Creation vs. Evolution

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Michael I believe in God, but that does not stop me from acknowledging all the evidence we have to explain the natural world. If I did not acknowledge some evidence, or refused to accept it, then I would be negligent. Negligence is damaging to myself and other people, and many times the defense of negligence turns into malice.

I don't believe there are any monsters (in the sense you are using it here). I think that kind of thinking comes from being ignorant or remaining negligent. I think that "being a monster" comes from malice used to defend negligence.

Yes, noguru, I was concerned with the Lord God letting man alter a genome, man might start really causing some horrific problems. That's all I meant by monster. I guess that would be negligence.

Thanks for letting me know how you feel. I just heard recently that man was attempting it and so I figured I'd best check with you first about it.

From one servant of God to another!



Hi Michael,
No I have generally high blood pressure which is why I take pills but exercise also makes it drop. What they don't seem to tell you is that if you take pills and also do exercise it can drop rather too low and you simply run out of steam, which isn't much use if you have walked a few miles and need to walk back.
Today I can report that I didn't take any pills for 48 hours, when I set out on my walk my blood pressure was high, but I had no problems with running out of energy and when I came back my blood pressure was normal, rather than low. :)
That sounds wonderful Alwight! Maybe soon you will not need the pills. You sound like you are getting enough exercise. More than me perhaps. One of my roommates also has high blood pressure and must take pills. He's got to watch what other pills he takes so they will be compatible with his high blood pressure med. We need to get one more roommate to make the bills and utilities lower for each of us. My computer guy said he might be interested. We'll see.

Now, I have plantar faciitis. It's severe heel pain in both feet. I have a disabled placard for parking. I also have to use the electric carts in the stores, like Walmart. It is too hard for me to walk so long on such a hard floor where I would walk 4 aisles and then be able to walk no more. I also worry that my electric cart might run out of energy in the middle of the store. How would I ever get back to the front of the store. I would have to wait for a Walmart employee to come by and ask them to ride another one of them to me, I guess. I can't take pain pills because it might make the pain worse once the pills wear off from walking more than I should. I hope you understand what I mean there.

You get all sorts on this forum Michael with a wide range of views, some atheists like me are perhaps drawn here by the Christian fundamentalists, I find atheist forums are rather dull by comparison.
Yes, I've noticed the wide range of views here!! The Christians only try to change you because they want you to go to heaven with them so you won't lose out. They don't want to be up there in heaven without everyone they love there with them. I'm glad to have you posting to me. You are a very great and interesting person, and you have quite a personality!





Well I suppose I just have to call you delluded.

Dear RichRock,

You can't even spell deluded. If you feel that I am, then it's true in your mind. We'll just wait and see what God says in the last days. At least I am preparing you for the situation. Now when everything is crashing down upon you, you remember the things you've learned from me and share them with your loved ones, family and friends, and strangers or neighbors. Help them to know that God loves them and tell them to NEVER forsake Him, and He will NEVER forsake them. You do that for me, Rich.

In God's Love,



Don't worry Michael I never thought you were gloating about people being sent to hell.

But given what you say here it sounds like I have nothing to worry about anyway. If my denial of your gods existence or your ancient Messiah's "savior" status doesn't send me to hell then I'm safe it seems. I'm not evil, if anything I do more "good" than most. So why worry about a threat of hellfire which I don't even think exists and even if it does in not at risk of it? :)
Ty, the only worry you have is if you don't love God with all your heart, mind and soul, and that you love His Son also. And that you treat others the way you want to be treated. Then you've got what you need. Everything else will fall into place.

Will I still get this "opportunity" if I die as an atheist BEFORE your Jesus finally decides to launch his apocalypse?

I still think the odds of me ever believing in your god are somewhere between slim and none. This does not bother me in the slightest.
Tyrathca, it is best to believe now without seeing, but instead believing by faith. God has a 'book of Life' and those whose names are written within it will go to heaven. You'd be smart to accept God and Jesus now and avoid another 2nd death, which shall be much more difficult. That will happen over 1,000 years from now. Maybe you will learn it in that lifetime.

