Creation vs. Evolution

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Dear Alwight,

Wow, it sounds so interesting and fun there. I never thought you'd be taking a ride to Southampton or Portsmouth on a boat. So that means you have to take a boat to southern England? Sounds so nifty! From what I understand, you have to pay for the Staten Island Ferry now. Some people have their cars shipped over to Staten Island on the Ferry Boat. Cool, eh? It's because they bought their car in Manhattan, or Queens, or the Bronx, Brooklyn, etc. I never had a car in Manhattan. There are so many taxis there, that it is nearly treacherous to even drive down the Avenues. And parking is atrocious. Costs a fortune too. I used to work on Avenue of the Americas. That was ABC-TV where I worked for six months. I finally quit there after they gave me a raise and a promotion, because I had to go back home to Michigan because I missed everyone so badly. I would have gotten a pretty chunky raise, maybe $6/hr. or so. I only worked at CBS-TV and Records (Columbia label) for three weeks. Too much work for too little wages. I worked booking places for new artists/bands to perform at. That was when Billy Joel was first coming out, and also the rock group Clash. I got a nice guitar pick from one of the guys in the band. I play guitar and sing. I must know about 1,000 songs by now. I love to sing because I pick songs that apply to me and others and it soothes my soul and sometimes theirs also. Once, my car mechanic/close friend and his girlfriend started crying because I sang 'Father and Son' for them (by Cat Steven). The broke out in tears. I didn't like playing in front of people and told them all to stay upstairs, (I was in the basement with all of the amps and equipment. I usually sing with my eyes closed to get into the song. Well, I opened my eyes and they were on the staircase, so I freaked. After I played for a New York lounge, I finally quit because it was too much stage fright. That's why most people don't know about me and it is because I hide my candle under a bushel. I try though!

Do you have the Atlantic Ocean around you, like an island that way? Man, the fishing must be great!! Even if you're fishing for shark. Great Steaks on the Grill !!! Yum!!!! I've been fishing most of my life, but it's probably cheaper to go to the grocery store. I don't even know where my fishing net went to.

Well, come to think of it, we're having salmon steaks for dinner. I have to start dinner soon. We eat kind of late here sometimes. I can't imagine what time it is there.

This is getting lengthy, so I guess I should close for now. You take good care, buddy! You know many people love you and God sees what you're doing down here. So does your guardian angel. Don't freak!! They've seen everything by now, so nothing surprises them.

God's Best For You and Your Loved Ones!!


:think: :)



Well-known member
Once, my car mechanic/close friend and his girlfriend started crying because I sang 'Father and Son' for them (by Cat Steven).

That is one of my favorite Cat Stevens songs. People use to tell me that I look like him. I do not see it.

Apparently Yusuf ran out of money in 2006.

Hey you remember this one?

The one that Rod Stewart made famous later.
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Dear noguru,

Thanks so very much for the bevy of songs by Cat. I just listened to Father and Son, and also The First Cut Is The Deepest. I know all of his songs by heart. I own every album he put out, even these Islamic ones that I don't like to listen to because he doesn't sound as good on them. I still think he could go on tour, as long as he only sang his pre-Islamic songs. I've got Another Cup also.

Well, if some have told you that you look like him, it must be true for some reason. You should be glad. Are you Greek? When I was playing 'Peace Train', I had the Holy Ghost visit me and told me what his songs really meant, which I had not known before then, and I started singing the song again (Peace Train) and this time my voice sounded like Cat Stevens and I knew what the heck I was singing about. I heard my Mom upstairs say to my Dad, "Al, Al, do you hear how he is singing? Do you hear what he's singing about?? My room was in the bedroom just below the living room where they were at. With my amplifier, I could hear my Mom and Dad easily. I've always sang like him, since then. I even sang in lounges. I used to have a crappy voice, but not no more. I can hold myself with the best of them. That was my gift from the Holy Ghost and God. Wonderful, wonderful indeed!!

