Creation vs. Evolution

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Dear Mark,

Let me know what you think about what I've posted above.

Thanks And Tons Of Love From Jesus,



Dear Alwight,

You never answered my long post to you above. What happened?? Don't let anything I say freak you out. It is what it is. Looking forward to hearing from you. Alwight, see Post #4216. Thanks!!

Much Love,




Dear Mark,

I don't know what to tell you. I may certainly be wrong about God making Adams in different lifetimes. The only thing possibly that I could see would be that God created many Adams at the same time on Earth. I don't believe that I'm saying this, but I am saying it anyway, in case I am the one who is mistaken. Only time will tell us which is the truth. So just remember that.

You know how it is written in Gen. 5:2, 'and He called THEIR name Adam in the day THEY were created. It could be that God created more than one Adam at the same time as our Adam and Eve. Otherwise, where did Cain get his wife?? From the land of Nod on the edge of Eden. How did she get there? Who were her parents?? The Lord God also cast out Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden. Where did He cast them to? So there must have been other people or other cities? I'm putting myself out on a limb here considering what I have believed for 40 years now, so this is a big thing. I will post this also on TOL in my Creation vs. Evolution thread. If I have been wrong all of this time, I certainly apologize profusely, and hope that any persons I've possibly misled will learn the truth either way about the matter when Jesus Returns. Please forgive me, everyone. Time will have to tell us all what is the truth. I do not want to be saying something that is not true.

It does NOT mean that I've been wrong about everything, but only THIS matter. I have been visited by more than 3 angels, had 3 visions, was visited by the Holy Ghost and the Lord God twice each. This I know for SURE is correct. But as far as Adam and Eve, I don't want to put myself out on a limb. So I guess that makes me a YEC? I will keep pondering and praying about this with the Lord and if it is something that He wants us to know before Jesus' Return, I'm sure He'll let me know and clarify things. See what happens? I am as surprised as you. But I read Isaiah chapter 45 and 66, and Zechariah chapter 5, and I can't help myself but to reconsider. If I've been telling the truth all along, we will find out. When the 7th angel shall sound, the mystery of God shall be finished, as He has declared to His servants, the prophets (See Rev. 10:7). Then we will know either way about this for sure.

I will not speak anything in God's name unless I know it to be the absolute truth. I have to do that or face living my life without Him, which thing I don't want whatsoever. That's all I have to say for now. Time will tell. If the Lord instructs me to believe this, I shall. I will give it some time to meld. This does not explain why the Earth seems older, etc. If I'm possibly, possibly wrong, to spare God's Wrath upon me, I leave it up to Him to tell you.

In God's Love, In Which He Will Refine Us As Silver,



New member
Dear Alwight,

You never answered my long post to you above. What happened?? Don't let anything I say freak you out. It is what it is. Looking forward to hearing from you. Alwight, see Post #4216. Thanks!!

Much Love,


Sorry Michael,
I don't seem to have much to say right now, I'll try to do better. ;)

MichaelCadry said:
I can't see you being in hell, to be honest! Just wait and see what happens. You are too cool and nice, and kind, of a person for that. I will pray to God and Jesus to let you into heaven as a special favor. You might be surprised delightfully!! So what we call boots, you call them galoshes? And what we call trunks, you call them 'boots.' Interesting. And you drink on the opposite side of the car than I do. Cool! I think you might drive on the opposite side of the road too. Can't remember. I used to watch The Avengers, with Emma Peel / Diana Rigg. What a hot number she was!! My God, did I have a crush on her. Ah, c'est la vie!
That's quite an eclectic assortment of things.
Thanks if I get to heaven btw.
I call boots (feet), boots just as you do, but car trunks are called boots while trunks are suitcases or elephant appendages.
We drive on the left here but we don't have a special side to "drink" on. :liberals:
Keep smiling,
Al :e4e:


Sorry Michael,
I don't seem to have much to say right now, I'll try to do better. ;)

That's quite an eclectic assortment of things.
Thanks if I get to heaven btw.
I call boots (feet), boots just as you do, but car trunks are called boots while trunks are suitcases or elephant appendages.
We drive on the left here but we don't have a special side to "drink" on. :liberals:
Keep smiling,
Al :e4e:

I will keep praying for you Al. We call trunks swimming shorts also. But not a suitcase. We call that luggage. Elephants have trunks though, just like yours'. I see drunks drive on either side. I would find it impossible for me to drive there, I think. I would definitely cause accidents upon fender-benders. It'd be awful 'cause I wouldn't want someone to get hurt or worse.