Let us pray that this Armageddon doesn't occur during the winter, neither on the Sabbath, for then shall be great tribulation such as never was on the earth so far. Jesus spoke these words, but so many people aren't praying for it. It's like they don't consider it or gloss over it, or are blinded to it.

Tyrathca, it's up to Jesus. If you call upon His Name, He may say He doesn't know you. If you helped your fellow man and woman, and helped shelter them, or feed or clothe them, you have done works that bring you closer to heaven. Only you know if you've done that. But He just might say He knows you, and then you will go to heaven.

The thing is, you've got to be sincere. I think that's the best advice I can give you. Sincere love for yourself and others. Don't hate yourself. Love yourself. Don't be an ego-maniac. That is not what I'm saying. OK, you should do well until I chat with you again. I hope it's been worthwhile chatting with me.

God Bless You Tons!!






Dear 6days,

There should be no changing of anything because our Adam and Eve were made so all of their descendants would learn to choose Good over Evil. Nothing has changed. Our Adam and Eve is separate from any Adam created beforehand. Don't worry so much!

God Be With You, And Go Slowly,



LOL you don't need to tell us that Michael. Most of us go for days without checking or replying sometimes. So we're not going to notice or be bothered by a few hours! :p

Thank You Tyrathca! I just don't someone to find out they're talking to someone who isn't there. I understand now.

Hope that was good for a chuckle.

God's Blessings For You, Ty!!






Dear RichRock,

You can't even spell deluded. If you feel that I am, then it's true in your mind. We'll just wait and see what God says in the last days. At least I am preparing you for the situation. Now when everything is crashing down upon you, you remember the things you've learned from me and share them with your loved ones, family and friends, and strangers or neighbors. Help them to know that God loves them and tell them to NEVER forsake Him, and He will NEVER forsake them. You do that for me, Rich.

In God's Love,


Well apologies for my typo, I'm sure others make them when typing from a small phone. Yes, you are 'deluded'. You have not been visited in three weeks by three different angels, you do not have a message from God. The message you have been given is false.
My statement still stands.


Well apologies for my typo, I'm sure others make them when typing from a small phone. Yes, you are 'deluded'. You have not been visited in three weeks by three different angels, you do not have a message from God. The message you have been given is false.
My statement still stands.

I'm sorry Rich. I didn't realize you were using a phone. You can't call me deluded, when you don't know what really happened. I was definitely visited by three angels in three weeks. The message I have given is not false. Your statement can't stand on two legs.

The first angel that visited me said, "Fear God, and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgement has come upon all of the earth, and worship Him Who made the earth and heaven, and the sea, and the fountains of waters." You can debate it all you want. The second angel that visited me said, "Babylon is fallen, is fallen," telling me about this actress named Betty Hutton, and that she had much money, riches and a number of husbands. And the Lord God said that He would take away her riches and her husbands, because He gave them to her in the first place. He said she shall call Him Ishi (husband) and she turned to God and went to a rectory to volunteer helping there. The angel told me that this was something that the Lord said He would do in Hosea, chapter 2:14. Read all of chapter two if you want to understand.

The third angel that visited me said, "Do not follow after the beast and his image, nor receive his mark in your right hand or forehead." And this angel did visit me and explained to me that Israel's Uri Geller was a sorcerer who could do 'miracles' by bending silverware and turning the hands of watches, and compasses, etc. And Uri asked his teacher if Jesus could do the miracles he could do, and that is how he is called the Antichrist. I know a lot more about the situation, but I am not retyping my book here. Read it there, Rich.