Thank you so much noguru. You made my night a real good one. I have been missing you badly, and also gcthomas and Hedshaker. Alwight has been my loyal friend, posting to me every day. I just think he's the best!! He seems like he's in his 30's or 40's, but not more than that. I would like to see a pic of you, noguru, when you were younger. You must know that if people say you looked like him, they are not the ones at fault. It's just that you don't see it. Well, it's really good to hear from you again. And I do hope you'll keep in touch and post to me when you can. I miss you guys! Especially Alwight and you, because you are a Christian. Where have you all been?? Well, thanks for letting me know you're alive, heheheeh!!

God Bless Your Big Heart and Thanks Again,


P.S. I couldn't get a hold of Cat because I didn't know his address. Finally I asked God 'why can't you just tell me his address, and He spoke to me, and I wrote it on the envelope, and lo and behold, the letter got to him and he sent me a handwritten letter using calligraphy. Looks great. Yes, I have a copy of that too. I talked at length with his secretary too. It was a male, Islamic secretary. We talked a long time.



Well-known member
Dear noguru,

Thanks so very much for the bevy of songs by Cat. I just listened to Father and Son, and also The First Cut Is The Deepest. I know all of his songs by heart. I own every album he put out, even these Islamic ones that I don't like to listen to because he doesn't sound as good on them. I still think he could go on tour, as long as he only sang his pre-Islamic songs. I've got Another Cup also.

Well, if some have told you that you look like him, it must be true for some reason. You should be glad. Are you Greek?...


Hello Michael. All 4 of my grandparents are from Sicily, but I was born in NW Connecticut (which means "Land of the great tidal river" in Mashantucket Pequot language). I have liked folk, country, blue grass, rock, jazz (latin variations as well), blues, reggae, funk... since I first started playing saxophone in 4th grade. But my all time favorite folk artist is Bob Dylan. He has written so many of my favorite songs, and many have been covered by other famous artists. He was also the most prolific song writer and lyricist of the 20th century.

I have no comment on Cat Stevens conversion (I am following my mothers advice here). But I do think he wrote some very interesting (in regard to chord progression, melody and accompaniment - though in the end most pop music is some variation of 1,4,5 progression) and emotionally powerful songs in the 70s. And to me that is exactly what good music is all about.

I think maybe my eyes, eyelashes, eyebrow combination might have some similarity to his.

Sorry I did not quote your whole post, but you get a little long winded sometimes.

P.S. Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam is only 1/2 Greek ancestry, his mother was Swedish ancestry. Both parents were immigrants to London where Steven Georgiuo was born.
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Hello Michael. All 4 of my grandparents are from Sicily, but I was born in NW Connecticut (which means "Land of the great tidal river" in Mashantucket Pequot language). I have liked folk, country, blue grass, rock, jazz, blues, funk... since I first started playing saxophone in 4th grade. But my all time favorite folk artist is Bob Dylan. He has written so many of my favorite songs, and many have been covered by other famous artists. He was also the most prolific song writer and lyricist of the 20th century.
I have no comment on Cat Stevens conversion (I am following my mothers advice here). But I do think he wrote some very interesting (in regard to chord progression, melody and accompaniment - though in the end most pop music is some variation of 1,4,5 progression) and emotionally powerful songs in the 70s. And to me that is exactly what good music is all about.
I think maybe my eyes, eyelashes, eyebrow combination might have some similarity to his.
Sorry I did not quote your whole post, but you get a little long winded sometimes.

Dear noguru,

So you are Sicilian!! Cool! Now I can imagine the likeness. Don't you just love Connecticut!! Except for the snow and ice. It sure is beautiful. Visit during the Spring, Summer and Fall. I guess it does get humid though during the Summer. Yes, Cat has been my favorite guy singer til now. But I do like Rob Thomas, and Stevie Nicks. Lady Gaga's my fave right now. Wow, can she sing!! Course, Stevie could too. You know that Sheryl Crow did that song too? Yep, I can do songs by Bob Dylan. What I like is 'City of New Orleans.' I know I get long-winded sometimes. It depends on the subject and the person I'm talking with. If you have many of the facial features, I would go with what you're friends are saying, not you. Yeah, I can see how a Sicilian could have Greek similarities. Just be glad you don't look like Tiny Tim with his ukelele. Well, I'll make this short. Looking forward always to hear from you again!!

God Give You A Good Amount Of His Spirit For Your Countenance!!



