ECT Do those who believe MAD believe the Apostle Paul was a liar ?


New member
He wasn't talking to or about you, or me. Later, yes...but not there.

So if folks make a profession of faith and decide since anything they do is OK can they then become a drunkard, homosexual, or whatever and still be saved ? I think scripture answers that question because they did not ENDURE and Jesus addressed their final state.

Right Divider

Body part
So if folks make a profession of faith and decide since anything they do is OK can they then become a drunkard, homosexual, or whatever and still be saved ? I think scripture answers that question because they did not ENDURE and Jesus addressed their final state.
Folks like you always show that you have NO understanding of GRACE whatsoever.


Well-known member
I don't ignore the teachings of Jesus as you do= bible denier. You might want to find a mirror if you want to see a bible denier.

In this corner, me, who says the Words of Christ spoken while on earth were not to nor about me. He addressed me LATER through Paul.

In that corner, you, who says I'm a Bible denier even though you say you believe and obey the Words of Christ spoken on earth...even though you don't.

Who's the real Bible denier?

You are, hypocrite.


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Hall of Fame
Got her with that one. But she'll never give a straight answer on that. She's not honest.
She likes to bait and switch what is being asked her because she knows if she answers the question directly, she will knock down her own house of cards. So she starts laying out decoys of other questions to avoid the one being asked of her.


Well-known member
She likes to bait and switch what is being asked her because she knows if she answers the question directly, she will knock down her own house of cards. So she starts laying out decoys of other questions to avoid the one being asked of her.

You mean her "walking in craftiness" and "handling the Word of God deceitfully?" Yeah, that's her all right.


Well-known member
Thanks dan, but they are all one. Nice try

Hi and then CIRCUMCISION is what ?


Read Eph 2:11 and understand ??

So , explain how Circumcision can mean Uncircumcision ??

Word gynnastics , and you look BAD !!

You know that after ONE there is the # TWO !!

You like to PREVARICATE ??

dan p


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Folks like you always show that you have NO understanding of GRACE whatsoever.
Why do they insist on such opposition to grace????
The most loving ,merciful, and sacrificial life with perfect righteousness and obedience GOD could bestow on us, and they treat it as something THEY need to improve on.

When GOD tells you, "Don't worry about it, I got this taken care of", the stupid thing to do is respond to Him by saying, "Not good enough, Lord. Scoot over and let me help you get 'er done".
I can only imagine GOD giggling before shaking His head and rolling His eyes at the pompousness of mankind.


New member

Elsewhere, yes - but not there, see also, Matt. 10.

But no one answered the questions I asked ! Can you do anything you want to do like being a homosexual, a reviler,or a prostitute even though you believe you are saved, and you believe they are going to heaven ?

What exactly do Madist believe their responsibility to God's commandments are if any ?

Do Madist even have to repent or can they go on sinning and expect no judgement from God ?

God's Truth

New member
No, you haven't. You lied-again. No one on earth has, you unconvicted, self righteous, spitter at the cross,moron.

If you don't go to the cross in repentance of sins, why are you going to the cross?

The blood of the Lamb washes sins you confess and repent of doing.