I don't mean to be mean, but you judge me before you even know me or hear what I have to say, which is not right. Just slow down and learn. Read my book. It says who the false prophet is and all kinds of other things. I have been visited by other angels besides the first three, and I've been visited by the Lord, and the Holy Ghost, and have had 3 visions, and have had two out-of-body experiences (carried away in the Spirit). Nothing that you say is going to change any of it. You're just new here and speak without knowing what's going on. The Lord God will bear witness that all of this has happened to me in due time, and the Second Coming of Our Beloved Jesus Christ is very soon indeed, even at the doorstep. Once again, if you want to read my book, go to the following website:

Once there, click on 'Book Copy' (on the left of the picture of Jesus), then click on 'SKU-text.pdf'. After that, the Title Page of my book will come up. You can flip through the pages using your up and down arrow cursor keys. It's only 88 pages long. You can read it in 2 days or about 4 hours. To do it justice, you should look up and refer to the scriptural references I mention in the book in order to do it justice and so that you will understand better. My book is also available at the downtown Phoenix Library, where it has been since 2003. They have had all three editions of it there. If you live in Phoenix, great. Some here do live here and are on this website, so that is why I mention it. The Presidents of the U.S. and Israel already have a copy. You don't.

God Bear You Up,



Dear Rich,

I wanted to mention that the angel explained that "Let him who hath understanding, count the number of the beast, for his number is six hundred sixty six (see Rev. 13:17, 18). The angel told me that this psychic sorcerer was urging other people, small and great, rich and poor, saying that they could acquire this 'power' or these 'abilities' by concentration and using their right hand, and they could buy or sell these powers to others by teaching them how they themselves received them. And the angel told me that this man would deceive six hundred and sixty six other people to get these abilities, and that this was his number in the same way as the army/men of a captain or sergeant, or a leader and his 666 followers. Do you understand? I did. Except for the angel telling me, I would not know either. It is written that this Israeli psychic/sorcerer shall be cast into the lake of fire (our Sun; see Rev. 19:20) along with the false prophet (Jean-Pierre Girard, who came afterwards having the same powers as Uri Geller, which healed Uri's wound, because others were saying he only had the powers by using magic and sleight-of-hand; See Rev. 13:12). Now the lake of fire is our Sun, but hell is the center of our earth where the magma, lava is very hot, and it is called the bottomless pit because it has a center and a top, but no bottom (See Rev. 20:3). Because of gravity, everyone thinks they are on top of the earth. It is only parody. Hell is where Satan will be cast for the next 1,000 years and then he shall be loosed again to deceive people on earth.

This is it, dude. Armageddon, the Apocalypse, the Latter Days, and Jesus' Second Coming. It's all at the doorstep and will happen at the drop of a hat. I came and I speak to help guide others to prepare them for these times and prepare the way for the Lord's Return. All of you, help each other, family members, neighbors and strangers. One third of you will be taken from the earth to go to heaven, one third of you shall inherit the earth (the meek), and one third shall go to sleep for 1,000 years and face the Second Death, which will be way worse than this Apocalypse/Armageddon. And the meek will help bury the dead, and the fowl shall get the dead, and the meek shall inherit a crime-free earth, and the earth shall become safe and peaceful again and filled with love, for Jesus shall reign over the earth with those 144,000 firstfruits (See Rev. 14:3), and also those 1/3 of the earth's people who go to heaven. I have written enough for you here now. Remember all that you've read in this website, and teach those around you when the Holy Ghost brings it to your memories again during the days of Armageddon, and afterwards. The lion shall eat straw like the lamb. No man shall fear another. Trust, love and peace shall be the standard, and there shall no more be the liberal person. Jesus and the elect shall rule the earth with a rod of iron, strong and commanding, but with much love and forgiveness.

God and His angels shall be with all of you during these times, for the stars (the warehouses of angels) shall fall to the earth to help mankind. You'll be okay. Fight for your birthright to keep your Father. Those who seek to save their life, shall lose it, and those who help others out shall save their lives!!




Dear RichRock,

I didn't mean to scare you away. Don't be alarmed. You're a Christian, right? You should be shouting hallelujahs all over the place. Yippee!! We've been waiting for these times for eons. Just because I tell you a couple secrets doesn't mean you have to sit and wonder about it. Take a chill pill, okay? Don't be afraid of ANYTHING!! Especially the devil. He's a paper tiger. All he has are words and they are all lies and accusations. So be happy and tell him to go to where he belongs. OK, I won't write a long post.

