Creation vs. Evolution

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Michael, a friend of mine was much "better" than me at drinking pints of beer which ultimately did him no good at all, I could never keep up, thankfully, though I'd try.
But drinking pints of spirits however would be suicidal.
I've worked (part time) in a few pubs in my time and enjoyed the social life that went with it, but I could do many things when young that I can't do now, not that I actually want to do some of them any more even if I could. ;)
If an eternity of time actually did spread out before me, having already experienced everything perhaps many times over, that would be ghastly imo. I'd much prefer that after this life was done we simply returned to how it was before we existed, who knows we might return in a different life, brand new, minus all the baggage of this one of course?
It has happened once, why not again?

You Know Alwight,

You might just end up in a new spiritual life. That's where you are the same soul, but you aren't limited by your earthly body as far as disease, or how fast you can get from one place to another. Boy, could I tell you stories.

Much Love in God,




Maybe come back as a parody of homophobic bigotry and hate whether an intended parody or not?

Dear Alwight,

I don't think so, TBH. You'll hopefully be just fine because of the nature of yourself. I do hope so. Just believe in Jesus as your Messiah and you'll be okay. Try it Alwight. Join the believers instead of the have-nots. They have nothing to look forward to. Try going to my website and see what happens. Go to
Once there, you will see my Avatar and on the left side of the page, click on 'Book Copy', then click on 'SKU-text.pdf'. The Title Page of my book will come up and you can read the whole book by using your up and down cursor keys. I am planning a 6th edition soon to replace a paragraph concerning gays. Try giving it a chance. Can't hurt!

May God Bless You This Easter!





Dear Alwight,

Did you check out my website and book?? Just wondering. It'd be good for you. It feels like the cancer is spreading to my liver. I'm feeling a pain there that comes and goes. That would have cost me another $6,700 for more radiation. I'm glad I didn't do it. I'm going to see my Primary Care Physician on Apr. 29th. I am going to ask him to set me up with a specialist to do a liver biopsy. That's the only way I'll know. BTW, how's the weather on the Isle of Wight?? I hope it's not cloudy and rainy!! I do suppose you have an accent. Too bad I can't talk with you on the phone! I had a very good buddy in Scotland. He had quite an accent. We used to use our mic and headset, plus our webcam, and talk to each other for free on Yahoo. It was great. He joined the armed forces and I haven't heard from him for awhile. He may have a different email address now. Well you take care and hang in there. There I go with making a poem!!

In God's Love,



Dear Alwight,

What's the deal? Don't you like me to have friends with Scottish people?? I've got English, Irish and Scottish in my blood on my mom's side, and more besides that. Your atheist friends took off on you? Maybe they're afraid of God. Where'd they all go?? Well, they're probably threatened by me. I can hold my own. Except still having trouble answering posts with a lot of boxes in them for each sentence. I have a lot to learn yet where you put every sentence in a box. Eeeeek!! Do you know how to do it??? Please let me know if you will help. Seems like it's quite a project!!

Ciao and God Bless You!!



New member
Dear Alwight,

Did you check out my website and book?? Just wondering. It'd be good for you. It feels like the cancer is spreading to my liver. I'm feeling a pain there that comes and goes. That would have cost me another $6,700 for more radiation. I'm glad I didn't do it. I'm going to see my Primary Care Physician on Apr. 29th. I am going to ask him to set me up with a specialist to do a liver biopsy. That's the only way I'll know. BTW, how's the weather on the Isle of Wight?? I hope it's not cloudy and rainy!! I do suppose you have an accent. Too bad I can't talk with you on the phone! I had a very good buddy in Scotland. He had quite an accent. We used to use our mic and headset, plus our webcam, and talk to each other for free on Yahoo. It was great. He joined the armed forces and I haven't heard from him for awhile. He may have a different email address now. Well you take care and hang in there. There I go with making a poem!!

