Creation vs. Evolution

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I'm posting this on several anti evolution thread in an effort to actually educate, please pardon the repetition.

Evolution depends on about 4 or so underlying premises.

1 Like begets like. Cats have kittens. Chicken eggs hatch out chicks. Ingeneral offspring resemble there parents.

Do you know that the chicken came before the egg. You know how people are always asking which came first? Well, I asked God and He said the chicken came first because He created the chicken and it had an egg later, after messing around with the rooster. Hehehehee.

2 The above observation is not a perfect process. Freaks happen. Children do not exactly resemble their parents. It does not matter what the mechanism of this is, it only matters that it happens.

3 Not everything lives to have off spring. Some individuals die befor becoming parents.

4 If a trait you inhereted causes you to fail to reproduce, then that trait will not be passed on to your offspring. If your grandfather had no children then chances are good you will not either.

If whatever objection to evolution you raise does not address those basic observations, then it is just meaningless noise.

Well, Sealeaf, you said a mouthful. And only U know Y.

In Christ's Love,




If your grandfather had no children, you would not exist.

That's what I was gonna tell him before keeping to myself.

You do know that I'm an Old Earth Creationist, don't 'cha?? I can't help but believe that God created dinosaurs too before our own Adam and Eve, and the world was different. I think the only dinosaurs that made it this long are the tortoises, armadillos, crocodiles, etc. All of the docile ones. And I think that the elephants are descendants of the woolly mammoths. But I'm not an evolutionist. I believe that God made EVERY change in their DNA, genes, RNA, genome, or coccyx!! Heheeh. He has quite an imagination, don't ya' think??

Much Love From God,



"Speaking in tongues" are not real languages, they're spasms of spoken syllables. They don't posses anything resembling the syntax of language. Anyone that offers a 'translation' is offering you a pile of bovine fecal matter. If anyone were capable of speaking a real language, that we can objectively verify, during one of these sessions then I'd be impressed.

Dear Daedalean's_Sun,

I really couldn't tell you either way. It sounded like a foreign language to me!! Except for the translation!! Maybe these spasms of spoken syllables are some other language we don't know yet. Well, I guess I'll use the fecal matter for my garden compost pile. Phewwww!!

Praise God,



It occurs to me that "tongues " can now be scientifically verified, or debunked. We have recording devices now. If some one "speaks" we just need to record it, post it on the internet and wait to see what language it is as native speakers post comments.

Dear Sealeaf,

You'd have to make sure you had a recorder at the right time. Frankly, I know what I heard and it was impressive. This was during the mid 70s, the time when the Lord poured out His Spirit upon the sons and daughters of men, and they saw visions, etc.

It WAS COOL!! God was There!



Yeah, but the people who identify glossolalia as speaking in tongues will say it's a Heavenly language that only God knows. I think it's just a bunch of jibber-jabber, myself.

First time I've seen that word!! HOW YA DOING, ONE-EYED JACK!!! it's been a while. Hope that all is okay!!

It would be kinda funny if somebody broke out sounding like an old modem at one of these revivals or wherever these things tend to happen.


You sound like a broken robot!! As far as I know, there is no speaking in tongues happening right now. Too close to Armageddon!!

Great to hear from you, Jack!!

In God's Love & Kindness!!



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Oh I agree but the test is still worth doing.

We'll just have to wait 'till it starts happening again!! I'm looking forward to it. If it's truly the Holy Ghost, we shouldn't joke. But if it's some church making things up, which I'm sure some do, a test is definitely in order!!

Praise Jesus,




Dear One Eyed Jack,

Sorry about that typo on 'kindess' a couple posts up. I meant Kindness! I fixed it. Yes, I often wonder how often they fake the Holy Ghost visiting them and start rambling on in those tent revivals. Only God knows if it's fake or not.

