Creation vs. Evolution

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Literal lunatic
I've understood that since I learned how to apply vectors in high school. You clearly don't but what does your ramblings about mistaken tumble dryer physics and it's application to astrophysics have to do with mutations anyway?

It's got to do with y'all trying to avert to another topic without admitting failure in past assumptions.


Hey noguru,

Hope you are doing okay. How did you get banned??! It seems so unlike you. You're going to shock me into believing in Santa Claus. Do you know what I mean??? With any luck, you'll be back in no time!

Oh, I remember, you're not banned yet. You're just on a warning to be banned, right? Be careful with what you say or do. Get back to me.



Dear Mark SeaSigh,

I hope it's okay. I wanted this info on this thread also. In response to your question, I believe a "Tree gave birth to an animal." If you need further explanation, let me know.

Also about your other question that one third of the people shall inherit the earth; the meek. This is about the immediate future of our earth, "And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third part shall be left therein (people left on earth). And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried; they shall call on My Name, and I will hear them; I will say, It is My people; and they shall say, The Lord is my God." (See Zech. 13:8, 9).

Mark, what do you think of this?? If you need more info, PM me.

God Bless You With Love, Knowledge, And Wisdom!!


P.S. Two-thirds shall be cut off and die. One third of these will go to Heaven. One third will go to sleep for 1,000 years. The last third, as I mentioned above, shall inherit the Earth.


Dear Mark S,

I also believe the chicken came first and then the egg. I think God created the fowl (chicken) first, and when the chicken and rooster mated, there came the egg. What do you think? Do you think that God created the egg first?

A Very Blessed Mother Mary,



Hey Stuu,

How R U??

Just because we don't agree with everything doesn't mean we can't still be good friends? I'm just trying to convince you to come over to the winning team. You can't begrudge me for that, huh??

God Be With You,



Dear Stu,

No, I think the VERY HIGH EXPENSE fighting the Iraqis in George Bush, Jr.'s costly war was the culprit. He started and continued with the war against them because his father started a war with them. But it turns out they DIDN'T have Weapons of Mass Destruction, like Bush kept telling us. So we wasted all of that money, tons of it, fighting that war and then spending more to help them build a democracy, which is probably going to go belly up knowing Iran would probably love to have Iraq. Now, we have no money to even defend Israel. All have turned their backs on Israel, and thus God will have to defend her from her many Arabic neighbors. All of those Arabs have just got to have that piece of land too. It's not like they don't have tons of countries already. No, they want Palestine too. I pray that God annihilates the Philistines (Palestinians; see your Webster's Dictionary). The Philistines changed their name to Palestinians because of the stigma they had by other countries. Well, I digress.

And the wars since the Iraq war have left us broke. Plus we depended very much on the American automobile. Iraq is in danger of collapse. Just dandy!!

What do you think about all of this Stu??



It's got to do with y'all trying to avert to another topic without admitting failure in past assumptions.

Dear 1Mind1Spirit,

That's right!! You hit it right on the head. It's like 'change the subject.' How you been doing?? Hope life's treating you great. Are you really a farmer who knows how to work the Internet??

Let me know!! We used to have 1/8 of an acre for a garden and of course, I had to do most of the work. I'm quite familiar with a roto tiller and a compost hole. And pickin' weeds. I'm glad that's all over with!! Eeeeek!!!

Your Bro' in Christ,



New member
Dear Stu,

No, I think the VERY HIGH EXPENSE fighting the Iraqis in George Bush, Jr.'s costly war was the culprit. He started and continued with the war against them because his father started a war with them. But it turns out they DIDN'T have Weapons of Mass Destruction, like Bush kept telling us. So we wasted all of that money, tons of it, fighting that war and then spending more to help them build a democracy, which is probably going to go belly up knowing Iran would probably love to have Iraq. Now, we have no money to even defend Israel. All have turned their backs on Israel, and thus God will have to defend her from her many Arabic neighbors. All of those Arabs have just got to have that piece of land too. It's not like they don't have tons of countries already. No, they want Palestine too. I pray that God annihilates the Philistines (Palestinians; see your Webster's Dictionary). The Philistines changed their name to Palestinians because of the stigma they had by other countries. Well, I digress.

And the wars since the Iraq war have left us broke. Plus we depended very much on the American automobile. Iraq is in danger of collapse. Just dandy!!

What do you think about all of this Stu??

Well, I daresay you are probably right about most of it. However, your murderous thoughts towards the Palestinians are only to be expected. God belief poisons everything, and there is no place more poisoned by it than anywhere in which two branches of Abrahamism collide, for example in Palestine which has been occupied so ruthlessly by Israel on the basis of dodgy arrangements on behalf of the British Government, and all because of fascist zionism and reactionary islam.

Remove the god from their heads and it's hard to see what divisive labels would remain.



Dear Stuart,

Well, do you think that the Iraqi war with the U.S. was a BIG MISTAKE??!! We've gotten poorer ever since, trying to help everyone else's govt. and now we can't even afford to help Israel. I hope we come up with some answers soon.

Much Love In Christ,



Well, I daresay you are probably right about most of it. However, your murderous thoughts towards the Palestinians are only to be expected. God belief poisons everything, and there is no place more poisoned by it than anywhere in which two branches of Abrahamism collide, for example in Palestine which has been occupied so ruthlessly by Israel on the basis of dodgy arrangements on behalf of the British Government, and all because of fascist zionism and reactionary islam.

Remove the god from their heads and it's hard to see what divisive labels would remain.


