Creation vs. Evolution

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My Mom made sure us children all went to a Christian Church when we were younger. That's what made ALL of the difference. That didn't happen to you, right Alwight??

I went to church since before I can remember. My father was a gospel singer, and sang at churches around the state. I can remember questioning the teachings of my religion at a very early age. I distinctly remember having doubts as young as age 7, and by age 9 I disavowed any religious adherence. That's quite young for a child to be questioning theology.


I went to Christian schools Michael but if there is a god then I really don't think that any Earthly religion has any reason to claim any truth. Yet they all do, but since logically they can't all be right, I simply presume that they are all wrong until I am party to some evidence. None of my family were religious or went to church.

I can and do respond in kind which probably isn't being exactly what the story of Jesus was all about, it seems to me.
The world seems to me like a very harsh, cruel and ungodly place much of the time and frankly turning the other cheek doesn't actually make much sense to me.

Oh, Alwight,
If you did go to Christians schools, that's the worst fate you could receive. They are really good at 'spanking' you over the knuckles or on your derriere. I've seen many Catholics change their beliefs when they got older. It doesn't surprise me. The Earth is going through tribulation now and don't expect it to be any thing but troubling. That is the nature of the beast. It will soon be a great place to live, but Heaven will be even a greater place to live. God is giving us a dose of what Earth is like without Him, so we can choose Him, or choose the devil and what the devil is offering on the Earth these days. Be Wise!! Hey, now you have a good bike that you can lock into your trunk!! Yippee!!!

This is the only life we know we have, but assuming there is a better one to be had later if only you follow an Earthly religion is a delusion as far as I'm concerned.

However, you have apparently seen angels Michael, so perhaps you think you know I'm wrong, but sorry I'm not going to simply accept anyone's second hand word on that kind of thing.

Alwight, Jesus said it is good to believe what you see, but much harder to believe what you haven't seen. I don't expect you to believe me after so many FALSE prophets have come before me. I don't expect anyone to believe. If they do, they confound me. But blessed are they who can, but I don't see that happening. My car mechanic and close friend believes me. My ex-girlfriend who has spent most of my life with me will tell you to believe me and trust me. I'm not without believers. But I don't think even they will be able to believe me in the end. It's all just too hard to believe, with all of the nuts who've come in the past. I don't have a chance, now do I?? I am a different kind of prophet and witness because I tell you what I have seen and heard (my testimony, like in Court). You are my jury. Do we believe? Do we send him to jail? That is all of it. Most of you will say, send him to jail. That is the nature of the people. Do you know how many people just wish that I were dead?? Alwight, you are the very best and probably the only atheist I have befriended this much. Isn't life AMAZING??!!

OK, this is getting long. Will chat with you soon. I love you Alwight, just as God has taught me, but even more than that!!

May God Bring You Peace After All Of This Is Done,


Sorry about your troubles Michael, maybe I'm wrong and your next life will be a whole lot better. ;)
I went to a local place called Shanklin and cycled along the coast to Sandown today, you can Google Earth it perhaps. My old bike never fitted in the car like this one does.

Thanks Michael

Atheists are just regular people who don't happen to believe in gods. :)

My aches and pains are no big deal, considering what Jesus went through physically and mentally, and emotionally that anything I've done, though my life has been nearly impossible for me to go on many times. There's a reason for everything. We get the bad now and receive the GREAT GOOD we have for our futures. We believe without seeing, just like we believe there is a wind, even though we cannot see where it's coming from or going to, but we can't see it with our eyes. Such is God, the Invisible Spirit. He comes and goes. Hang in there Alwight!!

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I went to church since before I can remember. My father was a gospel singer, and sang at churches around the state. I can remember questioning the teachings of my religion at a very early age. I distinctly remember having doubts as young as age 7, and by age 9 I disavowed any religious adherence. That's quite young for a child to be questioning theology.

Dear D_S,

Sounds like you had religion forced down your throat at an early age. No wonder you rebelled. I might have done the same, maybe probably!! I wasn't saved until I was 12, and before the age of 11, I did not know about being Christian or having Christ in your heart and soul. At the moment I asked Him to come into my life, with the Pastor, I felt a big change and I could see Jesus as He was when He was 12 and teaching the elders there at the Temple. Life has been very great to me, but boy, have I paid dearly and the uttermost farthing to share my testimony with everyone on Earth. You were too young. You've gotten cheated out of your birthright! Don't settle for it. Tell God you want Him to be with you NOW!!! And do you believe in the Creation as God told us, or do you believe instead in Evolution that is a scientific answer which excludes God? Or do you believe in both? That's enough for now.