God Be With You And Your Loved Ones,



Dear Alwight,

It's been a while. How are things going with you?? Life is treating me very well. I hope the same is for you. I'm like ready to do cartwheels. That ought to get me some exercise!! I'm so glad that Jesus is coming soon. I've waited my whole life for this. I won't talk about it anymore, for your comfort.

I do have a foster child in Guatemala and his name is Jesus, also. He is South American. He just graduated from high school. I sent him a Graduation Card and plan to send him $50 through the ChildFund people. The dollar is worth tons there, so $50 will go a looong way!!

So you been taking care of yourself?? How's your blood pressure? You know, it may be that you get more exercise than I do. I want to lose 30 lbs. or more because I want to weigh what I did for most of my life. My weight now is supposedly right with my height, but I want to be skinny, like I used to be. I had to give away all of my skinny clothes to a Vietnamese friend and I got myself Larges for now. Once I lose the weight I'd like, I will have fun going shopping for more skinny clothes!! Yippee!!

Do you have a good lock for your bike?? It couldn't hurt. It must be expensive if it folds in half. Just in case you want to stop at a store or something. I gave my bike to a good friend because I wasn't using it. It had a banana seat, which is what I wanted, but I also wanted monkey bars and we couldn't find any. I feel to uncomfortable on the speed racer bikes they make now. My butt's too boney! I need cushion and been able to reach the handlebars well. I used to ride the bike all the time when they were built that way.

So do you live in a house or rent an apt.? You don't have to answer me. I realize it is none of my business. My roommate owns the home and I rent a medium-sized room in it. He has the master bedroom with attached bath and shower, but no tub. I like my room, but I want a bigger closet. Mine is only 6 ft. wide. I'm more used to like 18 ft. wide. But, at least I don't have to mess with cutting the grass or cleaning the pool. I do all of the cooking though. Have worked in restaurants quite a few years indeed and I learned a lot. Plus my aunt gave me a recipe book of ethnic foods. I've made duck flambe'. That's where you serve the Duck with it on fire, with Don Q 150 proof Rum. My Dad really liked that. Him and my girlfriend at the time devoured it. I forgot to put out the French Potato Skins, so that would help everybody get a bit more full, instead of just eating duck and taboule (parsley/wheat) salad. I made that for my family in the first home I rented by myself. I had to move because I couldn't afford it. It was a block from a very huge lake, called Lake St. Clair. Good beach for swimming!

Well, I'm afraid I've written another novel. I'm sorry. Will close this down and chat with you again soon. Many blessings to you!!




New member
Dear Alwight,

It's been a while. How are things going with you?? Life is treating me very well. I hope the same is for you. I'm like ready to do cartwheels. That ought to get me some exercise!! I'm so glad that Jesus is coming soon. I've waited my whole life for this. I won't talk about it anymore, for your comfort.

I do have a foster child in Guatemala and his name is Jesus, also. He is South American. He just graduated from high school. I sent him a Graduation Card and plan to send him $50 through the ChildFund people. The dollar is worth tons there, so $50 will go a looong way!!

So you been taking care of yourself?? How's your blood pressure? You know, it may be that you get more exercise than I do. I want to lose 30 lbs. or more because I want to weigh what I did for most of my life. My weight now is supposedly right with my height, but I want to be skinny, like I used to be. I had to give away all of my skinny clothes to a Vietnamese friend and I got myself Larges for now. Once I lose the weight I'd like, I will have fun going shopping for more skinny clothes!! Yippee!!

Do you have a good lock for your bike?? It couldn't hurt. It must be expensive if it folds in half. Just in case you want to stop at a store or something. I gave my bike to a good friend because I wasn't using it. It had a banana seat, which is what I wanted, but I also wanted monkey bars and we couldn't find any. I feel to uncomfortable on the speed racer bikes they make now. My butt's too boney! I need cushion and been able to reach the handlebars well. I used to ride the bike all the time when they were built that way.

