Creation vs. Evolution

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Finally, Thanks To Delmar And To Some of the Many Friends I've Made Here, Even At TIMES When I Was Down And Doubtful...Thank You!! I have so much RESPECT for you ALL!!

May God Be Between Us All, For There Are Many Gathered Together!!!



Hey Hedshaker,

How've you been friend. You still don't believe in God after all this time? It's unfathomable, but possible, I guess. Why can't there just be a God/Father who causes the cells to become the way they do when He wants them to. Oh well, I will wait 'til you contact me before saying anything much more, 'cause you might not even get this.




Dear noguru,

I bought that new movie that came out around Easter, called "Son of God," with Roma Downey as Mother Mary. It just came out in the stores on June 3rd, but I didn't know it. I Googled it and found out about it last night. I've been waiting for it to come out on RedBox or Cox 'On Demand', but I wanted a copy of my own, so I got it for $20. It came with a regular DVD and also Blue Ray, which I am going to give to my computer guy for a gift, 'cause he has a PS3 and all that. I may also go see Maleficent at the matinee. Angela Jolie looks good in it!! I rarely pay for movies. I usually wait for them to get to Cox 'On Demand' (TV Pay Channel $4/movie/day).

After I watch it, I will post you or PM you!

His Spirit of Goodness and Grace Between Us,



Well-known member
Dear noguru,

I bought that new movie that came out around Easter, called "Son of God," with Roma Downey as Mother Mary. It just came out in the stores on June 3rd, but I didn't know it. I Googled it and found out about it last night. I've been waiting for it to come out on RedBox or Cox 'On Demand', but I wanted a copy of my own, so I got it for $20. It came with a regular DVD and also Blue Ray, which I am going to give to my computer guy for a gift, 'cause he has a PS3 and all that. I may also go see Maleficent at the matinee. Angela Jolie looks good in it!! I rarely pay for movies. I usually wait for them to get to Cox 'On Demand' (TV Pay Channel $4/movie/day).

After I watch it, I will post you or PM you!

His Spirit of Goodness and Grace Between Us,


I saw it yesterday. It is one of Jolie's best performances and a good movie all around.


Dear noguru,

Yes, I will go see it too, but I must wait a couple weeks for my friend from Michigan to come visit me. He is one of my best friends and my car mechanic. Now when anything goes wrong on my car here in Phoenix, I call him and ask him what's up and his view of things. I've done just about everything to a car except take out the tranny or engine. Now he's done both of those many times. But he has a cherry picker, and hydraulic jacks, etc. And the know-how, of course. Haven't done much 'body work' either. Some.

Anyway, it's his turn to fly out here because he came into some money, so he can afford it. Very few Michigan homes have a built-in swimming pool in the back yard. I told him he's gonna have to pay for everything, even going out to the restaurant to eat. I've flown him out here twice now and paid for the restaurants, etc. He couldn't come out here sooner because he couldn't leave his wife to shovel the snow. They've gotten snow really late this year. Over and over again. It just doesn't want to quit. I think that's a sign from God too that Armageddon is looming. All unnatural, unusual record-breaking weather is cause to believe that Armageddon is near. Any way, we'll have a blast. We used to always go fishing when he came here and we went fishing a lot back in Michigan. Fishing for pike or large-mouth bass is fun and good eating. I caught a nice-sized rainbow trout out here and it was a nice meal, but they have a different bones structure, so they are hard to filet. Best to just eat them and de-bone them as you eat them. Anyway, he can pay for Maleficent and we can watch Son of God for free. We'll have a blast. I'll even go in the pool. Usually, I don't like to. I stay in the A/C in the house. Sounds like a lot of fun.

Well, will close now. You're in my prayers still, you know!

God Love Ya' Noguru,



New member
They've gotten snow really late this year. Over and over again. It just doesn't want to quit. I think that's a sign from God too that Armageddon is looming. All unnatural, unusual record-breaking weather is cause to believe that Armageddon is near.
But Armageddon should pass quickly and you will be back to settled, warm weather again in no time.

Our Armageddon was a bit prolonged down here in the Southern Hemisphere last year, but they are promising a much milder apocalypse this end times round.



Hello to Australia??

Hello to Australia??

But Armageddon should pass quickly and you will be back to settled, warm weather again in no time.