Well-known member
Dear noguru,

So you are Sicilian!! Cool! Now I can imagine the likeness. Don't you just love Connecticut!! Except for the snow and ice. It sure is beautiful. Visit during the Spring, Summer and Fall. I guess it does get humid though during the Summer. Yes, Cat has been my favorite guy singer til now. But I do like Rob Thomas, and Stevie Nicks. Lady Gaga's my fave right now. Wow, can she sing!! Course, Stevie could too. You know that Sheryl Crow did that song too? Yep, I can do songs by Bob Dylan. What I like is 'City of New Orleans.' I know I get long-winded sometimes. It depends on the subject and the person I'm talking with. If you have many of the facial features, I would go with what you're friends are saying, not you. Yeah, I can see how a Sicilian could have Greek similarities. Just be glad you don't look like Tiny Tim with his ukelele. Well, I'll make this short. Looking forward always to hear from you again!!

God Give You A Good Amount Of His Spirit For Your Countenance!!


Michael, my friends born in other countries (and I have many - Tanzania, Ivory Coast, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Scotland, Ireland, England, Jamaica, Brazil...) laugh at me when I say "I am Sicilian". Then they ask "Where were you born?" Though I do understand that people of predominantly Mediterranean decent have some common features.

I like spring, summer, and Indian summer in New England. I use to like winter because I was an avid skier from 1970 till I moved to FL in 2000. But my knees are not so good anymore, and I prefer scuba diving now.

I like Fleetwood Mac (with Stevie Nicks), though I was not all that impressed with most of her solo work. "City of New Orleans" is by Arlo Guthrie, though I can see how you might confuse that with a Bob Dylan song. Arlo's dad Woodie was one of Dylan's major influences.

The other artists you mentioned are very talented. Though I think Berry Gordie's influence with Motown that has spread to most of the music industry and become a monster, has turned pop music into slickly produced and for the most part emotionally shallow expressions of the soul. The focus has gone too much into huge sales promotions rather than a genuine interest in the cultural value of the backstreet music which spawned it all.

In my opinion our entertainment industry has become a similar tool to the wealthy people in charge that the Roman emperors had with gladiator games. It has simply become a way to placate the people by diverting their focus onto the fame and fortunes that can be gained with media popularity/drama and away from educating ourselves on other real issues.
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Michael, my friends born in other countries (and I have many - Tanzania, Ivory Coast, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Scotland, Ireland, England, Jamaica, Brazil...) laugh at me when I say "I am Sicilian". Then they ask "Where were you born?" Though I do understand that people of predominantly Mediterranean decent have some common features.
I like spring, summer, and Indian summer in New England. I use to like winter because I was an avid skier from 1970 till I moved to FL in 2000. But my knees are not so good anymore, and I prefer scuba diving now.
I like Fleetwood Mac (with Stevie Nicks), though I was not all that impressed with most of her solo work. "City of New Orleans" is by Arlo Guthrie, though I can see how you might confuse that with a Bob Dylan song. Arlo's dad Woodie was one of Dylan's major influences.
The other artists you mentioned are very talented. Though I think Berry Gordie's influence with Motown that has spread to most of the music industry and become a monster, has turned pop music into slickly produced and for the most part emotionally shallow expressions of the soul. The focus has gone too much into huge sales promotions rather than a genuine interest in the cultural value of the backstreet music which spawned it all.
In my opinion our entertainment industry has become a similar tool to the wealthy people in charge that the Roman emperors had with gladiator games. It has simply become a way to placate the people by diverting their focus onto the fame and fortunes that can be gained with media popularity/drama and away from educating ourselves on other real issues.

Dear noguru,

Sounds like you are a mutt, just like me. Sicilian pizza is good though. I'm sorry your knees aren't well enough to ski. I used to do cross-country skiing, dressing in layers of clothes. I can't believe Arlo Guthrie sang that song. Oh, well, anything can happen anymore and I'd never be the wise of it.

Oh, I thought Stevie Nicks was hot. Still do!! If I only had my own way, I would spend the night with her easily. But I don't have the blessings everyone else has. I'm not dumb. Well, God can be sure that the 144,000 will not desert Him for any girls OR guys. So that will be a godsend.

