Creation vs. Evolution

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New member
Dear Hedshaker,

You are lucky to be strong. It's not like I lift weights or anything. And you aren't ugly. You forget I saw your video. You know why you are so fit is because you get so much walking and bike-riding to keep you that way. I'm the same way. You name it, I've done it.
Why do you walk 3 miles a day? If I had to walk 3 miles or ride a bike here, I'd be a goner. I'm melting, melting... What is your height and weight?

My eldest daughter took my dog in when the housing association said I couldn't keep him, which landed her with two dogs, so I offered to walk them both daily, which I have been doing for more than 6 years. But, tbh, It's as much for my benefit as theirs.

Yes, buddy, I do know that was a joke. It'd be absolute chaos and torture if it were ever implemented. You are lucky that you are thinner. Seems like you were fine before. How do you lose weight? All of that walking and bike riding. If I could get the right bike, I would use it. Hey, I will try to look or find that URL. It didn't let me get on it here. I will have to try to paste it in my thing.

I exercise a lot and don't stuff my face..... oh yeah! wala

Wonderful. I can handle skeptic any day compared to Atheism. I mean, at least you get a chance to investigate matters. What made you change your mind? I used to be pretty hard on you. I just wanted you to be in heaven with the rest of us. Don't you know??

Don't get me wrong Michael I still don't believe in gods. The reason I don't much care for the term atheism is because it assumes theism to be the default position and then affixes an "A" before the word theism to those of us that don't subscribe to their world view. I'm as sceptical about gods as I am about pixies, fairies, leprechauns, angels and other mythical entities. I don't consider myself to be "A" about those other characters so why should I be "A" about theism. None of them are real to me. Furthermore, I don't believe in ghosts, the paranormal, supernatural, psychics and dowsers (phoney the lot of them).... I just don't buy any of it so I'm a sceptic. simplz!

I've never had a brand new car. Always used. Two daughters, eh!! And five grandchildren! You are a very blessed person. And you don't even know Who blessed you so well!!! How old are your daughters and grand kids?? They must be in their twenties (your daughters). Give them each a hug and kiss for me!! I have no one. It's okay though. I have two sisters and a good family of nieces and nephews to help me out if I ever need it. How in the world did you afford a family!! Eeeek!

My daughters are both in their thirties. One has two children and the other three. My eldest grand daughter is 5 years old and my youngest grand son is 14 months.

I had a good job with a top TV/video rental company in the 80s, back in the day when very one rented a TV and Video so I did all right.

Hedshaker, I'm really good at cooking. I worked in restaurants for a great part of my life. I could make you things that would gain you some weight. I've even made duck flambe'. You serve the duck while it is on fire using Don Q 151 Proof Rum. Pour some on and light it up. The secret to it is to use a very tall rack on it to bake ALL of the fat off of it. They have a lot of fat. I guess it keeps them warm in the winter. Well, I figure, if it's not delectable, I don't want to eat it. That's why I've got a belly and you don't!! A whole flat is pretty good. Are you upstairs or downstairs? You see, if you are upstairs, it's okay to play your music because it goes up. But if you are downstairs, your music's going to place upstairs and you will get tons of complaints. I've lived in apts. and flats most of my life.

Lol, my idea of a cooked meal is: out the packet, in the oven, down the neck..... voila

Sound waves don't travel just up but in all directions. But I'm quite lucky. I have a ground floor flat which is situated on a corner. So long as I don't use too much volume, the only people who might be affected are the people above me and their lovely about it. My studio is in my bedroom which is further removed from their living room. It works well and I don't abuse the privilege.

Hedshaker, thank you for the compliment. I know I might seem like I'm a cuckoo, but it's been quite a life for me. Beyond imagination. Yes, I quit with the hell threats. Everyone knows all about it anyway, and they choose what they want anyway. So it's sort of redundant. I keep really busy too, Hedshaker, but I do spend a bit too much time on the computer. I should spend more time playing guitar. Had a jam session with two other guitarists the other day. We had a blast!! We're going to get together soon and do it on my amp, which is a stage amp. (3 ft. wide x 4-5 ft. tall. 1 and 1/2 ft. deep. I can only turn it to 1 without it shaking the house and upsetting the neighbors. I finally have a nice amp of my own and no lounges to play in now. Life is interesting.

It's a few years out of date now but near enough. I use two monitors now.

my studio

Well, you take great care of yourself and don't forget about them hugs and kisses for your family. It makes a real difference, you know? God's Best For You!!



All the best


New member
Dear Alwight,

You didn't answer my post above. Did you take any scuba diving lessons?? How many weeks or months does it take until you can do it. It sounds like great fun. Aren't the waters cold around the Isle of Wight? Does the sea warm up to the bottom during the summer?? I would love to see the crabs and lobsters walking around down there. Lobsters and shrimp, I eat, but I'm allergic to snow crab legs, yet I can eat stone crab with no problem.

God Be With You!!


Hi Michael, I have few domestic issues I'm dealing with at the moment.

I used to belong to a private scuba club and my lessons were mainly in a swimming pool, but you only need some common sense and an ability to swim and never to dive alone. I can't remember how much training I had or how long it took. Wet suites take care of the cold but at lower depths it can get very cold and you have to be aware that deep dives have to be short else you might get the "bends".
The best dives imo were shallower ones if you want to find shellfish and take your time and besides the light looses all colour after about 30 feet unless you bring your own flashlight. But I gave it up some years ago now, it was nice to have done it but I don't mind not doing it now, when you get older you seem to get more cautious and risk averse.

