Creation vs. Evolution

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Well-known member
Okay, Barney.

Well I am probably more like Andy. My friends tell me I have the patience of a saint. And in person I can usually talk people out of doing really stupid things. Unfortunately those skills don't seem to translate into web communication with people like you.


New member
Dear D_S,

Sounds like you had religion forced down your throat at an early age.

You can say I was quite well exposed to a particular brand of theology.

No wonder you rebelled. I might have done the same, maybe probably!!

What we are talking about are cultural beliefs that I dismiss as such. If to you the exercise of intellect is an act of rebellion, then perhaps so.

I wasn't saved until I was 12, and before the age of 11, I did not know about being Christian or having Christ in your heart and soul. At the moment I asked Him to come into my life, with the Pastor

They try to get you when you're young. The primacy effect.

You were too young. You've gotten cheated out of your birthright! Don't settle for it. Tell God you want Him to be with you NOW!!!

I wasn't cheated out of anything, I rejected a belief because I did not find it convincing; still don't.

If there is a God I'm quite certain it is not the anthropomorphic entity that you imagine.

And do you believe in the Creation as God told us

Us? God has not told us anything. There are those that claim to have spoken to God, but I am not privy to those conversations. I hear only those who claim to speak on God's behalf. How fortunate for them that I do not hear him speaking upon his own behalf, yes?


Did you have another of your visions or something? One in which I die and you attend my funeral?

Dear noguru,

Very funny!!! My visions are very rare indeed. I didn't attend your funeral, but you are a Card!!

My last vision was about Phoenix here. I was standing at a bus stop, and I was the only one there, and an angel spoke to me and said, "Look Around. You see the Palm Trees, the climate, the desert plants, the hot sun. This city is named after an Egyptian mythological bird called a Phoenix. This city is spiritually like Sodom and Egypt. Like Sodom, because of it's haughty people, and that they don't take care of their hungry and poor here, (for there are so many homeless people here who suffer the winter and the summer). This is the city you will die in. And you shall be killed by Satan, and you shall be dead three and one half days, and after that, God will put His Spirit of Life back into you, and you shall raise upon your feet, and He shall call you up to Heaven, and you shall rise from hence." And that was my vision. Because of that, I determined that it would be Phoenix who would have the greatest earthquake ever since man has been upon earth, for it says after God rose these two witnesses up to Heaven, within that same hour shall there be a great earthquake, and the Sun shall be darkened like sackcloth of hair, and the moon shall turn to blood (a lunar eclipse), and the stars shall fall from heaven (like figs that are not ripe yet), and the heavens shall be shaken, and you shall see the sign of the Son of Man, and then He will appear with the clouds coming in Heaven...etc."

This was my last vision, noguru. For you, I have revealed it, because I care so much about you!!


Notice: These were the sins of Sodom (not homosexuality): Pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me; therefore I (God) took them away as I saw good." See Ezekiel 16:49, 16:50. I don't care what anyone says, 'sodomy' means 'haughty people'. It's also written, "and there were Sodomites in the"

P.S. Jerusalem was spiritually the same way when they crucified Jesus!



Literal lunatic
I'm not familiar with that author. Is he a confirmed alcoholic writer like Charles Bukowski?

Acts 4:36 KJVA
And Joses, who by the apostles was surnamed Barnabas, (which is , being interpreted , The son of consolation,) a Levite, and of the country of Cyprus,

From the epistle of Barnabas.......

10. Understand therefore, children, these things more fully, that Abraham, who was the first that brought in circumcision, looking forward in the Spirit to Jesus, was circumcised, having received the mystery of three letters.

11. For the Scripture says that Abraham circumcised three hundred and eighteen men of his house. But what was the mystery that was made known to him?

12. Mark, first the eighteen, and next the three hundred. For the numeral letters of ten and eight are I H. And these denote Jesus.

13. And because it was by the cross we were to find grace, he said, three hundred; the note of which is T (the figure of his cross). Therefore by two letters he signified Jesus, and by the third his cross.

14. He who has put the engrafted gift of his doctrine within us, knows that I never taught to anyone a more certain truth; but I trust that you are worthy of it.
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Literal lunatic
Well I am probably more like Andy. My friends tell me I have the patience of a saint. And in person I can usually talk people out of doing really stupid things. Unfortunately those skills don't seem to translate into web communication with people like you.

You forget, I have witnessed the extent of yer patience.

Shall I post yer neg rep comments?

All one has to do is go back over this thread to see which one of us has been patient with whom.


Literal lunatic
Dear noguru,

Very funny!!! My visions are very rare indeed. I didn't attend your funeral, but you are a Card!!

