Creation vs. Evolution

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New member
I just noticed this thread. As far as evolution is concerned, it should remain strictly a scientific study without using it in an ever growing futile attempt to dismiss truth such as Genesis 2:7 which states "Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into its nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature." And no, I don't mind telling unbelievers this is truth. So, if God somehow used evolution, that's fine by me. However, I don't know if he did or not. The Bible doesn't mention (it as far as I know), so I leave the Bible the way it is.

3rd Samuel

New member
I cannot believe that there are people who try to make themselves appear as they're intelligent, but continue to try and justify the foolishness that comes out of their hearts. people jump on bandwagons to make themselves feel important and make themselves appear intelligent. That is why many gobble the foolishness of evolution. IT IS NOT A SCIENCE! that is what foolish professors and others call it. It is a theory that can never be experimented upon or replicated in a laboratory. Think about it, any 5-year old can give an opinion and it be ne less important that a person who has attained 5 PHDs. That is what separates the Bible and God, for that matter from people. We are the problem, from beginning to end. God is pure and objective in EVERY way shape and form. I do agree that God will never tell a person anything contrary to His Word so it does sound very immature and foolish, Michael. God spoke in earlier times and worked in earlier times, but the Bible (His word) is now complete. He can work that way, but that Bible says that the one doing the miracles in these last days (they could extend for another thousand years) would be the Antichrist who will deceive many. That's where we are in this day and age so jump in the bandwagons to make yourselves feel more important or ask for forgiveness once and for all before it's too late.


New member
I think the "they could have just not had knowledge" part of that explains the entire belief in magic. "They" were ignorant and fearful. You appear to have inherited that despite living in a world with so much more understanding.


I happen to view your belief that we exist with all of this understanding for no purpose whatsoever as ignorant and fearful.


If I told you that God showed me that the surface of the sun is the lake of fire, would you believe me?

Dear Raindrop,

I'm really not sure if I would believe you or not. It is difficult, I know. But I am preparing everyone for when the 7th angel sounds his horn, and 'the mystery of God shall be finished, as He hath declared to His servants, the prophets.'

All that I've had to say is unfathomable, I do know that. But I am the messenger and witness, so I have to say what has been revealed to me by the Lord God and His angels. I don't expect any of you to believe, to be honest.

Much Love From God, Hon,



Yeah well, for all we know, 'chariots of fire' could mean spaceships because they're vehicles with bright lights and since they didn't have electricity back then, fire was the only thing they had to liken lights to while chariots were the only transportation vehicle they had to liken a spaceship to. It doesn't necessarily have to mean actual sulfur, they could have just not had knowledge of the actual substances yet so they had to liken it to sulfur.

Dear Raindrop,

Don't believe in UFOs. They are just a ploy, just like the flying chariots were before Jesus first came (He was born). It caused all the Greeks and Romans to believe in other God's than our one True God. Now, the devil is allowed to let us see UFOs so that we think we are created by them or descendants of them, etc. So don't be duped.

In God's Love,



I just noticed this thread. As far as evolution is concerned, it should remain strictly a scientific study without using it in an ever growing futile attempt to dismiss truth such as Genesis 2:7 which states "Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into its nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature." And no, I don't mind telling unbelievers this is truth. So, if God somehow used evolution, that's fine by me. However, I don't know if he did or not. The Bible doesn't mention (it as far as I know), so I leave the Bible the way it is.

Dear bsmitts,

It's okay that you don't believe in Evolution. Believe in Creationism!!



I cannot believe that there are people who try to make themselves appear as they're intelligent, but continue to try and justify the foolishness that comes out of their hearts. people jump on bandwagons to make themselves feel important and make themselves appear intelligent. That is why many gobble the foolishness of evolution. IT IS NOT A SCIENCE! that is what foolish professors and others call it. It is a theory that can never be experimented upon or replicated in a laboratory. Think about it, any 5-year old can give an opinion and it be ne less important that a person who has attained 5 PHDs. That is what separates the Bible and God, for that matter from people. We are the problem, from beginning to end. God is pure and objective in EVERY way shape and form. I do agree that God will never tell a person anything contrary to His Word so it does sound very immature and foolish, Michael. God spoke in earlier times and worked in earlier times, but the Bible (His word) is now complete. He can work that way, but that Bible says that the one doing the miracles in these last days (they could extend for another thousand years) would be the Antichrist who will deceive many. That's where we are in this day and age so jump in the bandwagons to make yourselves feel more important or ask for forgiveness once and for all before it's too late.