Did you get much rain yet?
We had a hot day today and this evening it rained.

Good luck to you.
Al :)


Well-known member
Hi Michael, I have few domestic issues I'm dealing with at the moment.

I used to belong to a private scuba club and my lessons were mainly in a swimming pool, but you only need some common sense and an ability to swim and never to dive alone. I can't remember how much training I had or how long it took. Wet suites take care of the cold but at lower depths it can get very cold and you have to be aware that deep dives have to be short else you might get the "bends".
The best dives imo were shallower ones if you want to find shellfish and take your time and besides the light looses all colour after about 30 feet unless you bring your own flashlight. But I gave it up some years ago now, it was nice to have done it but I don't mind not doing it now, when you get older you seem to get more cautious and risk averse.

Did you get much rain yet?
We had a hot day today and this evening it rained.

Good luck to you.
Al :)

I am a PADI certified scuba diver as well. In south Florida waters you don't have to worry about water temperature, though the bends and nitrogen narcosis are always a concern. If you ever want to come try it out I will be your scuba buddy.


New member
I am a PADI certified scuba diver as well. In south Florida waters you don't have to worry about water temperature, though the bends and nitrogen narcosis are always a concern. If you ever want to come try it out I will be your scuba buddy.
Thank you Nog. :)
My favourite place was western Ireland (Kerry), there was much more life to be found there than around here, and the "vis" was good too.
Once we went out there on a local ferry boat to an island that some monks once used as a hideaway which had become a place of pilgrimage for some very devout Irish people. They would literally crawl up to the top of the island while we otoh descended into the depths of the sea. Quite appropriate really perhaps. ;)

Skellig Michael


My eldest daughter took my dog in when the housing association said I couldn't keep him, which landed her with two dogs, so I offered to walk them both daily, which I have been doing for more than 6 years. But, tbh, It's as much for my benefit as theirs.

What kind of dog do YOU have?? You've got quite a great deal with your daughter. Dang those housing associations. They are always butting in. I guess you get plenty of exercise walking the dogs.

I exercise a lot and don't stuff my face..... oh yeah! wala

Yes, it can stretch your stomach and I also have quit stuffing my face. 2morrow though, I am gonna make those Chicken Enchiladas. It will be Saturday, so I will have plenty of time.

Don't get me wrong Michael I still don't believe in gods. The reason I don't much care for the term atheism is because it assumes theism to be the default position and then affixes an "A" before the word theism to those of us that don't subscribe to their world view. I'm as sceptical about gods as I am about pixies, fairies, leprechauns, angels and other mythical entities. I don't consider myself to be "A" about those other characters so why should I be "A" about theism. None of them are real to me. Furthermore, I don't believe in ghosts, the paranormal, supernatural, psychics and dowsers (phoney the lot of them).... I just don't buy any of it so I'm a sceptic. simplz!

It still sounds better that you are a skeptic. I don't believe in pixies, fairies and leprechauns either. But I do believe in angels. I had three angels visit me. The first angel I saw appeared as a great light saying, "Fear God, and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgement is come upon all of the earth; and worship Him Who made the earth and heaven, and the sea, and the fountains of waters." I was awestruck and couldn't take my eyes away from watching him. Then the thought came to me to Go, and quickly call my girlfriend up and ask her to come over that night. I told her, and my family and my best friend's family all that had happened to me so far. First, the Lord spoke with me, which I didn't fill you in on, then this angel visit. I had kept the instances to myself until that night and then told them. We were up all night and joyful and gabby.

My daughters are both in their thirties. One has two children and the other three. My eldest grand daughter is 5 years old and my youngest grand son is 14 months.

I had a good job with a top TV/video rental company in the 80s, back in the day when very one rented a TV and Video so I did all right.

Lol, my idea of a cooked meal is: out the packet, in the oven, down the neck..... voila

Your daughters are quite old. You seem too young for that. But your grandchildren are both young!! It must be so fun when they visit!! Congratulations to you!!

Yes, I'll bet you made a lot of people happy with your job. Getting a TV and VCR was such a great deal for us. My sister got one first. Her and her husband had some money! She was the first to get video games also. I used to love playing them with her when Dave had to go to work. (I lived with them for a while).

Some people like to cook and some don't out of lack of choice. I learned how from my Mom, Aunt's, and mostly the restaurants I worked at. I did kitchen prep too! How would you like to peel tons of potatoes, or skin tons of onions, or break a hundred or two eggs?? Fun stuff. I didn't mind because it was money that I didn't have.

Sound waves don't travel just up but in all directions. But I'm quite lucky. I have a ground floor flat which is situated on a corner. So long as I don't use too much volume, the only people who might be affected are the people above me and their lovely about it. My studio is in my bedroom which is further removed from their living room. It works well and I don't abuse the privilege.

It's a few years out of date now but near enough. I use two monitors now.

my studio
[/quote]Yes, your studio is awesome!! I thoroughly enjoyed your music and your video. You have a synthesizer and a mixer, which are two things I don't have. And I don't know how to play my keyboard much. It has so many different things you can do with it, but I hate reading directions to all of these things we have. My computer didn't even come with a how-to manual. It's on the computer. You've really got it going, dude. I can play a mean 12-string guitar w/vocals though. I used to perform in bars/lounges. I made some good money.

All the best
It's really nice getting to share parts of your life! Especially with the video. Thanks for answering my questions. It's your life so, make it COUNT!!




Hi Michael, I have few domestic issues I'm dealing with at the moment.