God Be With You And Your Loved Ones,

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To Everyone Who Cares:

Why do some people feel they need to believe that there is no God? Do they feel like by being that way, they will do better somehow, like a fake magic act?? Like Uri Geller's sorcery? And his French pal, Jean-Pierre Girard? Uri said to his teacher, "Could Jesus do the miracles like I can?" Thus, he fulfilled the Scriptures to cement his label of Antichrist to his head. Sure, some of you do not believe. Do you think that will make it any less true. If a real angel visited you and told you Uri Geller was the Antichrist, would you believe it?? Would you believe that his French cohort was the false prophet?? Or would you disbelieve it and go on your merry way?? The devil would rather have you believe that 'I' was the false prophet or Antichrist, for all I know. Oh, Jerusalem, which stones the prophets that God sends for their sakes. How many times would I gather you under my wings, but you would not? Many men would rather believe in fake prophets than real ones, because the fakes tell men things that men would rather hear instead of the truth. Am I right?? What I needed was an Aaron to be a spokesman for me, instead of myself, because I am too reclusive and timid to tell everyone what God has revealed and said to me. Do you think I want the world around me to think that I might be a nut?? That's why more of the world doesn't even know all about it yet. I was too timid during my newspaper and TV interviews, and would tremble. It will come out in the wash though. A prophet is only believed after he is dead!! God will prove me!!

God Be With You All As You Face Tribulation! Many of you will not suffer at all during Tribulation or Armageddon. I pray for all of you! And there are those of you who shall discover that there is a Trinity!! God is ONE! His Son is Two and Is Not Above His Father, and the Holy Spirit is not to be blasphemed whatsoever. Jesus said man can even blaspheme Him, but not the Holy Spirit! Think about that, Trinity naysayers. Why does it scare you or matter to you that there is a Trinity?? God is STILL ONE. There is NO GOD besides Him, regardless of whether He has a Son or Not!! His Son is very much like God. And Thank God Immensely For The Holy Ghost Who is very much like Him also.

One Is The Loneliest Number, But Three Isn't! Open Your Hearts And Your Eyes!

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Dear All,

I was going to start a Part Two to this thread and close this Part One, but then, after I'd done it, I realized that people would not be able to go back and look for a certain post they had written, etc. So I did close Creation vs. Evolution Part Deux because I was going to close Part One initially. Sorry about all of this!! Good thing I could figure out how to do it. Eeeeek!! I wish I were a bit more adept on this thread.

Forgive Me For Any Inconvenience,

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Dear All,

Post #4090 on this page is like a parable for a reason. I know it sounds unusual, but it's for some to understand and for the rest, not to understand. I haven't been drinking or anything (except White Grapefruit Juice), which is one of my favorites, but it's a bit hard on the teeth. My stomach can handle it fine though. No heartburn.

Anyways, ever since everyone was pushing Mid-Acts Dispensation, this site has suffered a blow. God does not like His children misleading each other so cruelly. Ask God for forgiveness, if you feel moved to do it. I felt misled, so I do know it happened.

Today we hit 111 degrees here in Phoenix, and went in the pool (in-ground) in the back yard. The patio is huge!! Some of the patio is sunny, for those who want to sunbathe and get a tan, and the rest is covered to keep you out of the sun. It is a strong sun here, I must admit. But it is a dry heat, so it felt like 101 degrees or so instead. Suppose to be sunny for a lot of days now. I'm looking forward to going to church this Sunday, and it will only be like 107 or so. Hope you all have a good time at church too. If you don't go, that is fine also.

Well, God bless you all as He wishes.

In Christ's Love,



Dear Stuart,

I've been trying to get a hold of you for 3 days now. Your PM inbox is full and won't accept any more. Totally no way to get a hold of you. Re: my post. I was thinking of you, gcthomas, hedshaker, alwight, etc. They are friends of mine too, so nothing wrong there. Alwight has been a great friend too. They barely come much better than him. Heck, slap a Christian sign on him and I'd never know he didn't believe in God. He's a lot like me and a lot not like me. C'est la vie?

Anyway, good to get a hold of you again. I didn't know if you'd gotten in the hospital or something, or got banned?? I got hospitalized for two days not long ago, so I know it can happen. I demanded they let me go home, so the doctor did let me. But I did have pneumonia again. I quit smoking, so now I do a lot better than I used to. When I was smoking, I had to stay in the hospital for nine days. It was awful. I sort of had to learn to walk again some. It was really weird.