I do keep smiling. I have no choice. I am a very happy, lucky individual. I don't even get bored. I don't know if I even get enough time to. There's so MUCH to do every day. 2nite we had Tamales. Delicious. 2morrow, we will finally break down and have gyros. Then I'm going to put on a Corned Beef. I bought 8 of them on St. Patrick's Day. Get them while they are on sale! LOL. Every year. Otherwise, they cost a fortune any other time of the year. And I just love them plain or with sauerkraut and Swiss cheese on Rye or Pumpernickel.

My car engine service light came on. Turns out I have a sensor on my transmission that needs replacing. I can do it for very cheap, but I do want to get it done, 'cause you only get so long to fix things, before they break completely. If I don't fix it, the car will not go out of Park. So I will be stranded. It'll still be $50 to get the part installed. I can get the part for free at the Junk Yard. Then pay a younger relative to put it on. He's going to have to crawl under the car while it is jacked up using a hydraulic jack and some car ramps. Don't need any accidents!! I was working on one of my cars when I was younger and the carjack malfunctioned, and I ended up pinned underneath the car. All that weight was rough. And there was no one around. I was screaming, but they were all in the house and I was in the driveway. Finally someone heard me and helped me. I could have bit the dust!

How's your car running? My car is a 2001 Ford Escort ZX2, 2.0L engine, dual overhead cam. It's champagne colored. Anyway, it doesn't get driven much, so I figure I've got another 100,000 miles on it before it goes kaput. It's good on gas/petrol prices. I know that you call it Petrol because of Cat Stevens aka Yusuf. I have his address. I've received on letter from him in Calligraphy and quite a few letters from his secretary. I saved them. They are probably in my strongboxes, which are water and fireproof.

How's the weather today?? We're supposed to hit 111 degrees. I will hibernate, definitely. I have no reason to go out. Hey, they want $112 for that part for my transmission. I will get it free. Do I know what I'm doing? I will prob. pay $50 labor though, as a tip.

Well, I learn a lot from you, but this blimey clock is telling me to wind up here, so I'll close before this gets too long. You take great care buddy!! Will chat with you soon!!



:surf: :idea:


New member
That's quite an eclectic assortment of things.
Thanks if I get to heaven btw.
I call boots (feet), boots just as you do, but car trunks are called boots while trunks are suitcases or elephant appendages.
We drive on the left here but we don't have a special side to "drink" on. :liberals:
Keep smiling,
Al :e4e:

I heard a rumour years ago that, at some point we will change to driving on the right side of the road, but we will have to change gradually.....

I think some one was pulling my leg though :doh:


New member
I will keep praying for you Al. We call trunks swimming shorts also. But not a suitcase. We call that luggage. Elephants have trunks though, just like yours'. I see drunks drive on either side. I would find it impossible for me to drive there, I think. I would definitely cause accidents upon fender-benders. It'd be awful 'cause I wouldn't want someone to get hurt or worse.
Trunks are also swimming shorts for us too, I forgot about them. A trunk is actually a larger suitcase or storage box, so there is really isn't as much difference here as I may have suggested. "To boot" simply means additional.

I do keep smiling. I have no choice. I am a very happy, lucky individual. I don't even get bored. I don't know if I even get enough time to. There's so MUCH to do every day. 2nite we had Tamales. Delicious. 2morrow, we will finally break down and have gyros. Then I'm going to put on a Corned Beef. I bought 8 of them on St. Patrick's Day. Get them while they are on sale! LOL. Every year. Otherwise, they cost a fortune any other time of the year. And I just love them plain or with sauerkraut and Swiss cheese on Rye or Pumpernickel.
I like doner kebabs.

My car engine service light came on. Turns out I have a sensor on my transmission that needs replacing. I can do it for very cheap, but I do want to get it done, 'cause you only get so long to fix things, before they break completely. If I don't fix it, the car will not go out of Park. So I will be stranded. It'll still be $50 to get the part installed. I can get the part for free at the Junk Yard. Then pay a younger relative to put it on. He's going to have to crawl under the car while it is jacked up using a hydraulic jack and some car ramps. Don't need any accidents!! I was working on one of my cars when I was younger and the carjack malfunctioned, and I ended up pinned underneath the car. All that weight was rough. And there was no one around. I was screaming, but they were all in the house and I was in the driveway. Finally someone heard me and helped me. I could have bit the dust!
Sounds scary Michael, I used to work on my own cars but I don't need to these days, which is just as well since I'm not so agile any more, and it always seems I have to get up and find my glasses, then I'll forget why I was down there anyway? :idunno:

How's your car running? My car is a 2001 Ford Escort ZX2, 2.0L engine, dual overhead cam. It's champagne colored. Anyway, it doesn't get driven much, so I figure I've got another 100,000 miles on it before it goes kaput. It's good on gas/petrol prices. I know that you call it Petrol because of Cat Stevens aka Yusuf. I have his address. I've received on letter from him in Calligraphy and quite a few letters from his secretary. I saved them. They are probably in my strongboxes, which are water and fireproof.
Yes we call gas, gas, so to speak (iow petrol not gas), car "tyres" not "tires", "silencers" not "mufflers"...
My car was new this year, VW Golf, so it ought to keep going, I've just downloaded some new satnav data which is about all the work I intend to do on it.

