Christian Kids in the Public School


The only person digging a hole here is you.

I told a true story of a conversation my wife and I had with some friends of ours and how we saw their family go down hill once they put their kids in public schools. Sorry if hearing that upset you so much that you have to try to make it look like I made it up. My wife heard the same conversation and could verify it, as if I needed another word. You have offered no proof that I was lying, but you are condeming me as a liar. Interesting.

Wrong. So much more has happened. How about getting yourself back on topic. Slinging around these silly insults isn't getting anyone anywhere.

It would be different because you would have made that up in your hypothetical.

I said nothing about your kids and joints and condoms. That is between you and Yorzhik. Learn to split apart your accusations to the appropriate ones you are accusing. Better yet, stop accusing and discuss the issue.

You got caught trying to slander public schools. That is all.


I said nothing about your kids and joints and condoms. That is between you and Yorzhik. Learn to split apart your accusations to the appropriate ones you are accusing. Better yet, stop accusing and discuss the issue.

Why are you defending Yorzhik?

What he said was loathesome, scummy and ugly.

Why have you been defending him?


New member
parsonjefferson said:
It was a JOKE.

One that a sister in Christ found offensive enough to call you a "pervert". Something you never responded to.

And no, they wouldn't be shocked, nor would they be appalled. They would say, "Yeah, that was a stupid, slutty movie."

And so they wouldn't be concerned about the morality of their pastor saying that a woman running topless was the best part of a movie?

I wonder if the folks in your church would be appalled by what you continue to write on this thread?

All of the people in my congregation know that I homeschool and how I feel about public schools.

Would they be surprised that you openly slander public schools?

I haven't slandered anything. I spoke about a true incident and you have run with it attempting to assert that I made it up.

That you belittle people whose kids are in public school, telling them that YOU love your kids more than them?

Please show where I said this to someone. Where I said I loved my kids more than they did.

Would they be pleased that you defend somebody who accused me of teaching my kids to roll joints and put on condoms?

Yorzhik has attempted to engage you himself on this issue. I simply said that I have met Yorzhik personally and know he is not like you described him.

Would they be a little surprised that you know so much about a 17-year old girl here?

You know what. I really take offense to this. You have just gone over the edge of what is right. I rebuked you for how you spoke to Shadowmaid. I have met her and her pastor and friends once, along with Yorzhik and many others. It was at a conference. Me rebuking you for how you talked to her was hardly anything inappropriate. I further rebuke you for these comments!


Death2impiety's Wife
Gold Subscriber
You know what. I really take offense to this. You have just gone over the edge of what is right. I rebuked you for how you spoke to Shadowmaid. I have met her and her pastor and friends once, along with Yorzhik and many others. It was at a conference. Me rebuking you for how you talked to her was hardly anything inappropriate. I further rebuke you for these comments!

You're not the only one taking offense to that comment... That was extremely rude, vulgar and unChristian.. PJ, you're a hypocrite.


New member
Hall of Fame
I was just alerted to this thread, and will now give it a full reading. But I can't for the life of me figure out why anybody, Christian or not, would defend public schooling. Public schools are such a failure that many non-Christians are home schooling now.

ParsonJefferson, there are videos shown at school that are so vulgar that if there were shown in the home, most parents would be reaching for the fast forward button. And if a video doesn't suit a pervert, there are students and teachers that have sex there too.

Think I'm making it up? You'd be a fool to think that. Just go to and search the words 'sex school' together and you get a number of incriminating results. Just from the last 24 hours!!!

Fortunately, my children are protected from that here at home. They are sheltered, yet cultured. Protected, yet free. Monitored, yet uninhibited. Loved, but not abused.

Shadowmaid and her siblings will turn out just fine. The whole family is Godly and mature for their age. I pray for them that they will continue to be a light to the world.


New member
I was just alerted to this thread, and will now give it a full reading. But I can't for the life of me figure out why anybody, Christian or not, would defend public schooling. Public schools are such a failure that many non-Christians are home schooling now.

ParsonJefferson, there are videos shown at school that are so vulgar that if there were shown in the home, most parents would be reaching for the fast forward button. And if a video doesn't suit a pervert, there are students and teachers that have sex there too.

