Creation vs. Evolution

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You know I love and respect you, Stuart, but it is written in the Bible that in the latter days, God shall give Israel back to her people and they shall dwell there forever. This includes ALL of Jerusalem, the West Bank and they are supposed to have ALL of the Gaza Strip. It is written that God will kill off the Palestinians/Philistines, from what I understand (see Isaiah 14:31).
What a nasty belief system. How can you look at yourself in the mirror when you are contemplating your Imaginary Friend killing Palestinian children? What is wrong with people living in harmony? Can you not have that because your stupid book of magical spells tells you otherwise??

Stu, you are being just as bigoted against Israel as anyone. The land belongs to Israel and if you read a Christian Bible, you could see it written in there that Israel shall get their land back in the latter years and He shall keep her there.
How is it bigoted to argue for people living in harmony?

You may get the honor of seeing Jesus coming in the clouds shining from East to West, in support of Israel and all righteous persons in the Earth, including the U.S. AND New Zealand!!
Oh please. Grow up.



What a nasty belief system. How can you look at yourself in the mirror when you are contemplating your Imaginary Friend killing Palestinian children?

The Palestinians have done enough of killing Israeli children.

What is wrong with people living in harmony? Can you not have that because your stupid book of magical spells tells you otherwise??

How is it bigoted to argue for people living in harmony?

Peace and harmony will come very soon, just like you are wanting. It takes a few steps first. A day with God is like a thousand years. The Arabs everywhere want to keep having Holy Wars and they are the ones that make us have to keep fighting. Look at what they did to the Twin Towers in NYC. They have poor young men blowing themselves up for what they think will get them some virgins. Wow, are they gonna be surprised!!

Oh please. Grow up.

Mike: Oh, Stuart, I've grown up more than you know. Now, it's your turn! You're a smart cookie. You just need to change a couple of religious beliefs in your soul/brain.

So what's the temp. in New Zealand?? Are you having Winter or Autumn there?? Do you ever get snow?

In God's Love For You, Stuu,


:guitar: :bang: :cheers:
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Dear All,

See Post #4159 here. You need to learn these things! Now how in the world did Stu get banned again??

In Christ's Generous Spirit and Giving Love,

Well........God told me

Well........God told me

God told me that if I keep telling people that He told me stuff then He was going to have me stoned to death.

Oh, hold on a sec, I'm getting another message for YOU right's a text if you can believe that. Says, "Quit wining like a little girl and Cowboy UP!"

Wait here a sec again...uh-oh, it's for ME---never mind.


God told me that if I keep telling people that He told me stuff then He was going to have me stoned to death.

Oh, hold on a sec, I'm getting another message for YOU right's a text if you can believe that. Says, "Quit wining like a little girl and Cowboy UP!"

Wait here a sec again...uh-oh, it's for ME---never mind.

Dear One,

Then you should quit telling people, I would guess. Certainly you should obey God. Beats getting stoned.

I think you mean, "Quit whining like a little girl and Cowboy UP!" The thing is, I'm not a whiner and I'm not whining. You figure it out.

May God Be With You, Ugly Or Not!!

In Christ's Love,




New member
Dear All,

In the book of Daniel, it explains how we shall be as the stars forever and ever. See Dan. 12:3, "And they that be wise shall Shine as the Brightness of the Firmament (Heaven); and they that turn many to righteousness SHALL BE as the STARS, forever and ever." This means our spirit will quit living in an earthly body and instead be given a heavenly body.
A nice fairy tale.
I know this for a fact.
No you don't, you believe it strongly and that is all. Why should anyone else believe you aren't spreading falsehoods?
It was explained to me years ago by an angel.
You aren't the first person to claim such a thing. Muhammad claimed that revelation of the Quran were revealed to him by angels, should we believe him too and become Muslim? If not why should we believe only you, wouldn't that be hypocritical?

The more logical explanation is that we should disbelieve you all until you cite extraordinary evidence for your extraordinary claims.
There's more I could tell you, but you could not bear it yet.
You have much to say, but not much to back it up.


