Countdown To President Trump Re-election

The Barbarian

Took a look this morning. Unless they kept all the mail-in Trump votes for last, Biden has Pennsylvania. And as long has his lead continues in Nevada and Arizona, he won't even need it. Biden just pulled ahead of Trump in Georgia. That would put him at 269 electoral votes, even if he doesn't win Pennsylvania, Nevada or Arizona. Trump is in a huge fix now. If he stops the vote, he automatically loses. If the vote continues, he'll almost certainly lose Pennsylvania.

Rock and a hard place.

The Barbarian

Never in history has the will of the people on Election Day been overturned by millions of voters who didn't vote on Election Day.

If they are legal voters, who voted before the deadline, then it is the will of the people. And yes, absentee and mail-in ballots have decided other elections. The law is what it is, and the "will of the people" is what the majority of legal voters voted for.


like marbles on glass


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Super Moderator

For the life of me I cannot figure out why Trump would announce the existence of watermarks before the votes were all counted. All that did was enable the cheating Dems in the swing states to freeze the counting allowing them time print new fraudulent ballots WITHOUT watermarks. Why would he do that?


like marbles on glass
For the life of me I cannot figure out why Trump would announce the existence of watermarks before the votes were all counted. All that did was enable the cheating Dems in the swing states to freeze the counting allowing them time print new fraudulent ballots WITHOUT watermarks. Why would he do that?

My first impulse is to laugh at what you just said, but it's just so sad that you'd be so suckered in by such obviously fake conspiracy theories.

Q didn't come through for you because Q isn't real.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
How do you explain that we already had five states who vote by mail for every election?
They are the exceptions. Five out of fifty.
I have a sister who lives in one of those states - they. don't. go. to. the. polls. they. mail. in. their. ballot.
Too many periods. Not enough capitalization.
Are you really trying to tell me that the votes of those people who mailed in their ballots are "fraudulent?"

I mailed in my ballot. Is my vote "fraudulent?"
If you can go to the store or the pharmacy or the post office then you can vote in person.
More people have voted for Biden than have voted for Trump. Are their votes "fraudulent?" It seems the will of the people is for a President Biden.
We have the electoral system.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The "will of the people" has been reflected in the amount of votes, both on election day and beforehand. Postal ballots are just as legitimate and you can wrangle this and twist/distort votes into only being meaningful if cast on polling day but that simply isn't the case. If you voted in person on the day of the election then that is indeed a legitimate vote. It's no more legitimate than one that was cast via mail however, they're both equally valid. It's as simple as that.

As of now, the prevailing likelihood is that the will of the people overall want Biden in and Trump out, as reflected in the figures. Your claims that Trump has won because you don't like the postal ballot system are entirely irrelevant and not remotely true either.
It's not that I don't like it, it's that it was an enormous change from what we've been doing for centuries. If tens of millions of people were going to vote with absentee ballots days and weeks before Election Day, then that's a different process than we've been using, and that means that campaigning that is based on the old process might not be as effective as when we express our collective will in large and historically unchangeable part on Election Day. The Trump campaign was defrauded.

As I said and I repeat, I'm not blaming any kind of conspiracy on what's happened, I'm saying that what happened was wrong, and I support the president's contesting the results, and I want our Supreme Court to weigh in on the matter.

This was an unprecedented election, that's a fact. Never before have so many millions of votes been cast by mail and almost all of them were mailed before Election Day. How easy was it for someone to change their mail-in vote once they mailed it? Do you know? It wasn't easy.

And, the covid ballots are like 4-to-1 in Biden's favor. The reason I mention this is because this doesn't reflect the electorate at all, we are fifty-fifty between the two guys, not 80-20. Those votes do not represent America.

If we want to change our system to be all mail-in, or to relax the rules for absentee ballots then fine, let's all do it, and let's know what we are getting into. Let's give both campaigns the same time to adjust strategies. What happened this year was that due to the covid, we hastily made what appeared to be a small change to our system, but it wound up being enormous. Like I said, it wasn't anybody's fault that it happened, but it happened, and the president was harmed by the change, and that is just wrong.

