Christian Kids in the Public School


Wow, you christians have all sinned WAY more than I have.

(Kidding. :chuckle:)

This is what I don't get...

I didn't do any of that stuff - despite going to public school. Neither did my wife. Nor have any of my kids. None of us have done drugs. We're not drinkers. My kids are not - as accused - joint-rolling condom wearing sickos.

I think we've got a classic case of scape-goating going on here.


New member
This is what I don't get...

I didn't do any of that stuff - despite going to public school. Neither did my wife. Nor have any of my kids. None of us have done drugs. We're not drinkers. My kids are not - as accused - joint-rolling condom wearing sickos.

I think we've got a classic case of scape-goating going on here.

I didn't do any of it, either. I could sit and list other people I know who didn't, but it's fairly pointless. Our good experiences don't mean public school is great anymore than their bad experiences mean it's crap. Different schools are different, same as different families (and therefore available environments for homeschool) are different.


I didn't do any of it, either. I could sit and list other people I know who didn't, but it's fairly pointless. Our good experiences don't mean public school is great anymore than their bad experiences mean it's crap. Different schools are different, same as different families (and therefore available environments for homeschool) are different.


You simply CANNOT make blanket condemnations of all public schools, anymore than you can make blanket condemnations of all Mexicans, because some are illegal immigrants.


New member

You simply CANNOT make blanket condemnations of all public schools, anymore than you can make blanket condemnations of all Mexicans, because some are illegal immigrants.

I agree with you. I think you need to stop taking their comments so personally, though, the thread has escalated massively due to it, when it could have just been a rational debate in which you may have taught them something. Your manner of reaction is burying the validity of your point.


I agree with you. I think you need to stop taking their comments so personally, though, the thread has escalated massively due to it, when it could have just been a rational debate in which you may have taught them something. Your manner of reaction is burying the validity of your point.
You're right.

But believe me, I'm not going to just sit & take it, when some sicko openly accuses me of teaching my kids to roll joints & put on condoms. That's nothing short of disgusting - the kind of thing only sick-minded people do.


New member
You're right.

But believe me, I'm not going to just sit & take it, when some sicko openly accuses me of teaching my kids to roll joints & put on condoms. That's nothing short of disgusting - the kind of thing only sick-minded people do.

Turn the other cheek?

(The mild irony of an atheist saying this to a pastor does not escape me.)


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
This is what I don't get...

I didn't do any of that stuff - despite going to public school. Neither did my wife. Nor have any of my kids. None of us have done drugs. We're not drinkers. My kids are not - as accused - joint-rolling condom wearing sickos.

I think we've got a classic case of scape-goating going on here.

I haven't posted my testimony in a while. So, you don't know a thing about my past except what you've seen in this thread. But, I grew up in a family that, not only didn't care if I got pregnant out of wedlock but, encouraged me to have several children without a spouse and support myself on welfare. I wasn't even allowed to set foot in a church without my mother (when she thought she could get financial assistance from them) until I was fifteen or sixteen. My mom raised three daughters on welfare. Out of the three of us, one's got four kids (she had all of them without the benefit of marriage) and lost custody of three of them to their father, one's so doped up on mood altering drugs (Paxil and others) that she doesn't know up from down, and me (I am trying to raise my daughter to be a Godly woman without the benefit of marriage) who lost my husband to a sudden stroke when I was thirty years old.

I am more than willing to be honest about my past. And, I take full blame for the things I've done wrong as an adult. How many of us are actually willing to do that?

If I said anything that offended anyone, I apologize. This topic does have a tendency to bring out my Irish. But, for now, I think I'm going to bow out of this thread. It's gotten too heated. People are taking things said too seriously and personally. Things said about public schools are not directed, in general, to the parents of public school kids. But, things said about homeschoolers are usually directed to or at the parents. My own experiences with public schools, both as a student and as a parent, have led me to abandon them. My daughter says that she's planning on homeschooling her own children in the future or asking me to do it for her if she has to work. I can think of no greater compliment that my daughter could give me than to say that I actually did something that she considers right. Whether someone outside our family thinks it's right or not doesn't matter.


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Hall of Fame
This thread is so out of hand I'm not sure it'll ever get back to decent discussion. :sigh:


New member
I don't know what Jesus you're referring to, but the one you seem to worship is clearly NOT the Jesus of the Bible.

You really should just admit that you were a PUKE to accuse me of teaching my kids to roll joints and put on condoms. Maybe "your" Jesus teaches you to do things like that, but the REAL Jesus would NEVER do something that sick.

And why would you be such a puke as to accuse my kids of being joint-rolling, condom-wearing people? The ONLY people here who have spoken of actually DOING any of those things are the homeschoolers!

You should be ashamed of your sick behavior. Unfortunately, you've got fellow sickos here you are applauding you and slapping you on the back for it. Y'all must be a VERY strange group of people.