My last vision was about Phoenix here. I was standing at a bus stop, and I was the only one there, and an angel spoke to me and said, "Look Around. You see the Palm Trees, the climate, the desert plants, the hot sun. This city is named after an Egyptian mythological bird called a Phoenix. This city is spiritually like Sodom and Egypt. Like Sodom, because of it's haughty people, and that they don't take care of their hungry and poor here, (for there are so many homeless people here who suffer the winter and the summer). This is the city you will die in. And you shall be killed by Satan, and you shall be dead three and one half days, and after that, God will put His Spirit of Life back into you, and you shall raise upon your feet, and He shall call you up to Heaven, and you shall rise from hence." And that was my vision. Because of that, I determined that it would be Phoenix who would have the greatest earthquake ever since man has been upon earth, for it says after God rose these two witnesses up to Heaven, within that same hour shall there be a great earthquake, and the Sun shall be darkened like sackcloth of hair, and the moon shall turn to blood (a lunar eclipse), and the stars shall fall from heaven (like figs that are not ripe yet), and the heavens shall be shaken, and you shall see the sign of the Son of Man, and then He will appear with the clouds coming in Heaven...etc."

This was my last vision, noguru. For you, I have revealed it, because I care so much about you!!


Notice: These were the sins of Sodom (not homosexuality): Pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me; therefore I (God) took them away as I saw good." See Ezekiel 16:49, 16:50. I don't care what anyone says, 'sodomy' means 'haughty people'. It's also written, "and there were Sodomites in the"

P.S. Jerusalem was spiritually the same way when they crucified Jesus!


You better stay off that peyote, boy. :chuckle:


Literal lunatic
Originally Posted by MichaelCadry
This is the city you will die in. And you shall be killed by Satan, and you shall be dead three and one half days, and after that, God will put His Spirit of Life back into you, and you shall raise upon your feet, and He shall call you up to Heaven, and you shall rise from hence." And that was my vision.

I dont doubt you saw this.

However, scriptrure tells us that Christs return is early in the third day.

We are now about 20 years into the third day. (one day being 1,000 years).

You will die and later be resurrected at the same time on the third day as the rest of us.

You are not one of the two last witnesses.

Exodus 19:16 KJVA
And it came to pass on the third day in the morning, that there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick

cloud upon the mount, and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud; so that all the people that was in the camp trembled .


Dear 1Mind,

You speak of a time of Joshua. I already have been told by God that I am one of the two witnesses who would come in the latter days, and that I was a candlestick and olive tree who stood before Him and the face of the whole earth. You're welcome, of course, to believe whatever you want, but as far as this situation, you are going to be quite surprised at what the future brings.

In God's Love,



Literal lunatic
Dear 1Mind,

You speak of a time of Joshua. I already have been told by God that I am one of the two witnesses who would come in the latter days, and that I was a candlestick and olive tree who stood before Him and the face of the whole earth. You're welcome, of course, to believe whatever you want, but as far as this situation, you are going to be quite surprised at what the future brings.

In God's Love,


Nothin' to be surprised about.

I have seen my last day here, and where I will sit down to watch my last sunset.

The one simple fact is, you have tried to determine what yer visions meant.
And I see much error in it.

Originally Posted by MichaelCadry
Because of that, I determined that it would be Phoenix who would have the greatest earthquake ever since man has been upon earth, for it says after God rose these two witnesses up to Heaven, within that same hour shall there be a great earthquake, and the Sun shall be darkened like sackcloth of hair, and the moon shall turn to blood (a lunar eclipse), and the stars shall fall from heaven (like figs that are not ripe yet), and the heavens shall be shaken, and you shall see the sign of the Son of Man, and then He will appear with the clouds coming in Heaven...etc."


Literal lunatic
Dear 1Mind,

You speak of a time of Joshua.

In God's Love,


I speak of Him who was, is and is to come.

Matthew 13:33 KJVA
Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took , and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened .

Genesis 18:6 KJVA
And Abraham hastened into the tent unto Sarah, and said , Make ready quickly three measures of fine meal, knead it, and make cakes upon the hearth .


Nothin' to be surprised about.

I have seen my last day here, and where I will sit down to watch my last sunset.

The one simple fact is, you have tried to determine what yer visions meant.
And I see much error in it.

Dear 1Mind,

You just misunderstood what I was saying. I was told by the angel that I would die in Phoenix. I only came to Phoenix because God gave me a sign to come here. I wanted to go to Florida. But He sent 8 inches of snow, which meant Phoenix. I get certain ways that He finalizes things with me, like rain, and snow, and storms, and earthquakes, etc. (See Rev. 11:6). Anyway, I'm almost positive that the greatest earthquake since man has been on earth will be in Phoenix, but there is just one small iota that I may be wrong, so that's why I had said determined. You just don't understand. I can say with conviction that it will be Phoenix. But if by some small iota I'm wrong, I want to make sure I say it. That's all!