In God's Love,

Sorry Michael I missed this for some reason.
My mother's water heater has packed up so I have to go.
All the best for your treatment.


Dear Alwight,

Thanks for responding. I was beginning to wonder what happened to you. I keep forgetting that you are not 30 years old. I've helped my Dad install a water heater. It can be a pain. Especially the soldering. Look forward to hearing from you soon, and to be honest, I miss noguru, gcthomas, Hedshaker, Yorzhik, etc.

Ciao Al and Good Luck



New member
BTW, how's the weather on the Isle of Wight?? I hope it's not cloudy and rainy!!
We had a mixed day of sunshine and showers, well, it is April.

I do suppose you have an accent. Too bad I can't talk with you on the phone!
Unlike Americans, Scottish, Welsh, Northerners... I have no accent at all . :plain:

I had a very good buddy in Scotland. He had quite an accent. We used to use our mic and headset, plus our webcam, and talk to each other for free on Yahoo. It was great. He joined the armed forces and I haven't heard from him for awhile. He may have a different email address now. Well you take care and hang in there. There I go with making a poem!!

In God's Love,

I sometimes think you are much too nice a person for this lousy world Michael. Particularly since I'm having trouble finding a plumber.
One has promised to visit my mother's water heater tomorrow, her usual one is on the mainland.... :madmad:


Dear Alwight,

That sounds like typical U.S. Midwest weather. I heard that London gets a lot of rain, no? And Fog? Sounds like you have an accent and think that others do instead of yourself?? I feel that way about me also.

Well, that is very super thoughtful of you to say I am nice and it makes me feel something I never knew. I do hope that your Mother gets a plumber soon. No showers or baths, eh? Hey alwight, this world won't always be this way. Just give it a bit of time yet. It will be wonderful after the changes are made.

Well, where did your friends go? I haven't seen hide or hair of Hedshaker. Same with gcthomas. And I've barely seen noguru. What gives?

You take special care and you have a good friend in me!!

In God's Love,

Last edited:


Dear Alwight,

Yep, you really need to have a plumber you can trust and who will charge you a reasonable, fair price. And do a great job. I've done it before. My Dad taught me to do a lot of things so I'd know in case I needed it later in my future. Hey, I miss noguru!! And Hedshaker, gcthomas!! What're they up to? If they don't like my site, I will go to them, if they let me know where they are.

So Alwight, do you take a ferry boat to get to the mainland?? Or just swim in your bathing trunks? LOL! I can imagine that the water is pretty cold right now. Yep, you wouldn't believe how much of a mutt I am. My Mom had Israeli in her (all 12 tribes) including English, Irish, Scottish and Cherokee. I think she got most of her Israeli blood from England, Ireland and Scotland including Judah and Benjamin, and the ten spread out tribes. It's not like she lived in Russia. My Dad was full-blooded Lebanese and Egyptian. He just loved my Mom and did what she wanted. I was suppose to be named Mohammed, after my grandfather, but my Mom said no, it's got to be Americanized (Michael), and she said her children would be raised as Christians, instead of Muslims, and my Dad agreed. If it wasn't for my Mother, this never would have been. What a life it has been. I love Israel, I love most of the Arabs, I love the Indians, English, Scottish, Irish. I'm so glad at how my life turned out. It's been all God's doing (and my Mom, whose name was Betty/Elizabeth, which means 'consecrated to God.' I'm just saying what the Lord God has told me, besides what my Mom told me. We used to have to run and hide the Christian Bibles and booklets whenever my Dad's relatives drove up into the driveway. They didn't believe in calling first. Well, thus has been my life. Bummer. Well enough about me. Just trying to let you know about me.

I will shut up!! God Loves You, Alwight!! Don't give up your birth rights!!



New member
Dear Alwight,

Yep, you really need to have a plumber you can trust and who will charge you a reasonable, fair price. And do a great job. I've done it before. My Dad taught me to do a lot of things so I'd know in case I needed it later in my future.
I'd imagine your traveling expenses would be rather more than any plumber here Michael. I have drained tanks and changed elements before in my own property but these days even getting up and down is a struggle. Since the money isn't a great problem I rather a real plumber did it anyway and saved me the effort.