A nice fairy tale. No you don't, you believe it strongly and that is all. Why should anyone else believe you aren't spreading falsehoods? You aren't the first person to claim such a thing. Muhammad claimed that revelation of the Quran were revealed to him by angels, should we believe him too and become Muslim? If not why should we believe only you, wouldn't that be hypocritical?

The more logical explanation is that we should disbelieve you all until you cite extraordinary evidence for your extraordinary claims.
You have much to say, but not much to back it up.

It is not a fairy tale. I speak Facts. You just wish it was a fairy tale because you're an atheist. Your avatar looks like you like to portray yourself as a medium or witch/warlock. Who are you to talk about God or an angel, when it is the furthest subject from you that you know anything about?? The thing you should do, Tyrathca, is wait a year or two and see if what I say comes to pass. I gave myself a leeway of up to five years, since none of us, including myself, know which day or hour that Jesus will Return. But we can see the signs around us, and definitely know what secretly happens to us. I've had visions, angelic visits, visits from the Holy Ghost and the Lord, so you want to mess with me?? You wait and see if 'my angels' are true or not. We already found out that Mohamed's were not. I do not consider him a prophet whatsoever. I consider him a big wrecker of life on this planet, putting wrong ideas into his 'followers' minds.

Choose God and Christ, Ty. There Will Be No Better Time!!





New member
It is not a fairy tale. I speak Facts.
How do you know for sure it is fact and why should I believe you?
You just wish it was a fairy tale because you're an atheist.
Why do you assume I want there to be no god or afterlife etc?
Your avatar looks like you like to portray yourself as a medium or witch/warlock.
Ummm.... no. It's a character from a computer game and has nothing to do with either of those things. Don't read too much into it :p
Who are you to talk about God or an angel, when it is the furthest subject from you that you know anything about?? The thing you should do, Tyrathca, is wait a year or two and see if what I say comes to pass.
Been there, done that, still waiting. And that is a massive cop out of a response by the way.

I've had visions, angelic visits, visits from the Holy Ghost and the Lord, so you want to mess with me??
"Mess" with you?

I'm not convinced your "visions" are anymore meaningful than the visions of countless (wrong) people before you. I'm not sure why you are so confident in them and so easily dismiss everyone else's (other than the obvious bias to your own experiences).
You wait and see if 'my angels' are true or not.
Still waiting....
We already found out that Mohamed's were not. I do not consider him a prophet whatsoever. I consider him a big wrecker of life on this planet, putting wrong ideas into his 'followers' minds.
How do you know his visions were wrong but not yours? He was equally if not more convinced of his than you are of yours. He also inspired a massive religion where as you have inspired practically nothing.

I don't think he was a prophet or anything else "divine" either. But I think this for clear and consistent reasons and the same reasons I dismiss you - both of you have failed to supply any substantial evidence of the accuracy and divine nature of your visions (or even the existence of the divine) let alone the extraordinary evidence that should accompany such an extraordinary claim.

I'm consistent in my opinion of visions, you it seems are not.


How do you know for sure it is fact and why should I believe you?
Why do you assume I want there to be no god or afterlife etc?
Ummm.... no. It's a character from a computer game and has nothing to do with either of those things. Don't read too much into it :p
Been there, done that, still waiting. And that is a massive cop out of a response by the way.

"Mess" with you?

I'm not convinced your "visions" are anymore meaningful than the visions of countless (wrong) people before you. I'm not sure why you are so confident in them and so easily dismiss everyone else's (other than the obvious bias to your own experiences).
Still waiting.... How do you know his visions were wrong but not yours? He was equally if not more convinced of his than you are of yours. He also inspired a massive religion where as you have inspired practically nothing.

I don't think he was a prophet or anything else "divine" either. But I think this for clear and consistent reasons and the same reasons I dismiss you - both of you have failed to supply any substantial evidence of the accuracy and divine nature of your visions (or even the existence of the divine) let alone the extraordinary evidence that should accompany such an extraordinary claim.

I'm consistent in my opinion of visions, you it seems are not.


