Countdown To President Trump Re-election


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Mail-in ballots are part of "what we did in the ballot box."

So mail-in votes aren't fraudulent. Thank you.

Each state makes its decisions. Unfortunately, it seems they didn't check with you.

Somehow I doubt you'll accept anything from anyone unless it shows a Trump win. It isn't going to happen, not in the popular vote, not in the electoral college, not in the Supreme Court. So far, just about every court challenge by the Trump campaign has been shot down.
You're right that if a lower court says that Trump wins, I'd accept that. It wouldn't have to be from the Supreme Court in that case, since we reelected him on Tuesday, that's the default position, the "null hypothesis" in this case. The "call on the field."

In order to overturn the call on the field, I do need the Supreme Court to examine this from soup to nuts and tell all near 70 million of us who did vote for the president that it was truly free and fair, and that Biden is authenticated as his successor. Otherwise, this is the first truly fraudulent presidential election I've ever even heard of. I'm not sure how to proceed in such case. I'd have to do a lot of thinking about it. He'd truly be "not my president", not like how you all have been saying that for the last four years, which is hyperbole, but accurately.

'Hope it doesn't come to that.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You'd best just go squirrel shooting at 30 yards with your airgun. :Chuckle:

Air RIFLE, moron. Semi-automatic.

It was hilarious to watch you spazz out when you thought I was talking about an AR15 :chuckle:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You'd best just go squirrel shooting at 30 yards with your airgun.

Lately I've been using this, but it's an auto-loader that has to be cocked for each shot. Powerful, accurate and silenced. A big, heavy gun, difficult to shoot well. I can hit waterfowl at 400 feet, but not well. My longest hit was 1300 feet, a hail mary that landed square :)

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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
It ain't over til the fat lady sings
The mail-in voters, the covid voters, the absentee voters, all the voters who voted in this election by mail before Election Day. Above a historical trend. Every Election Day there's some percent of votes that were mailed in for any number of reasons. Tuesday the in person voters through our electoral system reelected President Donald Trump for a second term. He'll be a lame-duck president for four years, and even given those two campaigns and his bombast, we in person as a body shrugged our shoulders and said he's a better bet than Biden. Biden wasn't as offensive, but he didn't show us enough to go with him. President Trump is a slightly better bet than Joe Biden for the next four years.

The mailed in ballots, above the historical trend, clearly due to the covid mail-in voting decision, made some months ago, before we knew whether we'd have a real in-person Election Day, are overwhelmingly Biden and Democrat. Like 4-to-1 against President Trump. 80% for Biden.

There is a voting bloc with that kind of record, they're called cities (many but not all of them) and suburbs combined (suburbs only existing because of their cities, so suburbs are in one sense just their city's outskirts). In some cities it's 95-to-5 Democrat, so the mail-in votes are not just cities, but when you mix in a little suburban vote, which is closer to 50-50, with the 90-to-10 Democrat vote of the cities, you get a 80-20 split.

Exurbs and rural territory does depend upon our electoral system to protect us against the tyranny of the majority, because we're never going to outnumber cities in population. When suburbs turn to exurbs and then to rural areas, the political party turns Republican. Our electoral system, which we operate on Election Day, was defeated by the decision to ease the rules for basically absentee voting. People who get fast food, go grocery shopping, go to the pharmacy and post office, meet with friends, absentee-voted instead of participate on Election Day.

And on the map, we exurban and rural American occupy and take care of 85% of this country, you city-dwellers and suburbanites only take care of 15% of this country, but without a functioning electoral system, you would wipe us out in national elections, without the Senate, we would have no voice, and this election, our electoral system was defeated because so many city dwellers and suburbanites were able to literally "mail it in", defeating the system meant to balance the power between cities and everybody else.

President Trump is our president. And I believe we reelected him on Tuesday, through our electoral system, but that that system was defeated, and that is wrong and I want the courts to examine the matter fully to make sure it was a free and fair election. You can't just suddenly disable the electoral system. It protects us from the tyranny of the majority city-dwelling people who are only responsible for 15% of our country.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
My next one will be my first PCP, the Gamo Urban. Shorter barrelled and lighter than the break barrel, it's a repeater with an integral air tank, and has a reputation for being extremely accurate. Just trying to suss out all the ancillary equipment needed.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... the decision to ease the rules for basically absentee voting.

The normal system requires some investment - investment of time and invesment of effort. It also fosters a sense of community. You are standing in line at your local high school gymnasium with your neighbors.

The new system - what you so accurately call "absentee voting" fosters none of that. No effort in learning about the issues. No effort in learning about your favorite candidate's positions. Just click the box that all your friends on social media tell you to and mail it in. A dangerous direction for the country to go in.

And Biden knew this. That's why he was so reluctant to give any specifics - about his plans for handling the pandemic, about whether or not he would pack the court - anything. He ran on a platform of "I'm not Trump". And the media let him.


Well-known member
Air RIFLE, moron. Semi-automatic.

It was hilarious to watch you spazz out when you thought I was talking about an AR15 :chuckle:

No, not air rifle, I was thinking more of a little smooth bore job for you.

So how far do you think your squirrel's were when you shot them, eh? I'll guess at 30yrds.


Well-known member
Lately I've been using this, but it's an auto-loader that has to be cocked for each shot. Powerful, accurate and silenced. A big, heavy gun, difficult to shoot well. I can hit waterfowl at 400 feet, but not well. My longest hit was 1300 feet, a hail mary that landed square :)

So you put a scope on a break barrel.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
No, not air rifle, I was thinking more of a little smooth bore job for you.

So how far do you think your squirrel's were when you shot them, eh? I'll guess at 30yrds.

The one out my back door yesterday was probably 30' away. A difficult shot. I was trying to avoid spooking him and shooting through a partially cracked door.

I've dropped them out of trees that were probably 140' shots

I haven't shot smooth bore since I was a kid. Well, shotguns in college.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Are you better off than you were four years ago?

I am making this post so it will show back up as a future memory on my timeline: Today is three days after the 2020 election. Gasoline is currently $1.80-2.10 per gallon. Interest rates are 2.65% for a 30 year mortgage. The stock market closed at 27,848, even though we have been fighting COVID for 9 months. Our GDP growth for the 3rd Qtr was 33%. We had the best economy ever until COVID and it is recovering well. We have not had any new wars or conflicts in the last 4 years. North Korea has been under control and has not been testing any missiles. Isis has not been heard from for over 3 years. The housing market is the strongest in over 20 years. Homes have appreciated at an unbelievable rate and sell within hours of going on the market, with multiple offers. I hope our new leadership can build on these things and can keep them going, but if I were a betting person I would bet that the only place we will see these results will be in this post.



Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
That section on the CNN clip is astounding. :noway: