Creation vs. Evolution

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You bluff because you don't really feel entirely comfortable with believing stuff that honestly can't be shown to be real, so you unconsciously think that if you write it all loudly enough and from a very partisan direction then other people will chime in and prop up your beliefs. TOL really is a mutual conspiracy theory support group.

It's not about helping me, it's about helping you.


Oh Dear Stuart,

Of course it's about helping you. Do you think we have so much time to try to help you up the hill? It's not about us. It's about LOVE and God, and His Son Jesus, and the Holy Ghost.

Just ponder everything if you like. If not, that's fine too. You make up your mind.



That reminds me of something asked by paleontologist Kathleen Hunt regarding the trends in the fossil record of horses:

"A Question for Creationists: Creationists who wish to deny the evidence of horse evolution should careful consider this: how else can you explain the sequence of horse fossils? Even if creationists insist on ignoring the transitional fossils (many of which have been found), again, how can the unmistakable sequence of these fossils be explained? Did God create Hyracotherium, then kill off Hyracotherium and create some Hyracotherium-Orohippus intermediates, then kill off the intermediates and create Orohippus, then kill off Orohippus and create Epihippus, then allow Epihippus to "microevolve" into Duchesnehippus, then kill off Duchesnehippus and create Mesohippus, then create some Mesohippus-Miohippus intermediates, then create Miohippus, then kill off Mesohippus, etc.....each species coincidentally similar to the species that came just before and came just after?

Creationism utterly fails to explain the sequence of known horse fossils from the last 50 million years. That is, without invoking the "God Created Everything To Look Just Like Evolution Happened" Theory.

Then why do we need a new influenza vaccine every year? Is your god deliberately changing the genetics of the virus to help it elude our vaccines?

Dear Jose Fly,

God has given it to Satan to cause diseases to kill men, women and children, the same as cancer, emphysema, multiple sclerosis, strokes and heart attacks, etc. Only after the devil kills a person can that person go to heaven or not. See Rev. 6:11. I had a heart attack on the day the Lord first visited me. The devil was scared to death that the Lord was coming near to me, and my heart was beating out of my chest so that I could see it by looking down on my bare chest. I didn't know what to do, so I thought of calling a doctor, but figured he'd never get there in time, then I thought to call in my mother, but then figured what would she be able to do? As a last resort, I asked God to let me live and tell my family and friends about all of this. All of a sudden, His voice filled the room near the ceiling, saying, "Calm yourself, and think of those you love." I was amazed and did immediately what I was told. I was also curious that He just didn't say 'Calm 'down'. I tried to think of the ones I loved. Soon enough, I was calmed and fell asleep. The details of the two other things the Lord said to me are private for now.

God Be With You Always,



New member
Dear Jose Fly,

God has given it to Satan to cause diseases to kill men, women and children, the same as cancer, emphysema, multiple sclerosis, strokes and heart attacks, etc. Only after the devil kills a person can that person go to heaven or not. See Rev. 6:11. I had a heart attack on the day the Lord first visited me. The devil was scared to death that the Lord was coming near to me, and my heart was beating out of my chest so that I could see it by looking down on my bare chest. I didn't know what to do, so I thought of calling a doctor, but figured he'd never get there in time, then I thought to call in my mother, but then figured what would she be able to do? As a last resort, I asked God to let me live and tell my family and friends about all of this. All of a sudden, His voice filled the room near the ceiling, saying, "Calm yourself, and think of those you love." I was amazed and did immediately what I was told. I was also curious that He just didn't say 'Calm 'down'. I tried to think of the ones I loved. Soon enough, I was calmed and fell asleep. The details of the two other things the Lord said to me are private for now.

God Be With You Always,

So God told you not to seek urgent medical attention that could reduce your disability from this heart attack and instead you took a nap? And you assume that this "amazing" message came from god and not a delirium? (you were supposedly having a heart attack during which you lost consciousness after all and it wasn't good advice you were given)

I'm curious - how do you even know you had a heart attack? Did you eventually seek medical attention?


So God told you not to seek urgent medical attention that could reduce your disability from this heart attack and instead you took a nap? And you assume that this "amazing" message came from god and not a delirium? (you were supposedly having a heart attack during which you lost consciousness after all and it wasn't good advice you were given)

I'm curious - how do you even know you had a heart attack? Did you eventually seek medical attention?