So do you live in a house or rent an apt.? You don't have to answer me. I realize it is none of my business. My roommate owns the home and I rent a medium-sized room in it. He has the master bedroom with attached bath and shower, but no tub. I like my room, but I want a bigger closet. Mine is only 6 ft. wide. I'm more used to like 18 ft. wide. But, at least I don't have to mess with cutting the grass or cleaning the pool. I do all of the cooking though. Have worked in restaurants quite a few years indeed and I learned a lot. Plus my aunt gave me a recipe book of ethnic foods. I've made duck flambe'. That's where you serve the Duck with it on fire, with Don Q 150 proof Rum. My Dad really liked that. Him and my girlfriend at the time devoured it. I forgot to put out the French Potato Skins, so that would help everybody get a bit more full, instead of just eating duck and taboule (parsley/wheat) salad. I made that for my family in the first home I rented by myself. I had to move because I couldn't afford it. It was a block from a very huge lake, called Lake St. Clair. Good beach for swimming!

Well, I'm afraid I've written another novel. I'm sorry. Will close this down and chat with you again soon. Many blessings to you!!


Hi Michael,
Strangely enough I was just thinking of you, who did I know from Arizona? :think:
I had an unknown debit on my credit card that I was convinced was fraudulent from a company based in Tempe AZ. I had my card cancelled and everything, (they're sending me a new one). But I was wrong, I've since discovered it was legitimate after all :doh: and have had to backtrack, I feel like an idiot. :hammer:
In a way it's good that I haven't been scammed but I've now got unnecessary things to sort out, oh well.

I suspect your other Jesus is pronounced "hey-zeus" right? ;)

I can simply go walking/cycling around here (Isle of Wight) any old time, hills, beaches, -btw I walk many a mile but it doesn't seem to help with my weight either-, but in my mind when you step outside in AZ I imagine dessert and more dessert, perhaps I'm wrong?

I live in what you'd probably call a condo but I don't want to go into any great specific details.

Wow, you and aCW are like opposite poles in the spectrum of people on this forum.
I must be nice to you but for aCW being nice doesn't really matter too much. ;)


To My Good-Hearted Amigo!

To My Good-Hearted Amigo!

Hi Michael,
Strangely enough I was just thinking of you, who did I know from Arizona? :think:

I think of you every day Alwight. I am glad we have such good friendship!!

I had an unknown debit on my credit card that I was convinced was fraudulent from a company based in Tempe AZ. I had my card cancelled and everything, (they're sending me a new one). But I was wrong, I've since discovered it was legitimate after all :doh: and have had to backtrack, I feel like an idiot. :hammer:
In a way it's good that I haven't been scammed but I've now got unnecessary things to sort out, oh well.
Don't feel bad about it. It was important either way. Had to be sure, right? Better than being screwed! I've had to get a new bank card a couple times so far because of merchants who were shady and tried to charge me unwarranted purchases. My bank just didn't pay them and changed my card, so they couldn't bill me again.

I suspect your other Jesus is pronounced "hey-zeus" right? ;)

Yes, my foster child is pronounced exactly how you wrote. Very good pronunciation dude!!

I can simply go walking/cycling around here (Isle of Wight) any old time, hills, beaches, -btw I walk many a mile but it doesn't seem to help with my weight either-, but in my mind when you step outside in AZ I imagine dessert (desert) and more dessert, perhaps I'm wrong?

Yes, I used to think that too before I came here. No, we have grass in our front and back yards, and all over the city. We also have rock landscaping with cacti and desert plants. It depends what the homeowner wants. We have both in the front yard and back. Half grass and half rock and cacti landscaping. I've got some Lantana's (they grow great in this heat) and just got a couple barrel cacti, one for the front yard and one for the back). Plus we are growing aloe vera and artichokes. We also have an orange tree in the back yard. And we are growing cherry tomatoes and roses in the back yard also. Cool, eh.

I live in what you'd probably call a condo but I don't want to go into any great specific details.

I am very glad for you Alwight. I will probably get an apt. if my landlord here dies. He's leaving the house to his sister and she will have to sell all of his belongings and sell the house too. There's a good amount of equity in it. At least you don't have to cut grass, or shovel snow, or trim bushes, pull weeds and rake leaves, etc.!!