You are not even worth me taking my time to answer you. But this once, I will suffer you. Only God and time will prove if my words are truth or not, not Anyone or anything else. That's how you've judged Mohammed's 'angels', so whatever. Mine will hardly need much time to prove them. So we can argue forever.

Who are you that you are the decider of anyone's visions. You've evidently not had any or you would share them with us. So if you've never had one, what makes you an expert on it??

You can see with the passing of time why Mohammed was not truthful about his 'angels'. That has nothing to do with my situation. God will show you whether my 'angels' and visions are the truth or not with the passing of time. That is how you judged Mohammed's 'angels', so the same at least should apply to me. Tell me 200 years after my life that my 'angels' were false. It won't happen.

I should spend my time helping others, not arguing with you. You see, I have better things to do. Still, I will try to answer your pertinent questions after you've read my book. That tells my complete story, as I do not intend to retype it all over here again. If I were being judged by you by how 'massive' my religion would be, it would have to be over 1,000 years, i.e. like Mohammed's, right? I am not trying to create a new religion, for one thing. Everything I do, I try to do for the Glory of God The Father and Jesus, Our Beloved Savior And Rabbi. I don't believe I am even bothering to discuss this with YOU! You are so wrong and biased in the first place. You want me to be as well-known as someone else who's had over 1,000 years of 'air time'.

I don't really want to have anything to do with you, because I sense you do not serve God and have not accepted Jesus into your heart as your Savior. If I sensed different, it might be another story. Come to me as a Christian and we'll talk.

Get thee behind me Satan,




New member

You are not even worth me taking my time to answer you. But this once, I will suffer you.
You seem to respond very poorly to people expressing doubt in your claims or asking you to reflect on it yourself.
Only God and time will prove if my words are truth or not, not Anyone or anything else. That's how you've judged Mohammed's 'angels', so whatever. Mine will hardly need much time to prove them. So we can argue forever.
Given the argument seems to be "why should I believe you" -> "because I said so" -> "why should I believe you" -> "because I said so" -> etc etc you may be right about this being a futile discussion.
Who are you that you are the decider of anyone's visions. You've evidently not had any or you would share them with us. So if you've never had one, what makes you an expert on it??
Who are you to be decider of anyone else's visions either? Having visions is not a marker of expertise on them, people with schizophrenia have LOTS of visions but you'd hardly ask their opinion on the matter would you?

You dismiss everyone's visions but yours, there have been thousands if not millions of people with visions who were just as sure of them as you are now. Why do you think you are any different from them?
You can see with the passing of time why Mohammed was not truthful about his 'angels'. That has nothing to do with my situation. God will show you whether my 'angels' and visions are the truth or not with the passing of time. That is how you judged Mohammed's 'angels', so the same at least should apply to me.
I only chose Mohammed because he is a well known example who I knew you would instantly disagree with. The point still stands - he had visions and was absolutely convinced they were right just like you, how do you know you aren't just as mistaken as he was? Or just as mistaken as the countless Christians over the last two millenniums who have claimed to have visions? What is different about you?
Tell me 200 years after my life that my 'angels' were false. It won't happen.
Ummmm... you're right it won't happen. Because we'll both be dead in 200 years. :eek:linger:
Still, I will try to answer your pertinent questions after you've read my book. That tells my complete story, as I do not intend to retype it all over here again.
Can you at least direct me to the chapter where you explain why you know your visions are true and not just like the visions of everyone else throughout history? Because if not and all your book has is repeats of the excerpts and other comments you have already posted on this site then I will not find the answers I seek in your book.
If I were being judged by you by how 'massive' my religion would be, it would have to be over 1,000 years, i.e. like Mohammed's, right?
Just nitpicking but actually he developed quite a following during his lifetime, though obviously it is immensely larger now. I figured that if your God really wanted a message spread he'd have given the messenger a little help and/or given it to a charismatic messenger.
I don't believe I am even bothering to discuss this with YOU! You are so wrong and biased in the first place. You want me to be as well-known as someone else who's had over 1,000 years of 'air time'.
No I don't expect that of you, but surely you should be able to achieve even a small fraction of what an ancient man with visions achieved within his lifetime without help from god or telecommunications that can reach billions of people. If even the worlds millions of gullible don't believe you why then should I just take you at your word without evidence or explanation?
I don't really want to have anything to do with you, because I sense you do not serve God and have not accepted Jesus into your heart as your Savior. If I sensed different, it might be another story. Come to me as a Christian and we'll talk.
Given my "atheist" tag to the left <---- I'm hardly shy about not believing in your god or that Jesus was a "saviour".
Get thee behind me Satan
I am not nor do I follow or even believe in Satan either. I'm just a guy who doesn't believe your stories just because your really really sure they're from god.



