Creation vs. Evolution

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Well, technically I'm a member of Westchester Baptist Church in High Point, NC, but other than a couple of funerals, I haven't been since high school. Speaking of which, a guy I went to school with became pastor -- I still remember the first time he came as a visitor with another school friend and neighbor of mine.

Hey One Eyed Jack!

Sounds wonderful! Did you at all get a chance to get baptized in water? Do you still live in High Point? Ah, high school. Those were the good ol' days!! Little did I realize. But now that I'm older, I know a lot more, and it's worth it to be older. Sure know a lot more than I did. But those younger days were fun and I was more handsome.

Jack, is that Avatar of yours a pic of you when you were younger? I could have done that, which is probably what I would have done, but I have this Avatar that is a copy of my most recent paperback. It cost me $200 to have the rights to use it as my own property. I wanted Jesus Coming With The Clouds to be my book cover. It's not like I'm made of money, but I went and paid for it. It was just what I was looking for. I couldn't find nothing like it anywhere.

Well, I'd best be going. I consider you a new friend. I'd like to add you to my Friend's Wall if you don't mind. I'll send you a friend request. Very nice to learn more about you. Hope life is treating you great and that you can't wait until Jesus Returns!!

May God Bless You Heart And Soul,



New member
Dear alwight,

How are things on the summit today? Hope your day was full of interesting things. Mine was! I got my 'disability' placard in the mail today. You hang it from the rear view mirror in your car when you park so that you can park closer to the door of the grocery stores. I have been using the electric carts to get around the store, but it hurt walking to the door. You do know I have plantarfaciitus. My heels are very sore most all of the day. I can't take pain pills for them because then I will walk on them wrong and do more damage than before I took the pain pill. It's a real bummer, cause when I take the pain pill, I don't feel pain in my heel's till it wears off. But once it does wear off, my pain is worse from walking on it without hopping or walking on my tip toes. I can't really explain it any better. Isn't it a bummer that I have one of the only problems where taking pain pills will screw me up worse. If I was going to be in bed all day, I could take a pain pill for some other pain that was happening in my body, but I'd have to not walk on my feet. I suppose you can't understand what I mean. It's a Catch-22.

I don't know where you've been posting today, but it wasn't here. Thanks again so much for helping me learn something I would never have known how to do except for you and noguru. You provided most of the information to do it though and walked me through it. How do I change the color or font of my type style?? How do I change my type style?? Do you know how to do these things and, if so, how did you learn?? Well, I have to go to your profile page and find out how long you've been on TOL so I can understand how you know so much about doing these things. Have you been on TOL for quite a while??

Well, let me know how you are doing when you get the chance!!

God Bless You Plenty,

I'm a bit busy atm Michael, but I have read this, I'm off out now to pick up a folding bicycle I've just bought.
I suggest that generally you don't change the font or colors you use because that requires putting font/color tags around your text which I find makes responding to it slightly more difficult.


Dear Alwight,

Sounds like a busy and fun day, Alwight!! You got to buy something you will like a lot. I hope it's all that you've hoped for and more. What color is it? Make sure you get an excellent lock for it for when you leave it unattended. I got lost today for 80 miles worth. Good thing I had set my odometer beforehand so I'd know how many miles it was to his girlfriend's home. He's going to pay me back for gas, he said. The gas was only $10 and he does fix my computer/printer, etc. whenever I need it for free, so I don't know if I'll take his money or not. He may be moving into one of the rooms here. Rent is $350/mo. w/utilities and meals included. Can't barely beat that, eh? Hey, Alwight, I'll always be indebted to you for your kind assistance to me. I'll never forget it, ever!!

God Be With You In Spite Of Yourself,



Dear One Eyed Jack,

Did you read my book yet, by any chance? I'm guessing not. Well, you know how to PM me, I think, so I'll mention it no longer. Ball is in your court.

Hey, I added you to my Friend's Wall quite a while back. I'm sorry. My memory is not always the greatest, but when I need it, my guardian angel always helps me out, so it's cool. I'll do just fine with the work I have to do yet. I have quite a few nice friends I've met here. You should see my Friend's Wall. Only the Best!! But I am still working on it.

In God's Love and Care,



Dear Alwight,

How's it going with your new folding bicycle? I'll bet that cost a pretty penny. (it was expensive). It will be nice for you though to get some exercise on. What color is it?