Hey, I will write more when I can. I'm just tired and hungry for now, but will chat with you later!!

May God Give You Elijah's Spirit For The Best!!



New member
Dear Alwight,

Wow, it sounds so interesting and fun there. I never thought you'd be taking a ride to Southampton or Portsmouth on a boat. So that means you have to take a boat to southern England?
I don't have too much reason to go to the mainland very much these days Michael, but we have car and passenger ferries, high speed hydrofoils to Southampton or hovercraft to Portsmouth.

Sounds so nifty! From what I understand, you have to pay for the Staten Island Ferry now. Some people have their cars shipped over to Staten Island on the Ferry Boat. Cool, eh? It's because they bought their car in Manhattan, or Queens, or the Bronx, Brooklyn, etc. I never had a car in Manhattan. There are so many taxis there, that it is nearly treacherous to even drive down the Avenues. And parking is atrocious. Costs a fortune too. I used to work on Avenue of the Americas.
I remember using the FDR Drive to get to Lower Manhattan which seemed more like regular traffic to me than using the Avenues. In London it's much easier to get lost if you don't know it because there's no grid system like New York's. I don't think I could be a London cab driver because they have to learn what they call "The Knowledge" of all the roads in town.

Do you have the Atlantic Ocean around you, like an island that way? Man, the fishing must be great!! Even if you're fishing for shark. Great Steaks on the Grill !!! Yum!!!! I've been fishing most of my life, but it's probably cheaper to go to the grocery store. I don't even know where my fishing net went to.
To the south the sea is called the English Channel and The Solent is between us and the mainland. I have been sea fishing but I was a scuba driver for a while when younger.

This is getting lengthy, so I guess I should close for now. You take good care, buddy! You know many people love you and God sees what you're doing down here. So does your guardian angel. Don't freak!! They've seen everything by now, so nothing surprises them.

God's Best For You and Your Loved Ones!!


:think: :)

You seem to like writing letters than forum posts Michael. ;)


I don't have too much reason to go to the mainland very much these days Michael, but we have car and passenger ferries, high speed hydrofoils to Southampton or hovercraft to Portsmouth.
I remember using the FDR Drive to get to Lower Manhattan which seemed more like regular traffic to me than using the Avenues. In London it's much easier to get lost if you don't know it because there's no grid system like New York's. I don't think I could be a London cab driver because they have to learn what they call "The Knowledge" of all the roads in town.
To the south the sea is called the English Channel and The Solent is between us and the mainland. I have been sea fishing but I was a scuba driver for a while when younger.
You seem to like writing letters than forum posts Michael. ;)

Dear Alwight,
I'm sorry! I just get to be gabby sometimes. I don't even know what a hydrofoil is, but it is cool that you have hovercrafts. I was a cab driver here in Phoenix and also in Michigan. Neither one lasted very long. I just wasn't into it. It didn't pay well enough, either. London and New York City are havens for taxicab drivers.

So you've been sea fishing and scuba driving. FANTASTIC!! Both sound like so much fun and skills are needed first. Did you have to go to scuba driving school? How about sea fishing?? Did you learn that on-the-job-training?

OK, I will make this a short post and next time I can't promise anything!! Heheheeheh! You're a great and interesting friend, Alwight! I'm so glad I met you! OK, I will get going for now! You know, my Dad was Islamic until he saw my Mom's Christian funeral. Then he did a complete turn and became Christian. The Christian funeral was much more superior than the Muslim one. I'm glad he did!! All that he did was say yes to Jesus. That's all it takes. You take care buddy!!

God's Blessings Be Tugging At Your Heart!!



Dear Alwight,

What in the hell is a hydrofoil?? Does it move just one person at a time? Does it do cars? I believe a hovercraft glides over the water surface, but only one person at a time, maybe two at most. I would certainly love to visit London. I talked to Cat Stevens about coming out there and he said I would not like London, because it is VERY expensive. Sounds like New York or L.A. to me. Well, that made me pause. But you can live on the Isle of Wight, and just go and visit London for the day, and then go back to the Isle and it won't cost you too much?? I will have to PM you soon. Will get going for now. Have a great day tomorrow!!

