Creation vs. Evolution

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Stay with the topic, ay?

Howdy, 1Mind1Spirit,

My topic left when you all took off to a different thread. I didn't know how to find y'all. Well, it does sound like, after all, you are all not getting along. I don't really know anyway. Nothing would surprise me, I guess. I wish I could have heard what y'all had to say, but you went to a different thread, so now I don't know what to think. I'd have to think about it long and hard. It is baffling.

May God Give You Strength In Spirit,



Literal lunatic
Howdy, 1Mind1Spirit,

My topic left when you all took off to a different thread. I didn't know how to find y'all. Well, it does sound like, after all, you are all not getting along. I don't really know anyway. Nothing would surprise me, I guess. I wish I could have heard what y'all had to say, but you went to a different thread, so now I don't know what to think. I'd have to think about it long and hard. It is baffling.

May God Give You Strength In Spirit,


I didn't follow them yo-yos anywhere bro.

I just got busy elsewhere.


New member
Evolution is a mathematical impossibility and remains so. Also to many Gaps and lack of evidence. Explain the workings of a single cell and how it evolved.


New member
Evolution is a mathematical impossibility and remains so. Also to many Gaps and lack of evidence. Explain the workings of a single cell and how it evolved.

We are not your high school teacher or university lecturer. If you can't be bothered to educate yourself at least in part why do you presume that strangers on the internet should teach you for free?

While you're at it you might as well ask for the quantum mechanical workings of a singularity and the physics of its formation.


Copy of my recent post from: God has reconciled you to him through the death of his Son (Multi-page thread 1 2)
Nick M

Dear Nick,

Why would Jesus say, "If you LOVE ME, keep my commandments?" I'm not saying He isn't going to wait for you to quit sinning, but if you can keep from doing a certain sin and it is within your power to do so, but you go ahead and sin anyway, you are not showing your LOVE OF HIM! Now God has reconciled us all to Himself through Jesus Christ, Our Lord!! That doesn't mean you aren't suppose to repent. The last book in the Bible, (see Rev. 9:10) "Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorcery, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts, etc." That verse comes at the end of all of the other words in the Bible. That means it's for the time before the end, the latter days. Also see Daniel 9:24, "and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting RIGHTEOUSNESS, and seal up the vision and prophecy, and anoint the Most HOLY! It means do it, or that which is determined shall be poured upon the desolate."

Here is us Nick M: After I was saved by the salvation of Christ by God granting it as a gift to me, I tried to keep from sinning because I loved Jesus and automatically wanted to do it for Him because of that LOVE. I still sinned other sins that I didn't know were wrong, or the ones that I couldn't change yet. But Jesus still kept His Love for me, just like God did, and my angel Michael helped teach me how to continue to learn how to quit each sin as I was able, for if I LOVE Jesus, then I try to keep those commandments that I am able. I'm not saying that others cannot receive the salvation of Jesus Christ. It is a gift freely given by God and Jesus. I'm just saying that, as you grow to know Jesus Christ, our Lord, you learn to keep His commandments, for those you are able to until you finally get it all right and are ready to go to Heaven and know enough how to stay there, instead of falling from it because you can't keep from sinning. If you want to keep calling people Fool, when you know Jesus said not to do it, then fine. I'll do what I want and you do what you want.

I have changed my life with every part of my being to be what I think would please Jesus, by keeping the commandments He taught me. And I really am very happy because of it. I am on Cloud 9. Whoever thought I'd be able to change. Not me. But with God, everything is possible.

Anyone who wants Salvation through Jesus Christ is very welcome to it. See Rev. 2:10, 11, "behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that you may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days; be thou faithful unto death and I (Jesus) will give thee a crown of life....He that overcomes shall not be hurt of the second death." See Rev. 3:19, "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten; be zealous therefore, and REPENT." So this is AFTER all that the apostles had their chances to say. If you are misunderstanding the Apostles by simply quoting what you want others to hear, that isn't too smart. I'd rather go by the words Jesus Himself said.

Nick, I do know your point. I know what you're trying to say. That there is no price tag on Salvation. Every one who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. But those who are still sinning when He comes this time, shall have to just wait until the Second Death. Now, do you know anything about these things that I am telling you?? Best it is to go to heaven during this Resurrection, on such the Second Death hath no power. Those are Jesus' words.