You know Tyrathca,

Normally, I would suffer you and respond to your questions. But you are so ridiculously uncaring, self-serving and undesirable, that I'll just pretend I never knew you as a person. I took care of myself, just to say the least. To you, I don't even want to talk with. You're too much! That's all you can say after My God actually visited me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???




New member
I'm curious - how do you even know you had a heart attack? Did you eventually seek medical attention?

Best guess? Part of the same dream. Heart attack victims can't see their heart beating in their chest since the sinus rhythm is disrupted.

If it wasn't a dream, then it was more likely an arrhythmia like atrial fibrillation (palpitations), which is benign for short episodes.


No gcthomas,

Satan was actually trying to kill me. I know, you don't believe in Satan, or God, or whatever. You probably do believe in Satan, eh? Just not God? I'm glad you posted here on my site. How've you been doing?!! Miss you coming 'round here. I used to have that problem of trying to help atheists find God somehow, but I gave that up last nite with Stuu. Some things just aren't meant to be. I guess God just wants to let him and you to believe that way. Everyone has free choice.

How's your life treating you? You got a good set of wheels to get around in?? I'm driving a 2001 Ford Escort ZX2 with a spoiler. It's 4-cyl. dual overhead cam. 2.0 liter engine. I just love it. It's color is champagne. It's totally hard to tell. It's like silver, brown, pewter, etc. It just depends in which light you see it in. Very unusual. I spent $700 on the A/C system a couple mos. ago to make sure the A/C was working for summertime. You have to have that here in the summer, or you're a goner. Otherwise, you melt like a popsicle.

PM me sometime, and let me know what you're up to in your life.

God's Best Of Blessings For You GCT!!



New member
Dear Stuart,

Do you actually believe that? You don't know me or what I'm thinking/feeling at all evidently.

Well it's up to you to say what you are thinking and feeling. But I am discussing your motives. You may or may not be aware of them.



I don't need a human sacrifice in my name, thanks.


Dear Stuart,

The only reason that a Christian person would try so hard to convince you to know God and Jesus is because they don't want you to miss out on all of the SPECTACULAR LIFE you'll receive, rather than what you get otherwise, which is also a grief for the Christian person, because you don't know any better what you're doing.

Thanks for writing Stuart. I'm not going to keep convincing you to change. You've showed me that it is highly improbable, so not to bother any more. I love you as one of my brothers in Christ.

God Bless Your Dear Heart, Dude!!



I'm gonna have to buy a can of this soon!! It's been YEARS since I've had it.


New member
The only reason that a Christian person would try so hard to convince you to know God and Jesus is because they don't want you to miss out on all of the SPECTACULAR LIFE you'll receive
It's an immoral offer, no thanks.

I love you as one of my brothers in Christ.
Doesn't the bible tell you to dust off your shoes?



New member
I don't need a human sacrifice in my name, thanks.


Nor do I, the idea is abhorrent!

I would much prefer to cease to be when I die, than be in heaven with the Biblical deity, even poor old Satan, if it exists, couldn't be any worse!


New member
Nor do I, the idea is abhorrent!

I would much prefer to cease to be when I die, than be in heaven with the Biblical deity, even poor old Satan, if it exists, couldn't be any worse!
Yes, I don't think satan would require you to give up responsibility for your wrongdoing to the death of an executed prisoner. I couldn't give that up to anyone, it is mine to bear, and also to learn from.



New member
Yes, I don't think satan would require you to give up responsibility for your wrongdoing to the death of an executed prisoner. I couldn't give that up to anyone, it is mine to bear, and also to learn from.


Good for you.:up:


New member
You know Tyrathca,

Normally, I would suffer you and respond to your questions. But you are so ridiculously uncaring, self-serving and undesirable,
I'm sorry you feel that way though it also feels like your reaction is largely due to me doubting your testimony rather than being mean. Not that you have any rain to believe me but there are free who know me in real life who would call me uncaring out self serving. I do understand I can come across as abrasive and blunt online though.
that I'll just pretend I never knew you as a person.
Ummm.... You didn't ever know me as a person. You have had seldom interactions with me online of which you have gathered little to no details about who I am and what I'm like.
I took care of myself, just to say the least.
That's what I was afraid of, so you didn't seek medical attention?