In God's Love,



New member
Dear Alwight,

What in the hell is a hydrofoil?? Does it move just one person at a time? Does it do cars?
H iMichael, It's like a ship with inverted wings below the hull, when it reaches a speed it rises out of the water to reduce drag. I don't think our ones take cars but some may do.

I believe a hovercraft glides over the water surface, but only one person at a time, maybe two at most. I would certainly love to visit London.
I'd guess about 50 people could get on one of our hovercraft, like the hydrofoil they're mainly for commuters and day trippers, 'cos they're quick.

I talked to Cat Stevens about coming out there and he said I would not like London, because it is VERY expensive. Sounds like New York or L.A. to me. Well, that made me pause. But you can live on the Isle of Wight, and just go and visit London for the day, and then go back to the Isle and it won't cost you too much?? I will have to PM you soon. Will get going for now. Have a great day tomorrow!!

In God's Love,

Save your pennies, find a cheap place to stay near a tube station (subway) it can be reasonably affordable, like New York.


H iMichael, It's like a ship with inverted wings below the hull, when it reaches a speed it rises out of the water to reduce drag. I don't think our ones take cars but some may do.
I'd guess about 50 people could get on one of our hovercraft, like the hydrofoil they're mainly for commuters and day trippers, 'cos they're quick.
Save your pennies, find a cheap place to stay near a tube station (subway) it can be reasonably affordable, like New York.

Dear alwight,

Your hydrofoil sounds wonderful and hard to believe. I have never heard of one, much less seen one. I don't think we have that here in the USA. And 50 people on one hovercraft is incredible. A tube station, eh? Nice way to name them. So you ride the tube? I think even if I lived close to one, I still could not make ends meet in London, unless I had a great job. I cannot work right now and am disabled. I have extreme lower back pain that the chiropractors can't fix. So I have to take a Percocet 10 and a Valium when it goes out, and after one or three nights, it snaps back into place. I also can't walk because I have plantar faciitis, which is extreme heel pain on your feet. I've already spend a thousand just trying to get around on my feet. Over $1,000 or more so far. I'm waiting to get some relief any day now with new heel cups and foot reshaping. I keep forgetting that you aren't 34. Don't you have trouble with your feet? You are lucky. Mine all started with flat feet. My insurance paid whatever else was bought. But my out of pocket expenses were over $1,000. I know they paid $1000 for shoe inserts ($500 ea.).

Well, there I go again, writing a novel. Look forward to hearing from you and letting me know more about these contraptions you have that the USA doesn't have?? I have no idea why!! Cool!

God Bless You Always,





Dear Alwight,

I guess you don't ride the tube, because it's not on the Isle of Wight. They just have it in London, eh? I got my foot gear today. I'm still using the electric cart at the store (Walmart), and I am suppose to get a Disabled Placard/Plate for my car. The insoles I put in my shoes, that came today, are incredible. I can finally walk with out aching, for the most part.

I also received a foot brace that I have to wear overnight that I wear while I sleep. It's supposed to be a bit uncomfortable until I get used to it in a month or so. I only got one for my left foot. I thought I was supposed to get one for each foot, but that didn't happen. Just one for either foot. First I'll be wearing it on my left foot first. I'll worry about my right foot later.

So you don't scuba dive any more?? You probably could, if you wanted to. Hey, the English Channel is still the ocean isn't it? Does the water taste salty?? Just curious. How would the English Channel NOT be salty? It's part of the Atlantic Ocean, no? Have you ever visited Stratford on Avon before? Probably expensive too.

So do you still think evolution is the truth? Do you actually think that all of this down here isn't a Creation of God?? I believe that the Earth is 3.5 million years old. But I believe God had a Hand in it all. Otherwise, God would have had to make the Earth 6,000 years ago. Well, what years did the dinosaurs not live? Is God just making dinosaur bones less than 6,000 years old. No, they preceded people, I believe. If the dinosaurs were on the Earth with man and woman initially, then whatever. I would be a YEC, then. If there are dinosaur bones 7,000 years old, then I could be an Old Earth Creationist (OEC). But I still believe God created the Earth. Just wondering if you still believe in Evolution considering the new evidence that has come up lately.