God has granted me FREE SALVATION. I have ACCEPTED IT. I AM SAVED. I NOW LOVE JESUS. Therefore, because He asks me, I keep His commandments out of that LOVE, and I have quit drinking even one drop of alcohol, absolutely no sex, not even thinking about it, no cigs, same thing. It's so simple. Well, if you don't have it by now and want to keep calling people Fool, go ahead. See Matt. 5:22, "but whosoever shall say, 'Thou fool,' shall be in danger of hell fire."

Nick, you want to be teacher, fine. "Get the beam out of your own eye first before you try to pull the mote out of your brother's eye." (See Matt. 7:3, 4, 5). Stick a fork in me, I am done.

God Bless You,

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Copy of Post from another thread:

From Nick M,

He is raised up, and the perverts are drawn like moths to a flame.

My Reply:

Your little quips don't cut it. Sounds like you are the big pervert, you Mothra. What is your deal? He was raised up hundreds of years ago, and you're mentioning it now, as if there haven't already been enough perverts like you who've come speaking against Him??

My Mom was a saint in the Truest sense of the word. God loved her very much and her name meant "Consecrated to God." Her name was Elizabeth, but everyone called her Betty. Such a sweetheart and a God-fearing, God-LOVING woman. She found a nice Nazarene Church that we went to for 3 and 1/2 years. And we even had dinner at the Pastor's home. But after that ended, for a couple years, the Devil cast as a flood after her, that she could not keep from drinking beer. And she would drink sometimes a whole 12-pk. a nite, but usually not every day of the week, at first. She could not handle herself well with even two beers in her. She was obnoxious and embarrassing at times. She wasn't doing the right thing. She just wasn't happy and was trying to drown the pain and sorrow. That was sent to her from the devil, I repeat. See Rev. 12:15, 16, "And the serpent (devil) cast out of his mouth 'water' as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman (Bible TV & the Bible), and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth; and the dragon was wroth (greatly angry/fed up) with the woman..."

My Mom overcame her 'addiction/sin' with help from God and her guardian angels, and she was just fine without drinking anymore for a year or so, and then she died at age 61." She had overcome her sin before she died. Do I think I'll see her in Heaven when I die? I'll sure bet you I will!! I've overcome all of my weaknesses/addictions/sins also before I am going to die, and will I make it to heaven. I'll sure bet I will. But only God can decide that. Only God will judge me. Not even any one named Nick M. Are you God, Nick? Are you Jesus?? Who are you? What's your big beef?? You think that when Jesus reconciled you with God, you didn't have to keep 'ways' any longer and you were free to sin at will. You could do nothing wrong. Am I getting hot here, or is that the flame. Only you know. I'm not here to judge you either. Just giving you some words of wisdom from someone who's been through it ALL already. MORE THAN you'll EVER KNOW!! You don't know me because you choose not to know me, because I make you angry. Why? You know the reason. From him who is forgiven little, his love is less. But from him who is forgiven much, his love is GREATER. I have been forgiven much. Is that it Nick? Do you bear a grudge against me for it? My LOVE FOR GOD is greater indeed and I know Him and He knows me.

Please leave me alone! I'm tired of it! But if you refuse, not only will I speak up but I will also at some point, leave it in God's Hands, and believe me, you will not like it!



Dear All,

Just wanted to keep these two last posts in case they got lost on Nick M's thread.




Here is a post from ECT: Why Tongues Ceased To Keep For Record.

Dear All,

I went to my church, and it was called The Lord's House, all of us were in our 20's and it was during the times of 'and your sons and daughters shall see visions and speak in tongues'. Well, it was happening. First someone would say something in tongues, then a 1/2 min. or so later, someone else would shout out the true meaning in English. It was real. I was visited by the Holy Ghost at home and I started singing like Cat Stevens. And I didn't sing very good before that. My bedroom was in the basement below the Family Room and my amp was on, and I started singing right after the Holy Spirit showed me that Cat was dying of TB and was in a hospital room and that the Lord would visit him and he would live and start singing different music. Well, I started to sing Peace Train again, and my Mom said, "Al, do you hear how he's singing?? Do you hear what he's singing about??" Because Peace Train meant get ready for the Second Coming.

I know since then, he has embraced Islam. It's a shame. I tried to get ahold of him years before then so he might embrace Christianity, and had one of his band members on the phone, but I couldn't get a message through to him. He is very reclusive too. Since then, we have been going through the tribulation for all of these years and it is no longer time right now for Speaking in Tongues. Soon Jesus will return though.