I get tired of the usual common questions you are asking me. I don't really care what you believe. You don't believe in God. If you are wrong about that major thing, how can you be right in smaller things? You are lacking terribly in credibility and I have no time for you or any other atheists who I choose not to speak with. I choose who I want to speak to and you are not going to waste my time asking me all of the same questions I've been asked before. You don't even know half of what I claim to be true. So just wait to see what time brings. That is the choice in front of you.

I will meet you halfway. When you hear of an earthquake larger than any other earthquake since man has been on earth, you will know that my prophecies have been of God. It will happen soon enough. That will have to do.

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Dear Ty,

I'm sorry I jumped all over you when you posted. It was because I just get so tired of atheists disagreeing with me and asking me questions that make no sense if they don't believe in God in the first place.

Jesus taught me that if I go to someone and tell them about Him, and they don't believe, then I should cast the dust off my feet on their doorstep. Why do you think you are an atheist? Is there anything anyone can say to change your mind? See, that's where the problems and time-wasting come in. Otherwise, I do talk with some atheists, like Alwight, because he has some promise. He has a good heart and loves with it. I see potential in him as a human being, not a demon. All he has to do is ask God and Jesus to come into his life, and he'll be fine. He's ALREADY got the LOVE inside. He is worth it to me. If you know what Love is, I will talk.

In Christ's Love,



New member
Dear Ty,

I'm sorry I jumped all over you when you posted. It was because I just get so tired of atheists disagreeing with me and asking me questions that make no sense if they don't believe in God in the first place.
The whole point here Michael is that your beliefs are just that, only your beliefs. Atheists are just like other people in that they come to their own conclusions about what is likely to be true, they are not at all likely to simply accept whatever you say without evidence, why would they?

Jesus taught me that if I go to someone and tell them about Him, and they don't believe, then I should cast the dust off my feet on their doorstep. Why do you think you are an atheist? Is there anything anyone can say to change your mind? See, that's where the problems and time-wasting come in.
Atheists only disbelieve in one more god than you do, why are you atheistic to all other gods?
Why would your God need you to confront disbelief when an angel or two might do it for me?

Otherwise, I do talk with some atheists, like Alwight, because he has some promise. He has a good heart and loves with it. I see potential in him as a human being, not a demon. All he has to do is ask God and Jesus to come into his life, and he'll be fine. He's ALREADY got the LOVE inside. He is worth it to me. If you know what Love is, I will talk.

In Christ's Love,

I think you should try to accept that atheistic disbelief is not say a wilful disobedience or demonic, it is simply an honestly arrived-at assessment when presented with all the various theisms of others and to whatever is their particular reasoning for it. Mine or other atheists or indeed other Christians disbelief in what you say evidence-free is not meant as a personal insult to you and your beliefs but after all you may simply be quite wrong as many others have been in the past.


The whole point here Michael is that your beliefs are just that, only your beliefs. Atheists are just like other people in that they come to their own conclusions about what is likely to be true, they are not at all likely to simply accept whatever you say without evidence, why would they?

Oh, Alwight, I don't expect anyone to believe me without evidence. My 'evidence' shall be forthcoming. The Lord says this is how you shall know a true prophet. If what the prophet says does not come to pass, he is not My prophet. But if what the prophet says does come to pass, then He is My true prophet.