Well, I'd best close for now. Have to do a few things. Gonna see what's new with noguru. There, I made another rhyme!!

Much Love In God Be Yours,






Dear noguru,

Hey, I wanted to thank you again for that Cat Stevens info! Where did you get it all? So Cat was broke for a while?? Poor guy. You'd think he'd figure that was because he quit putting out good music. Last I heard, he was living in a mansion, but maybe he had it all paid off for a long time ago. You used to have to camp out all nite to get tickets to his concerts. I hope he realizes he screwed up when he proclaimed himself a Muslim. Live and learn. He'd argue about it with you forever. It's really a shame. He must have borrowed a bunch of money on a mortgage loan. Where else is he gonna get more money?? He gave away all his money and even the sale of all of his instruments, guitars, pianos and amplifiers to the Islamic causes. Now he's blinded thinking who knows what because he's so broke. I know what it says in the Bible, but he's got to get rid of that beard, dye his hair, and go on tour again doing songs of his early years. I'd pay for something like that, hands down. He was my favorite singer when I was younger (17 or 18 and further). The smartest thing he could do is get rid of the Islam leeches and try to go to a nice Christian Church. I just got baptized a few years ago with full immersion in the Baptist Church baptismal. I still have MANY friends there and I try to get in there whenever I can. But they do understand I have a lot of work to do for God. I pay tithes at church, I send money monthly plus for my foster child in Guatemala, whose name is Jesus. Cool, eh?

It also have to pay for promotion of my books and more. You don't know the half of it. That fantastic Avatar I have of Jesus Coming in the clouds cost me $200. My publisher wanted to give me a different cover and I said no, and found a site that sold prints and gave you the rights to use them legally. I also give to any one who asks me for $1 here or $5 there. I try to help.

Well, I'd best go and keep this short. I'm trying to learn not to write novelettes.

For You, Noguru, May God Smile A Loving Smile Upon You,



New member
Dear Alwight,

I guess you don't ride the tube, because it's not on the Isle of Wight. They just have it in London, eh?
Yes and no Michael, they use old tube trains on the island.

I got my foot gear today. I'm still using the electric cart at the store (Walmart), and I am suppose to get a Disabled Placard/Plate for my car. The insoles I put in my shoes, that came today, are incredible. I can finally walk with out aching, for the most part.

I also received a foot brace that I have to wear overnight that I wear while I sleep. It's supposed to be a bit uncomfortable until I get used to it in a month or so. I only got one for my left foot. I thought I was supposed to get one for each foot, but that didn't happen. Just one for either foot. First I'll be wearing it on my left foot first. I'll worry about my right foot later.
:( I'll never worry about my aches and pains again.

So you don't scuba dive any more?? You probably could, if you wanted to. Hey, the English Channel is still the ocean isn't it? Does the water taste salty?? Just curious. How would the English Channel NOT be salty? It's part of the Atlantic Ocean, no? Have you ever visited Stratford on Avon before? Probably expensive too.
Scuba diving rather involves too much effort, organising and travelling just getting prepared to dive for me these days.

So do you still think evolution is the truth? Do you actually think that all of this down here isn't a Creation of God??
I see no signs of any specific involved caring deity, least of all in what you seem to have to endure Michael.
The ToE is the best naturalistic explanation there is.


Dear Alwight,

You must know that living life without any hurdles is boring. Fun and no fun would cease to exist. This whole Earth and Milky Way (Grown Adult Needing Milk) is part of God's Great Plan. If there were no God giving us Free Choice, then life would be a sad state. We'd all be the same. Bored! Sometimes I believe that God created Evil to give us a choice of it or Him. Those who choose Him really luck out. That's why it's all so much of a mystery. Those who don't choose Him, EEEEEEEEEEEEK!! But it does say soon, "the mystery of God will be finished after the 7th angel sounds. Six angels have already sounded. See Rev. 10:7. It will all be true within a number of days, weeks, months, or a short amount of years. It is written in the Bible. Why do you think the Bible is the best-selling Book of all time??

I could go on but will wait until the next time. You probably don't even have a Christian Bible to look these things up and study a bit. I'm so sorry. Go to a Christian bookstore and you can get a pre-used Bible for cheap.