Yorzhik already explained why he asked you the question about pot smoking and condoms. You have twisted it and blown it out of proportion. Of course. You have also engaged in phony character assassination of people because you didn't want to answer the questions asked of you. Fine. You have insulted me. Fine, I can take it. But your wrong insinuations in regards to Shadowmaid crossed the line, and you should apologize. You can blow this up if you want, but you did wrong and crossed a line you shouldn't. You made false accusations that I was making up the situation where my friends kid was exposed to explicit sex ed. I told you why it didn't surprise me in the least that this stuff is going on in public schools because I went to public schools. Of course you didn't reply.

When it was pointed out to you that a Pastor and a man of God should not be saying the best part of a movie was seeing a woman run around topless, you responded by insinuating that I knew too much about Shadowmaid. Well I will respond to that because I think that it is an important accusation.

I know Shadowmaid from having met her at a seminar and from participating in various threads here on TOL, and that is about it. She is a child to me, and that is why I rebuked you for how you talked to her, she is barely older than my oldest son! I also told you that if she were my daughter you would not be very popular with me for how you talked to her. You had no cause to say what you said. No cause.

Furthermore, your comments have been seen as very rude and perverted by a number of Christians, and you don't seem to care in the least. That to me shows an anti-Christian attitude. If I had a number of Bible-believing, born-again believers upset at me over some things I had said, I think I would be seriously evaluating them to make sure I was in the right. You continue on with this name calling and hypocritical phony insults. Digging for any little thing you can use. You're in the wrong. The ball's in your court.

Oh and playing the victim and false accusations aren't going to get you out of it.


New member
parsonjefferson said:
you belittle people whose kids are in public school, telling them that YOU love your kids more than them?

pastorkevin said:
Please show where I said this to someone. Where I said I loved my kids more than they did.

Parson, can you please post the quote where I directly said this to someone?


Yorzhik already explained why he asked you the question about pot smoking and condoms. You have twisted it and blown it out of proportion. Of course. You have also engaged in phony character assassination of people because you didn't want to answer the questions asked of you. Fine. You have insulted me. Fine, I can take it. But your wrong insinuations in regards to Shadowmaid crossed the line, and you should apologize. You can blow this up if you want, but you did wrong and crossed a line you shouldn't. You made false accusations that I was making up the situation where my friends kid was exposed to explicit sex ed. I told you why it didn't surprise me in the least that this stuff is going on in public schools because I went to public schools. Of course you didn't reply.

When it was pointed out to you that a Pastor and a man of God should not be saying the best part of a movie was seeing a woman run around topless, you responded by insinuating that I knew too much about Shadowmaid. Well I will respond to that because I think that it is an important accusation.

I know Shadowmaid from having met her at a seminar and from participating in various threads here on TOL, and that is about it. She is a child to me, and that is why I rebuked you for how you talked to her, she is barely older than my oldest son! I also told you that if she were my daughter you would not be very popular with me for how you talked to her. You had no cause to say what you said. No cause.

Furthermore, your comments have been seen as very rude and perverted by a number of Christians, and you don't seem to care in the least. That to me shows an anti-Christian attitude. If I had a number of Bible-believing, born-again believers upset at me over some things I had said, I think I would be seriously evaluating them to make sure I was in the right. You continue on with this name calling and hypocritical phony insults. Digging for any little thing you can use. You're in the wrong. The ball's in your court.

Oh and playing the victim and false accusations aren't going to get you out of it.

I am finished discussing ANYTHING with you. Period.

Until you're man enough - and Christian enough - to admit to your nastiness, arrogance, and downright un-Christian attitude here, there is NO POINT in any further discussion.

If you continue to hassle me with your self-righteous "in your face" brand of Christianity I will simply put you on "ignore" as many others here on TOL have.

Sorry to be so blunt, but you have been completely and totally out of line, unChristian and nasty throughout this thread. This seems very much out of character, and I don't understand it. But I'm finished with it, and I'm finished discussing anything with you.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I don't know what Jesus you're referring to, but the one you seem to worship is clearly NOT the Jesus of the Bible.

You really should just admit that you were a PUKE to accuse me of teaching my kids to roll joints and put on condoms. Maybe "your" Jesus teaches you to do things like that, but the REAL Jesus would NEVER do something that sick.

And why would you be such a puke as to accuse my kids of being joint-rolling, condom-wearing people? The ONLY people here who have spoken of actually DOING any of those things are the homeschoolers!

You should be ashamed of your sick behavior. Unfortunately, you've got fellow sickos here you are applauding you and slapping you on the back for it. Y'all must be a VERY strange group of people.
Wow, you are so hateful. I'm glad we've been able to take the cover off that part of you and if we can do anything loving for you, expose it so you can see it.

And the problem has little to do with public schools. Thinking public schools are good is just a symptom. The problem is your heart is on the left: A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart at his left.

It doesn't even have anything to do with what your kids know about condoms or joints. Your anger and evasivness is what indicted you. You quickly turned into a madman for no reason, and then when it was clear you were a fool, you showed us you were immoral as well:
18 Like a madman who throws
Firebrands, arrows and death,
19 So is the man who deceives his neighbor,
And says, “Was I not joking?”

God asked us to reason with Him. And now that you see what you are, accept the love and be reasonable. If you understand God, you can have a better relationship with Him. Is it wrong to judge?


