Countdown To President Trump Re-election


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
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Mob of Trump supporters tries to rush office counting votes in Detroit
Self-proclaimed poll watchers in Detroit have gathered outside the TCF center in a “mob like scene” demanding access to the building. There is a police presence and some official Democratic poll watchers that are supposed to have access to the building have been shut out.

This is just the start unless the police stay on top of things.
Mob of Biden voters beat people with baseball bats and stab them for not saying "Black Lives Matter."

Gary K

New member
USPS is participating in voter fraud. What they are doing, in violation of Michigan law, is taking late returning ballots, setting them aside, and then manually backdating the time and date the ballots arrived. Project Veritas has posted a new article and video on this.

Below is the article only as it appears Project Veritas is blocking the ability to embed the video on third party sites. So you'll have to go the link at the end of this page to see it.

[TRAVERSE CITY, MICH.—Nov. 4, 2020] An U.S. Postal Service Insider told Project Veritas founder and CEO James O’Keefe his supervisor instructed mail carriers at his work site here that all new ballot envelopes should be segregated in bins, so that postal clerks could fraudulently hand-postmark them as received Nov. 3.

The Insider said he was shocked when Barlow Branch morning supervisor Jonathan Clarke told a group of mail carriers how late ballots would be handled.

Michigan law states that ballots must be received by 8 p.m. on Election Day, Nov. 3, to be counted. This deadline was affirmed by the Michigan Court of Appeals.

“Our Project Veritas Insider is taking an enormous risk to get out the truth,” said O’Keefe, who interviewed the Insider on a video teleconference call.


“Mail-in ballots are always a problem because there is no chain of custody between voter and the actual ballot box,” O’Keefe said.

The Insider said there was a process set up for the post office workers involved in the bogus postmark scheme.

“We were told to collect any ballots that we find in mailboxes, collection boxes, et cetera, for outgoing mail, at the end of the day, we are supposed to separate them from the standard letter mail, so they can hand-stamp them with yesterday’s date—and put them through the Express Mail system—to get wherever they need to go,” the Insider said.

“For clarification, today is the fourth of November," he said.

James O’Keefe: “Hand-stamp them with Nov. 3’s date?”

USPS Insider:“Yes.”

O’Keefe: “That seems wrong—”

USPS Insider: “Yeah, that’s why I am coming forward with this information. That is a very shady—in addition to, as far as I am aware, we’re not supposed to be counting ballots that are postmarked after the third of November here in the state of Michigan.”

Michigan and its 16 Electoral College votes are at the center of the tightly contested 2020 presidential election between President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.

The Insider said some of his colleagues at the post office were also upset by this order to fraudulently postmark ineligible ballots, but no one wanted to outwardly show their anger.

Throughout the day, the ballots were taken from the sorting bins and put into Express Mail bags, so they could be taken “to the plant,” the postal distribution facility nearby on Garfield Road, he said.

“My statement to other postal workers is that if they see anything shady is to report it—they can’t have any integrity in this country if they just let things slide,” he said.

O’Keefe said, “Like other Insiders, this man is witnessing a wrong so heinous, so toxic to our voter-based democracy, he found himself with ‘the choiceless choice.’”

O’Keefe reached out to Clarke by phone, but the supervisor would not respond to questions about the postmark scheme.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
USPS is participating in voter fraud. What they are doing, in violation of Michigan law, is taking late returning ballots, setting them aside, and then manually backdating the time and date the ballots arrived. Project Veritas has posted a new article and video on this.

Below is the article only as it appears Project Veritas is blocking the ability to embed the video on third party sites. So you'll have to go the link at the end of this page to see it.

"That seems wrong ..." :chuckle:

Was this a prophecy ?



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Pennsylvania's gonna be a tough nut to crack. My sense is that their democratic machine there is on a par with that in Illinois in terms of corruption.
As far as I can tell, here's the fact. On election day, we Americans who cast our ballots reelected President Trump.