God Impress Upon You His Utmost Greatness. He Can Help You!!

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New member
Oh, Alwight,
If you did go to Christians schools, that's the worst fate you could receive. They are really good at 'spanking' you over the knuckles or on your derriere. I've seen many Catholics change their beliefs when they got older. It doesn't surprise me. The Earth is going through tribulation now and don't expect it to be any thing but troubling. That is the nature of the beast. It will soon be a great place to live, but Heaven will be even a greater place to live. God is giving us a dose of what Earth is like without Him, so we can choose Him, or choose the devil and what the devil is offering on the Earth these days. Be Wise!! Hey, now you have a good bike that you can lock into your trunk!! Yippee!!!
Well that's a nice story Michael but imo that's only how religion might explain away why there seems to be only natural events in a world supposedly made by a god. But what we actually have is simply a natural world where good and bad things naturally will happen and would be expected to happen.
BTW we Brits don't have "trunks" in our cars, elephants have trunks, we have "boots".;)

Alwight, Jesus said it is good to believe what you see, but much harder to believe what you haven't seen. I don't expect you to believe me after so many FALSE prophets have come before me. I don't expect anyone to believe. If they do, they confound me. But blessed are they who can, but I don't see that happening. My car mechanic and close friend believes me. My ex-girlfriend who has spent most of my life with me will tell you to believe me and trust me. I'm not without believers. But I don't think even they will be able to believe me in the end. It's all just too hard to believe, with all of the nuts who've come in the past. I don't have a chance, now do I?? I am a different kind of prophet and witness because I tell you what I have seen and heard (my testimony, like in Court). You are my jury. Do we believe? Do we send him to jail? That is all of it. Most of you will say, send him to jail. That is the nature of the people. Do you know how many people just wish that I were dead?? Alwight, you are the very best and probably the only atheist I have befriended this much. Isn't life AMAZING??!!
Many people want to believe that so much it seems, but I'd rather believe in what is really true based on real facts and evidence.

OK, this is getting long. Will chat with you soon. I love you Alwight, just as God has taught me, but even more than that!!

May God Bring You Peace After All Of This Is Done,


My aches and pains are no big deal, considering what Jesus went through physically and mentally, and emotionally that anything I've done, though my life has been nearly impossible for me to go on many times. There's a reason for everything. We get the bad now and receive the GREAT GOOD we have for our futures. We believe without seeing, just like we believe there is a wind, even though we cannot see where it's coming from or going to, but we can't see it with our eyes. Such is God, the Invisible Spirit. He comes and goes. Hang in there Alwight!!

A great many humans have gone through far worse than Jesus imo and many have suffered horribly and chronically, I am so lucky to have been spared so much while others haven't, sorry Michael no caring involved deity at least is running the show, I'm quite convinced of that. :plain:


Well that's a nice story Michael but imo that's only how religion might explain away why there seems to be only natural events in a world supposedly made by a god. But what we actually have is simply a natural world where good and bad things naturally will happen and would be expected to happen.

How do we have a simply natural world out of nothing? How did everything all come to be?? How do we have a universe like we have. Do you think it's all natural?? Of course, a greater Creator had His hands in it.

BTW we Brits don't have "trunks" in our cars, elephants have trunks, we have "boots".;)
Many people want to believe that so much it seems, but I'd rather believe in what is really true based on real facts and evidence.
Boots instead of trunks. That is interesting and enlightening.

I don't know how they've gone through worse than Him since He never did anything wrong to deserve it. Others have done wrong and so they got caught, and suffered from it. But you are right. The Jews as a people have suffered much. Alwight, which man will love you most: someone who's forgiven you of some sins, or someone who's forgiven you of many sins.