I do not at all agree with the NKJV of the Bible. I think they did a lousy job of interpreting it, even to being detrimental. You thought there was not enough truth in the KJV Bible. Oh My God, look what they've done to the New KJV Bible.

I hope people will boycott the New King James Version of the Bible, for it's interpretation is AWFUL. I don't know what else I can tell you. Just make sure you don't get one of those Bibles.

OK, I will get going. You take good care and hang in there!!

I suppose it's light outside where you live. It is 1:30am where I'm at (in Arizona, Mountain Standard Time){MST}. Alwight, I also still do not know how to put sentences, etc. into boxes when I want to read or write other people. Sounds like it's very difficult, like trying to make a masterpiece! I just need someone to sit next to me and go over it, you know, like learning to play the piano or organ.

Well, God Bless You Alwight With A Great Bounty If You Choose To Accept It!!

Much Love In Christ,



Well-known member
Alwight, I also still do not know how to put sentences, etc. into boxes when I want to read or write other people. Sounds like it's very difficult, like trying to make a masterpiece! I just need someone to sit next to me and go over it, you know, like learning to play the piano or organ.

Well, God Bless You Alwight With A Great Bounty If You Choose To Accept It!!

Much Love In Christ,


Looking at any quote here there are 2 tags, one is a begin tag and the other tag ends the quote (beginning tags have "=" sign directly after the E in QUOTE, end tags have "/" directly before the Q in QUOTE). All you need to do is surround the text to which you want to reply with those beginning and ending tags, then your replies go in between the end tag and the next beginning tag.


New member
I suppose it's light outside where you live. It is 1:30am where I'm at (in Arizona, Mountain Standard Time){MST}. Alwight, I also still do not know how to put sentences, etc. into boxes when I want to read or write other people. Sounds like it's very difficult, like trying to make a masterpiece! I just need someone to sit next to me and go over it, you know, like learning to play the piano or organ.

Well, God Bless You Alwight With A Great Bounty If You Choose To Accept It!!

Much Love In Christ,

Try cutting and pasting to the notepad the text you want to respond to and then put similar quote tags at the start and end as I've done in two examples below (the white boxes are the results and the blue boxes represent the way it is before posting or while still in the notepad.):

I suppose it's light outside where you live...

I suppose it's light outside where you live...

[QUOTE="MichaelCadry, post: 0"]
I suppose it's light outside where you live...

I suppose it's light outside where you live...

Can you see the difference between these two examples Michael?
See how the lower one is attributed to you and your post while the upper one has no attribution, just a quote box.

What you need to do now is go back to the notepad with the selected copied text from earlier and type or paste similar quote tags at the start and finish, just as I've done here, while still in the notepad, so that it looks similar to my blue boxes.
Then type your response below it.
Then you could do the same below all that with a different quote and response.

Then copy all of it back to the TOL reply box and then preview it to check that it works, preferably also remove any of the original post that you don't want to be seen...

Else, you really will need to have someone with you who can show you.


Try cutting and pasting to the notepad the text you want to respond to and then put similar quote tags at the start and end as I've done in two examples below (the white boxes are the results and the blue boxes represent the way it is before posting or while still in the notepad.):

What is this PHP?


This is me!
Can you see the difference between these two examples Michael?

See how the lower one is attributed to you and your post while the upper one has no attribution, just a quote box.

What you need to do now is go back to the notepad with the selected copied text from earlier and type or paste similar quote tags at the start and finish, just as I've done here, while still in the notepad, so that it looks similar to my blue boxes.
Then type your response below it.
Then you could do the same below all that with a different quote and response.

Then copy all of it back to the TOL reply box and then preview it to check that it works, preferably also remove any of the original post that you don't want to be seen...

Else, you really will need to have someone with you who can show you.


You Alwight and noguru!!

I am finally getting the hang of this. Now what does PHP mean? That means the person who spoke it to me? It is hard and yet, it is not so hard. It depends what you learn from your teachers!! Do I have to remember the =# every time? Probably do, eh? I'm very close to a breakthrough, or else I know what I'm doing now. But what do I do once someone answers me with boxed sentences or paragraphs?? THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! You're both WONDERFUL!!

I Do Hope That God Is With You Both!!!

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