Christian Kids in the Public School


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The post you're replying to wasn't to or about you, so I am confused..
You missed it, but PK was pointing out that someone had tried just pointing out PJ's hypocrisy and PJ went off like a fool anyway. It just so happens I had read the thread of to that point and realized PJ needed a different tack. Unfortunately, that one didn't work either toward the best result. The only silver lining is that PJ's black heart was really exposed, at least we got the second best result.


New member
I know. My point was I tried to do what you said Yorzhik should have done and it didnt' go over too well. I apologize if I didn't communicate well enough what I was trying to say.

God bless.

The fact that PJ reacted badly does not make it ok that Yorzhik did too. The fact that you made an effort to speak to PJ civilly despite his attitude is commendable, it's a shame Yorzhik couldn't manage the same.


New member
You missed it, but PK was pointing out that someone had tried just pointing out PJ's hypocrisy and PJ went off like a fool anyway. It just so happens I had read the thread of to that point and realized PJ needed a different tack. Unfortunately, that one didn't work either toward the best result. The only silver lining is that PJ's black heart was really exposed, at least we got the second best result.

This is a good result, to you? :squint:

I think it's a shame. I think both sides have some good points, and are decent people who want the best for their children. This thread has escalated entirely due to people's attitudes and defensiveness, not because of the issues at hand.


Okay, I'll apologize. I'm sorry you were offended by my question.

What's Jesus Camp?

Why not just be man enough to apologize for accusing me of teaching my kids to roll joints and put on condoms?

Why not just be man enough to admit that it was a sick, creepy, stupid and completely anti-Christian thing to do?

Don't do the pansy little "I'm sorry you were offended." Why not just openly admit to, and apologize for, your sick and demented accusation. THAT would be a Christian thing to do - and exactly what your are obviously incapable of.

Go back to Jesus Camp.


New member
PJ, you realise you're digging a large hole for yourself, don't you? If you stopped being so rude to people, maybe they'd actually listen to the points you're making..


I'm thinking that it's naive or dishonest to even hint that someone taught his kids to roll joints and use condoms, and then feign surprise when that person takes offense.

I would have handled it differently, but I can't say that the miscreant didn't deserve it.

This one is what has me shaking my head:

And if I'm not mistaken, it's mandated in most schools that sex-ed teachers encourage kids to test out homosexuality.

Absolutely amazing. How can anyone think this is done in sex-ed?

People who are blinded by their sanctimonious hatred of the Public Schools will make any accusation, and believe any twisted thing they hear.

As a pastor, I was invited - for YEARS - to teach "Sex Ed From A Christian Perspective" at both our public junior high school, and high school. But some people know better. They know that COULDN'T happen!

It's really very, very sad.


PJ, you realise you're digging a large hole for yourself, don't you? If you stopped being so rude to people, maybe they'd actually listen to the points you're making..

Think about it...

These idiots can say whatever creepy thing they can, and will, say about ME. But leave my kids out of it!

You want a battle royale? Attack my kids.

You didn't see me asking Yorzhik if his daughter was a prostitute, did you?


New member
Think about it...

These idiots can say whatever creepy thing they can, and will, say about ME. But leave my kids out of it!

You want a battle royale? Attack my kids.

You didn't see me asking Yorzhik if his daughter was a prostitute, did you?

Their behaviour doesn't excuse yours, does it?

The Barbarian

You have to be kidding. A person who is being a fool throughout the beginning of the thread says his kids didn't learn to roll joints and put on condoms in public school, and you think only a miscreant would answer "so if it wasn't in public school, where did they learn it"? In a debate forum? Your bias is showing.

I think it's uncalled for, and rude, yes. And I guess I do have a bias against that kind of thing. People's kids should be off limits.

You sound like one of the people that agreed with the Ramsey's that they were shocked, shocked to find that people would hint that a parent would harm their child!

If someone broke into my home and murdered my child, and then the police came after me, I guess I'd be shocked. You did know that the Ramseys were ultimately cleared, right?

An FBI investigation showed that the police botched the investigation, permitted the crime scene to be compromised, and covered up DNA evidence that would have cleared the Ramseys.


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Actually IA I tried to point out where he was hypocrital, and in my rebuke of him, I also told him that I have previously agreed with a lot of what he had to say in other threads. I rebuked him and he didn't like being rebuked, so he blew it all up and got nasty. Not much I can do. If you go back reread all of my posts to PJ, I would really like to see where I was being unreasonable? I even posted his own comments for crying out loud, to show that he was being hypocritical. His responses grew more and more volatile.