Wow, you and aCW are like opposite poles in the spectrum of people on this forum.
I must be nice to you but for aCW being nice doesn't really matter too much. ;)

Dearest alwight, aCW has an agenda. He never learned when Jesus said to love thy enemies also, for what reward do you expect to get if you love only those who love you? Or to turn the other cheek. He's a homo hater. His whole life revolves around it. We should both be so very glad that we are not like him. He does not have enough love in him. He goes after 'homos'/gays instead of adulterers like the woman whom Jesus forgave!! aCW should follow in Jesus' footsteps and forgive those who are gay and follow Jesus' example.

I think you are splendid as a person and I am so lucky to find an atheist friend whom I do love as a brother and soul. You seem to me to be a cut way above an atheist, and I can scarcely believe you're not a Christian. You are so caring, loving, kind, considerate, friendly, helpful (thanks for teaching me about quotes. Others have tried and were unsuccessful. You knew how to explain it to me. Your persistence paid off for you and especially for me). I am very pleased and blessed to be able to call you a close friend!! And I am happy with that...tons happy!!

Well, I'm getting long-winded again. I will look for your reply and will write to you again soon. Like I said, I think of you EVERY DAY!! No hidden agenda, so not to worry. You a one hell of a fantastic friend. You deserve all that God has to offer, even if you don't yet believe in Him. You are in my prayers every night also, along with everyone here on this site. I do have favorite people though here, on this website, who I thank God for and I ask Him to watch over you all.

God declared homosexuality and eating pork both abominations. Well, God decided to allow pork eating, so we can not say that He does not understand or allow gay people love also in His Great Plan. If He doesn't love gay people, I would never have made it this far. I believe that, of course, God loves homosexuals also. Otherwise, He would not love one-tenth or more of the earth's population. He does not like certain of their ways though, namely effeminate, flashy, dressing like a woman, etc. If you're a man, act like one, whether your love is for males or not. But He does love those who have a deep love for each other, for even Jesus had that. There are many more gay men who would die in someone's place, and that is a rare thing. Not all straight men would do that, or even know how to love each other. I could not feel such strong love for another male person if it weren't for God, because one of the 'ingredients' of God is LOVE!! You have heard "God is LOVE."

OK, will close for now. God Love You Whole Bunches!!



New member
Yes, I used to think that too before I came here. No, we have grass in our front and back yards, and all over the city. We also have rock landscaping with cacti and desert plants. It depends what the homeowner wants. We have both in the front yard and back. Half grass and half rock and cacti landscaping. I've got some Lantana's (they grow great in this heat) and just got a couple barrel cacti, one for the front yard and one for the back). Plus we are growing aloe vera and artichokes. We also have an orange tree in the back yard. And we are growing cherry tomatoes and roses in the back yard also. Cool, eh.
I should learn my desserts from deserts perhaps? ;)
On Google Earth it looks hot rather than cool however Michael.
Amazing how US cars look just like ours now.

I am very glad for you Alwight. I will probably get an apt. if my landlord here dies. He's leaving the house to his sister and she will have to sell all of his belongings and sell the house too. There's a good amount of equity in it. At least you don't have to cut grass, or shovel snow, or trim bushes, pull weeds and rake leaves, etc.!!
I used to own a detached house, garden etc, I hate gardening.

Dearest alwight, aCW has an agenda. He never learned when Jesus said to love thy enemies also, for what reward do you expect to get if you love only those who love you? Or to turn the other cheek. He's a homo hater. His whole life revolves around it. We should both be so very glad that we are not like him. He does not have enough love in him. He goes after 'homos'/gays instead of adulterers like the woman whom Jesus forgave!! aCW should follow in Jesus' footsteps and forgive those who are gay and follow Jesus' example.
Yes, I'll see him in hell perhaps Michael?

