Cops beat up and shoot Christian street witnesses


New member
Except Walmart, right?


Clearly you didn't even bother to read my post #50:

Corporations aren't people and don't have the rights of persons.
That is just lawyer nonsense.

There's no hypocrisy here.

What's going on is that you bought a LAWYER LIE
that makes corporations persons.


New member
He can't pull over. Afraid he won't be able to start up the Prius if he stops.

He's a leftist troll. A moby. Has been all along.

I'm no leftist.

But you're a NWO supporter, and you'll be cast into the Lake of Fire
for taking the Mark of the Beast.


Well-known member
Clearly you didn't even bother to read my post #50:

Corporations aren't people and don't have the rights of persons.
That is just lawyer nonsense.

There's no hypocrisy here.

What's going on is that you bought a LAWYER LIE
that makes corporations persons.

I didn't say a corporation is a person.

I said the WM bathroom is private property.


Well-known member
Nazaroo decides to wash his pits in the john at Whole Foods.

Management says that's not allowed, please stop and get out.

Nazaroo says "public property."

Cops are called, ask him to leave.

Nazaroo says "public property."

Cops cuff and stuff him for tresspassing.

Because it's private property.

patrick jane

Clearly you didn't even bother to read my post #50:

Corporations aren't people and don't have the rights of persons.
That is just lawyer nonsense.

There's no hypocrisy here.

What's going on is that you bought a LAWYER LIE
that makes corporations persons.

certainly they do. corporations consist of people as they have the same rights as an individual in matters of "principle" AND THE LAW. to be sarcastic and off topic perhaps, if a "group" (more than 2) or "family" choose to exercise their freedom and liberty TRULY, bathe in a river, creek, pond, lake, ocean or any "water", BE FREE from society (wal-mart), use your own soap and stop collecting government checks, fake disability, food stamps, "hand-outs", CHARITY, when WORK is possible. obviously i am "generalizing", i.e.; EVERY situation is different and unique - dynamic. in most cases, things are what they appear to be. details - :)

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Nazaroo decides to wash his pits in the john at Whole Foods.

Management says that's not allowed, please stop and get out.

Nazaroo says "public property."

Cops are called, ask him to leave.

Nazaroo says "public property."

Cops cuff and stuff him for tresspassing.

Because it's private property.

Yep! And, because he's screaming about the mark of the beast, he's
taken and placed for 72 hour observation in a mental facility!


New member
Nazaroo decides to wash his pits in the john at Whole Foods.

Management says that's not allowed, please stop and get out.

Nazaroo says "public property."

Cops are called, ask him to leave.

Nazaroo says "public property."

Cops cuff and stuff him for tresspassing.

Because it's private property.

Great fiction.

Only Nazaroo would never say "public property".

they would say "corporate property".

What is corporate property? Its not private property.

Corporate property is the most extreme example of shared property,
or multiple-owner property.

Only its not just "property": Corporate property includes an entire business operation.

That means that the corporation isn't just a piece of property sitting there harmlessly.

Its a mafia which operates as a unit, in other words a gang.

The "owners" and CEOs work in the backrooms determining the goals and
policies for the 'corporation', without the consent of the public, or
the consent of the common people, or the consent of taxpayers.

Corporations operate outside of the control of duly elected democratic governments.

But what are they?
They are merely clouds and smokescreens to hide both the activities of the owners,
and also and most importantly the LIABILITIES of the owners for the
behaviour of the 'corporation' or mafia.

Thus a relatively small handful of uber-rich creeps control corporations
by ownership and CEO-ship, which in turn isolate and insulate them from
being personally responsible and legally liable and culpable for their evil deeds.

So Walmart isn't "public property". Its Corporate property:

Part of a system of lawless creeps and a mafia of thugs
who operate for profit at the detriment of the community and the public good.

And that is no conspiracy theory. Its public knowledge.

Corporations openly operate for the profit of their shareholders and CEOs.