How's the weather today?? We're supposed to hit 111 degrees. I will hibernate, definitely. I have no reason to go out. Hey, they want $112 for that part for my transmission. I will get it free. Do I know what I'm doing? I will prob. pay $50 labor though, as a tip.
It's sunny and quite warm here, but nothing like what you have.

Well, I learn a lot from you, but this blimey clock is telling me to wind up here, so I'll close before this gets too long. You take great care buddy!! Will chat with you soon!!



:surf: :idea:


New member
I heard a rumour years ago that, at some point we will change to driving on the right side of the road, but we will have to change gradually.....

I think some one was pulling my leg though :doh:
I remember Sweden doing it many years ago, but it would be a nightmare these days never mind the cost.


New member
I heard a rumour years ago that, at some point we will change to driving on the right side of the road, but we will have to change gradually.....
The law will only require new drivers to drive on the right. There is a grandfather clause where everyone who is used to driving on the left can still do so.


New member
I remember Sweden doing it many years ago, but it would be a nightmare these days never mind the cost.

Yeah, I'm sure I was getting my leg pulled, along the lines of being sent for a "long Weight". The bit about changing gradually gave it away.

Still, it makes no difference to me as I don't drive any more. I still have a car and motorcycle licence but, the high cost of motoring and the very real threat of global warming, have persuaded me to ride a bicycle and use my bus pass instead. Save money, help the environment and keep fit all at the same time..... wala ;)


New member
The law will only require new drivers to drive on the right. There is a grandfather clause where everyone who is used to driving on the left can still do so.

Lol, hope that work s out for them. I'll just ride my bike on the foot path, as always :)


I heard a rumour years ago that, at some point we will change to driving on the right side of the road, but we will have to change gradually.....

I think some one was pulling my leg though :doh:

Dear Hedshaker,

How are you doing, buddy?!! I hope that everything is going excellent for you lately! Can't believe I'm hearing from you. Have missed you a lot!! Your Avatar is pretty nice and colorful. I like it better than your last one.

So what's up. Anything new? Where do you live at again. Is it New Zealand?? It's best that nobody changes their side driving on the road because it would be too scary. I saw your music video and it was wonderful!! You don't look like an atheist to me. LOL!! You were a lot younger than me. I had no idea. I don't have any videos of me entertaining with guitar and vocals, but I do have about 3 videos about my religious experiences. Two were on You Tube and the first was on Public Broadcasting Channel for Phoenix. I made the 1/2 hour long tape, but I was definitely nervous then. It's about time I made another, since I'm not as nervous now.

You know, having a car is not all it's cracked up to be. You've got to own a new car, otherwise something always needs fixing it seems. Just a great bike lock is all you need. We have buses here where you can put your bike on the front of the bus. Cool eh? But the buses don't run 24-hrs. a day. They quit around 10 or 11 pm. Lousy service here in Phoenix. You must have strong legs, Hedshaker, to be riding a bike. I wouldn't make it very far, I would think. Alwight probably has strong legs too! I don't get much exercise. I have to use an electric cart at Walmart because my feet are not in good shape. I've got plantarfaciitis. It means your heels hurt so bad, that you can't walk on them.

I think you are in Australia or New Zealand. It is winter there now, eh? Do you all ever get snow any during the winter?? Does music take up a lot of your spare time? It seems like you're never on the computer much. It's like, you disappear! It's suppose to be 112 degrees again tomorrow. I'm going to hibernate. I'm just not going outside. I went outside for an hour today and it was just too much. My car A/C was not doing the greatest. I've got to see if I need to recharge it more, even though we just put some in. I'm going to get another can of it and fill it as much as it will take.

I went and bought all the ingredients to make Sour Cream Chicken Enchiladas in a couple days. They ARE Delicious, Hedshaker. They are not cheap, but they go real fast. And fattening. Lots of cheese and sour cream (and sliced olives and green chilies). I do hope you are eating well. Hedshaker, do you live in a house or an apt.? If I have to move again, I'm thinking I will get a 1 or 2 bedroom apt. I don't like cutting grass and all during the stifling heat here. You've got to do everything early before the day gets too hot. It's about 80-some degrees overnight. It's been as high as 122 degrees before since I've been here. What's it like in your neck of the woods??

Well, I'd best be going. Great to hear from you. Please post me back. I know how to use quote boxes now, somewhat. I did a box in a box, in a box, in a box. Four boxes. Yippee!! OK, will wait for your response to all my questions. Don't be a stranger!!