I used to belong to a private scuba club and my lessons were mainly in a swimming pool, but you only need some common sense and an ability to swim and never to dive alone. I can't remember how much training I had or how long it took. Wet suites take care of the cold but at lower depths it can get very cold and you have to be aware that deep dives have to be short else you might get the "bends".

Sounds cool, Alwight! Yes, that's where I've ever seen scuba divers in person was in the pool taking lessons. Getting the 'bends' does not sound very desirable. Did you own your own wet suit or did you rent it? Sounds like a cool hobby!

The best dives imo were shallower ones if you want to find shellfish and take your time and besides the light looses all colour after about 30 feet unless you bring your own flashlight. But I gave it up some years ago now, it was nice to have done it but I don't mind not doing it now, when you get older you seem to get more cautious and risk averse.

Did you get much rain yet?
We had a hot day today and this evening it rained.

Good luck to you.
Al :)

Oh, it'd be nice to shallow dive in Florida in the Atlantic Ocean. It's probably great where you are too. You had a wonderful life, but I can see why you wouldn't want to do it now. Definitely scary in the first place. I'm kind of afraid of the water, even though I can swim. My Dad and my Uncle took me and my sister, I was 11 at the time; Susan was 9 years old. They thought they would teach us to swim by dropping us into deep water. We swallowed a lot of water, and still did not learn to swim. It was a horrible experience that has affected me still now. We have an in-ground pool at the house here and I've only been in it twice in four years. And not for very long. I always feel like I'm going to get smothered when I'm in the water. But I did finally learn how to swim and tread water once I was 17, and in high school.

Yes, we got a good dose of rain last night and now I've got to wash my car again. Getting the rain is worth it. 123 days with no rain and then we finally get some. Oh, so nice!! And we heard the thunder and the wind was blowing fiercely. First, it started as a big wall of dust traveling through the neighborhood quickly. It's called a haboob. Arabic word for massive dust storm (sand storm).

Alwight, it is always so nice to hear from you, I miss it every day that you don't write to me. Didn't you say you had children too? My roommate, the home owner, has a son named Mark, but his son is terrible about keeping in touch, no matter what you say to him. He's closer to his Mom. He's lived with her most of his life. He never married. Ah, it too often ends up in divorce for many of my friends. Even my best friend got a divorce after 23 years!! I thought they'd stay together till death, but no.

Well, will get going for now. You be sure to give yourself a treat 2morrow!! Lobster, yummmmmm!!! It's so expensive for Lobster or even Shrimp nowadays. Well, write again soon dude!!

God Bless My Friend Al,


Mark SeaSigh

That's Cool you SCUBA Al.

If you get Too Cold, buy a Dry Suit.

Don't Come Up too Fast, and remember to not hold your breath when you do.



I am a PADI certified scuba diver as well. In south Florida waters you don't have to worry about water temperature, though the bends and nitrogen narcosis are always a concern. If you ever want to come try it out I will be your scuba buddy.

Dear noguru,

Wow, everyone has all of their special talents. I don't know what the bends are and I don't know what nitrogen narcosis is either. But it sounds risky. As long as I don't swallow any water. Alwight would not like to go scuba diving with you!! ROTFL! You still scuba dive, eh noguru. You're still kind of young, eh? You know, I am 58 now. It's been a rollercoaster life, eh? You have many talents, noguru!! Will talk again soon. I don't want to be a bother.

God Be With You All The Time,


:D ;)

:zoomin: :dog:


That's Cool you SCUBA Al.

If you get Too Cold, buy a Dry Suit.

Don't Come Up too Fast, and remember to not hold your breath when you do.


Hey Mark,

A Dry Suit. Is there such a thing. Also, why do you have to not hold your breath when you come up?? You've got to come up slowly? Just curious about all of this scuba diving. I used to swim at the YMCA while the scuba divers were practicing and learning. All kinds of tips here!

May God Favor You and Your Fiance', Mark,


Mark SeaSigh

Hey Mark,

A Dry Suit. Is there such a thing. Also, why do you have to not hold your breath when you come up?? You've got to come up slowly? Just curious about all of this scuba diving. I used to swim at the YMCA while the scuba divers were practicing and learning. All kinds of tips here!

May God Favor You and Your Fiance', Mark,


Well, if you take a Breath of Compressed air at Sixty Feet Below, and surface without Exhaling your Lungs could Explode. You will breath out before your lungs pop however. If you get into a Situation, just Breath out slowly on the Way Up. Don't Hold your Breath Hard.

If you take a breath at the Surface and then Descend to sixty feet, and Surface you are fine, the Air Compresses and then Decompresses to the Normal Size When you Resurface.

So if you run out of air. Don't take a Puff From Your Diving Buddy and Swim Straight up. Make Your Safety Stops.

They have Special Rooms That they Place people in, that Get the Bends. Many Deep Water Welders have to go through the Process Weekly.


Really though. It's Kind of Dangerous, but not as Dangerous as Sky Diving. You can Get Stuck in a Wreck, I heard of that happening.

The man who invented Scuba Believed that the Population of the World should be "Controlled", below One Billion.

Know what that means, don't you.


New member
What kind of dog do YOU have?? You've got quite a great deal with your daughter. Dang those housing associations. They are always butting in. I guess you get plenty of exercise walking the dogs.

Both dogs are cross breeds but Biff, the one that was originally mine, is mostly border collie. They each have their own individual personality. Every day when I visit they cannot hold back their excitement cause they know it's walk time.

Yes, it can stretch your stomach and I also have quit stuffing my face. 2morrow though, I am gonna make those Chicken Enchiladas. It will be Saturday, so I will have plenty of time.