Atheists only disbelieve in one more god than you do, why are you atheistic to all other gods?
Why would your God need you to confront disbelief when an angel or two might do it for me?

I would love it if an angel or two might come to you to help you belief, Alwight. But this is what Jesus says: "Blessed are those who believe without seeing." It's a trust and faith issue.

I think you should try to accept that atheistic disbelief is not say a wilful disobedience or demonic, it is simply an honestly arrived-at assessment when presented with all the various theisms of others and to whatever is their particular reasoning for it. Mine or other atheists or indeed other Christians disbelief in what you say evidence-free is not meant as a personal insult to you and your beliefs but after all you may simply be quite wrong as many others have been in the past.

I can understand how you feel, Alwight, for the Hindus and Buddhists have their gods, and Islam theirs. But we have Jesus sent to us not simply as a prophet, but as God's Son to intercede for us. Many other men/women witnessed what He did and said, and the number one worldwide best-selling book is about Our God and His Son. So why would you need even more?? That's the part that I can't understand. But I can respect any way in which you want to believe. I can respect and love you and Ty regardless, but I cannot always agree with you. And that will not change my love for you. But Alwight, God is not going to send one or two angels personally to each person on the earth, or even to each person that is an atheist on earth, so they will believe. He speaks to a prophet, and that prophet relays His information to the people. That is how it has always been. People must believe by faith and by hearing the stories from the past. Legend.


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Originally Posted by 6days View Post
6,000 years*

There are approximately 4000 years of unbroken geneaologies from the first Adam to the last Adam. And Jesus said that first Adam was from the beginning. There was only one beginning. There was only one "first Adam".

But you see, 6days, I'm saying there was a first Adam 'created' by God long before our own Adam was 'formed/made.' That is why it is written in Gen. 5:2, 'and He called "THEIR" name Adam in the day "THEY" were created. So, there are more than one Adam. If you would only read my OP on my Creation vs. Evolution Thread, Page 1 of it, Post No. 1 of it, you would spare me having to keep typing this over and over.

That is because, when the "LORD GOD" (God and Jesus), (NOT "GOD") 'made' Our Adam and Eve, it was after He built a garden to put Adam into. Why do you think it is written that God created the fowl from the waters (Gen. 1:21). Then, it says in Gen. 2:19, that the LORD GOD 'formed' the fowl from the 'Ground.' It is two different instances. Why do you think it is written in Gen. 2:5 that the field 'before it' grew. Why do you think that God created the animals before Adam (see Gen. 1:24). Then in Gen. 2:19, it says the LORD GOD 'formed' the fowl and animals AFTER THE MAN, for He saw that the man was lonely, so he formed the fowl and animals from the ground and brought them to the man to see what he would call them."

Can't you see 6days, there are many things you don't know and you can't go on every thing that you read with YOUR OWN 'interpretation' of it. There's a lot more going on. It says our Bible is the book about our generation of Adam. Where does it say pterodactyls, brontosauruses, T-Rex, were created yet? Why do we find bones of these creatures? God isn't going to include all of that information in one heap for a simple man to have to understand. That is too much info at once.

There is tons that went on about other things/creatures that you do not know about, 6days, that is not included in our Bible. I know you are young and impressionable, and I don't want to burst your bubble, but Jesus just did not lay this on the heads of the people of His time. Instead He said, 'there are many other things I could tell you, but you are not yet able to bear them.' He said this to His disciples. Jesus knew more than you give Him credit for. He just kept it from them because it'd be quite too much for them to handle, just like it is for you now.

Originally Posted by 6days View Post:
No...of course not Michael. God is not a liar. The universe and earth do not look old, other than to people who attempt to explain things without our Creator....and to those who compromise on what Gods Word clearly says. * Gods Word is saying He created the "first Adam" 5 days after He created light.
God is not deceitful Michael. And His Word is not "tricky".*

I NEVER SAID God was deceitful. But His Word, to a novice, is quite a bit 'tricky.' 6days, you don't even know half the story about the creation of this Universe or animals/dinosaurs that have been on it, or fauna, or flora, etc. Our Bible is a book about OUR Adam and Eve. The Lord God said our Earth was old, and 'waxeth old like a garment.' And do you think that the Universe isn't old considering how vast it is now?