Much Love and Care,


:zoomin: :dog: :box:


Trunks are also swimming shorts for us too, I forgot about them. A trunk is actually a larger suitcase or storage box, so there is really isn't as much difference here as I may have suggested. "To boot" simply means additional.
I like doner kebabs.

Dear Alwight,
Yes, we do call storage boxes trunks like you do. Now, what are doner kebabs. Is that meat or a donut? Anyone for cheese fondue? Alwight, I'm going to make Chicken Enchiladas after I make the Corned Beef. I prob. won't make them until this weekend because we don't eat that fast. There was a guy renting one of the rooms here, but he got kicked out because he owed $800 in back rent. He was paying weekly. Plus he was doing drugs. So the owner of the house got rid of him. Now we need another roommate because it will make it easier on the monthly bills. 2nite, I had a gyro and it was really good. My other roommate didn't want one 'cause he filled up on hot smoky links and cookies. Maybe he will want a gyro around midnight. I ate something last nite at 3 a.m. I may have some pasta 2nite before bedtime.

Is it expensive to live where you live. I know London is, but hopefully it is easier for you there. Phoenix, AZ is pretty cheap. It's like they are in the olden days. The starting wage is about $8/hr. I was offered $17/hr. to stay at my job in Michigan, but I had to decline because I moved out here. I was making $11/hr. I should have tried to quit before that. I could have been getting paid more. They also offered to give me a promotion.

Sounds scary Michael, I used to work on my own cars but I don't need to these days, which is just as well since I'm not so agile any more, and it always seems I have to get up and find my glasses, then I'll forget why I was down there anyway? :idunno:

It's a bummer to work on cars these days. They make them hard to work on so people will take them in to a mechanic instead. There's a lot I don't do either anymore, because I'm getting near 60. I can pay my nephew $50 and he'll fix it. He's in great shape and good with tools. It's easier than me trying to do it.

Yes we call gas, gas, so to speak (iow petrol not gas), car "tyres" not "tires", "silencers" not "mufflers"...
My car was new this year, VW Golf, so it ought to keep going, I've just downloaded some new satnav data which is about all the work I intend to do on it.

It's sunny and quite warm here, but nothing like what you have.

Tyres is cool! Silencers is a new one on me. We have to have catalytic converters on our cars nowadays also. A silencer is something you put on a gun to make it not make any noise. I'm glad you can figure out how to download some satnav data. Sounds rough. So you drive a German car eh? Those VW's are made very good. They last a long time. How is the Golf?? Is it great on gas mileage??

Well, will get going for now. I've got to call my computer guy before he goes into work at midnight. You take real good care, buddy, and I'll chat with you again very soon!!

Much Love And Cheerio!


:dog: :zoomin: :box:


New member
Dear Hedshaker,

How are you doing, buddy?!! I hope that everything is going excellent for you lately! Can't believe I'm hearing from you. Have missed you a lot!! Your Avatar is pretty nice and colorful. I like it better than your last one.

I'm doing fine Michael. Strong as an ox and twice as ugly, lol. It hardly seems fair that I should reach this age and still be so well and fit. It's not like I've lived an healthy life. If its detrimental to well being, you name it, I've done it.

So what's up. Anything new? Where do you live at again. Is it New Zealand?? It's best that nobody changes their side driving on the road because it would be too scary. I saw your music video and it was wonderful!! You don't look like an atheist to me. LOL!! You were a lot younger than me. I had no idea. I don't have any videos of me entertaining with guitar and vocals, but I do have about 3 videos about my religious experiences. Two were on You Tube and the first was on Public Broadcasting Channel for Phoenix. I made the 1/2 hour long tape, but I was definitely nervous then. It's about time I made another, since I'm not as nervous now.

No one is going to change driving sides. It's just a joke. There's enough destruction on our roads already.

That video was recorded in the late 80s. I don't look like that now. I'm slimmer for one. There's a picture of me now on my Soundcloud page taken at last years Glastonbury festival.

I have no idea what an atheist is supposed to look like but I don't really hold with that label anyway. I consider myself a Sceptic.

You know, having a car is not all it's cracked up to be. You've got to own a new car, otherwise something always needs fixing it seems. Just a great bike lock is all you need. We have buses here where you can put your bike on the front of the bus. Cool eh? But the buses don't run 24-hrs. a day. They quit around 10 or 11 pm. Lousy service here in Phoenix. You must have strong legs, Hedshaker, to be riding a bike. I wouldn't make it very far, I would think. Alwight probably has strong legs too! I don't get much exercise. I have to use an electric cart at Walmart because my feet are not in good shape. I've got plantarfaciitis. It means your heels hurt so bad, that you can't walk on them.