It still sounds better that you are a skeptic. I don't believe in pixies, fairies and leprechauns either. But I do believe in angels. I had three angels visit me. The first angel I saw appeared as a great light saying, "Fear God, and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgement is come upon all of the earth; and worship Him Who made the earth and heaven, and the sea, and the fountains of waters." I was awestruck and couldn't take my eyes away from watching him. Then the thought came to me to Go, and quickly call my girlfriend up and ask her to come over that night. I told her, and my family and my best friend's family all that had happened to me so far. First, the Lord spoke with me, which I didn't fill you in on, then this angel visit. I had kept the instances to myself until that night and then told them. We were up all night and joyful and gabby.

I don't doubt for a minute that you truly believe all that really happened just as you remember it. But you are not the only one that claims to have had religious visions. And they are invariably mutually exclusive. It's a bit of a give away that these claimed religious experiences always comply exactly with whatever beliefs the individual holds. Muslims have visions about Allah and Mohamed, Seeks about Gurus, Hindus it's Krishna (or who-ever), and so on, so it's to be expected that when Christians have them they are centred around bible-god and angels. Now, I'm sure you'll say that your visions are the real deal and I'll find out in time, but isn't that exactly what the others would say? It's the others that's mistaken but not you. And also self explainable that religious visions a generally more common among those most under the spell of their religion

Not that you have to be religious to have visions and psychological episodes. The human mind is quite a thing and it's extremely fallible. We are pattern seeking beings that are subject to error and confirmation bias. It's the human condition. I am confident that your visions have a more basic explanation, no offence. See Occams's Razor

Having said all that, from what I've learned, there seems no harm in it in your case. Each to his/her own I guess,

Your daughters are quite old. You seem too young for that. But your grandchildren are both young!! It must be so fun when they visit!! Congratulations to you!!

Not really, the eldest is 36 and the youngest 33. We're all very close, and it's usually me that does the visiting. But that's not a problem since we live within a mile of each other. I'm treating the whole family to Christmas dinner at the pub this year so no one has to do the washing up :first:

Yes, I'll bet you made a lot of people happy with your job. Getting a TV and VCR was such a great deal for us. My sister got one first. Her and her husband had some money! She was the first to get video games also. I used to love playing them with her when Dave had to go to work. (I lived with them for a while).

I was an engineer. I used to fix the things, which is why I had a new car every year or two.

Some people like to cook and some don't out of lack of choice. I learned how from my Mom, Aunt's, and mostly the restaurants I worked at. I did kitchen prep too! How would you like to peel tons of potatoes, or skin tons of onions, or break a hundred or two eggs?? Fun stuff. I didn't mind because it was money that I didn't have.

I'm actually not as bad as I make out. I do a little cooking from time to time, though I never peel potatoes. I buy these little sticks of frozen mash for the microwave. :)

Yes, your studio is awesome!! I thoroughly enjoyed your music and your video. You have a synthesizer and a mixer, which are two things I don't have. And I don't know how to play my keyboard much. It has so many different things you can do with it, but I hate reading directions to all of these things we have. My computer didn't even come with a how-to manual. It's on the computer. You've really got it going, dude. I can play a mean 12-string guitar w/vocals though. I used to perform in bars/lounges. I made some good money.

That room on the video is way out of date now. But did you know that all you need now-a-days is a powerful computer and a MIDI keyboard. There is a wealth of synths available in software plug-ins now that sound great and cost a fraction of their hardware equivalents

It's really nice getting to share parts of your life! Especially with the video. Thanks for answering my questions. It's your life so, make it COUNT!!



Thanks Michael. I certainly make it count. I am the wealthiest man in the world. I have everything I want ;)

Mark SeaSigh

Head ShaKer!

Did you know, that the Supposed Oldest Bird Fossils We Have, are From a Modern Bird! It's A Loon.

This Loon, May not have Looked Exactly the Same, but it contained all the Same Anatomical Features of today's Loons.

See the Article Here;

From Article;

Loon enthusiasts often claim often claim that the loons are the most ancient bird species. In fact, the oldest bird fossil is apparently that of a loon from 65 million years ago (pdf file, Fig. 1). However, this is probably an accident of preservation, and does not mean that the loon is ancestral to all other birds (as Fig. 4 shows), though it does mean that the loon type was already in existence during the Cretaceous (the age of the dinosaur).


Oh, Hey!

Well, If that Loon, was Around the Time of the Dinosaurs, Why hasn't it Gained any Anatomical Features in, 65 MILLION YEARS?

I mean, When You Consider that you Evolutionists Believe that an Ape Like Being, can Grow a Chin, and A New Kind of Foot and Nose and Brain, in 4.5 Million Years


Evolution, Is A Lie.


Well, if you take a Breath of Compressed air at Sixty Feet Below, and surface without Exhaling your Lungs could Explode. You will breath out before your lungs pop however. If you get into a Situation, just Breath out slowly on the Way Up. Don't Hold your Breath Hard.

If you take a breath at the Surface and then Descend to sixty feet, and Surface you are fine, the Air Compresses and then Decompresses to the Normal Size When you Resurface.

So if you run out of air. Don't take a Puff From Your Diving Buddy and Swim Straight up. Make Your Safety Stops.

They have Special Rooms That they Place people in, that Get the Bends. Many Deep Water Welders have to go through the Process Weekly.


Really though. It's Kind of Dangerous, but not as Dangerous as Sky Diving. You can Get Stuck in a Wreck, I heard of that happening.

The man who invented Scuba Believed that the Population of the World should be "Controlled", below One Billion.