I've lost about 7 lbs. on my Garcinia Cambrogia & Green Coffee Bean extract. We had corned beef 2nite. Turned out excellent. I bought them on sale during St. Patrick's Day. Now I still have 5 or so in the freezer. I save A LOT of money that way. They want $7/lb. for them during the rest of the year. And I got these for $2/lb.

I try not to write a novelette to you every time. We had quite a night 2nite on the Chatboard. An atheist pretending not to be. I don't think they had posted here since 2007. He was flattering Eeset, and Joe had a buzz on, which I know how that feels. Anyway, it's over, thank God. But I did give him my website address. Hope that will be okay. He seems like the hateful type. Doesn't know what love is.

Well, Alwight, I'm going to hit the sack. I hope your day 2day will be a memorable one for you and yours!!


One Eyed Jack

New member
Hey One Eyed Jack!

Sounds wonderful! Did you at all get a chance to get baptized in water?

Yep. Believe it or not, the Pastor lived one house over across the street from me.

Do you still live in High Point?

I'm in Greensboro now.

Jack, is that Avatar of yours a pic of you when you were younger?

Yep, that's me about ten years ago. I still look the same, except I've got some more grey in my goatee now. I've always had a baby-face.

Well, I'd best be going. I consider you a new friend. I'd like to add you to my Friend's Wall if you don't mind. I'll send you a friend request.

I thought we had already done that?

Very nice to learn more about you. Hope life is treating you great and that you can't wait until Jesus Returns!!

May God Bless You Heart And Soul,


You too, my friend.


New member
Dear Alwight,

How's it going with your new folding bicycle? I'll bet that cost a pretty penny. (it was expensive). It will be nice for you though to get some exercise on. What color is it?
Hi Michael, I rode down to the local beach and back yesterday on it no problem. It fits nicely in the car which was the point, and it's blue. ;)

I try not to write a novelette to you every time. We had quite a night 2nite on the Chatboard. An atheist pretending not to be. I don't think they had posted here since 2007. He was flattering Eeset, and Joe had a buzz on, which I know how that feels. Anyway, it's over, thank God. But I did give him my website address. Hope that will be okay. He seems like the hateful type. Doesn't know what love is.
I've never used the chatbox but I wouldn't read too much in what people say off the cuff, though I see DilatedMind is now banned.

Alwight, I'm going to hit the sack. I hope your day 2day will be a memorable one for you and yours!!

Thanks Michael and all the best to you too. :)


Dear Alwight,

You are surely too kind and loving to not have God guiding you. I can't make any other sense of it all otherwise. Really!! I think God wants your soul so you can live a life forever with Him and all of your friends, including me. You are just too good to be not good. That's just what I can't understand. Help me understand. Why are you choosing to be atheist?? Is it too hard to believe there really is a God?? I keep having these feelings that He has other plans for you.

Well, I'm glad you have a blue bike. I think it's dark blue, right?? I'm so glad you didn't pick red. Do you have the proper lighting on it to ride it at night? Did it come with reflectors? Man, it must have cost more than I could afford. And you take it in the car to the places you want to ride it. Cool. Does it get muggy there in the summer. I figure you've got the wind blowing over the water and your island, to keep it just right.

OK, I will not make a novelette of this. You take special care and watch yourself riding that bike!!

Much Love In Christ,

Last edited:


Yep. Believe it or not, the Pastor lived one house over across the street from me.

I'm in Greensboro now.

Hey, I've even heard of Greensboro. You went to the big city, eh?? I can't believe the Pastor lived so close. Have him and his family over for dinner. My family went to dinner at my Pastor's house. It was fun, and a memory I will always cherish. We had sliced tomatoes also, and I put salt on mine, and the Pastor and his wife ate theirs with sugar on them. What a surprise!!

Yep, that's me about ten years ago. I still look the same, except I've got some more grey in my goatee now. I've always had a baby-face. I thought we had already done that? You too, my friend.

Jack, you were lucky to have a baby-face. You do look young indeed. Are you in your 40s now??

Yes, I already have you on my Friend's Wall. I was smart twice! You have blonde hair, don't you? How do you see grey hair in your blond goatee. I've done my best to answer your post to me with boxes and all. I'm still kind of new at this!

Well, listen buddy, it was really great to hear from you and I do hope that God will give you a double portion of His Spirit soon!!

Much Love In Jesus Christ!!


