ECT Do those who believe MAD have no problem disregarding what Jesus actually taught ?


New member
You continue to bash a fake version of "MAD" that is in your mind or that you heard somewhere.

We believe ALL of the scripture and worship the LORD Jesus Christ, but we are not so ignorant of what God was doing with His people, Israel.

Hebrews is CLEARLY Israelite doctrine, as is Revelation.

Jesus gave Paul other things to teach that YOU and most attempt to force into the same mold as the law doctrines of the Israelite's.

I have seen some Madist believe they are baptized unto Paul=Wrong

Other Madist believe their are 2 gospels=wrong.

To be a Madist means to disregard ALL that Jesus taught, the prophets,and every other Apostle.

You truly believe that no one knew about grace until Paul while the whole bible is about the grace of God. You blind yourself to the truth and love of God including the love and forgiveness God showed Adam and Eve after they disobeyed Him.


New member
You continue to bash a fake version of "MAD" that is in your mind or that you heard somewhere.

We believe ALL of the scripture and worship the LORD Jesus Christ, but we are not so ignorant of what God was doing with His people, Israel.

Hebrews is CLEARLY Israelite doctrine, as is Revelation.

Jesus gave Paul other things to teach that YOU and most attempt to force into the same mold as the law doctrines of the Israelite's.

Yep :thumb:


New member
Reading a passage in context and determining that it isn't about you is the opposite of "disregarding". It is "with regard".

STP, please keep the following 3 verses in CONTEXT and show me where Jesus taught more than one gospel or that those in MAD are correct in slicing and dicing up the GOSPEL.

Show me where Paul's gospel was different than what Jesus taught.

Show me in these 3 verses that Jesus did not preach and teach a gospel of grace.

Jhn 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Jhn 3:17
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Jhn 3:18
He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.


New member
I have seen some Madist believe they are baptized unto Paul=Wrong

Other Madist believe their are 2 gospels=wrong.

To be a Madist means to disregard ALL that Jesus taught, the prophets,and every other Apostle.

You truly believe that no one knew about grace until Paul while the whole bible is about the grace of God. You blind yourself to the truth and love of God including the love and forgiveness God showed Adam and Eve after they disobeyed Him.

As RD rightly pointed out - you have seen nothing but your own delusions.


New member
As RD rightly pointed out - you have seen nothing but your own delusions.

You took and easy out with no substance. I wrote what I have seen Madist post. Do Madist agree with scripture ? Nope , they agree with a gospel for the Jews and a different gospel for the gentiles.


New member
Reading a passage in context and determining that it isn't about you is the opposite of "disregarding". It is "with regard".

Yep :thumb:

Dodge is clue...less.

Show from Scripture prior to Moses where Scripture prior to Moses speaks of the Law only WAY LATER added to God's PROGRESSIVE Revelation CONTINUED TO unfold.

You can't.

Because you are incompetent to the task you have assigned yourself to - attempting to disprove MAD through your incompetence.

Fact is...MAD is...sound.

Right Divider

Body part
I have seen some Madist believe they are baptized unto Paul=Wrong
"I have seen some Madist believe" is NOT what MAD is, so do yourself and favor and quit going down that wrong road.

Other Madist believe their are 2 gospels=wrong.
There are many gospels in the Bible. You've been taught a bogus version of what the word "gospel" means.

To be a Madist means to disregard ALL that Jesus taught, the prophets,and every other Apostle.
ONCE AGAIN, you spout your imagined straw-man version of MAD. How many times will you repeat this LIE, Mr. Christian.

You truly believe that no one knew about grace until Paul while the whole bible is about the grace of God. You blind yourself to the truth and love of God including the love and forgiveness God showed Adam and Eve after they disobeyed Him.
I know for a fact that God was not dispensing His grace as we NOW KNOW it today. TODAY you can receive salvation by grace through faith without works. You should believe it.
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New member
You continue to bash a fake version of "MAD" that is in your mind or that you heard somewhere.

We believe ALL of the scripture and worship the LORD Jesus Christ, but we are not so ignorant of what God was doing with His people, Israel.

Hebrews is CLEARLY Israelite doctrine, as is Revelation.

Jesus gave Paul other things to teach that YOU and most attempt to force into the same mold as the law doctrines of the Israelite's.

Have you ever actually read Hebrews ?

Heb 1:2
Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

Heb 4:2
For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.

Right Divider

Body part
Have you ever actually read Hebrews ?

Heb 1:2
Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

Heb 4:2
For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.
Yes I have, but without your religious blinder on.

Who is the US in Hebrews 1:2?
You think that it's you; it's not.


New member
You took and easy out with no substance. I wrote what I have seen Madist post. Do Madist agree with scripture ? Nope , they agree with a gospel for the Jews and a different gospel for the gentiles.

I'd correct your spelling; but mine is off at times as well :chuckle:

As for the other - regarding the two gospels in question - actually, one is for Jews and Gentiles, and the other one is...for Jews and Gentiles :chuckle:

And that is not the first time one sees such a thing in Scripture.

Study that one out o incompetent one.


New member
Yes I have, but without your religious blinder on.

Who is the US in Hebrews 1:2? You think that it's you; it's not.

It's interesting, this failure of theirs to see who Hebrews waa written to - all one need do is consider who passages like that one were referring to when Hebrews was first written...


New member
Yes I have, but without your religious blinder on.

Who is the US in Hebrews 1:2?
You think that it's you; it's not.

UN-like Madist I do not throw out any scripture I cannot force into Paul's revealed mystery that Jesus and ALL the Apostles taught.


New member
Yes I have, but without your religious blinder on.

Who is the US in Hebrews 1:2?
You think that it's you; it's not.

Has in these LAST DAYS spoken to us= EVERYONE that places their faith in Jesus,

Seems you ignored the context to make it say what it does NOT say.


New member
Has in these LAST DAYS spoken to us= EVERYONE that places their faith in Jesus,

Seems you ignored the context to make it say what it does NOT say.

I think I will put you mostly on ignore - you are simply too incompetent to bother with much.

Right Divider

Body part
Has in these LAST DAYS spoken to us= EVERYONE that places their faith in Jesus,

Seems you ignored the context to make it say what it does NOT say.
You ignore what the "last days" means. Of course your do. You have your story and you're going to stick with it.

A good example of your rabid religious zealotry is that YOU JUMP right to Hebrews 1:2 and IGNORE 1:1

Heb 1:1-2 (AKJV/PCE)
(1:1) God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, (1:2) Hath in these last days spoken unto us by [his] Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

Who are "the fathers"? They are Israel's ancestors and the prophets were the prophets of Israel.

Hint: The last days are the same ones that Peter spoke of and the refer to prophecies related to Israel and what God was doing through them.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Actually, you are one of the most incompetent on TOL.

And you know this.

It is why you post so little having to do with the Scriptures being talked about - you know you are a fraud who just parrots others.

So you waste all your time attacking others with dribble - even when they go without posting for a while.

Very...cult-like of you.

