Creation vs. Evolution

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Since I was an agnostic/atheist from 12 to 29 and I still remember what i thought back then, I think you are being a little overboard with the atheists here (especially tyrathca). My conversion did not come at the hands of overzealous religionists. In fact they were a major barrier from me considering theism.

Dear Noguru,

Man, I really missed you bad! What happened? So you were a non-believer for 17 years, eh? That's rough, but not too bad, considering where you are now!! I know I get impetuous and zealous at times, but I do mean well. Although I feel like talking with atheists, trying so hard to help them believe, I can sense it's highly improbable. I just want to make sure they are in heaven with the rest of us because I care about them as brethren and fellow human beings. I am proud of you noguru, for that which you've managed to do with your life. What made you change to a Christian?? That sounds like quite a key to your life!!

In Christ's Strong Love,


:jump: :cloud9: :singer:


Dear Alwight,

How's things going? I went to your profile page to see how you were doing. I see some different kind of Avatar there. Interesting! So how's life treating you. Are you getting exercise daily by any chance? I've got an in-ground swimming pool outside, so I get some exercise. Plus lots of walking. But no bike riding. I miss the bikes that had the banana seats and Monkey Bars. They were so much more comfortable. Many homes in Phoenix, AZ have in-ground pools. They can be a burden sometimes. But I think they're worth it. This one is only 5 ft. deep, so no having to tread water. Yippee!! It sure is a good way to cool off though. I think our high today was 102. But the first day of summer is coming soon, today or tomorrow I think. We get monsoon storms in the summer. Huge dust storms too. The lightning out here is ferocious because the heat is so high in the desert here.

Hey, how's your weather going?? Any fog? I haven't seen fog since I moved out here in May of 1988. I do hope you don't get too muggy on the island there and that the ocean breezes are wonderful!! Do you ever have haggis? I've never tried one myself, but I have a friend in Scotland that has them all of the time. You know, Alwight, I have English, Irish, and Scottish blood in me, plus more. I am a real mutt. Not a purebred. But that's okay with me. Well, will get going for now. I do hope that you and your family, and friends are doing awesome!!

Is His Love, Cheerio,



New member
Dear Alwight,

How's things going? I went to your profile page to see how you were doing. I see some different kind of Avatar there. Interesting! So how's life treating you. Are you getting exercise daily by any chance? I've got an in-ground swimming pool outside, so I get some exercise. Plus lots of walking. But no bike riding. I miss the bikes that had the banana seats and Monkey Bars. They were so much more comfortable. Many homes in Phoenix, AZ have in-ground pools. They can be a burden sometimes. But I think they're worth it. This one is only 5 ft. deep, so no having to tread water. Yippee!! It sure is a good way to cool off though. I think our high today was 102. But the first day of summer is coming soon, today or tomorrow I think. We get monsoon storms in the summer. Huge dust storms too. The lightning out here is ferocious because the heat is so high in the desert here.

Hey, how's your weather going?? Any fog? I haven't seen fog since I moved out here in May of 1988. I do hope you don't get too muggy on the island there and that the ocean breezes are wonderful!! Do you ever have haggis? I've never tried one myself, but I have a friend in Scotland that has them all of the time. You know, Alwight, I have English, Irish, and Scottish blood in me, plus more. I am a real mutt. Not a purebred. But that's okay with me. Well, will get going for now. I do hope that you and your family, and friends are doing awesome!!

Is His Love, Cheerio,

Hi Michael.
The weather has been really good for some time now apart from a couple of cloudy days.
I went for a long walk in the local area yesterday which became hard going at the end. I take pills for my blood pressure which I think resulted in it dropping rather too low, according to my blood pressure monitor it was. I probably need to choose exactly when I take the pills. I think I'll not take any for a while before my next long walk, exercise is better than pills.
Your weather seems a bit too hot for me. We get sea mists from time to time and the Needles lighthouse here has a fog horn, so you know it's foggy without looking outside.
I think I did eat haggis once but I don't recall what it was like.
I'm a mixture of Irish, Welsh and English no Scottish.


