Creation vs. Evolution

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That's a lot. :chuckle:

Dear noguru,

Good to chat with you again. Yes, that is a lot! You know I don't need to tell you, since you're already a Christian, but any time now, Jesus' Return could happen. Four blood moons in two years, on holy days. He said He'd come like a thief in the night, and I'm sure he wasn't joking. Now I'm having this question about whether Jesus will return before or after the heavens roll together like a scroll. Time will tell. Do you have any answers. If the Lord guides me into knowing, I'll mention it on this thread. I know you've been busy on the other thread, but any way, do you know how few see each post on this thread?? Once Post here, another post a few days later, etc. No one gets the whole story really. I have the same trouble. I try to read all of the posts that I can up to the post that I'm wanting to reply to, but I still never get it right. Well, I'll keep an eye out for you on the other threads and join with you there.

God Bless The Souls Of You And Your Loved Ones,



New member
Dear Subtletrend,

There are so many. I will tell you about my first out-of-body "carried away by the Spirit" experience. In was April 3, 1974, and I was watching the TV showing a story about some bad tornadoes we'd had that went from Brandenburg, KY and through Xenia, Ohio, etc. I saw a white tornado on the TV and I never knew they existed. All of a sudden I was 'carried away by the Spirit' and I saw one like the Son of Man standing upon a white cloud, and he said, "Blessed are they who die from hereon in the name of the Lord. And he cast his sickle into the earth and reaped out some of the people from it. And again, I saw a black cloud, and one like the Son of Man standing there, and he cast his sickle into the earth, and even the horses were ripped apart from the tornadoes, even to their bridles. I then came back into my body and was amazed. Later in Oct. '74's Reader's Digest, they said that they had ran a path of 200 miles. The angel showed me in the Bible about the vision I'd had about the tornadoes and that they had ran a part of 1,600 furlongs, because there are 8 furlongs to one mile, thus 200 miles equals 1,600 furlongs. Look at Rev. 14:14 through Rev. 14:20. You can read about my out-of-body experience there. I hope this has helped you. Look up in your dictionary the word 'furlong' and you can proceed from there.

God Bless You Tons, Subletrend,


Thanks Mike...mind if I call you "Mike"?


New member
I just noticed this thread. As far as evolution is concerned, it should remain strictly a scientific study without using it in an ever growing futile attempt to dismiss truth such as Genesis 2:7 which states "Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into its nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature."
So you think there are some areas that are off-limits for science?

And no, I don't mind telling unbelievers this is truth. So, if God somehow used evolution, that's fine by me. However, I don't know if he did or not. The Bible doesn't mention (it as far as I know), so I leave the Bible the way it is.
So the bible is right regardless of what the universe looks like. That sounds like a mindless belief system to me. And I don't mind telling a believer that truth.



So you think there are some areas that are off-limits for science?

So the bible is right regardless of what the universe looks like. That sounds like a mindless belief system to me. And I don't mind telling a believer that truth.


Dear Stuart,

Don't let his uncertainty change any thoughts in your head or heart. You weren't raised knowing the Truth is exactly what happened to you. I already know that. You missed the boat because of a bad upbringing. Your whole belief system is a big lie. What a trip, Stu.

God Have Pity On Your Soul,




Dear bsmitts,

Don't you worry. God created and changed everything as He saw fit over the billions of years. There is no evolution. That's for people who don't believe in a God. They cannot fathom that God changes a genome or gene, here, and some DNA or RNA there. God's playing with their heads. Man thinks he's so smart and wise. God obliges their belief system. Won't they have egg on their faces later, eh?



Dear Raindrop,

I thought I would re-post this for the sake of those who haven't gone back to read what is going on. Hope you don't mind me putting a copy of my last post to you here, for the sake of others. No, angels, whether good or bad, do not die. Spirit does not die. God created it that way. And souls don't die either. They either sleep for a while, burn in the abyss (hell, the bottomless pit, where Satan's seat is) or the lake of fire (for now, Our Sun), or go to beautiful Heaven. If God deems that you are going to Heaven, you will be just like one of the angels, a servant of God, a small ball of energy or light, the same 'electricity' in your body now that keeps your heart beating, among other things. Hon, see Dan. 12:3, "And they (the people/souls) that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament (be as the lights in heaven/stars/planets...i.e. Venus); and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever." In other words, hon, when you are ready for Heaven and God takes you there to remain, you will live in a star, you and many more besides you shall shine bright as a star." And, God Willing as of When, you will get to traverse the Heavens and check out all of the different planets, etc. You will be glad you went to Heaven, and will not regret it.

Jesus said 'I am the bright and morning star (Venus), and I (Jesus) will give him the bright and morning star (Venus), even as I received from my Father.' (See Rev. 2:28 and 22:16). Those who are too lazy to look up and read the Scriptures I give are just wasting their souls and time.

There you go, Raindrop. Hope it helps!!

