Countdown To President Trump Re-election


Well-known member
My next one will be my first PCP, the Gamo Urban. Shorter barrelled and lighter than the break barrel, it's a repeater with an integral air tank, and has a reputation for being extremely accurate. Just trying to suss out all the ancillary equipment needed.

The German pre chargers are probably the best.


Well-known member
Are you better off than you were four years ago?

I am making this post so it will show back up as a future memory on my timeline: Today is three days after the 2020 election. Gasoline is currently $1.80-2.10 kper gallon.

What was done for cleaner air, though?

Interest rates are 2.65% for a 30 year mortgage. The stock market closed at 27,848, even though we have been fighting COVID for 9 months. Our GDP growth for the 3rd Qtr was 33%. We had the best economy ever until COVID and it is recovering well.
Thousands of businesses gone.
International Air travel crushed.
Millions unemployed.
House prices unreachable by young buyers.

We have not had any new wars or conflicts in the last 4 years. North Korea has been under control and has not been testing any missiles.
Iran was mistreated.
Treaties busted.
North Korea has now got missiles that can teach the US.

Isis has not been heard from for over 3 years. The housing market is the strongest in over 20 years. Homes have appreciated at an unbelievable rate and sell within hours of going on the market, with multiple offers. I hope our new leadership can build on these things and can keep them going, but if I were a betting person I would bet that the only place we will see these results will be in this post.
Skyrocketing house prices are a big fail
The young need homes



Well-known member
That's the auto loader

Oh dear.......
My mate had a Theoben break barrel gas ram....
Theoben moved to the USA about ten years ago.
Go and get a Theoben gas-ram....... although they are expensive (my friend sold his 2nd hand to a dealer for £400 five years back, so.... ) they are reliable.

I don't know that rifle....but the gun you pictured will let you down ....... that auto load thing will jam up, probably the one time you need it to be perfect.
Anyway, break barrels are noisy..... if a spring-gun it will 'clank' horribly and if a gas-ram it will 'thud' horribly, and US air-guns tend to crack loudly when shot 'cos the pellets tend to break sound barriers so any pretense of a silencer is just that..... dreaming.

You mentioned a range of 1300 somewhere which causes me to somehow guess that your gun is a .177 possibly? The number clicked with me because US airguns often tend to push at around 20+ft/lbs and therefore a 177 pellet can move at around that figure .......circa 1300 ft/sec.

1300x1300x7(grains) /by 450240 = 26foot lbs.... huh..... maybe that's a bit too fast for your gun.

A break barrel gun really needs open sights, because however brilliant the action the barrel can come to rest very slightly inconsistently by microns, which = inches at distance.

Gamo guns are ok, but their break barrel auto load stuff is not best, and the best can be breath-taking by comparison.

Just sayin'....


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Are we there yet?
No. As far as I can tell, but not being a lawyer, the president can sue and appeal all the way to the Supremes. Then it's to them to either grant cert. and hear a case or more than one case, or to deny cert., and the matter's done. If they hear it, they could rule against him and then it's done also. But if his lawyers can get them to grant cert., hear the case, and rule in his favor, then his reelection is still in play. They could either over-overturn the results of the election back to Tuesday Election Day, or they could require a special election of some sort. But I'm far less clear on the latter.

This all would affect the Senate races also, since so many of them are affected by the same tsunami of mail-in ballots 80% in favor of Biden's party that undeniably influenced the outcome of the presidential election.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The normal system requires some investment - investment of time and invesment of effort. It also fosters a sense of community. You are standing in line at your local high school gymnasium with your neighbors.
It's our long tradition. That tradition was fractured and overturned by an emergency change to voting rules, due to the covid, back before we knew whether we could have a real, traditional, in-person Election Day. By the time we knew that we were going to be able to have an in-person Election Day, we should have undone that rules change.

If people are out there who literally don't leave their homes because of the covid, then they are entitled to absentee voting, but anybody who goes out to stores, to get takeout, to the post office, could have voted. But instead tens of millions of ballots were mailed in.
The new system - what you so accurately call "absentee voting" fosters none of that. No effort in learning about the issues. No effort in learning about your favorite candidate's positions. Just click the box that all your friends on social media tell you to and mail it in. A dangerous direction for the country to go in.
Because the mail-in ballots overwhelmingly favored the challenger and his party, to the tune of 80% for Biden and the Democrats, that's obvious evidence that the rules change benefited just Biden and the Democrats, at the expense of the president and the Republicans. That is not right, and is not a free and fair election. Any honest person should agree.
And Biden knew this. That's why he was so reluctant to give any specifics - about his plans for handling the pandemic, about whether or not he would pack the court - anything. He ran on a platform of "I'm not Trump". And the media let him.
In being generous, I've said in the past that nobody knew that this rules change was going to influence the outcome of the election, but come to think of it, someone at the time did say that it was unfair and would make the election unfair: President Trump. But nobody listened to him.

Hopefully the law courts will see this accurately and render a favorable ruling for the president, because I believe he is entitled to a favorable ruling.


Well-known member
Withdrawing PA brings Biden's projection down below 273 again, so he's the former president-elect now.

Agreed. Trump needs to keep Georgia, North Carolina, take Pennsylvania, and one other state.

Trump would have to fight the Democrat machine's illegal votes far better than he did some other things. He needs to hire better lawyers than he has right now. Ones that are willing to get dirty and I don't mean in an illegal way. The lawyers need to be willing to ruffle feathers.
Bottom line, it doesn't seem to matter, in terms of who is perceived as winning, due to a broken election system. Say it's shown that all those votes that appeared in the night, unanimous for Biden, were fraud, Trump claws back the election: the Democrats will say the election was stolen. As it stands, say Biden so-called wins, many Republican voters will likewise see an illegitimate occupant of the White House, a fraud, lacking credibility, lacking legitimate power. The elephant in the room, no matter what, could be the very legitimacy of the U.S. government, in turn an America that has ceased to be, in many, many eyes. I know I just tune out the fools and their perverted agenda, find something better to do, have to question if I'm even on America's side, when its government is evil. Is, therefore, "Who cares?", anymore, a victory for anybody? If you change the channel when one of their fool, smiley, lying and perverted heads popup, or don't even bother with the news, because you know your government is evil, in the sight of God, what have they won? A coalition of the Godless, of perverts, radical whackjobs and criminals? Hey, congratulations on that victory! LOL!

2 John 1:10-11 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.