New member
I promise you that this religion, Christianity, will give you a number of convincing reasons to believe it's claims. Give it a bit more time and you shall see, Ty!
How much more time? How many more decades?

You are right. The only thing we can do is believe without seeing or knowing for sure that God is there. It is that way with oxygen and the air we breathe.
I disagree, there is one other thing we can do and that is not believe. I also disagree with the analogy to oxygen and air, there are many reasons to believe in their existence (the most obvious for air being wind and air resistance) such that faith need not be a factor.

This is generally where get stuck with religious arguments. I am asked to have faith, but faith is something I cannot have as not only does it violate my very nature but I have no reason to pick one religion to have faith in over another. Why have faith in Christianity? Why not have faith in Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Islam, Nordic Mythology etc? (If i had a good reason to pick one then I might not need faith) So calls of faith to me seem wasted.
Ty, I certainly don't believe you are a loveless demon and I'm sure that you have a good heart. Alwight does also and so does Noguru. I regret that you felt insulted. I hope to get to know you better as time goes by. I can't hardly wait until Jesus comes again with the clouds. Many of us do believe. Do you own a copy of the Bible, Ty?
Thanks for the clarification. As for do I own a bible, I'm not sure. I used to own one because I attended a Christian High School for 6 years (and the subsequent compulsory RE lessons) and it lingered in my book collection among moves but I think it may have been discarded in the last move. It is little matter as I am tending strongly towards electronic books now anyway so I figure should I ever want to read it again I can just download it.


Hi Michael.
The weather has been really good for some time now apart from a couple of cloudy days.
I went for a long walk in the local area yesterday which became hard going at the end. I take pills for my blood pressure which I think resulted in it dropping rather too low, according to my blood pressure monitor it was. I probably need to choose exactly when I take the pills. I think I'll not take any for a while before my next long walk, exercise is better than pills.
Your weather seems a bit too hot for me. We get sea mists from time to time and the Needles lighthouse here has a fog horn, so you know it's foggy without looking outside.
I think I did eat haggis once but I don't recall what it was like.
I'm a mixture of Irish, Welsh and English no Scottish.

Hi Alwight!!

Sounds like the weather there is pretty decent after all. I thought you got rain all the time.

I'm sorry to hear about your blood pressure being low. One of my roommates has the same problem. He smokes cigs too. He can't take the pill Chantix to help him quit smoking, because of his blood pressure. The Chantix is how I managed to quit.

We need to get one more roommate to rent the small bedroom, and my computer guy has been thinking about it. He says he's not quite ready, but in a couple months, he might be interested. It's got a huge closet. I almost think I should move into there. I will definitely think about it. My closet is only 6 feet wide. I need more storage space. Need that money. Our electric bill is over $300/mo. during the monsoon summer.

You surely seem like you get enough exercise! Probably more than me. I used to take one or two mile walks, but I didn't lose any weight from it, so I drifted away from it. Plus I have heel pain (plantarfaciitis) in both feet and was seeing a podiatrist for a while, but it got too expensive ($200/mo.) Now, I have some nighttime and daytime contraptions that I have to wear to deal with the pain and solution.

You've got a lighthouse, eh? Cool!! With a foghorn. That must be fun while you're sleeping. So you've got some Welsh in you too, eh? You're definitely Great Britain material. Heheeheh. I was born near Canada, so I've picked up a bit of their accent. You still riding your bike? Man, you walk and bike. It's really good for you. I need to lose about 30 lbs. myself. Just eating some really good cooking. You know it's easy to put on and hard to take off. Delmar's been doing really great with his diet. I'm on a diet too. I've lost about 10 lbs. in 3 mos., so I'm pleased with that. The Sixth Edition of my book is at the Publishers. They are going to send me an approval notice tomorrow. I have to make sure they made the edits that I wanted done. Plus additional copy. My book is in the downtown Phoenix Library (since 2003). I have two different editions on their shelves, so this one will make three. They keep getting checked out and read, so the Library keeps them on the shelf. I'm always hoping that I'll be accepted and at least be given the chance to tell my story.

Well, Alwight, you're a great man and I'm thankful to have a friend like you. It's been quite a while now. Almost a year! You've helped me with so much!! You know, I learned how to make blogs now. I have four. Freelight showed me how to do it. I thought I could blog my whole thread, but it's just posts. It's okay though. This website is very incredible. It is awesome compared to any other I've been a member of. Well, I love you in Christ, and I hope you have a bomb day!!






How much more time? How many more decades?
Good news dude! It shall be prob. less than half a decade. But I do not know which day or hour, for no one knows that except the Father (God). Even Jesus (His Son) does not know. All good things are worth waiting for!!

I disagree, there is one other thing we can do and that is not believe. I also disagree with the analogy to oxygen and air, there are many reasons to believe in their existence (the most obvious for air being wind and air resistance) such that faith need not be a factor.

Of course you would feel that way!! I'm just saying that some things that we can't see with the naked eye are still there. You'll get your chance to see Jesus and the Lord God quite soon indeed. You see, I think it's a matter of months to two years, to be honest, but I give my leeway 5 years, just because I don't want to be wrong.

This is generally where get stuck with religious arguments. I am asked to have faith, but faith is something I cannot have as not only does it violate my very nature but I have no reason to pick one religion to have faith in over another. Why have faith in Christianity?
Christianity is your best bet. The Christian Bible is the best-selling book for super long now. I've checked out Hinduism and Islam, and I am not tending towards either of them.

Why not have faith in Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Islam, Nordic Mythology etc? (If i had a good reason to pick one then I might not need faith) So calls of faith to me seem wasted.

Thanks for the clarification. As for do I own a bible, I'm not sure. I used to own one because I attended a Christian High School for 6 years (and the subsequent compulsory RE lessons) and it lingered in my book collection among moves but I think it may have been discarded in the last move. It is little matter as I am tending strongly towards electronic books now anyway so I figure should I ever want to read it again I can just download it.

Well, there you go, Ty, you tried a Christian High School. You got to check it out. If it's really not for you, maybe God just doesn't think you are ready yet. He looks for people who seek and Love Him and His Son. Otherwise, you've got to wait a lot longer. At least you've tried. It won't be long and you will see what seems like magic and bewilderment will bedazzle your eyes in a short amount of time.

God Lead You,



Last edited:


Dear Ty,

If I knew how very soon the Lord Jesus was returning, wouldn't that affect my relationships with others? To treat them kindly and treat them like I would like to be treated myself. Jesus did teach us that. Just wondering what your thoughts were on that.

He even goes on to say something like, don't even go to bed without first making up with your brethren first. I like the way He thinks. It's worked for me many times.

I do hope you find the Lord! He's worth searching for!! Will get back to you shortly.

In Jesus' Forgiveness and Love,



New member
Dear Ty,

If I knew how very soon the Lord Jesus was returning, wouldn't that affect my relationships with others? To treat them kindly and treat them like I would like to be treated myself. Jesus did teach us that. Just wondering what your thoughts were on that.
I agree it would change your relationships. Particularly with those who you tought might be destined for eternal hell-fire and such stuff.


I agree it would change your relationships. Particularly with those who you tought might be destined for eternal hell-fire and such stuff.