This operation is in opposition to the greater good and the interest of
the public, especially safety.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Great fiction.

Only Nazaroo would never say "public property".

they would say "corporate property".

What is corporate property? Its not private property.

Corporate property is the most extreme example of shared property,
or multiple-owner property.

Only its not just "property": Corporate property includes an entire business operation.

That means that the corporation isn't just a piece of property sitting there harmlessly.

Its a mafia which operates as a unit, in other words a gang.

The "owners" and CEOs work in the backrooms determining the goals and
policies for the 'corporation', without the consent of the public, or
the consent of the common people, or the consent of taxpayers.

Corporations operate outside of the control of duly elected democratic governments.

But what are they?
They are merely clouds and smokescreens to hide both the activities of the owners,
and also and most importantly the LIABILITIES of the owners for the
behaviour of the 'corporation' or mafia.

Thus a relatively small handful of uber-rich creeps control corporations
by ownership and CEO-ship, which in turn isolate and insulate them from
being personally responsible and legally liable and culpable for their evil deeds.

So Walmart isn't "public property". Its Corporate property:

Part of a system of lawless creeps and a mafia of thugs
who operate for profit at the detriment of the community and the public good.

And that is no conspiracy theory. Its public knowledge.

Corporations openly operate for the profit of their shareholders and CEOs.

This operation is in opposition to the greater good and the interest of
the public, especially safety.

Just obey the laws of the land and stop sounding like a 60s Kook!


New member
Just obey the laws of the land and stop sounding like a 60s Kook!

Sorry, I can't help you.

I've spent my life obeying to the best of my ability and understanding

I won't be stopping that.
In fact, I'll be spreading it to others, as I always have.

"The law of the land" is just lawyer nonsense to support rich kooks,
who are homosexual pedophiles and hate God and His Laws
and have their own police, armies, governments and plans to exploit children.

How can anyone support that?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Those "brawlers" were on private property and disobeyed the police, and
look what happened! Had they complied, nobody would have been hurt!
However, this bunch, decided to declare war on the cops, never a good

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Sorry, I can't help you.

I've spent my life obeying to the best of my ability and understanding

I won't be stopping that.
In fact, I'll be spreading it to others, as I always have.

"The law of the land" is just lawyer nonsense to support rich kooks,
who are homosexual pedophiles and hate God and His Laws
and have their own police, armies, governments and plans to exploit children.

How can anyone support that?

Well, tell all that to the cop that pulls you over next time! Then,
tell him you're not gonna show your licence and registration to
him, and drive away; REALLY FAST! We'll be seeing you, on "Cops!"


New member
Those "brawlers" were on private property and disobeyed the police, and
look what happened! Had they complied, nobody would have been hurt!
However, this bunch, decided to declare war on the cops, never a good

Had the cops behaved intelligently, no one would have been killed.

All they had to do, like they do in canada and Britain,
is stand around questioning the participants until everyone calmed down,
by letting everyone tell their story.

Then some agreement could have been reached.

For instance, they could have issued a warning for the family not to use
the public washroom in Walmart.

Instead, a bunch of RETARDS were given guns and card blanche to be
complete arses.

Send your cops outside the country for proper training and get over
the imagined necessity to always arrest everyone for the smallest problem.

Acting like maniacs gets people killed.

This is a sad, stupid tragedy, but one that could have been avoided
by a better police policy concerning corporate washrooms of chain-stores.


New member
Well, tell all that to the cop that pulls you over next time! Then,
tell him you're not gonna show your licence and registration to
him, and drive away; REALLY FAST! We'll be seeing you, on "Cops!"

I don't drive, do drugs, or go out in public, so you won't be seeing me on COPS.

Instead, I'll be advising Americans to stand up for their constitutional rights.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I've lived nearly 65 year's on planet earth, been pulled over by police
during that time (never for anything serious) and NEVER had any
problems! I was always respectful, compliant, and non-argumentative!

As a result, I never had any problems! I suggest you do the same Naz?