One Eyed Jack

New member
Hey, I've even heard of Greensboro. You went to the big city, eh?? I can't believe the Pastor lived so close. Have him and his family over for dinner.

He's moved on to another church. One of the reasons I stopped going.

My family went to dinner at my Pastor's house. It was fun, and a memory I will always cherish. We had sliced tomatoes also, and I put salt on mine, and the Pastor and his wife ate theirs with sugar on them. What a surprise!!

I've gotta have salt and pepper on my tomatoes. The only citrus fruit I use sugar on is grapefruit.

Jack, you were lucky to have a baby-face. You do look young indeed. Are you in your 40s now??

I'll be 44 on July 1.

Yes, I already have you on my Friend's Wall. I was smart twice! You have blonde hair, don't you? How do you see grey hair in your blond goatee.

I'm a sandy blonde, which is fairly dark on the blonde scale, so it shows up in my beard. The hair on top of my head is a bit lighter, so it blends in better there.

I've done my best to answer your post to me with boxes and all. I'm still kind of new at this!

You've done really well. I believe you've got the hang of it.

Well, listen buddy, it was really great to hear from you and I do hope that God will give you a double portion of His Spirit soon!!

Much Love In Jesus Christ!!


Same to you, Michael. :)


He's moved on to another church. One of the reasons I stopped going.

I probably would have done the same thing. I love a lot of the parishioners of my church, but if Pastor Daniel left, I would quit going there. He gave me two of his cell phone nos., plus the regular church phone no. He has a wife named Julie, and two children, both girls.

I've gotta have salt and pepper on my tomatoes. The only citrus fruit I use sugar on is grapefruit.
Same thing here, exactly. I also like Green Tomatoes, sliced and dredged with flour and fried. Yummm!
I'll be 44 on July 1.
That's pretty dang young. My sister Susan's birthday was July 30th. She was older than you though.
I'm a sandy blonde, which is fairly dark on the blonde scale, so it shows up in my beard. The hair on top of my head is a bit lighter, so it blends in better there.
Well, you are lucky. My sister Lila has sandy blonde hair too. I just don't think she's got any grey, but she is in her fifties. I don't wear a beard or sideburns, 'cause the grey shows up then. I'd rather get carded for being too young to buy wine.

You've done really well. I believe you've got the hang of it.
Yes, looks like I do, mostly because of Alwight! He's a good choice for heaven, if he only believed in God and Christ. I mean, he is already so kind and giving, it's hard to believe he's not Christian.
Same to you, Michael. :)

Thanks so much One Eyed Jack!! This is the first post where I have answered each box!!

May God And Jesus Reside In Your Thoughts, Heart and Soul,



Dear One-Eyed Jack,

I didn't feel like making dinner today, so we had ham sandwiches. Am gonna make it 2morrow. We had to put the chicken in a sink full of water, so it would thaw. So I figured I'd just make it 2morrow. It will take some work, and I consider Sat. as my Sabbath day. So Sunday, the first day of the week, will be just right!

We're supposed to have a nice Mother's Day 2morrow. It will be 85 degrees and sunshine. That's about all we ever get is sunshine. We get excited when a storm comes through (maybe 4-5 times each summer). My mother passed away when she was 61. It was really hard on my Dad. He lived til he was 83. I do hope you still have both parents! It takes a big chunk out of your heart when you lose one. Thank God I have a lot of friends and some family left.

Well, will get going for the night. You take great care!!




New member
Dear Alwight,

You are surely too kind and loving to not have God guiding you. I can't make any other sense of it all otherwise. Really!! I think God wants your soul so you can live a life forever with Him and all of your friends, including me. You are just too good to be not good. That's just what I can't understand. Help me understand. Why are you choosing to be atheist?? Is it too hard to believe there really is a God?? I keep having these feelings that He has other plans for you.
That all seems more to do with how you view our existence Michael, apparently based on there being a very specific God, but which I can see no particular reason to suppose any such thing.
Did I actually choose to be an atheist?
No, I would say absolutely not so. I am an atheist simply because I have not been convinced that any gods exist, I am atheistic by default not because I chose it.