Dear 3rd Samuel,

I'm not trying to feel important. And I don't need to ask for forgiveness in this matter. The Lord revealed it to me and as one of the two witnesses, I testify of it. Everything that's happened to me I could never write the books to contain it all. It's been quite a life. I never knew God had this in mind for me. I have been extremely blessed, but I've also been even more extremely cursed, because I've had to witness all of these things and no one believes, and the devil is always on my case to try to ruin things that God wants, but it will not happen. You read Post No. 1 of this Thread, and go from there. You have no idea what all I've had to say that supports what I am saying here. I know. You don't understand. I don't expect anyone to believe me. Just know it for when the time soon comes, so you'll be prepared. God will do the proving, I will do the prophesying. OKAY??


3rd Samuel

New member
Michael, you're not the first false prophet so you keep prophesying, but if you dare say anything in the name of God that contradicts Scripture and/or that is for your own glory, be careful. I don't say this to be disrespectful in any way, but what does the Bible say about false prophets...they will be cursed and I make no apologies about that.


What objective criteria do you think I should use to determine whether any claim made by any other person is an accurate representation of reality or perhaps a delusion of theirs?

Dear noguru,

Hey Buddy! There is no objective criteria that you can use to determine whether or not I'm delusional except by waiting some time to find out if I'm telling the truth. At least you will understand when it happens and hopefully handle it better and help those around you at the time to console them and explain to them what's going on. Everyone of you on this TOL site are going to become like disciples who share what you've heard with others around you so that the transition you all make will be as easy as possible. It's going to be havoc in many places who have no one around that knows what's going on, especially in places like China and Africa. This info is not getting to them. I have shared MANY secrets with you all here on this website. What about the rest of people? It's all up to all of you!!

God's Blessings Upon You, noguru,




New member
Dear noguru,

Hey Buddy! There is no objective criteria that you can use to determine whether or not I'm delusional except by waiting some time to find out if I'm telling the truth. At least you will understand when it happens and hopefully handle it better and help those around you at the time to console them and explain to them what's going on. Everyone of you on this TOL site are going to become like disciples who share what you've heard with others around you so that the transition you all make will be as easy as possible. It's going to be havoc in many places who have no one around that knows what's going on, especially in places like China and Africa. This info is not getting to them. I have shared MANY secrets with you all here on this website. What about the rest of people? It's all up to all of you!!

God's Blessings Upon You, noguru,



Hey Michael!

I am feeling a little too lazy right now to sift through these 200 and some odd pages of material and I couldn't access your book. Is there anyway that you can give me a quick rundown of some of your more crucial revelations?

Thank You!


Michael, you're not the first false prophet so you keep prophesying, but if you dare say anything in the name of God that contradicts Scripture and/or that is for your own glory, be careful. I don't say this to be disrespectful in any way, but what does the Bible say about false prophets...they will be cursed and I make no apologies about that.

Dear 3rd Samuel,

The thing that you don't understand is that the Bible does say that 2 more prophets shall come in the last days. I am not a false prophet, so don't keep worrying about me so. I know what I'm doing. I'm getting to share my testimony from GOD with others whom I'd never have gotten to reach except for God giving us the Internet. I do understand your concern. I'm trying very hard not to say ANYTHING FALSE in God's Name. I am doing my best. You be strong for those around you during Armageddon!! Promise me!!

Praise Jesus!!



Hey Michael!

I am feeling a little too lazy right now to sift through these 200 and some odd pages of material and I couldn't access your book. Is there anyway that you can give me a quick rundown of some of your more crucial revelations?

Thank You!

Dear Subtletrend,

I wish there was a way to make it that easy, but there isn't. To get to the promised land takes 40 years. I can't do it in 5 mins. You can get a quick FREE copy of my book so that you can read it in one night if you wish. I will be making a new edition soon to correct some things I said concerning gay persons. Just follow my instructions below. Thanks so much for CARING, Subtletrend!!! May God look down upon you and be gracious to you!!

Much Love In Christ,


Go to:

Left-click on 'Book Copy' and then click on 'SKU-text.pdf, then the Title Page of my book will come up. With your up and down arrow cursor keys, you can read my book. It doesn't take that long. God bless you in your endeavors.
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New member
Dear Subtletrend,

I wish there were a way to make it that easy, but there isn't. To get to the promised land takes 40 years. I can't do it in 5 mins. You can get a quick FREE copy of my book so that you can read it in one night if you wish. I will be making a new edition soon to correct some things I said concerning gay persons. Just follow my instructions below. Thanks so much for CARING, Subtletrend!!! May God look down upon you and be gracious to you!!