A great many humans have gone through far worse than Jesus imo and many have suffered horribly and chronically, I am so lucky to have been spared so much while others haven't, sorry Michael no caring involved deity at least is running the show, I'm quite convinced of that. :plain:

Don't be so convinced of that. Because it's not convincing enough. Who knows what Plan God has for us and for those in Heaven. It is not happening without a very good reason. God has been extremely caring for me and I'll NEVER forget it. But I've had to suffer many times indeed very exceedingly, so that I did almost not know which was worse or better. But knowing Him and the Love He gave me makes me be able to go through ANYTHING He wants of me. I love Him and His Son and the Holy Ghost so very much that I will never change my mind. He's worth the fight and suffering. Maybe, it's because I know how it will all end and that this won't go on too much longer. That's what gives me joy and love in my heart. The feeling of Love proves that His Spirit is there, plus I have seen Him face to face. Few know that. I will not tell them what He looks like probably. But even I am suppose to die for seeing Him face to face, it won't be a death that immediately, but instead after I get older. Same with Adam and Eve. There's so much to explain to you. If I love you Alwight, how much more do you think He loves you? Since He made me and I am able to love you this much? He must be great indeed. The Earth and Sun and Moon, etc. did not just happen on their own.

Ok, I'm getting too lengthy, I know. Will chat with you soon, I hope.






Dear Daedaleon's_Sun,

You've been through a rough time too. The devil may want you instead, since you turned God away. That's how it usually goes. I know you are here trying to learn and somehow find an answer that will help you believe in God. See the post I wrote to Alwight above. Will that help??

In God's Love,



I went to church since before I can remember. My father was a gospel singer, and sang at churches around the state. I can remember questioning the teachings of my religion at a very early age. I distinctly remember having doubts as young as age 7, and by age 9 I disavowed any religious adherence. That's quite young for a child to be questioning theology.

Wow Daedalean's_Sun,

You were sort of forced into a church life, not given a chance to take it or leave it. No wonder you feel the way you do. With my Dad being a gospel singer in around the state, I would feel left out too. He cared more about his singing than he did about you?? That is a VERY young age for you to have to make such a decision. Thank God I got to wait until I was 12 to go and venture a possible life with Christ Jesus. I was in the choir and sang some solos. But it was not my whole life like your Dad's. I'm sorry things went that way for you, but it's not your fault. It's your Dad's fault! What was your Mom like?? Probably supporting Dad, eh??

May God Restore Your Faith And Trust In Him, And Your Love For Him,





Dear Raindrop,

Hope you don't mind me putting a copy of my last post to you here, for the sake of others. No, angels, whether good or bad, do not die. Spirit does not die. God created it that way. And souls don't die either. They either sleep for a while, burn in the abyss (hell, the bottomless pit, where Satan's seat is) or the lake of fire (for now, Our Sun), or go to beautiful Heaven. If God deems that you are going to Heaven, you will be just like one of the angels, a servant of God, a small ball of energy or light, the same 'electricity' in your body now that keeps your heart beating, among other things. Hon, see Dan. 12:3, "And they (the people/souls) that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament (be as the lights in heaven/stars/planets...i.e. Venus); and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever." In other words, hon, when you are ready for Heaven and God takes you there to remain, you will live in a star, you and many more besides you shall shine bright as a star." And, God Willing as of When, you will get to traverse the Heavens and check out all of the different planets, etc. You will be glad you went to Heaven, and will not regret it.

Jesus said 'I am the bright and morning star (Venus), and I (Jesus) will give him the bright and morning star (Venus), even as I received from my Father.' (See Rev. 2:28 and 22:16). Those who are too lazy to look up and read the Scriptures I give are just wasting their souls and time.

There you go, Raindrop. Hope it helps!!

May God Bless You Tons,

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God's Great White THRONE!!

God's Great White THRONE!!