I've had several new cars in my time but, now-a-days I'm happy to ride my bike, walk and use the bus service. I have a very low ecological foot print (or whatever it's called). I'm very conscious of the damage our species is doing to the environment and I like to keep fit. I walk at least 3 miles a day, every day. And like you say, owning a vehicle ain't cheap. I have more cash to pamper myself, my two lovely daughters and five beautiful grand kids. I'm quite content living without that albatross.... tax, insurance, fuel, maintenance...

I think you are in Australia or New Zealand. It is winter there now, eh? Do you all ever get snow any during the winter?? Does music take up a lot of your spare time? It seems like you're never on the computer much. It's like, you disappear! It's suppose to be 112 degrees again tomorrow. I'm going to hibernate. I'm just not going outside. I went outside for an hour today and it was just too much. My car A/C was not doing the greatest. I've got to see if I need to recharge it more, even though we just put some in. I'm going to get another can of it and fill it as much as it will take.

I live in a small town in middle England.

I went and bought all the ingredients to make Sour Cream Chicken Enchiladas in a couple days. They ARE Delicious, Hedshaker. They are not cheap, but they go real fast. And fattening. Lots of cheese and sour cream (and sliced olives and green chilies). I do hope you are eating well. Hedshaker, do you live in a house or an apt.? If I have to move again, I'm thinking I will get a 1 or 2 bedroom apt. I don't like cutting grass and all during the stifling heat here. You've got to do everything early before the day gets too hot. It's about 80-some degrees overnight. It's been as high as 122 degrees before since I've been here. What's it like in your neck of the woods??

I must be the worlds worst cook and I probably don't look after myself like I should. Yet I'm in great shape regardless. No idea why but I'm not complaining. I live in a one bed flat (apt) which is more of a studio. I'm lucky that I can make a little noise with my music so long as I don't abuse the privilege.

Well, I'd best be going. Great to hear from you. Please post me back. I know how to use quote boxes now, somewhat. I did a box in a box, in a box, in a box. Four boxes. Yippee!! OK, will wait for your response to all my questions. Don't be a stranger!!

Much Love and Care,


:zoomin: :dog: :box:

And all the best to you Michael. You're a bit cuckoo but a good egg never the less. At least you've stopped with the hell threats so you must learning, which is good. Out of all the activities that occupy my time, posting on this site is not too high on the list I'm afraid, but I do pop in from time to time and have the occasional flurry.

Good luck :thumb:


New member
Dear Alwight,
Yes, we do call storage boxes trunks like you do. Now, what are doner kebabs. Is that meat or a donut? Anyone for cheese fondue? Alwight, I'm going to make Chicken Enchiladas after I make the Corned Beef. I prob. won't make them until this weekend because we don't eat that fast. There was a guy renting one of the rooms here, but he got kicked out because he owed $800 in back rent. He was paying weekly. Plus he was doing drugs. So the owner of the house got rid of him. Now we need another roommate because it will make it easier on the monthly bills. 2nite, I had a gyro and it was really good. My other roommate didn't want one 'cause he filled up on hot smoky links and cookies. Maybe he will want a gyro around midnight. I ate something last nite at 3 a.m. I may have some pasta 2nite before bedtime.
Doner kebabs are Geek/Turkish I believe and basically sliced meat/salad inside a pita bread parcel. The truth is that you probably don't want to know what the actual meat (lamb) consists of but it is cooked on a rotating spit and sliced off, and with chili sauce for some reason it floats my boat.

Is it expensive to live where you live. I know London is, but hopefully it is easier for you there. Phoenix, AZ is pretty cheap. It's like they are in the olden days. The starting wage is about $8/hr. I was offered $17/hr. to stay at my job in Michigan, but I had to decline because I moved out here. I was making $11/hr. I should have tried to quit before that. I could have been getting paid more. They also offered to give me a promotion.
There's not a lot of money/jobs around here Michael but happily I at least don't need a job any more. Around here I'll almost rich.

It's a bummer to work on cars these days. They make them hard to work on so people will take them in to a mechanic instead. There's a lot I don't do either anymore, because I'm getting near 60. I can pay my nephew $50 and he'll fix it. He's in great shape and good with tools. It's easier than me trying to do it.

Tyres is cool! Silencers is a new one on me. We have to have catalytic converters on our cars nowadays also. A silencer is something you put on a gun to make it not make any noise. I'm glad you can figure out how to download some satnav data. Sounds rough. So you drive a German car eh? Those VW's are made very good. They last a long time. How is the Golf?? Is it great on gas mileage??
The computer claims I'm getting over 40 miles to the gallon but I believe that US gallons are smaller than ours.
We have silencers on our guns too. ;)

Well, will get going for now. I've got to call my computer guy before he goes into work at midnight. You take real good care, buddy, and I'll chat with you again very soon!!