Much Love In Christ,


Go to:

Left-click on 'Book Copy' and then click on 'SKU-text.pdf, then the Title Page of my book will come up. With your up and down arrow cursor keys, you can read my book. It doesn't take that long. God bless you in your endeavors.

Thank you Michael, I tried that again, but to no avail...something wrong with by acrobat reader...:confused:

But, I ask again...just give me one good one (revelation) that you may feel led by the Spirit to give me at this time...please...

Thank you!

3rd Samuel

New member
My intentions are not to insult anybody, but I am 1 billion percent convinced that there is a God and I just happen to take Him serious. We just have to be careful not to play with God and His word. The Bible says that when the true Shepherd (Jesus Christ) comes, His sheep (true believers) will know. Everyone else will come through a different door. That is Jesus' point in the book of John.


I happen to view your belief that we exist with all of this understanding for no purpose whatsoever as ignorant and fearful.

Dear Raindrop,

You are so close to being like an angel, a servant of God, and being near Him, and you should not be fearful or ignorant. BE ECSTATIC!!! BE HAPPY!! Don't' be afraid.

God Give You Strength,



I think the "they could have just not had knowledge" part of that explains the entire belief in magic. "They" were ignorant and fearful. You appear to have inherited that despite living in a world with so much more understanding.


Dear Stuart,

None of you need to worry. All you have to do is call upon the name of the Lord and you will be saved. It's so simple. You're all like disciples, learning so much over the year of learning about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and angels, etc. You will share it with those around you when the time comes. You'll all be alright. God does not hold grudges. Call upon Him. If you ask Him for Love, will He give you a rock?

Don't worry!! God Bless You Tons!!



Thank you Michael, I tried that again, but to no avail...something wrong with by acrobat reader...:confused:

But, I ask again...just give me one good one (revelation) that you may feel led by the Spirit to give me at this time...please...

Thank you!

Dear Subtletrend,

There are so many. I will tell you about my first out-of-body "carried away by the Spirit" experience. In was April 3, 1974, and I was watching the TV showing a story about some bad tornadoes we'd had that went from Brandenburg, KY and through Xenia, Ohio, etc. I saw a white tornado on the TV and I never knew they existed. All of a sudden I was 'carried away by the Spirit' and I saw one like the Son of Man standing upon a white cloud, and he said, "Blessed are they who die from hereon in the name of the Lord. And he cast his sickle into the earth and reaped out some of the people from it. And again, I saw a black cloud, and one like the Son of Man standing there, and he cast his sickle into the earth, and even the horses were ripped apart from the tornadoes, even to their bridles. I then came back into my body and was amazed. Later in Oct. '74's Reader's Digest, they said that they had ran a path of 200 miles. The angel showed me in the Bible about the vision I'd had about the tornadoes and that they had ran a part of 1,600 furlongs, because there are 8 furlongs to one mile, thus 200 miles equals 1,600 furlongs. Look at Rev. 14:14 through Rev. 14:20. You can read about my out-of-body experience there. I hope this has helped you. Look up in your dictionary the word 'furlong' and you can proceed from there.

God Bless You Tons, Subletrend,



My intentions are not to insult anybody, but I am 1 billion percent convinced that there is a God and I just happen to take Him serious. We just have to be careful not to play with God and His word. The Bible says that when the true Shepherd (Jesus Christ) comes, His sheep (true believers) will know. Everyone else will come through a different door. That is Jesus' point in the book of John.

Dear 3rd Samuel,

You are wise and blessed to have such a very, extremely solid belief that there really is a God. Samuel, realize that I love Jesus very, very much and know He is coming extremely soon. So don't think I'm just playing 'Michael wants to be a prophet.' It is not that way at all. Maybe God leads you all to this site to find out things. I've learned things from this site myself. There have been a couple times I have wanted to just quit posting here, but I always come back. So I give up trying to leave, 'cause I know that's what Satan wants, so I won't help lead someone else to Jesus. God is stronger by far and plays with Satan as with a bird. That's written in the Old Testament, you know.

Ok, will get going!! Hang in there and share what you learn with your loved ones and friends and family, and neighbors, etc. Let us all be prepared for His Second Coming. That's what I'm trying to do actually. Prepare for His Second Coming.

God Bless You,



Well-known member
My intentions are not to insult anybody, but I am 1 billion percent convinced that there is a God and I just happen to take Him serious. We just have to be careful not to play with God and His word. The Bible says that when the true Shepherd (Jesus Christ) comes, His sheep (true believers) will know. Everyone else will come through a different door. That is Jesus' point in the book of John.

That's a lot. :chuckle:
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