Know what that means, don't you.

Dear Mark,

No, I don't know what that means. Kill everyone born after the billionth person is on the Earth? Abortion? Eeek!

Yes, this Scuba Diving sounds quite dangerous. Now I know why you have to have teaching before you do it. It sounds like something I don't think I'd want to ever do, but I am brave. I've had a gun pointed to my head, and a glass bottle cut me just near my right eye. The second time was to rob me of my $80, which I had no plans of that happening, so I threw my car in reverse and they started taking off, and I was behind them trying to run them over. They are lucky they were fast because I had every intention of hitting them. With the first time, they were trying to rob $30 off of me and I didn't know if the gun was loaded or not, but I do figure it was, so I gave them the money. They threw my car keys on the lawn in the dark, but I watched where they had thrown them, and I found them quite quickly.

Such Is Life,



New member
Sounds cool, Alwight! Yes, that's where I've ever seen scuba divers in person was in the pool taking lessons. Getting the 'bends' does not sound very desirable. Did you own your own wet suit or did you rent it? Sounds like a cool hobby!
I had all my own gear though my wet suites would need to be somewhat larger now, the real expense is in going places.
As I recall we used US Navy diving charts to calculate depth and duration to avoid getting the bends.

Oh, it'd be nice to shallow dive in Florida in the Atlantic Ocean. It's probably great where you are too. You had a wonderful life, but I can see why you wouldn't want to do it now. Definitely scary in the first place. I'm kind of afraid of the water, even though I can swim. My Dad and my Uncle took me and my sister, I was 11 at the time; Susan was 9 years old. They thought they would teach us to swim by dropping us into deep water. We swallowed a lot of water, and still did not learn to swim. It was a horrible experience that has affected me still now. We have an in-ground pool at the house here and I've only been in it twice in four years. And not for very long. I always feel like I'm going to get smothered when I'm in the water. But I did finally learn how to swim and tread water once I was 17, and in high school.
Depending on where you are sometimes the best dives only need fins, mask and a snorkel.

Yes, we got a good dose of rain last night and now I've got to wash my car again. Getting the rain is worth it. 123 days with no rain and then we finally get some. Oh, so nice!! And we heard the thunder and the wind was blowing fiercely. First, it started as a big wall of dust traveling through the neighborhood quickly. It's called a haboob. Arabic word for massive dust storm (sand storm).
Strangely enough we often get dust/sand from the Sahara mixed in the rain here, usually after washing the car it seems.

Alwight, it is always so nice to hear from you, I miss it every day that you don't write to me. Didn't you say you had children too? My roommate, the home owner, has a son named Mark, but his son is terrible about keeping in touch, no matter what you say to him. He's closer to his Mom. He's lived with her most of his life. He never married. Ah, it too often ends up in divorce for many of my friends. Even my best friend got a divorce after 23 years!! I thought they'd stay together till death, but no.
Forums aren't usually about writing letters every day Michael ;), but no I don't have children and never wanted any tbh. I've always lived independently in my own home since late teens. My father died at the same time as 9/11 while very recently my mother who up until now lived alone, requires more daily care so I have been helping her move into a care home not far from me. ATM I'm trying to sell her house and look after all her finances.

Well, will get going for now. You be sure to give yourself a treat 2morrow!! Lobster, yummmmmm!!! It's so expensive for Lobster or even Shrimp nowadays. Well, write again soon dude!!

God Bless My Friend Al,

Your style of posting sure is different Michael. Take a look at the link I put in to my post to noguru above "Skellig Michael" and read what I said. I went diving there once. You are like one of those pilgrims on a spiritual journey climbing up in hope, while otoh I dive into the depths looking to see what really is there. ;)


Both dogs are cross breeds but Biff, the one that was originally mine, is mostly border collie. They each have their own individual personality. Every day when I visit they cannot hold back their excitement cause they know it's walk time.
They sound really nice and I'm sure they are energetic and friendly. They also are excited to see you, you know? I have a Pomeranian Chihuahua and also a Golden Retriever/Cocker Spaniel. The one sounds yappy and the other sounds ferocious, so it keeps the burglars away. They sure have different personalities.

I don't doubt for a minute that you truly believe all that really happened just as you remember it. But you are not the only one that claims to have had religious visions. And they are invariably mutually exclusive. It's a bit of a give away that these claimed religious experiences always comply exactly with whatever beliefs the individual holds. Muslims have visions about Allah and Mohamed, Seeks about Gurus, Hindus it's Krishna (or who-ever), and so on, so it's to be expected that when Christians have them they are centred around bible-god and angels. Now, I'm sure you'll say that your visions are the real deal and I'll find out in time, but isn't that exactly what the others would say? It's the others that's mistaken but not you. And also self explainable that religious visions a generally more common among those most under the spell of their religion

Not that you have to be religious to have visions and psychological episodes. The human mind is quite a thing and it's extremely fallible. We are pattern seeking beings that are subject to error and confirmation bias. It's the human condition. I am confident that your visions have a more basic explanation, no offence. See Occams's Razor

Oh Hedshaker, I don't guess you'll believe me. I don't expect that. It's too much to just believe what everyone says. I'm just telling you now, so you'll remember that after it happens. No problem.

Having said all that, from what I've learned, there seems no harm in it in your case. Each to his/her own I guess,

That's cool with me. I'm harmless.