Well, Much Love Coming Your Way. Good to hear from you!!



New member
Anyway, good to get a hold of you again. I didn't know if you'd gotten in the hospital or something, or got banned?? I got hospitalized for two days not long ago, so I know it can happen. I demanded they let me go home, so the doctor did let me. But I did have pneumonia again. I quit smoking, so now I do a lot better than I used to. When I was smoking, I had to stay in the hospital for nine days. It was awful. I sort of had to learn to walk again some. It was really weird.
Glad to hear your health has improved. Avoiding smoking is always a good option!



New member
Dear Daedalean's_Sun,

I really couldn't tell you either way. It sounded like a foreign language to me!! Except for the translation!! Maybe these spasms of spoken syllables are some other language we don't know yet. Well, I guess I'll use the fecal matter for my garden compost pile. Phewwww!!

Praise God,


And if that is the case then how is anyone able to "translate" it?

Ben Masada

New member
As Creation vs. Evolution is concerned, I take Creation as the act to cause the universe to begin. Some thing akin to the big bang but effected by the Primal Cause. Evolution on the other hand, I take for the expansion of the universe. By the way, Albert Einstein related the expansion of the universe as the continuity of God's Creation and Jesus declared that the Primal Cause has never stopped working to this day. (John 5:17)

Now, evolution as living species are concerned, I understand only by means of mutations and adaptation as part of the struggle to survive. That's how the survival of the fittest has taken place.


Well-known member
Now, evolution as living species are concerned, I understand only by means of mutations and adaptation as part of the struggle to survive. That's how the survival of the fittest has taken place.

"Survival of the fittest" is a bit of a misnomer, as well as the term "mutation". Better terms would be copying errors/genetic variation and reproductive advantage. A reproductive advantage does not always translate into an individual being the "fittest", and a copying error is not always a mutation in the way a lay person might think.
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And if that is the case then how is anyone able to "translate" it?

Dear D_Sun,

Because, once uttered by one person, seconds pass, and then another blurts out the translation of it, being filled with the Holy Ghost who gives that translation to them through exhilaration. Blessed and full is he or she who receives the Holy Ghost! To the Jews first, and also the Gentiles. For if it is that God chooses one nation to teach ALL of His Ways, so that the other nations might learn from them then likewise, who are we to blurt out, No?? Much less, who is to dare speak to Him about what He does with His Own House or Children, or even HIS Flowers??

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As Creation vs. Evolution is concerned, I take Creation as the act to cause the universe to begin. Some thing akin to the big bang but effected by the Primal Cause. Evolution on the other hand, I take for the expansion of the universe. By the way, Albert Einstein related the expansion of the universe as the continuity of God's Creation and Jesus declared that the Primal Cause has never stopped working to this day. (John 5:17)

Now, evolution as living species are concerned, I understand only by means of mutations and adaptation as part of the struggle to survive. That's how the survival of the fittest has taken place.

Hey Ben,

But look at the fragility of a Daddy Long legs spider, for instance, how very frail it's legs really are, yet they still don't undergo extinction. Now that man has come along, some of the fittest aren't surviving because of gun powder and sport, and eradication by poison, etc.

It's God's Earth First, Not Ours First,



"Survival of the fittest" is a bit of a misnomer, as well as the term "mutation". Better terms would be copying errors/genetic variation and reproductive advantage. A reproductive advantage does not always translate into an individual being the "fittest", and a copying error is not always a mutation in the way a lay person might think.

Dear noguru,

You make the most sense to me, so far. But I do stand by the fact that Our God does direct every mutation and genetic variation. It's good to have you here again. Seems like the fittest is not necessarily the one with a gun, it's the one with a tank, or worse. And God is the One Who gives those children whom He Will the advantage over who is surviving. It is who has the best technology; also God-given. The nation He favors shall take home the fatted calf, the remaining nations look on. That is not the necesssarily the fittest, depending how you label it, but it is the most Loving, Loved, Caring and Chosen.


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