May God Bless You Tons,



Dear All,

Repeating this post for those of you who missed it and the newbies. As you were maybe hoping, I'm going to share a big secret with you all, regardless of what you think, it is the Truth. Besides Jesus coming with the clouds of Heaven, shining from the East to the West, something else will happen. Just as some of our souls on earth are leaving our earthly bodies and being given a Heavenly body when we're ready to go to Heaven, there is also a Heavenly Body of the Lord God and Jesus. God and Jesus are able to take on any form, but as far as Their Base Station, Their heavenly body is inside the Moon, the Great White Throne. Do not worship the heavenly body of the Moon, but instead worship the Wonderful Spirit of God Who is EVERYWHERE in this Earth and Heaven. That's why God waited so long to tell you. Do not worship the Moon or make images thereof to worship. That is why those who are allowed to can see two eyes, a nose, and a mouth on the moon's surface when it's a full moon. The Lord watches over us every day and night being very close by. It really is ingenious. The Lord God's face faces us, and Jesus is sitting at His right hand of His Great White Throne. For the Lord said to My Lord, sit you on my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool. So it is happening right now. In Armageddon, the clouds shall roll together like a scroll and you shall see in Heaven the Ark of His Testament, and Great White Throne, and He will remove the veil that has been there and you shall finally see His Face in His Spiritual Body. I am not talking about the earthly body He revealed Himself to Moses in. I am talking about His Heavenly Body. Any questions, just let me know. The Lord revealed this to some men in the past, but they mentally could not handle it, and went bonkers, but now we are ready, without becoming lunatics ourselves. You'll all do just fine! O.K., start your attacks! (See Rev. 20:11, 6:14, 10:7, 11:19).

Praise God and Jesus!!



New member
Don't let his uncertainty change any thoughts in your head or heart. You weren't raised knowing the Truth is exactly what happened to you. I already know that. You missed the boat because of a bad upbringing. Your whole belief system is a big lie. What a trip, Stu.
I think it is in pretty bad taste for you to blame my parents for the conclusions I have drawn.

But then christianity is in pretty bad taste, so at least you are being consistent.



I think it is in pretty bad taste for you to blame my parents for the conclusions I have drawn.

But then christianity is in pretty bad taste, so at least you are being consistent.


Dear Stuart,

If the shoe fits, wear it.

Christianity is not in pretty bad taste, except to you and those like you. Many of us taste it like sweet honey in our mouths.

We Love You, Stuart! Be Part Of A Family Of Brothers And Sisters Of God And The Lord Jesus,



You seem to know a lot about this. A sure sign of a bluff.


Dear Stuart,

I know a lot, but no bluff here. Why would I bluff? I may be trying to help you walk down a much better path, but if you really, truly don't want to, then go for it. Do you want to join people who love you or not? We are all brothers and sisters from our ancestry with Noah and his wife and family. We are also the same from Adam and Eve.

Welcome Brother,



Dear Stuu,

You still would rather not choose love?? Do you know how it feels? Do you know what you are missing out on??

God Bless You, Buddy!!



New member
Dear Stuart,

If the shoe fits, wear it.

Christianity is not in pretty bad taste, except to you and those like you. Many of us taste it like sweet honey in our mouths.

We Love You, Stuart! Be Part Of A Family Of Brothers And Sisters Of God And The Lord Jesus
Another option is you could join the community of people who respect and celebrate humanity for what it is.



New member
Why would I bluff? I may be trying to help you walk down a much better path, but if you really, truly don't want to, then go for it.
You bluff because you don't really feel entirely comfortable with believing stuff that honestly can't be shown to be real, so you unconsciously think that if you write it all loudly enough and from a very partisan direction then other people will chime in and prop up your beliefs. TOL really is a mutual conspiracy theory support group.

It's not about helping me, it's about helping you.


Jose Fly

New member
Don't you worry. God created and changed everything as He saw fit over the billions of years.

That reminds me of something asked by paleontologist Kathleen Hunt regarding the trends in the fossil record of horses:

"A Question for Creationists: Creationists who wish to deny the evidence of horse evolution should careful consider this: how else can you explain the sequence of horse fossils? Even if creationists insist on ignoring the transitional fossils (many of which have been found), again, how can the unmistakable sequence of these fossils be explained? Did God create Hyracotherium, then kill off Hyracotherium and create some Hyracotherium-Orohippus intermediates, then kill off the intermediates and create Orohippus, then kill off Orohippus and create Epihippus, then allow Epihippus to "microevolve" into Duchesnehippus, then kill off Duchesnehippus and create Mesohippus, then create some Mesohippus-Miohippus intermediates, then create Miohippus, then kill off Mesohippus, etc.....each species coincidentally similar to the species that came just before and came just after?

Creationism utterly fails to explain the sequence of known horse fossils from the last 50 million years. That is, without invoking the "God Created Everything To Look Just Like Evolution Happened" Theory.

There is no evolution. That's for people who don't believe in a God.

Then why do we need a new influenza vaccine every year? Is your god deliberately changing the genetics of the virus to help it elude our vaccines?


You bluff because you don't really feel entirely comfortable with believing stuff that honestly can't be shown to be real, so you unconsciously think that if you write it all loudly enough and from a very partisan direction then other people will chime in and prop up your beliefs. TOL really is a mutual conspiracy theory support group.

It's not about helping me, it's about helping you.


Dear Stuart,

Do you actually believe that? You don't know me or what I'm thinking/feeling at all evidently.

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