Dear Tyrathca,

I was mentioning you as much as me re changing your relationships. I don't gloat because someone might be sent to hell. I think very few will be sent to the lake of fire. So far, the only ones I'm sure of I can count on two hands: Lucifer, Satan, the false prophet Jean-Pierre Girard, the antichrist Uri Geller psychic sorcerer (both of them), the beast, and most likely Hitler and Mussolini. Maybe the Pharoah of Egypt who enslaved the Hebrews whom Moses help free. I really think that it's not people's fault that they are deceived or confused, or accused by evil when evil is way 'older' than them, who are so much younger and inexperienced. I don't know if you know what I'm saying here.

I'm saying, we are all a lot more innocent than it might seem. We are led to sin by an evil being who has been around tons longer than us, so the cards are stacked in his favor, not ours. I think that God knows this and His Will is that few of us shall be sent to the lake of fire. I think when you atheists or agnostics see Jesus coming with the clouds of heaven, you will get down on your knees too and call upon His Name. "And it shall come to pass, in that day, that any who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."

Tyrathca, I don't believe things are hopeless for you whatsoever. I just say that to try to deter you from choosing the wrong path, so you'll be with everyone else in Heaven. We who go to Heaven will want ALL of our LOVED ONES there with us. That includes you and your loved ones. It will be very hard on us if one of our cousins or sisters aren't there with us. So we all have to stick together.

Your thoughts on this Tyrathca?

God Bless You Instead Of Cursing You,


Cheer Up!





Dear noguru,

Do you still believe in Evolution and survival of the fittest? Do you believe in YEC or OEC?? Just curious. Has anything changed?? I see now that the Lord is teaching man how to maneuver genomes like He does. It surely must be time for us to go if we are learning those kind of secrets. I hope that man knows what he's doing and doesn't create a monster sometime/somehow!!

In Christ's Love Always,



Well-known member
Dear noguru,

Do you still believe in Evolution and survival of the fittest? Do you believe in YEC or OEC?? Just curious. Has anything changed?? I see now that the Lord is teaching man how to maneuver genomes like He does. It surely must be time for us to go if we are learning those kind of secrets. I hope that man knows what he's doing and doesn't create a monster sometime/somehow!!

In Christ's Love Always,


Michael I believe in God, but that does not stop me from acknowledging all the evidence we have to explain the natural world. If I did not acknowledge some evidence, or refused to accept it, then I would be negligent. Negligence is damaging to myself and other people, and many times the defense of negligence turns into malice.

I don't believe there are any monsters (in the sense you are using it here). I think that kind of thinking comes from being ignorant or remaining negligent. I think that "being a monster" comes from malice used to defend negligence.


New member
Hi Alwight!!

Sounds like the weather there is pretty decent after all. I thought you got rain all the time.

I'm sorry to hear about your blood pressure being low. One of my roommates has the same problem. He smokes cigs too. He can't take the pill Chantix to help him quit smoking, because of his blood pressure...

....Well, Alwight, you're a great man and I'm thankful to have a friend like you. It's been quite a while now. Almost a year! You've helped me with so much!! You know, I learned how to make blogs now. I have four. Freelight showed me how to do it. I thought I could blog my whole thread, but it's just posts. It's okay though. This website is very incredible. It is awesome compared to any other I've been a member of. Well, I love you in Christ, and I hope you have a bomb day!!
Hi Michael,
No I have generally high blood pressure which is why I take pills but exercise also makes it drop. What they don't seem to tell you is that if you take pills and also do exercise it can drop rather too low and you simply run out of steam, which isn't much use if you have walked a few miles and need to walk back.
Today I can report that I didn't take any pills for 48 hours, when I set out on my walk my blood pressure was high, but I had no problems with running out of energy and when I came back my blood pressure was normal, rather than low. :)

You get all sorts on this forum Michael with a wide range of views, some atheists like me are perhaps drawn here by the Christian fundamentalists, I find atheist forums are rather dull by comparison.