I always try to be respectful and pleasant to people who seem to deserve it, which clearly you do, but I can respond otherwise if that's how they want it to be. I'm not so sure you would ever do that? ;)

Well, I'm glad you have a blue bike. I think it's dark blue, right?? I'm so glad you didn't pick red. Do you have the proper lighting on it to ride it at night? Did it come with reflectors? Man, it must have cost more than I could afford. And you take it in the car to the places you want to ride it. Cool. Does it get muggy there in the summer. I figure you've got the wind blowing over the water and your island, to keep it just right.
Yes it's dark blue. I don't intend riding it after dark.
There are some nice safe (and flat;)) coastal paths here to use which I can now get to by using the car instead of having to cycle there first.

OK, I will not make a novelette of this. You take special care and watch yourself riding that bike!!

Much Love In Christ,

Thanks Michael, and the same to you. ;)


That all seems more to do with how you view our existence Michael, apparently based on there being a very specific God, but which I can see no particular reason to suppose any such thing.
Did I actually choose to be an atheist?
No, I would say absolutely not so. I am an atheist simply because I have not been convinced that any gods exist, I am atheistic by default not because I chose it.

My Mom made sure us children all went to a Christian Church when we were younger. That's what made ALL of the difference. That didn't happen to you, right Alwight??

I always try to be respectful and pleasant to people who seem to deserve it, which clearly you do, but I can respond otherwise if that's how they want it to be. I'm not so sure you would ever do that? ;)

Yes you are a very pleasant and respectful person indeed. Those are the same things that Jesus used to teach others. But I can understand that you have your own beliefs, so I won't press anything.
You are right. I'd never do that ever. It's a rare thing for me.

Yes it's dark blue. I don't intend riding it after dark.
There are some nice safe (and flat;)) coastal paths here to use which I can now get to by using the car instead of having to cycle there first.

Thanks Michael, and the same to you. ;)

Oh, I get it. I kept envisioning a dark blue folding bicycle that was made well. Must be so nice to have coastal areas around you that you never have to worry about hurricanes and tropical storms there. Well, at least you're getting some exercise. It's something I don't often do. I've got problem feet/serious. I have a disabled placard on my car, and I have to use the electric carts in the grocery store. I never thought my feet would isolate me like this. It's not like I've got bad legs or hips. And I can't take pain pills for the feet, because then I walk on them more than I'm suppose to and I feel it when the pill wears off. One of my podiatrist's arranged to have a special cream to put on my feet. It was made in NYC. Then they mailed it to me. All kinds of pain relievers for the heels, but nothing like a pain pill. It helps the aching go away, but not the excruciating pain I sometimes get.

Well, Alwight, be proud of yourself. You are a very kind, loving, likeable person who deserves all of the best things in this life and the next. I will be praying to my God.

May God and Jesus Keep An Eye On You For Me!!


P.S. Hedshaker sent me a video of him playing the guitar in a lounge. He did rather quite well, to be honest, and I've been playing guitar and singing since I was 13 years old. I used to sing in bars too. Good money! He looked like a really nice guy. I didn't know what to expect after seeing his Avatar. You've got a very nice Avatar of a friendly dog. Hedshaker's Avatar looks kind of demonic. I don't know where he would have got it. But he's a nice guy anyway.



Dear One Eyed Jack,

Hi! Hope that you and your mother had a nice Mother's Day this year. 2morrow, they will have boxes of chocolates 1/2 price. Yippee!! I do hope that your Mom is doing great these days and has no health issues. How was your day? What was the weather like? We had sunshine. Not even one cloud in the sky. We get that mostly all summer long. We are the Valley of the Sun. That's what everyone calls it, anyways. Oh, by the way, my sister Lila, who has dishwater blond hair used to dye it blonder all the time. We couldn't believe we had even one blonde child in our family. Everyone else has brown hair, except my Mom had auburn/red hair.

Well, I made the Lemon Pepper Chicken and Angel Hair Pasta today. Turned out wonderful. I used McCormick brand. Sure worked good. Tomorrow, probably Hungry Man TV Dinners. I will take a day off of cooking and find out something else to thaw out for the next day's dinner. I think I'm going to thaw out some ground beef.

Well, maybe you don't want to chat, so I will get going. I just like Christian friends, especially cool ones. Bybee, and Eeset, Rusha, JosephR, 6days, I could go on and on.

God Bless You In All That You Do,


One Eyed Jack

New member
I haven't seen my mom in two or three years. I'll probably never see her alive again, but I'm fine with that. She was never really much of a mom to me. My dad died when I was 18, so I haven't got much family left, to speak of.