Not really, the eldest is 36 and the youngest 33. We're all very close, and it's usually me that does the visiting. But that's not a problem since we live within a mile of each other. I'm treating the whole family to Christmas dinner at the pub this year so no one has to do the washing up :first:

Yeah, I guess that's not bad at all. You could be 56 years old for all I know. I'm glad you're close. My family was except for my two oldest sisters used to constantly bicker and fight. The middle sister died last year from a heart attack. Blood pressure too high. She was a spitfire and held a lot of anger inside.

That's nice that you all live that close. You're a close family in more ways than one. It think having Christmas Dinner at the pub will be enjoyable and they probably give out doggie bags, in case you get the munchies later. I will be making Christmas Dinner like I do every year and we'll probably have Ham, though we might have turkey on New Year's Day. I will be cooking Thanksgiving Day also and we are definitely having turkey. I buy two of them at Thanksgiving-time and they're really cheap. I freeze one for New Year's Day and cook the other on Thanksgiving. I buy 8 corned beefs on St. Patrick's Day. Freeze 'em.

I was an engineer. I used to fix the things, which is why I had a new car every year or two.

I'm actually not as bad as I make out. I do a little cooking from time to time, though I never peel potatoes. I buy these little sticks of frozen mash for the microwave. :)

Nice job. Good paying too. Did you have a Union? I bet you got real tired of fixing cars. I feel the same way. I want to get a Ford Fusion loaded. We'll have to see.

I don't peel potatoes either anymore. I buy the instant boxed mashed potatoes, or the frozen french fries and hash browns. No more peeling for me. I got sick of it when I was 21. We BUY Potato Salad.

That room on the video is way out of date now. But did you know that all you need now-a-days is a powerful computer and a MIDI keyboard. There is a wealth of synths available in software plug-ins now that sound great and cost a fraction of their hardware equivalents.

Yeah, HS, but what if you don't know how to work them. You've got to really like to read all of the instructions. That's why I don't play the keyboard I bought years ago. It's got all kinds of possibilities. I just don't know how to work them. I have enough trouble getting this Windows 8.1 figured out enough to use it.

Thanks Michael. I certainly make it count. I am the wealthiest man in the world. I have everything I want ;)

Bless Your Heart, Hedshaker!! I feel like I am the luckiest in my world also. I have everything I want also. C'est la vie!

Warmest Regards,


;) :D



I had all my own gear though my wet suites would need to be somewhat larger now, the real expense is in going places.
As I recall we used US Navy diving charts to calculate depth and duration to avoid getting the bends.

Wow, you must have been deep into it to have your own gear!! I can understand that it would be expensive for each trip. Housing, food, and getting there and back, eh? It's all new to me.

Depending on where you are sometimes the best dives only need fins, mask and a snorkel.

That sounds great! Nearly untouched sea bottoms. And shallow ocean life. How deep could you go with a snorkel??

Strangely enough we often get dust/sand from the Sahara mixed in the rain here, usually after washing the car it seems.

Forums aren't usually about writing letters every day Michael ;), but no I don't have children and never wanted any tbh. I've always lived independently in my own home since late teens. My father died at the same time as 9/11 while very recently my mother who up until now lived alone, requires more daily care so I have been helping her move into a care home not far from me. ATM I'm trying to sell her house and look after all her finances.

Wow, from the Sahara!! Yes, I had just washed my car the day before yesterday, then the rain hit. Two days of clean car.

I don't have any children either and am fine with that tbh. I have lived alone most of the time, paying rent. I'm sorry your father died not long ago. You're a good son to take such good care of your mother. My Aunt Najla just passed away and her sister called me throughout the whole ordeal. She had Alzheimer's which turned into dementia, and then she passed away. My Aunt Minerva is selling my aunt's house as is, with everything in it. She called me to tell me that my aunt had passed away and that I have an inheritance from her. I'd rather have her though, than the inheritance. She was 84. She lived in Michigan. Now I've got only one Aunt and Uncle left.

Your style of posting sure is different Michael. Take a look at the link I put in to my post to noguru above "Skellig Michael" and read what I said. I went diving there once. You are like one of those pilgrims on a spiritual journey climbing up in hope, while otoh I dive into the depths looking to see what really is there. ;)

I'm sorry, Al, I'm sort of new at this. I just thought it was someone's name (Michael Skellig). I wasn't sure why you had it there. I go up with hope instead of going into the depths. That sounds like me. Skellig_Michael was very interesting to read about. Next time I will know.

Much Love Coming Your Way,



You are :first:


New member
They sound really nice and I'm sure they are energetic and friendly. They also are excited to see you, you know? I have a Pomeranian Chihuahua and also a Golden Retriever/Cocker Spaniel. The one sounds yappy and the other sounds ferocious, so it keeps the burglars away. They sure have different personalities.

Yep, dogs certainly are characterful. Luckily both of ours have good temperaments and are generally well behaved. I let them off the leash across the fields and along the canal tow path. They love it.

Oh Hedshaker, I don't guess you'll believe me. I don't expect that. It's too much to just believe what everyone says. I'm just telling you now, so you'll remember that after it happens. No problem.

Which is exactly what I predicted you would say and which is exactly what they all say, and have been saying since forever. That should tell you something Michael but I doubt it will. I have to wonder though, if Jesus doesn't come across the clouds in the next 5, 10, 15 years will you accept that you were wrong or will you adjust your time scale? I suspect the latter. Luckily science doesn't work that way.

Also, on the subject. Predicting the biggest Earth quake ever isn't that extraordinary or special. In fact, it's quite probable. Everything is in constant motion and I don't know how far back records go for such events. link.

People make such predictions all the time so it follows that some will occasionally get it more or less right. But when it comes to, such as, end times predictions all have been 100% wrong every single time, despite their being so sure, just like yourself.