Dear All,

As you were maybe hoping, I'm going to share a big secret with you all, regardless of what you think, it is the Truth. Besides Jesus coming with the clouds of Heaven, shining from the East to the West, something else will happen. Just as some of our souls on earth are leaving our earthly bodies and being given a Heavenly body when we're ready to go to Heaven, there is also a Heavenly Body of the Lord God and Jesus. God and Jesus are able to take on any form, but as far as Their Base Station, Their heavenly body is inside the Moon, the Great White Throne. Do not worship the heavenly body of the Moon, but instead worship the Wonderful Spirit of God Who is EVERYWHERE in this Earth and Heaven. That's why God waited so long to tell you. Do not worship the Moon or make images thereof to worship. That is why those who are allowed to can see two eyes, a nose, and a mouth on the moon's surface when it's a full moon. The Lord watches over us every day and night being very close by. It really is ingenious. The Lord God's face faces us, and Jesus is sitting at His right hand of His Great White Throne. For the Lord said to My Lord, sit you on my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool. So it is happening right now. In Armageddon, the clouds shall roll together like a scroll and you shall see in Heaven the Ark of His Testament, and Great White Throne, and He will remove the veil that has been there and you shall finally see His Face in His Spiritual Body. I am not talking about the earthly body He revealed Himself to Moses in. I am talking about His Heavenly Body. Any questions, just let me know. The Lord revealed this to some men in the past, but they mentally could not handle it, and went bonkers, but now we are ready, without becoming lunatics ourselves. You'll all do just fine! O.K., start your attacks! (See Rev. 20:11, 6:14, 10:7, 11:19).

Praise God and Jesus!!

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New member
Dear All,

As you were maybe hoping, I'm going to share a big secret with you all, regardless of what you think, it is the Truth. Besides Jesus coming with the clouds of Heaven, shining from the East to the West, something else will happen. Just as some of our souls on earth are leaving our earthly bodies and being given a Heavenly body when we're ready to go to Heaven, there is also a Heavenly Body of the Lord God and Jesus. God and Jesus are able to take on any form, but as far as Their Base Station, their heavenly body is inside the Moon, the Great White Throne, etc. That is why those who are allowed to can see two eyes, a nose, and a mouth on the moon's surface when it's a full moon. The Lord watches over us every day and night being very close by. It really is ingenious. The Lord God's face faces us, and Jesus is sitting at His right hand of His Great White Throne. For the Lord said to My Lord, sit you on my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool. So it is happening right now. In Armageddon, the clouds shall roll together like a scroll and you shall see in Heaven the Ark of His Testament, and Great White Throne, and He will remove the veil that has been there and you shall finally see His Face in His Spiritual Body. I am not talking about the earthly body He revealed Himself to Moses in. I am talking about His Heavenly Body. Any questions, just let me know. The Lord revealed this to some men in the past, but they mentally could not handle it, and went bonkers, but now we are ready, without becoming lunatics ourselves. You'll all do just fine! O.K., start your attacks!

Praise God and Jesus!!


Ok, I don't want to attack you, I'd just like to know what method God chose to use to reveal this to you?


Ok, I don't want to attack you, I'd just like to know what method God chose to use to reveal this to you?

Dear raindrop,

By speaking to me and showing Himself without the veil. Thanks for asking hon. I can imagine everyone will be attacking me today. Whatever.

The Best of God to You!!



New member
Dear raindrop,

By speaking to me and showing Himself without the veil. Thanks for asking hon. I can imagine everyone will be attacking me today. Whatever.

The Best of God to You!!


If I told you that God showed me that the surface of the sun is the lake of fire, would you believe me?


New member
The lake of fire is basically burning sulfur, isn't it? The sun contains only a tiny proportion of sulfur.


Yeah well, for all we know, 'chariots of fire' could mean spaceships because they're vehicles with bright lights and since they didn't have electricity back then, fire was the only thing they had to liken lights to while chariots were the only transportation vehicle they had to liken a spaceship to. It doesn't necessarily have to mean actual sulfur, they could have just not had knowledge of the actual substances yet so they had to liken it to sulfur.


Well-known member
If I told you that God showed me that the surface of the sun is the lake of fire, would you believe me?

What objective criteria do you think I should use to determine whether any claim made by any other person is an accurate representation of reality or perhaps a delusion of theirs?


New member
Yeah well, for all we know, 'chariots of fire' could mean spaceships because they're vehicles with bright lights and since they didn't have electricity back then, fire was the only thing they had to liken lights to while chariots were the only transportation vehicle they had to liken a spaceship to. It doesn't necessarily have to mean actual sulfur, they could have just not had knowledge of the actual substances yet so they had to liken it to sulfur.
I think the "they could have just not had knowledge" part of that explains the entire belief in magic. "They" were ignorant and fearful. You appear to have inherited that despite living in a world with so much more understanding.

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