Much Love And Cheerio!


:dog: :zoomin: :box:
Nice to talk to you Michael, take care. :e4e:


I'm doing fine Michael. Strong as an ox and twice as ugly, lol. It hardly seems fair that I should reach this age and still be so well and fit. It's not like I've lived an healthy life. If its detrimental to well being, you name it, I've done it.

Dear Hedshaker,

You are lucky to be strong. It's not like I lift weights or anything. And you aren't ugly. You forget I saw your video. You know why you are so fit is because you get so much walking and bike-riding to keep you that way. I'm the same way. You name it, I've done it.
Why do you walk 3 miles a day? If I had to walk 3 miles or ride a bike here, I'd be a goner. I'm melting, melting... What is your height and weight?

No one is going to change driving sides. It's just a joke. There's enough destruction on our roads already.

That video was recorded in the late 80s. I don't look like that now. I'm slimmer for one. There's a picture of me now on my Soundcloud page taken at last years Glastonbury festival.

Yes, buddy, I do know that was a joke. It'd be absolute chaos and torture if it were ever implemented. You are lucky that you are thinner. Seems like you were fine before. How do you lose weight? All of that walking and bike riding. If I could get the right bike, I would use it. Hey, I will try to look or find that URL. It didn't let me get on it here. I will have to try to paste it in my thing.

I have no idea what an atheist is supposed to look like but I don't really hold with that label anyway. I consider myself a Sceptic.

Wonderful. I can handle skeptic any day compared to Atheism. I mean, at least you get a chance to investigate matters. What made you change your mind? I used to be pretty hard on you. I just wanted you to be in heaven with the rest of us. Don't you know??

I've had several new cars in my time but, now-a-days I'm happy to ride my bike, walk and use the bus service. I have a very low ecological foot print (or whatever it's called). I'm very conscious of the damage our species is doing to the environment and I like to keep fit. I walk at least 3 miles a day, every day. And like you say, owning a vehicle ain't cheap. I have more cash to pamper myself, my two lovely daughters and five beautiful grand kids. I'm quite content living without that albatross.... tax, insurance, fuel, maintenance...

I've never had a brand new car. Always used. Two daughters, eh!! And five grandchildren! You are a very blessed person. And you don't even know Who blessed you so well!!! How old are your daughters and grand kids?? They must be in their twenties (your daughters). Give them each a hug and kiss for me!! I have no one. It's okay though. I have two sisters and a good family of nieces and nephews to help me out if I ever need it. How in the world did you afford a family!! Eeeek!

I live in a small town in middle England.

I must be the worlds worst cook and I probably don't look after myself like I should. Yet I'm in great shape regardless. No idea why but I'm not complaining. I live in a one bed flat (apt) which is more of a studio. I'm lucky that I can make a little noise with my music so long as I don't abuse the privilege.

Hedshaker, I'm really good at cooking. I worked in restaurants for a great part of my life. I could make you things that would gain you some weight. I've even made duck flambe'. You serve the duck while it is on fire using Don Q 151 Proof Rum. Pour some on and light it up. The secret to it is to use a very tall rack on it to bake ALL of the fat off of it. They have a lot of fat. I guess it keeps them warm in the winter. Well, I figure, if it's not delectable, I don't want to eat it. That's why I've got a belly and you don't!! A whole flat is pretty good. Are you upstairs or downstairs? You see, if you are upstairs, it's okay to play your music because it goes up. But if you are downstairs, your music's going to place upstairs and you will get tons of complaints. I've lived in apts. and flats most of my life.

And all the best to you Michael. You're a bit cuckoo but a good egg never the less. At least you've stopped with the hell threats so you must learning, which is good. Out of all the activities that occupy my time, posting on this site is not too high on the list I'm afraid, but I do pop in from time to time and have the occasional flurry.

Good luck :thumb:
Hedshaker, thank you for the compliment. I know I might seem like I'm a cuckoo, but it's been quite a life for me. Beyond imagination. Yes, I quit with the hell threats. Everyone knows all about it anyway, and they choose what they want anyway. So it's sort of redundant. I keep really busy too, Hedshaker, but I do spend a bit too much time on the computer. I should spend more time playing guitar. Had a jam session with two other guitarists the other day. We had a blast!! We're going to get together soon and do it on my amp, which is a stage amp. (3 ft. wide x 4-5 ft. tall. 1 and 1/2 ft. deep. I can only turn it to 1 without it shaking the house and upsetting the neighbors. I finally have a nice amp of my own and no lounges to play in now. Life is interesting.

Well, you take great care of yourself and don't forget about them hugs and kisses for your family. It makes a real difference, you know? God's Best For You!!