Dear All,

I know this will be highly improbable, if not impossible to believe, but I have been visited three times, in three weeks, by three different angels, just during one month. It happened a while back. I'm going to tell you what the Lord told me; the facts. I hope it helps you all and that you STUDY your Bible and the first two books of Genesis to understand. Thank you. The earth has been here for a few billion years. Some of you seem to think that just by gradual changing, different species 'evolved'. Give God more credit than that. God created every creature on the earth, in each 'day' that is written in the Bible. This includes also when the dinosaurs were on earth. But, God wiped the screen blank a number of times indeed. In other words, He created and then obliterated, and formed each animal and bird, and critter and man/woman differently, each time changed in ways He saw fit. Just like He obliterated everyone but Noah and his family. There is NO EVOLUTION. Tell that to God when you see HIM. He has EVERY PART on how each animal/human was formed because He kept re-forming them and making them different each time. It's God's HANDIWORK here at stake, not "evolution's." Only God can change the DNA, gene, genome, proton, neutron or electron,..."From our own Adam and Eve being formed, this is the generation of OUR 'Adam.'

You'll notice in the first chapter of Genesis, it says God "Created" each in their 'day' or 'generation' (time in which they were generated). We also cannot ascertain that, in the past million years, 24 hours was the 'day's' length or it could have been 22 hours. All that I do know is that He has revealed something to me to share with others, for their sakes. He did create the first Adam and Eve in six days and rested on the seventh. Believe me or not. It really doesn't matter. In the first chapter of Genesis, it says God created the beasts and birds, and all of that, before He created man on the sixth 'day'. Now follow all this closely and re-read it as much as necessary for you. In the SECOND chapter of Genesis, does it not say that the Lord God "Formed" man from the dust of the ground. And the Lord God saw that the man was lonely, and so THEN He 'formed' the birds, and animals from the 'ground' and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. So first, we have Adam being CREATED after the birds and beasts were CREATED, and yet in Genesis chapter two, it says the Lord God FORMED man BEFORE the beasts and birds.

You will also notice that in the first chapter, God said the fowl/birds were created from the waters (Gen. 1:21), but in the second chapter, it says the Lord God FORMED the birds/fowl from the dust of the ground (Gen. 2:19). Now it is time for people to know the truth because they are questioning the true existence of God. I happen to know that God CREATED man and woman once, and the Lord God wiped them from the face of the earth many times and gave man and animals and plants, etc. another chance, as He saw fit. That is why we find man's bones that are way older than 6,000 years, or "OUR" ADAM. There were Adams and Eves formed many times over the thousands of years and they were changed as the Lord God saw fit. That is why it is written, "and He called THEIR name Adam in the day they were created. (See Gen. 5:1). That is why it is written, 'This is the book of the generations of Adam, in the image of God made he him/man.' I'm not sure that is the exact quote without looking it up right now. It is not a big matter. The Lord God has wiped the earth clean before and He will again. Remember Noah and his wife, of whom we are all descended from, therefore we are ALL Brothers and Sisters who don't get along well. Ishmael is the ancestor of all of the Arab people. Should God need to wipe away the sinners once again, like He did with Noah and with Sodom, another book will be written for that Generation of Adam (and Eve). I hope I've explained this well enough for now. If God decides to wipe us all off of the earth for sin, who would wonder why? Look at this earth and tell me what shape it is in? What are you going to do about it?? Forget your Evolution idea!! There is a Higher Power that oversees every little change in every creature He forms. That's all, just for now. Re-read and study, and look in your Bibles.
May the Lord God Continue to Bless the Lord Jesus,
For the Lord said to my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand until I make thy enemies your footstool. He is doing just that. Can you understand any of this?? Please, if you have any comments, keep them civil and maybe kind? This is some of the info that the Lord told John of Patmos NOT to write (Rev. 10:4), when the seven thunders uttered their voices. People were not ready to handle it then, but we are ready now.

Praise His Greatness and His Intense Imagination, Which Is An Incredible Amazing Thing,

Michael Cadry

Go to the link below, then click on 'Book Copy', then SKU-text and the Title Page of my book will come up. You can then read it off your computer screen with your up and down cursor arrows.