I think you are splendid as a person and I am so lucky to find an atheist friend whom I do love as a brother and soul. You seem to me to be a cut way above an atheist, and I can scarcely believe you're not a Christian. You are so caring, loving, kind, considerate, friendly, helpful (thanks for teaching me about quotes. Others have tried and were unsuccessful. You knew how to explain it to me. Your persistence paid off for you and especially for me). I am very pleased and blessed to be able to call you a close friend!! And I am happy with that...tons happy!!
I simply like to respond in kind Michael, but I'm truly glad you seem to have the hang of formatting posts now.
I don't really want to argue against your religious beliefs because they seem so particularly important to you.

Well, I'm getting long-winded again. I will look for your reply and will write to you again soon. Like I said, I think of you EVERY DAY!! No hidden agenda, so not to worry. You a one hell of a fantastic friend. You deserve all that God has to offer, even if you don't yet believe in Him. You are in my prayers every night also, along with everyone here on this site. I do have favorite people though here, on this website, who I thank God for and I ask Him to watch over you all.
See what I mean.;)

God declared homosexuality and eating pork both abominations. Well, God decided to allow pork eating, so we can not say that He does not understand or allow gay people love also in His Great Plan. If He doesn't love gay people, I would never have made it this far. I believe that, of course, God loves homosexuals also. Otherwise, He would not love one-tenth or more of the earth's population. He does not like certain of their ways though, namely effeminate, flashy, dressing like a woman, etc. If you're a man, act like one, whether your love is for males or not. But He does love those who have a deep love for each other, for even Jesus had that. There are many more gay men who would die in someone's place, and that is a rare thing. Not all straight men would do that, or even know how to love each other. I could not feel such strong love for another male person if it weren't for God, because one of the 'ingredients' of God is LOVE!! You have heard "God is LOVE."

OK, will close for now. God Love You Whole Bunches!!

It seems so much easier to be an atheist, people should just be whatever they are while it isn't hurting anyone else, but good luck to you Michael.
Last edited:


Dear Alwight,

I know what you mean about the cars. Saving on gas/petrol. So you used to have a house, eh? Pain, aren't they? You are right. I HATE gardening!! We used to have 1/8th acre of garden when I was younger. And guess who got to till and weed it. Lucky me. Dad taught me, so he wouldn't have to do it. And I used to get to dig the grave hole for the dead plants so they would be compost. Sure glad I'm not going through that anymore.

Yes, I shouldn't talk religion with you. I'm sorry. I just get enthusiastic. It's suppose to get up to 112 degrees this coming Wednesday. Eeeeek!! On Sunday, we're going to my nephew's house again and putting a new thermostat in his car so he can drive it. He has more than one vehicle, so it's not an urgent matter. I'm sure life is a bit different there. I mean, you're in a different country. At least we both speak English! I speak some Spanish too. Took two years of it in high school. I was even in the Spanish Club. So if I go to Spain, South America, Cuba, or Mexico, I shall be ready. Good thing that I didn't take French or German. They speak French in Canada some though. I used to live up near there (in Michigan). That's where I get my Canadian accent though, eh? Am I toooo funny!!

I can't see you being in hell, to be honest! Just wait and see what happens. You are too cool and nice, and kind, of a person for that. I will pray to God and Jesus to let you into heaven as a special favor. You might be surprised delightfully!! So what we call boots, you call them galoshes? And what we call trunks, you call them 'boots.' Interesting. And you drink on the opposite side of the car than I do. Cool! I think you might drive on the opposite side of the road too. Can't remember. I used to watch The Avengers, with Emma Peel / Diana Rigg. What a hot number she was!! My God, did I have a crush on her. Ah, c'est la vie!

Well, I won't write another novel, so buddy, you take real good care, and remember there is a greater being than just man who exists. We didn't just 'happen' to be here. Trust me. We are the pets of God. (the children). He takes care of us and we are each precious to Him.

Well, I'm going to hibernate on this Wed. Too hot outside. Yippee!! I can watch the heat waves rising up from inside the house's window. You get in your car and the steering wheel is too hot to drive. Have to wear driving gloves. Maybe we will get some rain in July. Probably. Our monsoon season started a few days ago. Get ready for the terrible storms and dust walls.