I haven't seen my mom in two or three years. I'll probably never see her alive again, but I'm fine with that. She was never really much of a mom to me. My dad died when I was 18, so I haven't got much family left, to speak of.

Oh, Jack!! I'm so sorry your Dad passed away when you were so young. And you and your Mom don't get along. Now my Mom was fantastic.

Jack, you turned out pretty good for not having parents. A chunk of my heart went with my Mom and then, my Dad and sister Susan. My mom's name was Betty (short for Elizabeth) and my Dad was Al, short for Albert.

Do you have any sisters or brothers? I used to have a house in my name, but I let it go into foreclosure, because I had two roommates move out and I didn't have enough money for just me. Houses are a lot of upkeep. Apts. or condos are easier. I'm renting a room in a house now. Less hassle. God's taking good care of me though, and things are keeping interesting. One guy got kicked out of the master bedroom because he was way behind on his rent, so my computer guy may move in there, or we will find someone else. I give my computer guy rides and he fixes my computer whenever I need it, or if I don't understand how to do something with it, etc. Otherwise, it is very expensive to have a computer. Once, I paid $330 to someone to fix my computer. They said they were Microsoft. I'm pretty sure I just got taken. It won't happen again.

Do you believe in Creation or Evolution, Jack?? Or both?? I believe in Creation and that the earth is very old, and dinosaurs used to roam the earth. That's all I have to say about it for now. I have my own personal beliefs and ideas too. We do find dinosaur bones/fossils and the same with people's bones/etc. Makes you wonder, eh??

Ok, will let you go so this doesn't get too long. You take excellent care!!

God Bless You With Him Being The Father You've Always Dreamed Of,




New member
My Mom made sure us children all went to a Christian Church when we were younger. That's what made ALL of the difference. That didn't happen to you, right Alwight??
I went to Christian schools Michael but if there is a god then I really don't think that any Earthly religion has any reason to claim any truth. Yet they all do, but since logically they can't all be right, I simply presume that they are all wrong until I am party to some evidence. None of my family were religious or went to church.

Yes you are a very pleasant and respectful person indeed. Those are the same things that Jesus used to teach others. But I can understand that you have your own beliefs, so I won't press anything.
You are right. I'd never do that ever. It's a rare thing for me.
I can and do respond in kind which probably isn't being exactly what the story of Jesus was all about, it seems to me.
The world seems to me like a very harsh, cruel and ungodly place much of the time and frankly turning the other cheek doesn't actually make much sense to me.

This is the only life we know we have, but assuming there is a better one to be had later if only you follow an Earthly religion is a delusion as far as I'm concerned.

However, you have apparently seen angels Michael, so perhaps you think you know I'm wrong, but sorry I'm not going to simply accept anyone's second hand word on that kind of thing.

Oh, I get it. I kept envisioning a dark blue folding bicycle that was made well. Must be so nice to have coastal areas around you that you never have to worry about hurricanes and tropical storms there. Well, at least you're getting some exercise. It's something I don't often do. I've got problem feet/serious. I have a disabled placard on my car, and I have to use the electric carts in the grocery store. I never thought my feet would isolate me like this. It's not like I've got bad legs or hips. And I can't take pain pills for the feet, because then I walk on them more than I'm suppose to and I feel it when the pill wears off. One of my podiatrist's arranged to have a special cream to put on my feet. It was made in NYC. Then they mailed it to me. All kinds of pain relievers for the heels, but nothing like a pain pill. It helps the aching go away, but not the excruciating pain I sometimes get.
Sorry about your troubles Michael, maybe I'm wrong and your next life will be a whole lot better. ;)
I went to a local place called Shanklin and cycled along the coast to Sandown today, you can Google Earth it perhaps. My old bike never fitted in the car like this one does.

Well, Alwight, be proud of yourself. You are a very kind, loving, likeable person who deserves all of the best things in this life and the next. I will be praying to my God.

May God and Jesus Keep An Eye On You For Me!!

Thanks Michael

P.S. Hedshaker sent me a video of him playing the guitar in a lounge. He did rather quite well, to be honest, and I've been playing guitar and singing since I was 13 years old. I used to sing in bars too. Good money! He looked like a really nice guy. I didn't know what to expect after seeing his Avatar. You've got a very nice Avatar of a friendly dog. Hedshaker's Avatar looks kind of demonic. I don't know where he would have got it. But he's a nice guy anyway.

Atheists are just regular people who don't happen to believe in gods. :)
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