Creation vs. Evolution

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New member
Lets start here.

You are assuming that Nasa does all this on heliocentric calculations.

Why should I believe yer assumptions?

How bout we try listening to somebody who has been there?

Astronomer Dr. Bouw on Geocentricity and the Space Program:

"...Again, once more for the record:

it has been shown at least six different ways

this century alone that the equations

and physics used by NASA to launch satellites

are identical to the equations derived

from a geocentric universe.

Thus, if the space program is proof of anything,

it proves geocentricity and disproves heliocentrism."6

For all who dont know, geocentricity is what the bible says, the earth does not move.

No I'm saying that all space agencies and companies rely on standard physics, orbital mechanics and relativity. All of which is disagreed with in your website and in direct contradiction to a non rotating earth.

Are you REALLY not a parody?


Literal lunatic
No I'm saying that all space agencies and companies rely on standard physics, orbital mechanics and relativity. All of which is disagreed with in your website and in direct contradiction to a non rotating earth.

Are you REALLY not a parody?

Just because you are saying it, does not mean you are not stating your assumptions.

Are you really that dense?

Answer the question. Why should I believe yer assumptions?

Dudn't it make more sense to listen to the assertions of an astronmer who does know?


Dear 1Mind1Spirit,

I did check out about 15mins of the presentation you posted for me. It sounds interesting, but after hearing there were six parts of it, and part one was an hour long, I decided to give up. I thought initially that all Parts 1 through 6 were going to be an hour total.

If they have something there, it will hit the newspapers soon enough in the future. I mean if it's true, it will rock the world of science.

I don't understand how big a photon is. Does it have a nucleus and an electron, proton and neutron?? If you don't know, I'll understand. It was kind of hard for me to understand 'cause my brain is just not familiar with science of that type (physics??). Anyway, thanks for letting me know about it. What do you deduce from it all?? Did you listen to ALL 6 parts/primers? Let me know.

God Bless You Tons, 1Mind,



New member
Are you really that dense?

Answer the question. Why should I believe yer assumptions?
Which assumptions? The assumption that the accurate predictions and use of a scientific model is a sign of its accuracy?
Dudn't it make more sense to listen to the assertions of an astronmer who does know?
No. Especially when that astronomer is contradicting practically every other astronomer on the planet.
Are you paranoid?
No I'm mocking you and simultaneously making a reference to Poe's Law (link) which I note I'm not the first to do so in this thread. :chuckle:


Literal lunatic
Dear 1Mind1Spirit,

I did check out about 15mins of the presentation you posted for me. It sounds interesting, but after hearing there were six parts of it, and part one was an hour long, I decided to give up. I thought initially that all Parts 1 through 6 were going to be an hour total.

If they have something there, it will hit the newspapers soon enough in the future. I mean if it's true, it will rock the world of science.

I don't understand how big a photon is. Does it have a nucleus and an electron, proton and neutron?? If you don't know, I'll understand. It was kind of hard for me to understand 'cause my brain is just not familiar with science of that type (physics??). Anyway, thanks for letting me know about it. What do you deduce from it all?? Did you listen to ALL 6 parts/primers? Let me know.

God Bless You Tons, 1Mind,


Keep in mind what a primer is. :idea:

I cant watch it for you.


New member
No, Yer assumption as to which one they are using.
You mean geocentric vs heliocentric? My assumption is they use relativity making the point moot and thus they will shift their frame of reference depending on which is easier to calculate. But regardless of which frame of reference (earth or sun) the earth will always have to be rotating and the planets will always orbit the sun.

Also is very hard to take you seriously when you keep saying "yer"


Well-known member
You mean geocentric vs heliocentric? My assumption is they use relativity making the point moot and thus they will shift their frame of reference depending on which is easier to calculate. But regardless of which frame of reference (earth or sun) the earth will always have to be rotating and the planets will always orbit the sun.

Also is very hard to take you seriously when you keep saying "yer"

He is playing the role of a dumb redneck pretending to be a smart redneck. He is probably not even a redneck.


Well-known member
What's an ole longhair? I'm unfamiliar with the term as I don't think it is used where I live (I only know what redneck means due to TV and movie imports like the Simpsons :p )

I think he means what Reagan called hippies, but he does not want to alienate any "conservative Christian" element who might like Reagan.

Ronald Reagan said:
A hippie is someone who looks like Tarzan, walks like Jane and smells like Cheetah.

I think in his twisted mind that is where he gains some of his rebellion of accurate information.

I was born 4 months after the last baby boomer. So my culture is essentially that culture from which the hippies emerged, since there was no generation x when I was growing up. Of course if anyone has read any history and literature about that movement like Kerouac then they know that culture actually was a conglomeration that sprang from the beat generation. I know many people who claim to be long hairs, simply because they like to keep their hair long (and they are clueless about what that freak flag originally meant). This does not make them anything other than "people who keep their hair long". And it certainly does not preclude them from being a redneck. In fact where I am from the less educated red necks (I grew up in a town full of rednecks - I got a little in me too except I am Sicilian ancestry and I tan easily) can have long or short hair. If they have long hair they are viewed as hippies/long hairs, if they have short hair they are just called raggies. :D
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Dear Noguru,

My thread is open again for me to write a bit. I'm thinking that maybe you don't get along with 1Mind1Spirit? Nah, I'm kidding. And it seems that you get along with Tyrathca. So I didn't want to bother you all with my banter. Hey, I had to delete all of my Sent and Received PMs because I exceeded the limit. It said I had 96 with only 75 allowed. Will chat with you again soon.

God's Love For You!

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Dear 1Mind1Spirit,

Let me know how it turns out, long hair!! I've had my share of long hair, and never a redneck, though I'm a Midwesterner and have tilled 1/8 acre of land to plant a garden. Rototilled it in the Spring before planting and in the fall so that the leftover roots could become mulch. We had GREAT SOIL after all of that!

By the way, I hate gardens now. Too much work. Especially the weeding, and digging a big compost hole for all of the remaining dying plants to make the soil richer. The pits!! So you're planting a garden now or am I wrong? Kind of late, but I guess the weather was at fault.

The Weirdest Winter Ever??

God Be With You,



Literal lunatic
Come on genius.

Explain why something as big as the earth turning is not under the same rules as the washer and dryer turning.

Hot air wont cut it.


Now that we have heard all yer jokes, and seen all yer diversionary tactics, Noguru, Jose, and Tryathca........

Answer the question.

Like I said hot air wont cut it.

Neither will assumptions as to what NASA is doing.

Explain why something as big as the earth turning is not under the same rules as the washer and dryer turning.


Literal lunatic
Dear 1Mind1Spirit,

Let me know how it turns out, long hair!! I've had my share of long hair, and never a redneck, though I'm a Midwesterner and have tilled 1/8 acre of land to plant a garden. Rototilled it in the Spring before planting and in the fall so that the leftover roots could become mulch. We had GREAT SOIL after all of that!

By the way, I hate gardens now. Too much work. Especially the weeding, and digging a big compost hole for all of the remaining dying plants to make the soil richer. The pits!! So you're planting a garden now or am I wrong? Kind of late, but I guess the weather was at fault.

The Weirdest Winter Ever??

God Be With You,


Stay with the topic, ay?
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