To My Buddy, Alwight

To My Buddy, Alwight

Doner kebabs are Geek/Turkish I believe and basically sliced meat/salad inside a pita bread parcel. The truth is that you probably don't want to know what the actual meat (lamb) consists of but it is cooked on a rotating spit and sliced off, and with chili sauce for some reason it floats my boat.

Dear Alwight,

I'm familiar with what you are talking about. We eat a lot of lamb here too. I try to buy it every month, but lately I've been having to buy it every other month 'cause it's another extravagant expense. I've still got a few lamb ribs in the freezer, 'cause I got them the last time I was at the market. Unless you are talking about shish kebobs.

There's not a lot of money/jobs around here Michael but happily I at least don't need a job any more. Around here I'll almost rich.

It is the same here, but I'm on disability for years now with a bad back. The chiropractor couldn't do anything and so he sent me to my PCP, who gives me Percocet pain pills every month. I don't take them every day. Only when it acts up. Plus I have Plantarfaciitis. It means you can't walk on your heels because the pain is so severe. I have to use an electric cart in Walmart and other stores. It's embarrassing for my age (I'm still too young to need such a thing). But with time, my heel pain can be fixed. It's just, until then, I can't always take pain pills for my heels 'cause it causes further damage to them. I hope you understand what I'm saying here. But not so with my back. The vertebrae that goes out is right above the coccyx and the chiropractor can't crack that bone back into place.
The computer claims I'm getting over 40 miles to the gallon but I believe that US gallons are smaller than ours.
We have silencers on our guns too. ;)

Nice to talk to you Michael, take care. :e4e:

You could be right. Our gallons might be smaller than yours. Don't you measure with the metric system? But you are driving a German car, no??

Well, we each ate 1/2 of the corned beef instead of sandwiches. Just delicious. So 2morrow or the next day, we will have the Chicken Enchiladas. It depends how my feet feel. It takes a bit of cooking, and I have to stand in the kitchen and prepare the food. I am the chef of the house. No one else can cook very well. That's why I'm still here. Sometimes, I have to put wine in certain things I'm making. Plus, I make all kinds of different foods. Different ethnic foods like French, Israeli, Arabic, Greek, Irish, Chinese, Mexican, Polish, Indian, etc. My brother-in-law is Polish and so we make our own homemade Pierogis and Stuffed Cabbage and Chicken Egg Noodle Soup (it's different). I like Lobster too and was paying $60 for a two lb. Brazilian Lobster Tail. Just delicious. But don't have that kind of money anymore. That's when I was working.

Is a VW Volt a German car or is it American? I'm glad you have an economic car. I like Ford Fusions a lot. The computerized ones. Like yours must be too with the Navigator on it and all.

Well, I should get going. My roommate (the owner of the house) was me to help him lay some carpet. We had ceramic tile throughout the house, but since my feet got screwed up and we got some FREE carpet from some rich people who wanted to change the color of their carpet, they gave it all away. We had to rent a Big Truck to get it all over here. He's got a truck, but we needed a bigger truck because the guy wanted ALL of the carpet off of his driveway. OK, will get going!!

Chat to you soon!




New member
Dear Alwight,

I'm familiar with what you are talking about. We eat a lot of lamb here too. I try to buy it every month, but lately I've been having to buy it every other month 'cause it's another extravagant expense. I've still got a few lamb ribs in the freezer, 'cause I got them the last time I was at the market. Unless you are talking about shish kebobs.
Shish kebabs are grilled on skewers but a similar idea Michael.

It is the same here, but I'm on disability for years now with a bad back. The chiropractor couldn't do anything and so he sent me to my PCP, who gives me Percocet pain pills every month. I don't take them every day. Only when it acts up. Plus I have Plantarfaciitis. It means you can't walk on your heels because the pain is so severe. I have to use an electric cart in Walmart and other stores. It's embarrassing for my age (I'm still too young to need such a thing). But with time, my heel pain can be fixed. It's just, until then, I can't always take pain pills for my heels 'cause it causes further damage to them. I hope you understand what I'm saying here. But not so with my back. The vertebrae that goes out is right above the coccyx and the chiropractor can't crack that bone back into place.

You could be right. Our gallons might be smaller than yours. Don't you measure with the metric system? But you are driving a German car, no??
We use both systems here, some of us old fogies never quite went fully metricised. I fill the car in litres and set the car's computer to miles and gallons. Without the computer I'd be stuck. Canadian gallons are like ours I believe.

