rightly ASSERT...IN CONTRAST TO what those two were wrongly ASSERTING.


BETWEEN rightly AND wrongly ASSERTING a thing.

And in Paul's own RIGHT assertion there, he notes a CLEAR TIMELINE DISTINCTION violation.

Just as what he began his earlier letter to Timothy with (what some were doing with the Law) was ALSO a TIMELINE DISTINCTION violation.


Well-known member
If the Holy Spirit intended Paul to say "handle correctly" or something similarly redundant and not even needing stating, Paul had already used the word for handle in Col 2:21 and using in Col 2:22. So He might have done so again here. But He didn't.

"Rightly divide," then, must mean something markedly different...unless men have made up your mind that it can't.