It's for us an ancient tradition, that we the people as a body decide who will be our president on Election Day. We did that, and we elected President Trump.

It's true that the decision was so evenly split that you could call it a coin flip, because it wasn't a clear majority like a 2-to-1 or 3-to-1 supermajority. It was a coin flip, with advantage Trump.

I vote in Massachusetts, and due to our electoral system, my state wasn't going to vote for the president but for the challenger, but I I nonetheless participated as a body with all the others who voted on Election Day for the president, and through our electoral system, we elected him that day, on Tuesday.

This election was a fraud. Because, never before have absentee ballots overturned our collective decision that we made at the polls on Election Day. Absentee ballots have always been available, for true hardship, or when you weren't going to be home on Election Day, but this year, due to the covid, the number of absentee ballots constituted a far larger proportion of ballots than they have ever done. And as we all know, the absentee ballots were overwhelmingly for Biden. I don't know the actual numbers, but my impression at this point is that it was along the lines of a 3-to-1 or even 4-to-1 supermajority for the challenger.

I can't blame anyone for the fraud, I'm not saying it was conspiratorial but the way it worked out in my mind puts a star next to this election, differentiating it from all the others, when on Election Day, we the people elected as a body our president. It's a tradition dating back to near our founding, that we the people act as a body on Election Day and select our president.

If the final tally has Biden winning the election, I support and I recommend that the president contest the result on the grounds that the relaxing of absentee voting rules cost him the election and that this was wrong.

Back when the decision was made to permit early voting the question of whether we could even hold an in-person election was still open. We since discovered that we were definitely going to be able to vote in person, that we were definitely going to be able to have a real Election Day, but we never changed the earlier decision to allow early relaxed-rules absentee voting, which was made when we didn't know whether we'd be able to have a real Election Day.

I don't know what a court could do at this point. I don't know if it is just to exclude all early voting, or to only count some fraction of those ballots, or if it is to hold a special second election, with all the traditional rules for absentee voting (for those who legitimately cannot vote in person), so that we can democratically elect our president, instead of what has apparently happened, which is that the traditional will of the people on Election Day is overturned by a great many ballots that were cast before Election Day.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
...hold a special second election, with all the traditional rules for absentee voting (for those who legitimately cannot vote in person), so that we can democratically elect our president, instead of what has apparently happened, which is that the traditional will of the people on Election Day is overturned by a great many ballots that were cast before Election Day.
This is what we've always done. We have always voted on Election Day, we have always elected on Election Day. We take our time arriving at our choice, we wait til the last minute, we absorb everything we've seen of both candidate's campaigns, we weigh them in our minds and in our gut, and then on the day, we're there with our ballot, and we make our choice. On that day, on Tuesday, we said, "Eh, President Trump." Certainly not overwhelmingly, but nonetheless we reluctantly reelected him. After all the debates and the tweets and the basement and the car rallies, we shrugged our shoulders and said Trump. Through our electoral system we said Trump.

This is the first time that what we said on Election Day is likely to be overturned by what a large bloc of absentee voters said days and even weeks before Election Day. This is why I contend that if the final tally has Biden winning, that it was fraudulent.

It isn't anybody's fault that it was fraudulent either, I want to emphasize that. How many of the covid voters would have voted in person, if early non-traditional absentee voting rules were followed? How many who cast their votes early would have, if given the chance on Election Day, changed their vote? We can't know this. Something should be done. It would be wrong to accept this result if the final count has Biden winning.

Trump won.

The Barbarian


Trump might yet get another four years.

Seriously, though, Trump still has a chance. It's getting smaller, but he'd dodged bullets before.


like marbles on glass
As far as I can tell, here's the fact. On election day, we Americans who cast our ballots reelected President Trump.

It's for us an ancient tradition, that we the people as a body decide who will be our president on Election Day. We did that, and we elected President Trump.