That's cool with me. I'm harmless.

Yes harmless for the most part. But I reckon you would be better served directing your efforts to the real threat. Global warming is the biggest issue that face us as a species. What sort of legacy will we be passing on to our grand kids and great grand kids because of our addiction to fossil fuels? The good news is, it's not too late but we need to be more concious of the problem and less lazy about taking the steps that need to be taken.

Yeah, I guess that's not bad at all. You could be 56 years old for all I know. I'm glad you're close. My family was except for my two oldest sisters used to constantly bicker and fight. The middle sister died last year from a heart attack. Blood pressure too high. She was a spitfire and held a lot of anger inside.

Sorry to hear about your sister. My dad died of a coronary thrombosis at the age of 52, when I was 18 and my mom died in her 60s. I seem to have bucked the trend so far. I've already out lived both of them and I ain't going anywhere......... yet!

That's nice that you all live that close. You're a close family in more ways than one. It think having Christmas Dinner at the pub will be enjoyable and they probably give out doggie bags, in case you get the munchies later. I will be making Christmas Dinner like I do every year and we'll probably have Ham, though we might have turkey on New Year's Day. I will be cooking Thanksgiving Day also and we are definitely having turkey. I buy two of them at Thanksgiving-time and they're really cheap. I freeze one for New Year's Day and cook the other on Thanksgiving. I buy 8 corned beefs on St. Patrick's Day. Freeze 'em.

Well we usually all converge at my youngest daughter's place Christmas so we have all the little ones together. It's all about the kids. None of us have any interest in the religious aspect, nor do we shower each other with gifts, we just spoil the kids. But it's a lot of work for Vicci and her feller. We all chip in financially but they get saddled with the cooking and the washing up and what not. This year I've put aside £300 (about $500) for Christmas dinner and drinks down the pub. Really looking forward to it :cheers: It's a funny thing but I have a much better relationship with my ex now than ever we did when we were married. C'est la vie!

Nice job. Good paying too. Did you have a Union? I bet you got real tired of fixing cars. I feel the same way. I want to get a Ford Fusion loaded. We'll have to see.

Yes we had a union but they didn't need do much. But it was the TVs, video and audio equipment I used to fix, not the cars. But it became something of a nightmare toward the end with all the new foreign TV sets. When I started it was nearly all Ferguson equipment which we got to know really well. What TV do you have Michael? I have an all-singing-dancing Panasonic 47" smart TV, which has been great for the world cup and the tennis..... talking of which, didn't the USA do well? I was rooting for them after England got knocked out. Well done USA :thumb:

I don't peel potatoes either anymore. I buy the instant boxed mashed potatoes, or the frozen french fries and hash browns. No more peeling for me. I got sick of it when I was 21. We BUY Potato Salad.


Yeah, HS, but what if you don't know how to work them. You've got to really like to read all of the instructions. That's why I don't play the keyboard I bought years ago. It's got all kinds of possibilities. I just don't know how to work them. I have enough trouble getting this Windows 8.1 figured out enough to use it.

Yeah, I saw how long it took you to figure out the text editor on this forum. But these technologies are really not that difficult if you give it them little head time. You just need to put your logic cap on.

Bless Your Heart, Hedshaker!! I feel like I am the luckiest in my world also. I have everything I want also. C'est la vie!

Warmest Regards,


;) :D


OK then. I've enjoyed our little chat but there's stuff I should really be getting on with, though I will try and look in.

All the best.


Well-known member
Thank you Nog. :)
My favourite place was western Ireland (Kerry), there was much more life to be found there than around here, and the "vis" was good too.
Once we went out there on a local ferry boat to an island that some monks once used as a hideaway which had become a place of pilgrimage for some very devout Irish people. They would literally crawl up to the top of the island while we otoh descended into the depths of the sea. Quite appropriate really perhaps. ;)

Skellig Michael

I have dived in the Bahamas as well as Utila, Honduras. I lived in Utila for 6 months back in 2009 (May to Nov.). I prefer further south in the Caribbean, but FL is about as close as you can get in the US. And in the summer all the same reef fish move up closer to here.

I come from a very devout Italian (ancestry - all 4 of my grandparents were from Sicily) Catholic family. In my hometown in NW CT I had many Irish (descent) Catholic friends who went to the same parish. Some of their grandparents still had Irish accents. My grandfather had a thick Italian accent until he passed at 96.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph


New member
I have dived in the Bahamas as well as Utila, Honduras. I lived in Utila for 6 months back in 2009 (May to Nov.). I prefer further south in the Caribbean, but FL is about as close as you can get in the US. And in the summer all the same reef fish move up closer to here.

I come from a very devout Italian (ancestry - all 4 of my grandparents were from Sicily) Catholic family. In my hometown in NW CT I had many Irish (descent) Catholic friends who went to the same parish. Some of their grandparents still had Irish accents. My grandfather had a thick Italian accent until he passed at 96.
I found that local dives SE England, didn't compare to more distant locations say Oban Scotland, SW Ireland, which probably is why I stopped when I did.


Yep, dogs certainly are characterful. Luckily both of ours have good temperaments and are generally well behaved. I let them off the leash across the fields and along the canal tow path. They love it.

Your dogs must be good with children and other dogs, eh? Ours are okay, even though Genie is getting a bit blind from cataracts, and her teeth are giving her problems. She must be 16 years old by now. We weren't her original owners. And she can't hear like she used to. She can hear you whistle, but otherwise she just seems like she can't tell what we're saying. Now the Retriever/Spaniel, Brandy, is only 8 or 9 and she's just fine and healthy, and happy. Listens really good, she's also a good catcher and retriever. They even get along with cats with no problem. And my cats get along with my fish. I have a 50-gal. tank with Fancy Goldfish and 2 different kinds of bottom feeders. They are happy. I should get them some frozen brine shrimp 2morrow. They deserve it.