Go Slow, Don't Over Learn, And Keep Your Head Together. There's a lot of reasons why God has not told men about everything yet. Because they couldn't handle it. You don't even know the gist of it. We have to learn at our own pace. God brought us this far. Now man has questions, and God is ready to answer them. Because man has gotten to that point to have them explained to him/her! Don't think I have all of the answers either, because there's a lot more to learn and I would just as soon learn it from God in Heaven.

God Be With You As You Explore And Learn,

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Dear 6days,

Well, what do you think? Why haven't you answered any of my questions re the above post?? I will wait for you. Thanks!!



Dear noguru,

What do you think of what I have to say? Do you think I am being too forward? Everyone's gonna find out soon enough from the Lord God exactly what is true and what's not. It's all okay. You don't have to believe me now. I don't have ALL of the answers. I'm a sinner just like all of us. But I'm doing what I can about it all.

Why'd you get banned?? I couldn't believe it. A real trailblazer you are, eh??

Well, will talk with you more soon.

God's Greatest Of Blessings Upon You,



New member
I agree with what Alwight has already said of this post but I thought I'd add in my own two cents too
Why do you think you are an atheist?
Because no religion has given me a convincing reason to believe its claims.
Is there anything anyone can say to change your mind?
Sure. An explanation of the religion which doesn't boil down to me requiring faith or willful ignorance of history and science would be a start. I don't claim to know with 100% confidence that all religions are wrong, I don't think anyone could honestly say that.
He has a good heart and loves with it. I see potential in him as a human being, not a demon. All he has to do is ask God and Jesus to come into his life, and he'll be fine. He's ALREADY got the LOVE inside. He is worth it to me. If you know what Love is, I will talk.
Ummmmmm.... that certainly sounds like you're implying I'm a loveless demon without a good heart. That's a "tad" insulting and rather presumptuous from someone who knows almost nothing about me. Care to elaborate? :sherlock:


Well-known member
Dear noguru,

What do you think of what I have to say? Do you think I am being too forward? Everyone's gonna find out soon enough from the Lord God exactly what is true and what's not. It's all okay. You don't have to believe me now. I don't have ALL of the answers. I'm a sinner just like all of us. But I'm doing what I can about it all.

Why'd you get banned?? I couldn't believe it. A real trailblazer you are, eh??

Well, will talk with you more soon.

God's Greatest Of Blessings Upon You,


Since I was an agnostic/atheist from 12 to 29 and I still remember what i thought back then, I think you are being a little overboard with the atheists here (especially tyrathca). My conversion did not come at the hands of overzealous religionists. In fact they were a major barrier from me considering theism.


I agree with what Alwight has already said of this post but I thought I'd add in my own two cents too.
I'm glad you did. You have every right to believe in whatever you want.
Because no religion has given me a convincing reason to believe its claims.
I promise you that this religion, Christianity, will give you a number of convincing reasons to believe it's claims. Give it a bit more time and you shall see, Ty!

Sure. An explanation of the religion which doesn't boil down to me requiring faith or willful ignorance of history and science would be a start. I don't claim to know with 100% confidence that all religions are wrong, I don't think anyone could honestly say that.

You are right. The only thing we can do is believe without seeing or knowing for sure that God is there. It is that way with oxygen and the air we breathe.

Ummmmmm.... that certainly sounds like you're implying I'm a loveless demon without a good heart. That's a "tad" insulting and rather presumptuous from someone who knows almost nothing about me. Care to elaborate? :sherlock:

Ty, I certainly don't believe you are a loveless demon and I'm sure that you have a good heart. Alwight does also and so does Noguru. I regret that you felt insulted. I hope to get to know you better as time goes by. I can't hardly wait until Jesus comes again with the clouds. Many of us do believe. Do you own a copy of the Bible, Ty?

God's Best For You,



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