Dear Alwight,

Now I see what you mean! I keep thinking you are in your 30's! Don't feel bad. I'm 58. I used to do all the work on my car 'til I got older. Right now, I need to glue a 1/8 in. rubber disc onto my brake pedal so that my Cruise Control will work again. It's been over a week now. I still have a few boxes I haven't unpacked since I moved in here.

How's your health doing, otherwise? Are you alwight? Heheehhe. I hope you are. Is your father still with you? If not, why? Cancer sort of runs in our family on my Dad's side. He died of lung, liver and bone cancer a couple years ago. They were giving him morphine. I'm not looking forward to it. I did quit smoking, so my lungs should be doing better. But I did smoke for 40 years. Are you a smoker? I still feel like I'm 18 years old. I have a young spirit. I am going to see about getting a disabled plate for my car when I see the Dr. on April 29th. My plantarfaciitis is so bad that I can't walk 1/2 the time. I usually use an electric cart in the grocery store. It's terribly sore and I can't take pain pills for it because it makes my feet worse. I strain them more when I'm on the Percocet, and my feet hurt even more the next day. So I can't even take pain pills for the pain!

You should tell me more about yourself. Just send me a PM or so. I turned down the radiation therapy a week after I started. The Lord's Orders, otherwise I would do it. I'm thinking He wants to take me soon. I know it sounds unlikely, but it is what it is. I'd probably beat the cancer for a while after spending much money, and then die of cancer or something else five years later. Five years and all that money doesn't sound too good.

Well, I'll get going. This is getting lengthy. I'm hoping you all can get a warm shower soon. Keep me up on things!!

Much Love,



New member
Dear Alwight,

Now I see what you mean! I keep thinking you are in your 30's! Don't feel bad. I'm 58. I used to do all the work on my car 'til I got older. Right now, I need to glue a 1/8 in. rubber disc onto my brake pedal so that my Cruise Control will work again. It's been over a week now. I still have a few boxes I haven't unpacked since I moved in here.
I'm 63 btw Michael.
I'm not sure how a rubber disc affects a cruise control?
My own cruise control is amazing, its radar controlled and slows my speed to the car in front and brakes too if required, I used to think electric windows were cool.

How's your health doing, otherwise? Are you alwight? Heheehhe. I hope you are. Is your father still with you? If not, why? Cancer sort of runs in our family on my Dad's side. He died of lung, liver and bone cancer a couple years ago.
My dad died of cancer about 10 years ago, but something will get you in the end.

They were giving him morphine. I'm not looking forward to it. I did quit smoking, so my lungs should be doing better. But I did smoke for 40 years. Are you a smoker? I still feel like I'm 18 years old. I have a young spirit. I am going to see about getting a disabled plate for my car when I see the Dr. on April 29th. My plantarfaciitis is so bad that I can't walk 1/2 the time. I usually use an electric cart in the grocery store. It's terribly sore and I can't take pain pills for it because it makes my feet worse. I strain them more when I'm on the Percocet, and my feet hurt even more the next day. So I can't even take pain pills for the pain!
I'm just slowing down a bit, but you seem to have been very unlucky.

You should tell me more about yourself. Just send me a PM or so. I turned down the radiation therapy a week after I started. The Lord's Orders, otherwise I would do it. I'm thinking He wants to take me soon. I know it sounds unlikely, but it is what it is. I'd probably beat the cancer for a while after spending much money, and then die of cancer or something else five years later. Five years and all that money doesn't sound too good.
People here with your afflictions don't need to worry about money. I know Americans with money can look forward to the best medical care in the world but I prefer our system and the NHS. I take blood pressure pills and statins and pay nothing. ObamaCare anyone?