Which is exactly what I predicted you would say and which is exactly what they all say, and have been saying since forever. That should tell you something Michael but I doubt it will. I have to wonder though, if Jesus doesn't come across the clouds in the next 5, 10, 15 years will you accept that you were wrong or will you adjust your time scale? I suspect the latter. Luckily science doesn't work that way.

If Jesus does not come with the clouds in the next month to 2-5 years, I will say I'm wrong. That's how sure I am. For me to be predicting an earthquake that's the worst since man has been on earth is a big deal. It is a one-time only thing. And after that huge earthquake, there will be a great one to follow in Hollywood, CA.

Also, on the subject. Predicting the biggest Earth quake ever isn't that extraordinary or special. In fact, it's quite probable. Everything is in constant motion and I don't know how far back records go for such events. link.

People make such predictions all the time so it follows that some will occasionally get it more or less right. But when it comes to, such as, end times predictions all have been 100% wrong every single time, despite their being so sure, just like yourself.

I know how you feel Hedshaker. You're right. A lot of Jesus freaks have come and screwed up things for the rest of us. But my faith is very strong. Mine is a very different thing. I know. That's what they all say. Like I said, the liars beforehand have messed it up for the true prophets.

Yes harmless for the most part. But I reckon you would be better served directing your efforts to the real threat. Global warming is the biggest issue that face us as a species. What sort of legacy will we be passing on to our grand kids and great grand kids because of our addiction to fossil fuels? The good news is, it's not too late but we need to be more concious of the problem and less lazy about taking the steps that need to be taken.

Well, Hedshaker, you see my faith is great. When Jesus returns, 2/3 of the people on earth will be taken away. That's what the Bible says. So global warming won't be a problem anymore at all. So we don't have to be conscious of the problem because one will solve another. Think of it. One-third of the population will remain on the Earth. The meek shall inherit it. Things will be a lot different. There shouldn't be a lack of food, but instead a surplus. The ozone layer will be fine, and everything else will be okay. No overcrowding here anymore.

Sorry to hear about your sister. My dad died of a coronary thrombosis at the age of 52, when I was 18 and my mom died in her 60s. I seem to have bucked the trend so far. I've already out lived both of them and I ain't going anywhere......... yet!

Oh, dearest Hedshaker! You are so sweet and kind to give me condolences about my sister Susan. We had no idea and neither did her son, my nephew. I'm taking good care of him so he will have someone to look up too. Your Dad died very young and your Mom too. I keep wondering if I will get a clot in my legs and end up having a coronary thrombosis myself, tbh. You'll pass in the before the next two years are up, so don't count your chickens!!

Well we usually all converge at my youngest daughter's place Christmas so we have all the little ones together. It's all about the kids. None of us have any interest in the religious aspect, nor do we shower each other with gifts, we just spoil the kids. But it's a lot of work for Vicci and her feller. We all chip in financially but they get saddled with the cooking and the washing up and what not. This year I've put aside £300 (about $500) for Christmas dinner and drinks down the pub. Really looking forward to it :cheers: It's a funny thing but I have a much better relationship with my ex now than ever we did when we were married. C'est la vie!

This year, you will converge at your youngest daughter's place again, but she won't have to cook Christmas Dinner, thanks to you!! I think she will find it so very nice. Cooking for two days is rough on the feet. The kids will have a grand old time, while you all sit and know there is no Santa. Heheheeh. So your ex will be at the pub too, eh? Sounds like it works best when you aren't pressured to STAY together. It's so kind of you to spend all of that money!! So is the pub close by where you all live. Just driving home will be scary if someone isn't the designated driver. I don't know what it's like there in England. Different laws?

Yes we had a union but they didn't need do much. But it was the TVs, video and audio equipment I used to fix, not the cars. But it became something of a nightmare toward the end with all the new foreign TV sets. When I started it was nearly all Ferguson equipment which we got to know really well. What TV do you have Michael? I have an all-singing-dancing Panasonic 47" smart TV, which has been great for the world cup and the tennis..... talking of which, didn't the USA do well? I was rooting for them after England got knocked out. Well done USA :thumb:

Yes, my Dad was into working on TVs. He also made one from scratch. He took a class for two years to learn how to do it all. We now have a Panasonic 42" flat screen TV. It's wonderful. Yes, England is our mother country!!! You have an all-singing-dancing TV. What does that mean? 47" smart TV. Don't know about those things here yet.


Yeah, I saw how long it took you to figure out the text editor on this forum. But these technologies are really not that difficult if you give it them little head time. You just need to put your logic cap on.

Yes, if it wasn't for Alwight, I still wouldn't know how to do it. Noguru too. They both helped me to work it out. Now I think it's kind of cool and I'm glad I know what I'm doing instead of feeling helpless.

OK then. I've enjoyed our little chat but there's stuff I should really be getting on with, though I will try and look in.

All the best.
I enjoy our chats too!! I made those Sour Cream Chicken Enchiladas today and they were wonderful. I could only eat one piece because they are so rich, with all that cheese. I use Monterey Jack and Sharp Cheddar. Plus the Sour Cream and the sliced olives, and green chilies. And Cream of Chicken soup. Wonderful recipe indeed.

All the very best for you also, Hedshaker!! It's always nice!!


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