Well, we each ate 1/2 of the corned beef instead of sandwiches. Just delicious. So 2morrow or the next day, we will have the Chicken Enchiladas. It depends how my feet feel. It takes a bit of cooking, and I have to stand in the kitchen and prepare the food. I am the chef of the house. No one else can cook very well. That's why I'm still here. Sometimes, I have to put wine in certain things I'm making. Plus, I make all kinds of different foods. Different ethnic foods like French, Israeli, Arabic, Greek, Irish, Chinese, Mexican, Polish, Indian, etc. My brother-in-law is Polish and so we make our own homemade Pierogis and Stuffed Cabbage and Chicken Egg Noodle Soup (it's different). I like Lobster too and was paying $60 for a two lb. Brazilian Lobster Tail. Just delicious. But don't have that kind of money anymore. That's when I was working.
I used to scuba dive and catch crabs and lobster for free.

Is a VW Volt a German car or is it American? I'm glad you have an economic car. I like Ford Fusions a lot. The computerized ones. Like yours must be too with the Navigator on it and all.
I've a VW Golf actually and German, I'm not sure it's sold in the US as that.

Well, I should get going. My roommate (the owner of the house) was me to help him lay some carpet. We had ceramic tile throughout the house, but since my feet got screwed up and we got some FREE carpet from some rich people who wanted to change the color of their carpet, they gave it all away. We had to rent a Big Truck to get it all over here. He's got a truck, but we needed a bigger truck because the guy wanted ALL of the carpet off of his driveway. OK, will get going!!

Chat to you soon!





Shish kebabs are grilled on skewers but a similar idea Michael.

I know what you mean then. I mean, I get pita bread so that I am never without some in the freezer. I just zap it for 30 sec. in the microwave and make the pocket, and it's ready to go. I grew up eating it. And lamb too.


We use both systems here, some of us old fogies never quite went fully metricised. I fill the car in litres and set the car's computer to miles and gallons. Without the computer I'd be stuck. Canadian gallons are like ours I believe.

Good for you. I can't even barely figure it all out (meters and yards, etc.), but I do know what a litre is like, because when I buy soda pop from the store, the big bottles are a litre or two. I have trouble with centimeters and inches too.

I used to scuba dive and catch crabs and lobster for free.

That sounds like lots of fun, but you need to take lessons, I think. It sure would be nice for me. My favorite food is Lobster Tails. I cannot get enough of them. Especially since I can't afford them. I probably should just buy a lot of them and eat them all for dinner and then I would have too much of them, and not want them anymore, as much.

I've a VW Golf actually and German, I'm not sure it's sold in the US as that.

I thought all of the Volkswagen cars were from Germany. I guess I am wrong. The Golf's are smaller cars right? Don't they run on electricity and gas?? That would be interesting. Plug it in at home so you can drive to the gas station. They'd probably have a switch that you could turn on to either gas or electric.

Alwight, we are finally getting a little rain tonight from our monsoon season. We haven't had any rain for 123 days, and now we're finally getting some sprinkles. It's thundering and blowing dust here. That usually means that we'll get rain once a week or two, in different locations in the Valley here. Phoenix is in a valley. Mountains surround us. We have names for each of them. Stevie Nicks (Fleetwood Mac) used to live for a long time on Camelback Mountain about a mile from here. I used to climb Piestewa Peak (another mountain). It has a trail and it is the most-climbed mountain here in Phoenix. It's got a trail all the way up. I've never been able to make it to the top, but that was when I was smoking. I used to get halfway up and have to sit and wait for everyone else to climb to the top and then back down to me. Now, with my heel pain, I can't even climb a few steps.

You know, Alwight, I consider you as a close friend as we get to know each other. I want to tell you that I never thought I would have trouble walking because of bad feet. I always thought that a person couldn't walk because of bad LEGS. To my surprise. So I feel like an invalid sometimes. It's downright embarrassing to have to ride in the electric cart in the store when I still look so young. I don't really have any gray hair, but I do have some hair missing on top. I do okay, I guess. I still wish I had my thick hair like when I was 21. Well, I think we made it to 112 today. I'll know for sure when I watch the news at 10pm.

Hey, it's so nice to be able to make a quote box, all thanks mostly to you and some to noguru. I can't believe it. I never thought I would learn how to do it, so I figured I would get by without learning, but that is hard because you have to keep scrolling back and forth to read the questions, etc. This is MUCH better. Thanks again for your kind help. I'd still be out of luck if it wasn't for you.

I'd best close for now. Hope you're feeling marvelous and that you are happy!!



:D ;)

You Are :first:
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Dear Alwight,

You didn't answer my post above. Did you take any scuba diving lessons?? How many weeks or months does it take until you can do it. It sounds like great fun. Aren't the waters cold around the Isle of Wight? Does the sea warm up to the bottom during the summer?? I would love to see the crabs and lobsters walking around down there. Lobsters and shrimp, I eat, but I'm allergic to snow crab legs, yet I can eat stone crab with no problem.

God Be With You!!


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