Well, I'll get going. This is getting lengthy. I'm hoping you all can get a warm shower soon. Keep me up on things!!

Much Love,

Yes the plumber arrived when he said and seems to have done a good job.
Good luck to you


I'm 63 btw Michael.
I'm not sure how a rubber disc affects a cruise control?
My own cruise control is amazing, its radar controlled and slows my speed to the car in front and brakes too if required, I used to think electric windows were cool.

My dad died of cancer about 10 years ago, but something will get you in the end.

I'm just slowing down a bit, but you seem to have been very unlucky.

People here with your afflictions don't need to worry about money. I know Americans with money can look forward to the best medical care in the world but I prefer our system and the NHS. I take blood pressure pills and statins and pay nothing. ObamaCare anyone?

Yes the plumber arrived when he said and seems to have done a good job.
Good luck to you

Alwight, Obamacare costs around $50 to $100 a month. So many of us aren't too thrilled. You don't always get to see your family Dr. Also, it does help those with previous illnesses, so that is good. My back is all screwed up and the heels of my feet too. I can barely stand up or walk. I'm disabled because even a chiropractor can't help me. I get a disability check each month. It's not as much as when I work, 'cause I used to make $14/hr. I use the electric cart in the grocery store, but I have to go late at night (11pm) so I don't have to drive the cart through tons of people.

I'm so glad you got your water heater fixed. Great!! We're getting hit by a cold spell tomorrow. It will only be 74 degrees for a high temp. It will be in the 50's at night.

Well, I can't type long. It gets lengthy! When are your buddies going to come back?? I tried to figure out where they were, but cannot. Tell them I said hello!!! I go and see my Dr. on Tuesday and I'm going to see about getting a disabled placard for my car, and perhaps some kind of heel cups to ease the pain.

We're gonna be colder than you this Sat. and Sun. Eeeek!!

God Be With You!!

Tal luego!


( it mean 'until later')





Dear Alwight,

Ok! I'm cold! I'm going to wear sweatpants tonite and tomorrow. Tomorrow's high will be 74 and the next day will be 78. 78 isn't too bad, but when you have to go out at midnight, it can be cold. I have to take my friend to work around that time. And it depends which hours he's working. He doesn't have a car, so I help him, and he helps me with all of the computer work I need. I've saved a lot of money. But he is more of a friend than a computer guy.

How's the weather there?? You're surrounded by water. That sounds scary. What do you do when the water freezes over? Isn't the Isle of Wight an island? That cold air must blow over your island in the winter. Sounds like Manhattan, NYC. I lived on Manhattan (Island, NYC) and Staten Island (NYC). New York City is divided into five boroughs. One is Manhattan. That's where I lived for a while when I worked at ABC-TV, but then moved to Staten Island and took a boat back and forth to Manhattan. Then there's the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens. Harlem is in northern Manhattan. It was an experience.

Well, will get going for now. Say hello to everyone for me.

God's Best For You,



New member
Dear Alwight,

Ok! I'm cold! I'm going to wear sweatpants tonite and tomorrow. Tomorrow's high will be 74 and the next day will be 78. 78 isn't too bad, but when you have to go out at midnight, it can be cold. I have to take my friend to work around that time. And it depends which hours he's working. He doesn't have a car, so I help him, and he helps me with all of the computer work I need. I've saved a lot of money. But he is more of a friend than a computer guy.
We use Celsius not Fahrenheit here Michael, 21 is nice and pleasant.

How's the weather there?? You're surrounded by water. That sounds scary. What do you do when the water freezes over?
It never does freeze, it doesn't usually get too cold here . Today is sunny and pleasant so far.