God Be With You,



Literal lunatic
Dear 1Mind,

You just misunderstood what I was saying. I was told by the angel that I would die in Phoenix. I only came to Phoenix because God gave me a sign to come here. I wanted to go to Florida. But He sent 8 inches of snow, which meant Phoenix. I get certain ways that He finalizes things with me, like rain, and snow, and storms, and earthquakes, etc. (See Rev. 11:6). Anyway, I'm almost positive that the greatest earthquake since man has been on earth will be in Phoenix, but there is just one small iota that I may be wrong, so that's why I had said determined. You just don't understand. I can say with conviction that it will be Phoenix. But if by some small iota I'm wrong, I want to make sure I say it. That's all!

God Be With You,


Thats all well and good.

However, God confirming something with a sign, or the Holy Spirit showing you something that will happen, is not the same as having the power spoken of in the verse you attached to this post.


Thats all well and good.

However, God confirming something with a sign, or the Holy Spirit showing you something that will happen, is not the same as having the power spoken of in the verse you attached to this post.

Dear 1Mind,

Thank you extremely much!!

May God Endear Himself To You,



So the random mutations that cause horrible diseases like neurofibromatosis are all supervised by your god.



Dear Stuu,

Yes, but you must have spelled it wrong. It's also the same for AIDS, multiple sclerosis, etc. People have to die from something, or they will never be able to go to Heaven, right? So the devil causes them a disease. Or God takes them home in a whirlwind, hurricane, landslide, earthquake, boating accident, drowning, etc. Yes, even children. So neglectful people will learn better. It's all very involved, Stuart. Read Rev. 6:11. The end cannot come until all those who are supposed to die, do so. Everything is waiting upon that!

God Help You To Understand,



New member
Dear Stuu,

Yes, but you must have spelled it wrong. It's also the same for AIDS, multiple sclerosis, etc. People have to die from something, or they will never be able to go to Heaven, right? So the devil causes them a disease. Or God takes them home in a whirlwind, hurricane, landslide, earthquake, boating accident, drowning, etc. Yes, even children. So neglectful people will learn better. It's all very involved, Stuart. Read Rev. 6:11. The end cannot come until all those who are supposed to die, do so. Everything is waiting upon that!

God Help You To Understand,

So the devil is simply part of God's overall plan and a necessary element is death, even an unpleasant one?
Would eradicating smallpox and polio be against that plan and a sin?
Should we not instead be encouraging more death and disease Michael?
Pope Urban initiated the first crusade and Christian Jahid causing great misery and death because the crusaders believed that their salvation could be earned by their death in a holy war. Which was why so many willing fought fanatically to the death, something we accuse radical Islamists of today.:rolleyes:
I think however such fanatical religious beliefs are the real problem here and that all causes of death and human misery should be vigorously combated, not simply accepted. :plain:


Well-known member
You forget, I have witnessed the extent of yer patience.

Shall I post yer neg rep comments?

All one has to do is go back over this thread to see which one of us has been patient with whom.

Yes, I also recognize impossible people quite quickly now that I have learned their initial signs. Because lets face it, real life is not exactly like the Andy Griffith show, that was made for TV. I do not think a character like you could be thoroughly investigated on the Andy Griffith show. I think you would be better fodder for the Jerry Springer show.

By all means share any comment I posted about you. It was all true.
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Well-known member
Acts 4:36 KJVA
And Joses, who by the apostles was surnamed Barnabas, (which is , being interpreted , The son of consolation,) a Levite, and of the country of Cyprus,

From the epistle of Barnabas.......

10. Understand therefore, children, these things more fully, that Abraham, who was the first that brought in circumcision, looking forward in the Spirit to Jesus, was circumcised, having received the mystery of three letters.

11. For the Scripture says that Abraham circumcised three hundred and eighteen men of his house. But what was the mystery that was made known to him?

12. Mark, first the eighteen, and next the three hundred. For the numeral letters of ten and eight are I H. And these denote Jesus.

13. And because it was by the cross we were to find grace, he said, three hundred; the note of which is T (the figure of his cross). Therefore by two letters he signified Jesus, and by the third his cross.

14. He who has put the engrafted gift of his doctrine within us, knows that I never taught to anyone a more certain truth; but I trust that you are worthy of it.

You do realize that the possessive of Barnabas would be Barnabas', not Barnabases, right? Or do simple rules of syntax also escape you?

Jose Fly

New member
Don't worry Jose Fly, it's under scrutiny by God. No genomes are changed one iota without approval from God.

So your god approves the changes that allow viruses to evolve around our vaccines? That allow pathogens to inflict immense suffering on children?

So the god you believe in is a bio-terrorist. Nice.
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