If that is the case then my question stands, how did you know you had a heart attack? As someone with a healthcare background I know how bad laypeople are at diagnosing such things. Also as gcthomas has already pointed out your description doesn't even sound obviously like a heart attack and could be a number of other things.
To you, I don't even want to talk with. You're too much! That's all you can say after My God actually visited me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???


Yes that's all I have say, you do realize that I don't believe your god actually visited you or that he even exists ergo my lack of positive reaction to your story.
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Jose Fly

New member
Dear Jose Fly,

God has given it to Satan to cause diseases to kill men, women and children, the same as cancer, emphysema, multiple sclerosis, strokes and heart attacks, etc. Only after the devil kills a person can that person go to heaven or not. See Rev. 6:11. I had a heart attack on the day the Lord first visited me. The devil was scared to death that the Lord was coming near to me, and my heart was beating out of my chest so that I could see it by looking down on my bare chest. I didn't know what to do, so I thought of calling a doctor, but figured he'd never get there in time, then I thought to call in my mother, but then figured what would she be able to do? As a last resort, I asked God to let me live and tell my family and friends about all of this. All of a sudden, His voice filled the room near the ceiling, saying, "Calm yourself, and think of those you love." I was amazed and did immediately what I was told. I was also curious that He just didn't say 'Calm 'down'. I tried to think of the ones I loved. Soon enough, I was calmed and fell asleep. The details of the two other things the Lord said to me are private for now.

God Be With You Always,


So this "satan" is personally rearranging the genomes of pathogens?

Damn but creationists are bizarre.


New member
I cannot believe that there are people who try to make themselves appear as they're intelligent, but continue to try and justify the foolishness that comes out of their hearts. people jump on bandwagons to make themselves feel important and make themselves appear intelligent. That is why many gobble the foolishness of evolution. IT IS NOT A SCIENCE! that is what foolish professors and others call it. It is a theory that can never be experimented upon or replicated in a laboratory. Think about it, any 5-year old can give an opinion and it be ne less important that a person who has attained 5 PHDs. That is what separates the Bible and God, for that matter from people. We are the problem, from beginning to end. God is pure and objective in EVERY way shape and form. I do agree that God will never tell a person anything contrary to His Word so it does sound very immature and foolish, Michael. God spoke in earlier times and worked in earlier times, but the Bible (His word) is now complete. He can work that way, but that Bible says that the one doing the miracles in these last days (they could extend for another thousand years) would be the Antichrist who will deceive many. That's where we are in this day and age so jump in the bandwagons to make yourselves feel more important or ask for forgiveness once and for all before it's too late.

I hardly think it matters weather evolution is science or boogers. I'll just say they should keep evolution boogery and not use it to try to explain away creationism. Is that better?


I hardly think it matters weather evolution is science or boogers. I'll just say they should keep evolution boogery and not use it to try to explain away creationism. Is that better?

Dear bsmitts,

It doesn't matter whether evolution is false, Creationism isn't!!



Dear Jose Fly,

You can understand that sometimes God causes evil for the greater good. We catch a cold so that our mucus cleans out all of the dust and dirt we inhale every day. The air is filled with dust, etc. If the devil moves a genome out of place, God alters it or puts in right back. It is written that the Lord God plays with Satan as with a little bird. He is quite able to deal with Satan. We have to have diseases or some of us would never leave this planet. God takes people home to heaven through tornadoes, earthquakes, etc. So you must understand that I can't just put everything together in a small shoebox, there is a lot going on that we don't understand, but to God, it makes plenty of sense. And I want to reiterate that I MYSELF do not have ALL of the answers, so don't expect me to have an answer to every one of your questions. I do my best with what He gives me to give to each of you, but there are times, when He does not give to me to give to you, because He doesn't want you to know yet. As it is written in Isaiah 45:7, "I (the Lord God) form the light and create darkness; I make peace and create evil. I, the Lord, do ALL of these things." It does not mean that God has evil in Him in order to create it. Just as a bricklayer has not brick or cement in him, he still can form a brick house. Thus is similar to Creation by God. Hope this clears things up!

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