Cops beat up and shoot Christian street witnesses

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I agree. As standard procedure, suspects are many times handcuffed for officer and suspect protection. Police have a right and obligation to do this, especially in this case. It's called investigative detention. Everyone would still be alive and well had the family complied and not assaulted the officers.



New member
Romans 13:4 "For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil."

Thanks Emperor Constantine disguising himself as Paul.


Well-known member
I have an even better idea.

Its called customer service. something that has vanished along with charity.

WALMART, who hires thugs to prevent unions from raising employee wages
above minimum wage.

You know what?

Boycott WALMART,
and every other UBER-RICH jerk who thinks
the 'American Dream' is becoming a miserable Multi-Billionaire
while the masses remain serfs, vassals, and slaves.

Huh. Here I thought you're a libertarian, when you're really just a liberal.

I bet you would have a problem with the family had they tried to take a bath in a Starbucks bathroom.


New member
Huh. Here I thought you're a libertarian, when you're really just a liberal.

No. I"m an ultra-conservative.

But I don't believe the government should be my police-force.

Every man should defend his own property.

And his neighbour's property if necessary.

Corporations aren't people and don't have the rights of persons.
That is just lawyer nonsense.

patrick jane

Caution: violence is shown on camera.

It appears from the video and the way they were driving that
the cops went in looking for a fight, and thought it would be easy pickings.

All these cops should just be charged with murder.

This is actually the beginning of the biggest civil war the USA has ever seen.

Cops know their salary is paid by WALMART not Jesus.

i can tell you this with 100% confidence and accuracy. when we get a call involving ANY resistance, officers respond with full force, don't misunderstand

User Name

Greatest poster ever
WALMART, who hires thugs to prevent unions from raising employee wages
above minimum wage.

Walmart ups pay well above minimum wage

The company said 500,000 full-time and part-time associates, more than a third of its work force at Walmart (WMT) U.S. stores and Sam's Clubs, will receive pay raises in April to at least $9 an hour. That will be $1.75 above the federal minimum wage.

By next February 1, their pay will go to at least $10 an hour.