The truth is that I have wanted to discuss this issue from the beginning, and Parson's attitude has derailed the discussion completely.
At the risk of reigniting the fight, what was PJ being hypocritical about?


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See HERE for starters.

And as far as where have you been unreasonable, I would only point to what IA has already called you out on. That being your comments about you love your children and Christ enough to homeschool your children. Even if you don't honestly believe that you love your kids and Christ more than PJ loves his kids and Christ, you need to be more sensitive and careful about your words. You have to see how PJ would be offended by that. That doesn't justify his response to you, but you need to accept a little part of it.


I shared with you a real story, and your only response is to accuse me of making it up and lying? That is the slander. You are a blooming hypocrite. Plain and simple. You have exposed yourself in this thread, and its interesting that someone who has been regarded for conservative posts is now fighting right alongside the liberals, the Universalists, and the atheists.

You Parson were the one who turned the discussion nasty with your insults of homeschoolers, so come down off of your high horse before you further embarrass yourself. My rebuke of you initially was in your attitudes towards homeschoolers as much as anything, and that was based on your responses in this thread. But now you have nothing substantive to say other than to accuse others of lying.

Ok fine, believe that the public schools are this wonderful place where children are taught to love and honor God, and the Bible is taught openly. But you will be believing a lie. You defend a system that denies the very Jesus Christ that you say you love and honor. The very Christ who DIED for you and BOUGHT you with His blood is NOT WELCOME in the public schools you are defending. And for you to spend this thread attempting to argue that He is, is absolutely ludicrous. Christ is not taught in the public schools and He is NOT welcome there.

Well Said, Pastor Kevin.

PJ has acted like quite the arrogant fool in this thread as he fiercely defends a Godless system. Wonder why?

Jesus said in Luke 11:23 “He who is not with Me is against Me.” Neutrality is impossible with the Lord. Either we are going His direction, or we are not. We either teach our to children love, honor and obey God, or we send them to a place to be educated where God is irrelevant. The enemy is Satan, and he reigns in the government schools. If that's where PJ wants his kids to be educated, fine, but don't encourage others to follow you in sin.
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It's good to know how proud you are of being such a superior parent. It's good to know that you "love your own kids and your Savior" more than that. It's good to know that you'll proudly condemn parents who don't pull our kids out of public school.

Do you have ANY idea how incredibly arrogant you are being?

It's good to be arrogant when you know you're right, but you are just foolishly defending a system that hates your Savior.

Here are some quotes from Adolph Hitler:

"Let me control the textbooks and I will control the state."

"Tell a lie loud enough and long enough and people will believe it."


And you think it's impossible for the teaching of the parents to trump what the child may see/hear in school?

Yes, considering that children are in school for 7-8 hours a day they are heavly influenced by the teachings at school. There are not enough spare hours in the week to undo all of the indoctrination which takes place every day, all day at school.


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Yes, considering that children are in school for 7-8 hours a day they are heavly influenced by the teachings at school. There are not enough spare hours in the week to undo all of the indoctrination which takes place every day, all day at school.
I think you are underestimating what parents can do.


Originally Posted by Yorzhik
We are only vicious to people that don't listen, like you.

BY THE WAY, do you think it is wrong to judge? You seem to be putting "judgmental" and "vicious" on the same plain.

No, you are vicious and nasty because you are vicious and nasty. There is NOTHING Christ-like about your language, your attitude or your behavior.

But you're too hateful and self-righteous to see that.

Well that's NOT judgmental at all. :doh:

Watch out for your own hypocrisy, PJ - Jesus warned about know, in the Bible. Are you really even a pastor? Sheesh! :rotfl:


New member
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Well that's NOT judgmental at all. :doh:

Watch out for your own hypocrisy, PJ - Jesus warned about know, in the Bible. Are you really even a pastor? Sheesh! :rotfl:
Why do you think that's funny?


And there it is....sending your kids to public school is a sin. :rolleyes:

Yes, it is. Christian parents allow an aggressively anti-Christian institution to form the minds of their children, and the fruit of that choice is bitter. The overwhelming majority of children from evangelical families leave the church within two years after they graduate from high school; only 9% of evangelical teens believe that there is any such thing as absolute moral truth; and, our children are being forcibly indoctrinated to believe that homosexual behavior is acceptable.

Jesus said in Matthew 6:33, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness..." He did not say, "But seek first public education and humanistic paganism!"