Creation vs. Evolution

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Ahhhh, I see you are starting to wake up and learning not to try and line up Gods word with what the secular world tells you is fact.

Thank you so much 1Mind1Spirit,

You're always there when you're needed most!!

Praise Jesus, and Glory to the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost!!



Do you know that God has dried the tears up in my eyes long ago. I didn't even cry at my father's or sister's funeral service. But I almost cried because of my good friend, noguru. I felt a tear well up. That's RARE for me.

God Be With You All Always,



Well-known member

Ahhhh, I see you are starting to wake up and learning not to try and line up Gods word with what the secular world tells you is fact.

What objective criteria do you use to determine what is or is not "a fact" from the "secular" world?


This is a copy of a post of mine on Jesus, a Creation of God. I wanted to include it here:

God's Son, the Word, became human as called the Son of God, as the Holy Ghost overshadowed Mary, and said this Son of God shall be named Jesus. See Matt. 1:18, "she was found with child of the Holy Ghost." Does that not show that including the Holy Ghost, Jesus and God, that there is indeed a Trinity?? See in Luke 1:35, "shall be called the Son of God!!"

I have help from my God to let you know these things. He, His Word/Son Jesus, and the Holy Ghost make Them a Trinity. Jesus says you might blaspheme Him, but do not blaspheme the Holy Ghost, for it is not forgivable neither in this life or the life to come. This Holy Ghost must be number one or two. Above or second to God. In the early days after the Lord God had visited me, I did use the four letter word with Him, and He still forgave me, and I know that because He has not left my side regardless. So I came speak against God and Jesus, but not against the Holy Ghost. Makes you wonder. And yes, I was very sorry that I got so mad at God, but I was a young son, and had just been conned in Miami of ALL of my food, bus, and drink money. I went to order a cup of coffee and found my handkerchief full of newspaper. I had been conned for the first time. I was incensed beyond my own control. It was the last $18 I had to last me. I worked for $15/day. An hour's pay was only $1 something. Anyway, I have never cursed the Holy Spirit/Ghost, thanks be to God, and I have been spared. It is better not to even discuss the Holy Ghost if you accidentally blaspheme Him. That is why I shy away from speaking of Him. He must be VERY DEAR TO GOD, for this to be so. I'm just telling you all. And I'm telling you this. I prayed to God and Jesus for something, and it just wouldn't happen. I was at the end of my rope and prayed to the Holy Ghost for the same thing, and it was mine within a few minutes. It is a private matter otherwise. But I am just telling you. And do not trivialize the Holy Ghost by praying to Him for money, etc. Don't risk your soul. Yes, there are three, the Trinity, just like Jesus said, "Baptize them in the name of the Father (Lord God), the Son (Lord Jesus), and the Holy Ghost!!" Does the trick for me for any of you out there wondering about it.

God Bless Each Of You Once Again. You Are My Family!!



Literal lunatic
Do you know that God has dried the tears up in my eyes long ago. I didn't even cry at my father's or sister's funeral service. But I almost cried because of my good friend, noguru. I felt a tear well up. That's RARE for me.

God Be With You All Always,


I know.

My tears are hard to come by also.

So much iniquity. :(


Literal lunatic
What objective criteria do you use to determine what is or is not "a fact" from the "secular" world?

The earth aint spinnin, the earth aint millions a years old, There aint no such thing as gravity.

And anything else that is contrary to the word of God.


Dear 1Mind,

My tears have not been dried up because of all of the iniquity in the world. My tears are dried up because of all of the things God has taught me. I don't cry or grieve those who pass away, because I know they are on to better things. So I laugh and say "Bless Their Heart" if they die. I don't want anyone crying at my funeral, for I cherish when that day will come. It will bring me closer than the One that I love the very most. So you see, I'm a very happy person and well-balanced. Maybe it's the Libra in me. I was born on Oct. 12, 1955. Columbus Day.

Glad to have you on board!!



Well-known member
The earth aint spinnin, the earth aint millions a years old, There aint no such thing as gravity.

And anything else that is contrary to the word of God.


Yeah, top notch logic there. I'm impressed.


Do they have a free clinic in your one horse town that gives free frontal lobotomies?


Dear noguru,

Really, I almost started crying because of you. I'll have to watch out for that. It was because of Love, not iniquity. Tender moments I am caught off-guard. Funerals I am ready for.

Thanks For Being There For Me,



Literal lunatic

Yeah, top notch logic there. I'm impressed.


Do they have a free clinic in your one horse town that gives free frontal lobotomies?

Besides, you gotta go to one a them thar AA meetins for one a them frontal lobe alterations dont yuh?


Well-known member
Dear noguru,

Really, I almost started crying because of you. I'll have to watch out for that. It was because of Love, not iniquity. Tender moments I am caught off-guard. Funerals I am ready for.

Thanks For Being There For Me,


Did you have another of your visions or something? One in which I die and you attend my funeral?
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