Our Armageddon was a bit prolonged down here in the Southern Hemisphere last year, but they are promising a much milder apocalypse this end times round.


Dear Stuart,

So, you live in Australia, eh? ...a much milder apocalypse this end times round?? You wish, eh? It is written that the Lord says, "In winter and summer, it (Armageddon) shall be. Keeps you on your toes!

And how was your bacon this morning? (EXPENSIVE!!)

God Bless You!



New member
Dear Stuart,

So, you live in Australia, eh? ...a much milder apocalypse this end times round?? You wish, eh? It is written that the Lord says, "In winter and summer, it (Armageddon) shall be. Keeps you on your toes!

And how was your bacon this morning? (EXPENSIVE!!)

God Bless You!

No, I don't live in Australia.



Oh noguru,

I know that. I just thought he was being funny and was from N. America. My next guess was New Zealand or Africa, but I figured he'd just make a guessing game of it, and I really didn't want that. So I just left it at that.

I couldn't find anything out on his Profile page. It's really up to him to let me know, if he wants to. Thanks for being so kind and thoughtful, noguru!!

God Be Between Me and Thee,





Dear Stuart,

Which city and country are you from?? My second guess after Australia was New Zealand. Is that right?? I'm sorry that I didn't just ask you right out. Please forgive me. I figured I would just check your profile later, but it doesn't say there. I think my profile says which state and country I'm from. I'll have to double check on that. Hey Stuu, since you don't believe in Creation, do you believe in Evolution?? Just curious!

As We Seek God,



New member
Which city and country are you from?? My second guess after Australia was New Zealand. Is that right??

Hey Stuu, since you don't believe in Creation, do you believe in Evolution?? Just curious!
It doesn't really matter what I believe. The only explanation we have for the variety of life on earth is evolution by natural selection, and it has been essentially the only explanation for 155 years. The fields of chemistry, physics, geology have been turned on their heads during that same 155 years. Darwin's theory has been one of the most enduring and successful in all scientific history. It is the central organising principle of biology, and nothing makes sense in biology without it.

So I am inclined to believe something that is so well 'proven'. Of course that doesn't stop people from denying it because they don't like it.



Hi Stuu,

I'm sorry it took so long to get back to you. A lot to do today indeed. So you don't believe in a higher power?? You just believe all the came to be evolved itself from nothing? C'mon. Am I supposed to believe that?

Not trying to disrespect you. Just wondering what is the deal? I would discuss it with you more, but I am exhausted and need to get to bed. Thanks!

God Be With You As He Sees Fit,



New member
So you don't believe in a higher power??
Well there isn't one, obviously, so why would I 'believe in it'?

You just believe all the came to be evolved itself from nothing?

C'mon. Am I supposed to believe that?
You are so emotionally committed to your conspiracy theory of Imaginary Friends running the universe that it wouldn't matter much what I suggested. So, believe what you like. Just don't expect me to respect it.

God Be With You As He Sees Fit
Or as I see fit.



Dear Mark,

Stu is not alone in his beliefs. We have a number of others here who believe this way. The surprise comes with time's passing. There's no avoiding that.

Welcome to TOL.

God Be With You,



Dear Stuart,

Now you know I don't have any 'imaginary friends.' The only friendships I keep are the ones who aren't just fair weather friends. All of my closest friendships run very deep. They last for life.

God Bless You Stuart!



Well-known member
Dear Stuart,

Now you know I don't have any 'imaginary friends.' The only friendships I keep are the ones who aren't just fair weather friends. All of my closest friendships run very deep. They last for life.

God Bless You Stuart!


Fair weather friends get exactly what they put into the friendship. A very superficial relationship. Ultimately any person gets exactly what they put into a friendship. I have learned to check my expectations at the door in regard to what others want in that regard. Because that is probably something that is always in flux in a person's life. But I do not think this has anything to do with a person being a theist/non-theist.


Fair weather friends get exactly what they put into the friendship. A very superficial relationship. Ultimately any person gets exactly what they put into a friendship. I have learned to check my expectations at the door in regard to what others want in that regard. Because that is probably something that is always in flux in a person's life. But I do not think this has anything to do with a person being a theist/non-theist.

I've found that being theist, believing in God and Jesus, a whole other meaning of love that lasts forever. Can't help myself. I'm not alone, either.

Is that what you mean, noguru?

To A Caring Friend,

Michael :thumb:

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