Isn't the Isle of Wight an island? That cold air must blow over your island in the winter. Sounds like Manhattan, NYC. I lived on Manhattan (Island, NYC) and Staten Island (NYC). New York City is divided into five boroughs. One is Manhattan. That's where I lived for a while when I worked at ABC-TV, but then moved to Staten Island and took a boat back and forth to Manhattan. Then there's the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens. Harlem is in northern Manhattan. It was an experience.
I've been to NYC a few times, it gets colder there than here in the winter and hotter in the summer because we get the Gulf Stream, warm water from the Gulf of Mexico. The Isle of Wight unlike its namesake (strangely) in Virginia (IIRC) is an island kept nice and warm by the Gulf Stream. :)

Well, will get going for now. Say hello to everyone for me.

God's Best For You,

Cheers Michael. :wave2:


Wow Alwight,

You're weather and climate is a complete surprise. Does London get snow? You're lucky for that Gulf stream. In Staten Island, NYC, we used to have ships that broke up the ice so that the Ferry could still make it back and forth. How do you get from your Isle of Wight to the mainland?? Is there a boat that takes you back and forth, or do you have a long bridge? When I lived in Michigan, we used to get to -50 below wind chill factors. That was COLD. I hated it and vowed I'd get the hell out of there, and that's what I did once Spring came. I'm so much happier now. Some friends come and visit for one or two weeks. Salli comes about once every 3 years, and my buddy (former car mechanic) Bill is planning on coming to visit in a month. It will be his 3rd visit also. He taught me a lot about how to fix cars!! He just couldn't come while it was still snowing in Michigan, because his wife could not shovel the deep snow there. They've had quite a long winter there this year. Just horrendous. Anyway, he came into a lot of money, so that's how he can make the trip. He says he'll pay everything, which means going out to eat, and going fishing (bait and tackle). I bet the fishing is good where you're at! He's one of the closest friends I have. Well, I do have a busy week ahead of me. I go to the doctor's on Tuesday for about 6 different reasons, so we'll get them taken care of. Also I will get a PSA blood draw to see if my cancer has gotten worse or not. I just spent $75 on my feet, so I can walk better without so much pain. One, you wear during the day, and the other, you wear at night. Ought to be interesting. There's a 60 day warranty/return/refund policy, so if they don't measure up, I can get my money back.

Hey Buddy, you got hot water now?? The thermostat on my car is stuck open, and I'm not changing it. It means I can't get heat fast enough, but it'll work just fine during the summer, 'cause that's when you don't mind it being stuck open. So that's something else to pay for. One of my roommates helped me put a new thermostat in about 1-2 mos. ago, so I'm not dying to do it again.

Hey, have you sent my regards to noguru, gcthomas, and Hedshaker, etc. Hope they are all doing well. You let me know if you have any problems. If you need a good friend, you got one!!

God Bless You With Peace and Caring!!



New member
Wow Alwight,

You're weather and climate is a complete surprise. Does London get snow? You're lucky for that Gulf stream. In Staten Island, NYC, we used to have ships that broke up the ice so that the Ferry could still make it back and forth. How do you get from your Isle of Wight to the mainland?? Is there a boat that takes you back and forth, or do you have a long bridge?
We have several different types of ferries to and from several different places including Southampton and Portsmouth, but no bridge or tunnel. As I recall the Staten Island ferry is free but we have to pay.

Hey Buddy, you got hot water now?? The thermostat on my car is stuck open, and I'm not changing it. It means I can't get heat fast enough, but it'll work just fine during the summer, 'cause that's when you don't mind it being stuck open. So that's something else to pay for. One of my roommates helped me put a new thermostat in about 1-2 mos. ago, so I'm not dying to do it again.
My mother now has hot water, mine was alright, but Friday the element in my cooker grill blew. They say things happen in threes since both my mothers heater elements had blown, maybe that's it for now. I've ordered a new grill element for Monday.

Hey, have you sent my regards to noguru, gcthomas, and Hedshaker, etc. Hope they are all doing well. You let me know if you have any problems. If you need a good friend, you got one!!

God Bless You With Peace and Caring!!

I only know those three guys as you do Michael, here on TOL, we don't hang out together. :nono:
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