Creation vs. Evolution

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Dear Stuart,

I read the article too, and I think this electromagnetism has something to it. Let's face it. It is a strong force. Maybe gravity and electromagnetism are the same or related? Wow, there sure is a lot to learn. I'm glad I'm going to someone Who will explain it all to me. Whew!!!

Much Love Coming Your Way, Stuart,



Literal lunatic
I can assure you 1Mind that I am one smart cookie already!! God and my guardian archangel helps me with all of that.



Dude, I wrote this to Jose Fly.....

go back a few months into this thread and actually read it.

You might learn sumpthin

Now how in the world did that make you think I went back and read it?

just wonderin cause you said this.

Am glad to hear that you went back and read some of this thread 1Mind. That is very kind and smart of you.


Dear 1Mind1Spirit,

You are TOO funny! I do hope though, that you've read the OP on this thread. I checked out your article too, and I really wonder how much gravity and electromagnetism of the earth have to do with one another. I'll bet they are the same thing, maybe. Maybe there is no gravity, like when you're further from the earth's electromagnetism. But you get sucked in the closer you are to the earth's poles. It's a thought!!??

In Christ's Love, Missouri Boy!! (That's Good, I'm From Michigan)!



Dude, I wrote this to Jose Fly.....

Now how in the world did that make you think I went back and read it?

just wonderin cause you said this.

Dear 1Mind1Spirit,

I just thought perhaps maybe you had done the same thing. If you'd ever read all of the posts in this Creation vs. Evolution thread, you would be amazed!!! It's Beyond!!






Dear 1Mind1Spirit,

THANKS!!! That means a lot to me. It says more than words could.

May Jesus Grab Your Hand and Heart,



Literal lunatic
Because the earth would have to be moving in a periodical motion in order to make the stars appear to be moving in their corresponding periodical motion.

I did read the link. This has everything to do with it.

If the earth is moving in orbit round the sun, then the geosynchronous orbit claims of the linked page cannot be right. Unless the rising and setting of the sun is an illusion.


The earth does not move, period.

It does not spin, it does not orbit the sun.

Neither are we our galaxy or sun hurling through space at 600,000 mph.


New member
I read the article too, and I think this electromagnetism has something to it. Let's face it. It is a strong force.
Under what circumstances is it a strong force, do you think?

Maybe gravity and electromagnetism are the same or related?
Maybe they are. If you solve that one, do let someone know. It has occupied the finest minds in physics for a long time now.



Dear 1Mind1Spirit,

Who knows what is really going on to be honest. Maybe it's all a fourth dimension. God will be removing a veil so people can see Him face to face. So that will be like another dimension. That's one I know about. It's all going to be interesting. I don't know what to think. Jesus really never tackled the question, so there is no telling. But He does say we will rule the earth for 1,000 years until and after Satan is loosed again to confuse the earth's people. And after that probably 1,000 more years all together, that's it. Then New Jerusalem. Can't wait!!

Oh well, time will tell,



Under what circumstances is it a strong force, do you think?

Maybe they are. If you solve that one, do let someone know. It has occupied the finest minds in physics for a long time now.


Dear Stuart,

It keeps our south and north poles in position. That's how strong a magnetic force is. But there probably is gravity AND electromagnetism. Because that would not explain why certain things that are nonmagnetic can still fall as with gravity. Now, an apple has juice in it, thus water, and water does conduct electricity. But there are other things where it wouldn't work, so that botches that up. Oh well, have to analyze everything.

I don't mean to leave you with a spiritual goodbye, so I will say,

Hasta Luego, Stuart,




New member
Where to start with how wrong (and badly argued) that site is....

What stands out is that the writer assumes "science" assumes the earth rotates and he then assumes it instead does not and therefore geosync satellites are just hanging above us and therefore ???? therefore BIBLE BE SCIENZES!11one!

Yet we don't have to assume the earth rotates, we've had multiple reasons to believe so for hundreds of years and even since the mid 19th century we've had an empirical test for it (link). The entire sites premise falls apart from there, we don't even need to get into the failings of logic in alternative explanations or the complete lack of mathematics or physics actually used (or even a basic understanding of electromagnetism).

Interesting to note.
This patent site that proved the satellites are stationary has been shut down.

( p.6 of 24)
Are you claiming that there was a conspiracy to keep "the truth" quiet which shut down this site? I really really hope so because that would add some extra hilarity. :eek:


Well-known member
The earth does not move, period.

It does not spin, it does not orbit the sun.

Neither are we our galaxy or sun hurling through space at 600,000 mph.

If the earth is not moving and the sun is not moving than how do you account for the days and the seasons?

Do you think the moon revolves around the earth?


New member
The earth does not move, period.

It does not spin, it does not orbit the sun.

Neither are we our galaxy or sun hurling through space at 600,000 mph.
Your fine nation led the way in the 1960s. Education in the sciences across the English-speaking world benefited massively from the political focus placed on maths and science in the US.

It looks like you managed to escape all that.



Well-known member
Your fine nation led the way in the 1960s. Education in the sciences across the English-speaking world benefited massively from the political focus placed on maths and science in the US.

It looks like you managed to escape all that.


Apparently 0mind100spirits escapes reality quite often, perhaps most of each day.


New member

Wow, what a great site. I especially liked all the different colors used. Just magical what you can do with highlighters.

What? You mean it was a serious scientific analysis? No? Really? C'mon, are you just another manifestation of Stripe? What does Walt Brown think about all this?

No one can be that good at using colors for highlighting and be that incredibly ignorant at the same time.
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