Creation vs. Evolution

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Conspiracy? Foreknowledge? Lucky guess?

the towers

Dear 1Mind,

What is your post about? What do you mean by it? What am I doing wrong now??!! I can't hear the video because my speakers and headset aren't working right now, until my puter guy looks at them, or until I can fix them myself.





Literal lunatic
Dear 1Mind,

What is your post about? What do you mean by it? What am I doing wrong now??!!




This was for alwight, who says that those of us who dont blindly follow the theories taught by the powers that be, are conspiracy theorists.
These people in my imagination stuck this in the publics face in 1949.
Hey thats 2 years before he was born.


Literal lunatic
Dear 1Mind,

What is your post about? What do you mean by it? What am I doing wrong now??!! I can't hear the video because my speakers and headset aren't working right now, until my puter guy looks at them, or until I can fix them myself.




The dog is saying........ LOOK!!!! THE TOWERS!!!! THEY'RE FALLING!!!


Dear 1Mind,

Oh okay! I didn't know what to make of it. So it's a private metaphor for Alwight. I hope he likes it.



Dear noguru, Where been you?? I'm a poet!! I think I'll write a song now. Hi Tyrathca!! And of course, my Buddy Alwight too. He sticks by me through thick and thin!! I can stick it in a box in a box in a box in a box!! Pretty good, eh?

Good to hear from you again noguru!! I gave you some good rep pts. Alwight, it was too soon to give you any. Tyrathca, I will see what I can do. Now where is that state trooper, Hedshaker!!

God Love You All Whether You Like It Or Not!!



Dear Alwight,

I don't even know the last time I had Southern Comfort. But it does taste well, I remember. I rarely drink any more. No big interest for it. Like to keep my head together. Did Hedshaker quit posting on this site. I have not seen him at all anywhere. Maybe he's on a different site. It's all the grief I give him trying to convert him. I can hardly help myself. I like friends and acquaintances of mine to make it to heaven, so we can gab there and see all the new, incredible worlds and other things for the first time. Jesus said, "In My Father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would not have told you. But I go to prepare a place for you." Jesus said, "I am the bright and morning star (Venus)." (See Rev. 22:16 and Rev. 2:28), "And I will give him the morning star (even as I received it from My Father." After this Earth is all spent and waxes old as a garment, a new heaven and new earth shall take it's place and that is where the New Jerusalem will be. "And the Earth shall reel to and fro, as a drunkard, and shall utterly be removed from her place." This new Venus will need no light of the sun or moon, for God and the Lamb (His Son, Jesus) shall be the light thereof.

Praise God!!



New member
No need to fret about others Michael they often pop in and out in my experience.
A pint of Southern Comfort? :nono:



Dear Alwight,

1/2 a pint?? It is really tasty. That or Peach Schnapps! I used to be a bartender and also a waiter, and busboy. Have learned a lot in my life.



Dear Alwight,

Are you upset that I used to be a bartender? I was a waiter and busboy too in 5-star restaurants. Learned how to cook too. I used to make great drinks too...exotic drinks for a Chinese Restaurant and also another restaurant. I drank two skull drinks once and they creep up on you. It had one shot each of Don Q 151 Rum, one dark rum, one light Bacardi rum, etc. and it was like doing 5 Long Island Iced Teas. Plus I was a waiter in a 5-star restaurant. Once I got a $60 tip from a couple that had just gotten engaged. Cool eh!!?? I was shocked. Their meal was cheaper than the tip! Ahh, the good old days. Most of my jobs I quit. I kept trying to advance and make more money. I got up to 14.14/hr. at one job, which was Great pay back in the 80s. I met Joan Rivers, the rock group Queen, and many others (like Phil Donahue, etc.). Joan was so polite and giving. She really had quite a good heart and the rest of her is an act, that's all. Well, that was face lifts ago. They had a bottle of wine for $10,000. But it wasn't drinkable by then. Still, Queen bought a couple bottles of wine for $1,000 each. That was when I was 21 and Salli was 20. I also auditioned at a 5-star restaurant in Florida. Sang and played 12-string guitar. After the Holy Ghost visited me about Cat Stevens, I sounded just like him. My own voice was gone. It was cool. It's been a life. My mom said 'Al, do you hear how he's singing? Do you hear what he's singing about? My bedroom was in the basement right under the family room. I was singing the song 'Peace Train' and had a visit by the Holy Spirit, which I will tell you about some time. In an instant, I understood the song Peace Train and I started singing it again, and my voice had changed and I sounded just like Cat Stevens. Cool, eh? Well, this is getting lengthy. Will chat with you more soon.

May God's Love Wrap Around You,

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Dear Alwight,

Everyone gets to party, 'cept me. I had my partying days though. Used to love Long Island Iced Teas. I worked as a barback at one bar. It was fun. Worked at a Chinese Restaurant as a bartender. Killer drinks! But I've always kept control of my drinking. Don't really miss it much. I've got other things to mess with and it's a big job. It's Friday night, Alwight. Hope you get to party down!! I suppose noguru is partyin'? I did have some wine with my Passover Meal. A small bottle of Sweet Red Wine. It was nice. You have a great night and enjoy!!

Happy Easter!! It's coming in close. I will enjoy going to church and singing Easter songs. Much Love In Christ,



New member
Michael, a friend of mine was much "better" than me at drinking pints of beer which ultimately did him no good at all, I could never keep up, thankfully, though I'd try.
But drinking pints of spirits however would be suicidal.
I've worked (part time) in a few pubs in my time and enjoyed the social life that went with it, but I could do many things when young that I can't do now, not that I actually want to do some of them any more even if I could. ;)
If an eternity of time actually did spread out before me, having already experienced everything perhaps many times over, that would be ghastly imo. I'd much prefer that after this life was done we simply returned to how it was before we existed, who knows we might return in a different life, brand new, minus all the baggage of this one of course?
It has happened once, why not again?
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