Bye Amigo!


Mark SeaSigh


You should consider moving to a Cooler Climate,

I hope you have Air Conditioning. 112 is too Hot for Me!

I Find it interesting that You believe that Portion of Scripture says God used Water to Create the Birds.

According Genesis 1, do you also agree that the Water and Earth were here, before the six day period?
I feel that is possible. Being the Genesis account doesn't seem to say when he created the Dirt, and the Water.

Also, I want to confirm Do you recognize the Creation Days as 24 Hour Periods of time?


Praise God, For God is Worthy of Praise!



You should consider moving to a Cooler Climate,

I hope you have Air Conditioning. 112 is too Hot for Me!

I Find it interesting that You believe that Portion of Scripture says God used Water to Create the Birds.

According Genesis 1, do you also agree that the Water and Earth were here, before the six day period?
I feel that is possible. Being the Genesis account doesn't seem to say when he created the Dirt, and the Water.

Also, I want to confirm Do you recognize the Creation Days as 24 Hour Periods of time?


Praise God, For God is Worthy of Praise!

Dear Mark,

See Rev. 1:21, "And God said, Let the 'waters' bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and 'fowl' that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven...and the evening and the morning were the fifth day." But now, in Gen. 2:19, it says that the Lord God formed out of the 'ground' every 'fowl' of the air, etc. It also says that in Gen. chapt. 1, that God created the beasts and cattle of the earth before He 'created' the first Adam. But then in Gen. chapt. 2, it says that the Lord God formed man, and seeing that the man was lonely, the Lord God said He would make the beasts and cattle, fowl, etc. from the ground, and He brought them to the man to see what he would call them.

Got to run!!




You should consider moving to a Cooler Climate,

I don't have a chance right now. The Lord sent a sign for me to go here. An angel sent to me said that I will die here also, in a city which is spiritually like Sodom and Egypt. It looks like Egypt no matter where you look. The climate also. And it's named after an Egyptian Mythological Bird called a Phoenix which dies and comes back to life every 500 years.

I hope you have Air Conditioning. 112 is too Hot for Me!

I Find it interesting that You believe that Portion of Scripture says God used Water to Create the Birds.

I do have A/C (Central A/C) in the house and great A/C in my car. I hibernate otherwise, for the summer. Yes, the Lord God made fowl out of the waters, like ducks, geese, swans, flamingos, etc. and they could fly or tread water on the water. I do suppose He also created our other fowl also at the same time. Study your Bible. (See Rev. 1:20)

According Genesis 1, do you also agree that the Water and Earth were here, before the six day period?
I feel that is possible. Being the Genesis account doesn't seem to say when he created the Dirt, and the Water.

Also, I want to confirm Do you recognize the Creation Days as 24 Hour Periods of time?

(See Rev. 1:9, 10, 11)The ground is dirt. And he separated the waters from the ground. On the 3rd day. And yes, I do believe God's Creation Days are 22-24 hour periods of time.

God Be With You, Mark!!




Praise God, For God is Worthy of Praise!


Mark SeaSigh

(See Rev. 1:9, 10, 11)The ground is dirt. And he separated the waters from the ground. On the 3rd day. And yes, I do believe God's Creation Days are 22-24 hour periods of time.

God Be With You, Mark!!




Hi Michael!

So what day, of the Six Day Creation Period, do you think God Made Water?

Or, do you think the water and dirt were here, before God Created the Life here like I do?



Dear Mark,

From what I gather, the waters were here already. It says, And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. (Gen. 1:2). In Gen. 1:9, it says God created the dry land. Yes, I believe like you do, bro'. Hey, thanks for posting to me here. It is sort of my stomping grounds. If you ever want me to get your message, I will definitely find it here. I come here every day unless I am in the hospital. I was in the hospital this past winter for 2 days and 1 night for pneumonia. I demanded that the doctor release me and he did. I'm sure he wanted me to stay longer, but I would have taken out my IV and walked out. I spent 9 days in the hospital for pneumonia before.

Well, I'll close for now and chat with you soon.

In Christ's Love,

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