Cops beat up and shoot Christian street witnesses

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I also 'agree': At what point in the video did they do any investigation at all?

They arrived to a peaceful gathering,
where no one was fighting or even gesturing in anger
or provoking a fight,
and then started grabbing people and trying to handcuff them.

These cops work for WALMART.

They obviously have decided that people traveling in vehicles
can't wash up in their restrooms.

Now one man is dead and another wounded.

And cops EARLY ON tried to spin this story:

Supposedly a cop was shot so they returned fire.

But actually, two civilians were shot
one shot dead and another wounded in the abdomen.

Cops lie. Its awesome.

Those "people" were even beating up on each other!


Well-known member
I also 'agree': At what point in the video did they do any investigation at all?

Listen to what the cop said at 28 seconds in, before anyone was handcuffed. Then listen to the first thing out of (I assume it was) the dad's mouth. The cops were there to investigate a reported assault, and the family was already not compliant -- that's why the cop said to backup they needed to be separated and interviewed. And the reason the dad (I assume it was) said no is because he knew someone would contradict someone else and someone would go to jail for assault.

Now ALL of them are going to jail, one of his sons is shot and another is in a bag.

Great job, dad.


New member
Someone said that big guy slugging with the slightly smaller big guy was a WM employee trying to help out the cops.

Yes thats obvious. The big guy (store 'security') takes off his security blazer
before wading in with punches, and he loses the first round.
He figures he has carde blanche with the cops there.

The situation is tough enough without people
making up more lies about it.


New member
That family had NO respect for the police!

When did they earn it?
Shooting blacks earlier in the week?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I see your investigation took the same amount of time as the cops.

Nicely done.

We can all see what happened through the eye of the camera! When
you get approached by the police, simply do what they ask you, and
you won't get harmed! They have a job to do!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Yes thats obvious. The big guy (store 'security') takes off his security blazer
before wading in with punches, and he loses the first round.
He figures he has carde blanche with the cops there.

The situation is tough enough without people
making up more lies about it.

Are you "anti-police?"


New member
We can all see what happened through the eye of the camera! When
you get approached by the police, simply do what they ask you, and
you won't get harmed! They have a job to do!

No thanks.

I was born in a democracy.

The modern police state has no similarity to the lands my forefathers built.

The Nazi police were also just 'doing their job' and 'following orders'.

Sorry, can't comply.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

No thanks.

I was born in a democracy.

The modern police state has no similarity to the lands my forefathers built.

The Nazi police were also just 'doing their job' and 'following orders'.

Sorry, can't comply.

Then, you're the same type as those seen on the video?


New member
Then find a rest area. Not a private business's rest room.

I have an even better idea.

Its called customer service. something that has vanished along with charity.

WALMART, who hires thugs to prevent unions from raising employee wages
above minimum wage.

You know what?

Boycott WALMART,
and every other UBER-RICH jerk who thinks
the 'American Dream' is becoming a miserable Multi-Billionaire
while the masses remain serfs, vassals, and slaves.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Romans 13:4 "For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil."


New member
The Cops did nothing wrong here!

I agree. As standard procedure, suspects are many times handcuffed for officer and suspect protection. Police have a right and obligation to do this, especially in this case. It's called investigative detention. Everyone would still be alive and well had the family complied and not assaulted the officers.