New member
I am finished discussing ANYTHING with you. Period.

Until you're man enough - and Christian enough - to admit to your nastiness, arrogance, and downright un-Christian attitude here, there is NO POINT in any further discussion.

If you continue to hassle me with your self-righteous "in your face" brand of Christianity I will simply put you on "ignore" as many others here on TOL have.

Sorry to be so blunt, but you have been completely and totally out of line, unChristian and nasty throughout this thread. This seems very much out of character, and I don't understand it. But I'm finished with it, and I'm finished discussing anything with you.

It's too bad that you would so easily dismiss a brother in Christ without discussing something. You say you are done discussing this with me? That is fine. I was just wondering as to when you ever started discussing it in the first place? You didn't have to take my rebuke of you in the way that you did. Initially it was simply a brother to brother concern, and you flipped and blew it all to smithereens.

If you can show how anything I have said has been MORE unChristian and nasty than your ownself throughout this thread, then you would have succeeded in proving you aren't a hypocrite. But you can't because you have been the one from the getgo in this thread who was the most rude and unChristian in his behavior and in his attitude. Even atheists reading this have told you that! Did you care? NO! You kept right on. You haven't heard or listened to anything said, but hey go ahead and dismiss. It's much easier that way than to deal with the truth and engage in a little self-examination.

For your information I happen to engage in self-examination all the time! Could I have said this better, could I have done that better? Lord help me to better understand people, guard my mind and my attitudes. If I were unfair with you, I would be the first to want to make it right. Notice that it was YOU who made false accusations of lying and worse against me in this thread, Parson. And this was in response to me quoting YOU directly.

OH well. I need to let the whole thing go too. It saddens me that a professing believer in Jesus Christ and pastor would want a wedge like this driven between himself and other Christians. Speaking of arrogant and un-Christian? Look in a mirror!

As far as so many having me on their ignore list. HA! You keep reading those anti-PK pos-reps and PM's. I'd be interested to know what names are on THAT choice list. I would also like to know what percentage of the people on that list are Bible-believing Christians who love the Lord. Maybe you should operate with discernment and consider the sources of information coming to you. :think:

In any case, may you have a good day and I will honestly be praying for you.

Pastor Kevin


New member
Parson if you don't respond to post #410 at the least then you will show yourself to be a liar and false accuser.


New member
Yes, a bad joke that you should have said you were sorry for.

Ah, no. I don't have a particular hatred for you. But you sure don't budge from a bad idea, even a small one, and end up incurring a good amount of ill will. This thread could have been peaceful if you had only tried listening instead of going off with all your hatred, anger, pride, and down-right stupidity.

Well said brother! :up:

The Barbarian

The United States participates in TIMSS studies, in which math and science achievement of American students are compared against those of students in about 40 other nations.

I teach 8th grade, so I know what 8th grade results are. We're above average in both math and science. Not much, but definitely better than average.

In 2003, the US math score was 504, to an average of 466.

In 2003 the US science score was 527 to an average of 473.

That being said, the lack of a comprehensive US policy on education causes huge differences in achievement. Some southeastern states are almost third-world, and the upper midwest has states which rank with Japan and Hong Kong.

In some places, I'd have my kids in private school, too. But in most places, it's a waste of money, if you want them to have a good education.

There's another factor involved; in secondary schools, almost all nations have weeded out the low performers, who are either in technical training for a trade, or dropped out. We keep them in an academic track, which drives down the average scores.

What is remarkable are the math scores. Unlike most countries, we don't introduce algebra to most middle school students. And yet our middle school students still outperform most students from other nations in math. Not bad.
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Wow, you are so hateful. I'm glad we've been able to take the cover off that part of you and if we can do anything loving for you, expose it so you can see it.

And the problem has little to do with public schools. Thinking public schools are good is just a symptom. The problem is your heart is on the left: A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart at his left.

It doesn't even have anything to do with what your kids know about condoms or joints. Your anger and evasivness is what indicted you. You quickly turned into a madman for no reason, and then when it was clear you were a fool, you showed us you were immoral as well:
18 Like a madman who throws
Firebrands, arrows and death,
19 So is the man who deceives his neighbor,
And says, “Was I not joking?”

God asked us to reason with Him. And now that you see what you are, accept the love and be reasonable. If you understand God, you can have a better relationship with Him. Is it wrong to judge?

You are a CREEP that has accused me of teaching my kids to roll joints and put on condoms.

Way to go, Jesus Camp Man.


New member
Hall of Fame
Guys please. Just stop! :sigh: Maximee is right, this isn't even about private vs. public school anymore.

The Barbarian

I'm thinking that it's naive or dishonest to even hint that someone taught his kids to roll joints and use condoms, and then feign surprise when that person takes offense.

I would have handled it differently, but I can't say that the miscreant didn't deserve it.

This one is what has me shaking my head:

And if I'm not mistaken, it's mandated in most schools that sex-ed teachers encourage kids to test out homosexuality.

Absolutely amazing. How can anyone think this is done in sex-ed?