It's true that the decision was so evenly split that you could call it a coin flip, because it wasn't a clear majority like a 2-to-1 or 3-to-1 supermajority. It was a coin flip, with advantage Trump.

I vote in Massachusetts, and due to our electoral system, my state wasn't going to vote for the president but for the challenger, but I I nonetheless participated as a body with all the others who voted on Election Day for the president, and through our electoral system, we elected him that day, on Tuesday.

This election was a fraud. Because, never before have absentee ballots overturned our collective decision that we made at the polls on Election Day. Absentee ballots have always been available, for true hardship, or when you weren't going to be home on Election Day, but this year, due to the covid, the number of absentee ballots constituted a far larger proportion of ballots than they have ever done. And as we all know, the absentee ballots were overwhelmingly for Biden. I don't know the actual numbers, but my impression at this point is that it was along the lines of a 3-to-1 or even 4-to-1 supermajority for the challenger.

I can't blame anyone for the fraud, I'm not saying it was conspiratorial but the way it worked out in my mind puts a star next to this election, differentiating it from all the others, when on Election Day, we the people elected as a body our president. It's a tradition dating back to near our founding, that we the people act as a body on Election Day and select our president.

If the final tally has Biden winning the election, I support and I recommend that the president contest the result on the grounds that the relaxing of absentee voting rules cost him the election and that this was wrong.

Back when the decision was made to permit early voting the question of whether we could even hold an in-person election was still open. We since discovered that we were definitely going to be able to vote in person, that we were definitely going to be able to have a real Election Day, but we never changed the earlier decision to allow early relaxed-rules absentee voting, which was made when we didn't know whether we'd be able to have a real Election Day.

I don't know what a court could do at this point. I don't know if it is just to exclude all early voting, or to only count some fraction of those ballots, or if it is to hold a special second election, with all the traditional rules for absentee voting (for those who legitimately cannot vote in person), so that we can democratically elect our president, instead of what has apparently happened, which is that the traditional will of the people on Election Day is overturned by a great many ballots that were cast before Election Day.

Ridiculous. All of it. From your preposterous first sentence to your last.

It's not fraudulent to vote by mail.

The popular vote went to Biden and I expect the electoral vote will follow.

Five states currently conduct all-mail voting: Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington and Utah.

A mailed voted is as valid as a vote made in person.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Ridiculous. All of it. From your preposterous first sentence to your last.

It's not fraudulent to vote by mail.

The popular vote went to Biden and I expect the electoral vote will follow.

Five states currently conduct all-mail voting: Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington and Utah.

A mailed voted is as valid as a vote made in person.
Never before has the will of the people expressed at the polls on Election Day, been overturned because of millions of people who didn't vote on Election Day.

Trump won.


like marbles on glass
Never in history has the will of the people on Election Day been overturned by millions of voters who didn't vote on Election Day.

How do you explain that we already had five states who vote by mail for every election?

I have a sister who lives in one of those states - they. don't. go. to. the. polls. they. mail. in. their. ballot.

Are you really trying to tell me that the votes of those people who mailed in their ballots are "fraudulent?"

I mailed in my ballot. Is my vote "fraudulent?"

More people have voted for Biden than have voted for Trump. Are their votes "fraudulent?" It seems the will of the people is for a President Biden.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Never in history has the will of the people on Election Day been overturned by millions of voters who didn't vote on Election Day.

The "will of the people" has been reflected in the amount of votes, both on election day and beforehand. Postal ballots are just as legitimate and you can wrangle this and twist/distort votes into only being meaningful if cast on polling day but that simply isn't the case. If you voted in person on the day of the election then that is indeed a legitimate vote. It's no more legitimate than one that was cast via mail however, they're both equally valid. It's as simple as that.

As of now, the prevailing likelihood is that the will of the people overall want Biden in and Trump out, as reflected in the figures. Your claims that Trump has won because you don't like the postal ballot system are entirely irrelevant and not remotely true either.