Dear Stuu,

Do you know the Philistines have been fighting Israel since 5-6,000 years ago. David slew Goliath. Goliath was a giant of a man. He was also a Philistine. David was just a shepherd and struck Goliath in the temple with a rock using a slingshot. They are still fighting now. Yes, the descendants of Isaac (Israel) and Ishmael (Arabs) have been fighting each other for years. I do understand what you're trying to say, but how about you? Don't you appreciate the U.S., where freedom is still attainable? The Jews should be able to enjoy life without the Arabs always trying to start a war with them. The Arabs have all kinds of vast lands, yet still, they begrudge the Jews (Israel) to have that little strip of land. Who knows why, except it's supposed to be.

Will chat in a bit!




New member
Who knows why
Could it be the extreme bigotry they show towards Palestinians, the annexation of Palestinian territory including the Golan Heights and East Jerusalem, and settlements in the West Bank despite the condemnation of the UN?

That is not to say that the bigotry of the Palestinians isn't just as extreme. But zionist claims from the Jewish bible seem to be used as an excuse to push others off the land they feel is theirs. And American evangelical types would just love to see a bit of Armageddon (nuclear would be good) which might kick off their idiotic eschatology.

When these freaks have finished with their small-minded wars over fantasy conspiracies of gods and fairies, could the rest of us possibly have our planet back? If it's not too scorched from religious stupidity.

Judaism / christianity / islam. What a brew of poison that makes, especially when mixed.



Could it be the extreme bigotry they show towards Palestinians, the annexation of Palestinian territory including the Golan Heights and East Jerusalem, and settlements in the West Bank despite the condemnation of the UN?

You know I love and respect you, Stuart, but it is written in the Bible that in the latter days, God shall give Israel back to her people and they shall dwell there forever. This includes ALL of Jerusalem, the West Bank and they are supposed to have ALL of the Gaza Strip. It is written that God will kill off the Palestinians/Philistines, from what I understand (see Isaiah 14:31).

That is not to say that the bigotry of the Palestinians isn't just as extreme. But zionist claims from the Jewish bible seem to be used as an excuse to push others off the land they feel is theirs. And American evangelical types would just love to see a bit of Armageddon (nuclear would be good) which might kick off their idiotic eschatology.

Stu, you are being just as bigoted against Israel as anyone. The land belongs to Israel and if you read a Christian Bible, you could see it written in there that Israel shall get their land back in the latter years and He shall keep her there.

When these freaks have finished with their small-minded wars over fantasy conspiracies of gods and fairies, could the rest of us possibly have our planet back? If it's not too scorched from religious stupidity.

Judaism / christianity / islam. What a brew of poison that makes, especially when mixed.


You may get the honor of seeing Jesus coming in the clouds shining from East to West, in support of Israel and all righteous persons in the Earth, including the U.S. AND New Zealand!!

Give things some more time and you shall see it happen before your very eyes. I know it sounds very far-fetched, Stuart, but it's true. You just do not know enough about the facts written in the Bible that you never read. It holds quite a lot of information about what will happen in the future about our Earth, people, etc.

God Bless You Instead!!






Dear All,

In the book of Daniel, it explains how we shall be as the stars forever and ever. See Dan. 12:3, "And they that be wise shall Shine as the Brightness of the Firmament (Heaven); and they that turn many to righteousness SHALL BE as the STARS, forever and ever." This means our spirit will quit living in an earthly body and instead be given a heavenly body. I know this for a fact. It was explained to me years ago by an angel. There's more I could tell you, but you could not bear it yet.

May God Fill Your Thoughts And Hearts, And SOULS!!



Dear All,

Well, I hope you can bear this now. There is a veil up. I'm just saying that Our Lord God's 'Heavenly Body/Throne' is in the Moon that goes around us His Front always facing us. His Spirit fills it. It is His Great White Throne (See Rev. 5:13, Rev. 20:11). Yet, we should not worship the Moon, but instead we worship the Spirit of God and the Lord Jesus. That's why it has been hidden from us for so long. We are not to worship the moon, or sun or anything in the heavens or earth. We all, as Christians, worship the Lord God and Jesus Christ in Spirit. This is why the Lord God told Jesus, sit thou on my right hand until I make thy enemies thy footstool. It's really ingenious. The Lord God's Throne is IN HEAVEN. Look Up! And also all the host of heaven (stars, etc.). Look Up!!

You'll all find out that I'm not wrong, nor am I lying. There are things you don't know yet and you are not aware of or privy to them. See Rev. 10:7, "But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God shall be finished, as He hath declared to His servants, the prophets." He's got two eyes, a nose, and a mouth! It's His Face. When His Son was on earth, He was given an earthly body to live in. I'm only saying what I've been told by Him. It's significant because this is why Venus and Mercury have no moons yet. But the planets previous to us do have moons. We'll find out why from God when we're with Him and He tells us. Protest all that you want, but I'm telling the truth, and it will be proven shortly enough.

In Our Precious God's Love,

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Dear All,

Don't believe me. Keep your heads and hearts together. Many who were shown this in the past were thought to be lunatics (luna = moon), but they were not mentally and spiritually able to handle it yet. We as a people now are ready. Keep your wits about you. Please. Just ponder, don't freak out. If it gives you one bit of trouble, just don't believe me and go on your way. Keep your head together!! He loves you very much. It is soon time to go to heaven for many of you indeed. So there are a few things you must learn first that might be hard to bear.

PM me if you wish and think of those you love. Calm down.

In His Great Love For Us!!

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