Well, that's what happened.



Dear noguru,

Would you know how to put this thread on the "TOL Topic of the Day." I feel there is a lot of new info in the last four posts on this thread, and I want to share them with everyone. What do you think?? I haven't the foggiest idea how to do it. Do you think it's a bad idea??

How's everything else going?? I hope you are happy/content. It was like over 105 here today. I hibernated inside. The house has a Evaporative Cooler (hard to explain) and it also has an A/C Unit on it. We don't need to run the A/C unless it's the Monsoon season here. Usually July, Aug., and Sept. is our monsoon season. That's when we have the heat and the HUMIDITY. That's where A/C in the car becomes real handy!! Now that costs over $300/mo. for the electric bill then. But during other months, when it is a dry heat only, we can run the Evaporative Cooler then for quite cheap. It is water-cooled air, is the best way I know how to explain it. This is the first place I've lived where they've had such things. They are also called "Swamp Coolers." Something to do with the humidity. Anyway, during those times, the electric bill is only about $100/mo. Much better.

OK, hope I'm not too much off-topic!! ROTFL!! I'll quit gabber-jawing away here. If you can help me, let me know. You can PM me or just tell me here, if you want.

Jesus' Blessings Upon Your Heart and Head,



New member
Evolution is a mathematical impossibility and remains so. Also to many Gaps and lack of evidence. Explain the workings of a single cell and how it evolved.



Dear Daedaleon's_Sun,

How are you doing? U R 2 Much!! It is a funny comic!! So I get a chuckle too! However...

God Lift You Up To See His Son!!





New member
I'm posting this on several anti evolution thread in an effort to actually educate, please pardon the repetition.

Evolution depends on about 4 or so underlying premises.

1 Like begets like. Cats have kittens. Chicken eggs hatch out chicks. Ingeneral offspring resemble there parents.

2 The above observation is not a perfect process. Freaks happen. Children do not exactly resemble their parents. It does not matter what the mechanism of this is, it only matters that it happens.

3 Not everything lives to have off spring. Some individuals die befor becoming parents.

4 If a trait you inhereted causes you to fail to reproduce, then that trait will not be passed on to your offspring. If your grandfather had no children then chances are good you will not either.

If whatever objection to evolution you raise does not address those basic observations, then it is just meaningless noise.


New member
Here is a post from ECT: Why Tongues Ceased To Keep For Record.

Dear All,

I went to my church, and it was called The Lord's House, all of us were in our 20's and it was during the times of 'and your sons and daughters shall see visions and speak in tongues'. Well, it was happening. First someone would say something in tongues, then a 1/2 min. or so later, someone else would shout out the true meaning in English. It was real.

"Speaking in tongues" are not real languages, they're spasms of spoken syllables. They don't posses anything resembling the syntax of language. Anyone that offers a 'translation' is offering you a pile of bovine fecal matter. If anyone were capable of speaking a real language, that we can objectively verify, during one of these sessions then I'd be impressed.


New member
"Speaking in tongues" are not real languages, they're spasms of spoken syllables. They don't posses anything resembling the syntax of language. Anyone that offers a 'translation' is offering you a pile of bovine fecal matter. If anyone were capable of speaking a real language, that we can objectively verify, during one of these sessions then I'd be impressed.
It occurs to me that "tongues " can now be scientifically verified, or debunked. We have recording devices now. If some one "speaks" we just need to record it, post it on the internet and wait to see what language it is as native speakers post comments.

One Eyed Jack

New member
It occurs to me that "tongues " can now be scientifically verified, or debunked. We have recording devices now. If some one "speaks" we just need to record it, post it on the internet and wait to see what language it is as native speakers post comments.

Yeah, but the people who identify glossolalia as speaking in tongues will say it's a Heavenly language that only God knows. I think it's just a bunch of jibber-jabber, myself.

It would be kinda funny if somebody broke out sounding like an old modem at one of these revivals or wherever these things tend to happen.



New member
Yeah, but the people who identify glossolalia as speaking in tongues will say it's a Heavenly language that only God knows. I think it's just a bunch of jibber-jabber, myself.

It would be kinda funny if somebody broke out sounding like an old modem at one of these revivals or wherever these things tend to happen.

Oh I agree but the test is still worth doing.
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