I'd accept the ruling of the Supreme Court on the matter however, even if they just say, "It's fine. Biden won." I just want them to consider this matter. Obviously the legislature and the executive branch can't weigh in since both of theirs situations depend upon the outcome. So the Supremes, who aren't affected by the outcome at all since they have lifetime appointments, should examine everything that's happened.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Answer the question. Are the votes fraudulent?
Um no. Let's instead go back to my comment. Never before has what we did in the ballot box on Election Day been overturned by mail-in ballots. It's fine that a small minority of states have had mail-in voting before, what's not fine that all 50 states made the change all at once, due to a perceived emergency, before we even knew that we were going to be able to have a real Election Day, but we did have one, and the reason that we're here on Friday with the outcome just now becoming clear is because of this change.

I don't remember any other presidential election that needed to wait for the five states with mail-in voting to get their numbers. We've always known, except for 2000, who won. And that was another vote counting issue like this one, except that was limited to one state and we've been waiting on six states since Tuesday.

Also the five states. Typically blue? iow, has there ever been a question in the past say 20 years which way these five states are going to go in a presidential election?
Irrelevant, and doesn't answer the question. Are the votes fraudulent?
My apologies your majesty, dint realize you're the queen of what's relevant.
Which has chosen Joe Biden.
Was it free and fair. I want the Supreme Court to weigh in. I'll accept what they say.


like marbles on glass
Um no. Let's instead go back to my comment. Never before has what we did in the ballot box on Election Day been overturned by mail-in ballots.

Mail-in ballots are part of "what we did in the ballot box."

It's fine that a small minority of states have had mail-in voting before

So mail-in votes aren't fraudulent. Thank you.

what's not fine that all 50 states made the change all at once

Each state makes its decisions. Unfortunately, it seems they didn't check with you.

Was it free and fair. I want the Supreme Court to weigh in. I'll accept what they say.

Somehow I doubt you'll accept anything from anyone unless it shows a Trump win. It isn't going to happen, not in the popular vote, not in the electoral college, not in the Supreme Court. So far, just about every court challenge by the Trump campaign has been shot down.
goodness - aren't you needy :chuckle:

They've all been so abused under Trump, been in real daily peril. They're not sure exactly how, except that Trump allowed airborne microbes that Creepy Joe would have captured, in containers made of recycled milk jugs. So, suppose it only stands to reason their answer lies in a career politician, 47 years in the swamp and a K Street poodle, that worked on legislation that likely locked-up more black people than were slaves in the old south. Makes sense to me. And now with an addled mind. (I think it's the scrambled brain they most relate to, actually.)

They're looking for TDS to go away, not realizing it's a personal problem, not a political one. It's always going to be needy, panties in a bunch and obsessing over each and every little thing they never had any control over, everything totalitarian me, me, me, me, notice me, and whatever demonic activity has turned their frontal lobes to cottage cheese. That's the only explaining of TDS. I learned about Nimrod as a teen, didn't have anything to do with him, either, and I'm having the hardest time mustering any derangement syndrome. You have to hand it to Mr. Trump, to have such enduring power over liberals, but not that it ever takes much. You can say boo, or look at them sideways, they're so needy of incessant approval, and make a lot of them cry.

The Barbarian

For the life of me I cannot figure out why Trump would announce the existence of watermarks before the votes were all counted. All that did was enable the cheating Dems in the swing states to freeze the counting allowing them time print new fraudulent ballots WITHOUT watermarks. Why would he do that?

Wouldn't make much sense. You're right about that. Trump would certainly know better. And here's why he didn't wait...

The federal government doesn't prepare ballots. States do. And so the watermark scheme would have fallen apart because so many people would have known about it, including many democrat officials. It's a fantasy, a story people are telling each other to fend off the reality.