Biggest load of guana I've had the displeasure to read in ages. You are deceived or delluded, a fantistist or a liar. Whatever your reason, I don't believe you.


Biggest load of guana I've had the displeasure to read in ages. You are deceived or delluded, a fantistist or a liar. Whatever your reason, I don't believe you.

Hey Guana,

I'm sorry you were displeased with my testimony. I'm not any of the above. You just don't know about me yet. Whichever part of my testimony is untrue will be proven with time's passing. Likely the same as that which is truth. That is how the Lord said how to discern a true prophet from a false prophet. I don't really expect you to believe me or not. You have no way of knowing whether I'm speaking the truth until God proves it or not. Fair? I'm just planting seeds. Those which grow will bear fruit by His Hand, and those seeds who don't grow will be unfruitful and wither. Fair?

In God's Love,



Biggest load of guana I've had the displeasure to read in ages. You are deceived or delluded, a fantistist or a liar. Whatever your reason, I don't believe you.

Hey Guana,

I'm sorry you were displeased with my testimony. I'm not any of the above. You just don't know about me yet. Whichever part of my testimony that is untrue will be proven with time's passing. Likely the same with that which is truth. That is how the Lord said how to discern a true prophet from a false prophet. I don't really expect you to believe me or not. You have no way of knowing whether I'm speaking the truth, or a nut, until God proves it or not. Fair? I'm just planting seeds. Those which grow will bear fruit by His Hand, and those seeds which don't grow will be unfruitful and wither. Fair?

In God's Love,



Hey Guana,

I'm sorry you were displeased with my testimony. I'm not any of the above. You just don't know about me yet. Whichever part of my testimony that is untrue will be proven with time's passing. Likely the same with that which is truth. That is how the Lord said how to discern a true prophet from a false prophet. I don't really expect you to believe me or not. You have no way of knowing whether I'm speaking the truth, or a nut, until God proves it or not. Fair? I'm just planting seeds. Those which grow will bear fruit by His Hand, and those seeds which don't grow will be unfruitful and wither. Fair?

In God's Love,


Well I suppose I just have to call you delluded.


New member
Dear Tyrathca,

I was mentioning you as much as me re changing your relationships. I don't gloat because someone might be sent to hell. I think very few will be sent to the lake of fire. So far, the only ones I'm sure of I can count on two hands: Lucifer, Satan, the false prophet Jean-Pierre Girard, the antichrist Uri Geller psychic sorcerer (both of them), the beast, and most likely Hitler and Mussolini. Maybe the Pharoah of Egypt who enslaved the Hebrews whom Moses help free. I really think that it's not people's fault that they are deceived or confused, or accused by evil when evil is way 'older' than them, who are so much younger and inexperienced. I don't know if you know what I'm saying here.
Don't worry Michael I never thought you were gloating about people being sent to hell.

But given what you say here it sounds like I have nothing to worry about anyway. If my denial of your gods existence or your ancient Messiah's "savior" status doesn't send me to hell then I'm safe it seems. I'm not evil, if anything I do more "good" than most. So why worry about a threat of hellfire which I don't even think exists and even if it does in not at risk of it? :)

I think when you atheists or agnostics see Jesus coming with the clouds of heaven, you will get down on your knees too and call upon His Name. "And it shall come to pass, in that day, that any who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
Will I still get this "opportunity" if I die as an atheist BEFORE your Jesus finally decides to launch his apocalypse?

Your thoughts on this Tyrathca?
I still think the odds of me ever believing in your god are somewhere between slim and none. This does not bother me in the slightest.


Away from keyboard. I've gotten too many replies also. Will get back to each of you. Be back in a couple hours. Thanks!



New member
LOL you don't need to tell us that Michael. Most of us go for days without checking or replying sometimes. So we're not going to notice or be bothered by a few hours! :p
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