Think I'm making it up? You'd be a fool to think that. Just go to and search the words 'sex school' together and you get a number of incriminating results. Just from the last 24 hours!!!

Fortunately, my children are protected from that here at home. They are sheltered, yet cultured. Protected, yet free. Monitored, yet uninhibited. Loved, but not abused.

Shadowmaid and her siblings will turn out just fine. The whole family is Godly and mature for their age. I pray for them that they will continue to be a light to the world.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You're dodging the questions, aren't you?
The question of "WHY am I a nasty jerk?" :rotfl: You get more hilarious all the time. How about you answer first? WHEN did you stop beating your wife?

YOU are a NASTY JERK that accused me of teaching my kids to roll joints and put on condoms.

You might as well admit it. It's there for everyone to see.
The question of who it was is there for all to see. If it wasn't the public schools, who was it?

Yes indeed, how very CHRISTIAN of you.
Honestly, I don't even know if your kids know how to roll joints or put on condoms (do they? those that aren't adults yet?). However, this has been a capital way to mock you. And you need mocking, Jesus wants me to mock you.


New member
Tiny, mostly irrelevant, and utterly pedantic point, but I believe "slander" is spoken. When it's written, it's libel.


He is a friend and a brother in Christ. You have slandered him unjustly.

You are wrong. Again.

The idiot accused me of teaching my kids to roll joints and put on condoms.

I absolutely fail to understand how you could POSSIBLY defend that - other than that's okay, because he's a homeschooler who is being openly nasty and hateful. I guess that makes it okay, doesn't it?


I was just alerted to this thread, and will now give it a full reading. But I can't for the life of me figure out why anybody, Christian or not, would defend public schooling. Public schools are such a failure that many non-Christians are home schooling now.
You would do well to not broad-brush so randomly.
Why not be honest enough to say SOME Public Schools? THAT would be accurate.

ParsonJefferson, there are videos shown at school that are so vulgar that if there were shown in the home, most parents would be reaching for the fast forward button. And if a video doesn't suit a pervert, there are students and teachers that have sex there too.
Prove it.

Think I'm making it up? You'd be a fool to think that. Just go to and search the words 'sex school' together and you get a number of incriminating results. Just from the last 24 hours!!!
So a bunch more homseschoolers are making accusations? Why would I believe that?
I don't know what world you're talking about, but that kind of stuff was NOT happening in the public schools my kids have been in.
How do I know? I WAS THERE.

Fortunately, my children are protected from that here at home. They are sheltered, yet cultured. Protected, yet free. Monitored, yet uninhibited. Loved, but not abused.
Good! I commend you for that!

Shadowmaid and her siblings will turn out just fine. The whole family is Godly and mature for their age. I pray for them that they will continue to be a light to the world.
Good! I would assume they would - even though I have absolutely no idea who Shadowmaid is.


The question of "WHY am I a nasty jerk?" :rotfl: You get more hilarious all the time. How about you answer first? WHEN did you stop beating your wife?

The question of who it was is there for all to see. If it wasn't the public schools, who was it?

Honestly, I don't even know if your kids know how to roll joints or put on condoms (do they? those that aren't adults yet?). However, this has been a capital way to mock you. And you need mocking, Jesus wants me to mock you.

I don't know what Jesus you're referring to, but the one you seem to worship is clearly NOT the Jesus of the Bible.

You really should just admit that you were a PUKE to accuse me of teaching my kids to roll joints and put on condoms. Maybe "your" Jesus teaches you to do things like that, but the REAL Jesus would NEVER do something that sick.

And why would you be such a puke as to accuse my kids of being joint-rolling, condom-wearing people? The ONLY people here who have spoken of actually DOING any of those things are the homeschoolers!

You should be ashamed of your sick behavior. Unfortunately, you've got fellow sickos here you are applauding you and slapping you on the back for it. Y'all must be a VERY strange group of people.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Join the club - just like the rest of us who went to public school and are honest about our experiences.

Actually, I graduated public school and didn't learn those things until after I had graduated. But, it was while I was in a government-run training program for low-income adults and teenagers.

I was 12 years old when I started engaging in sexual behavior and smoking pot because everyone else was doing it. I even learned all about how to have “safe” sex and do drugs “safely” by the experts at school, but it only encouraged my behavior. Then over the years it gradually progressed to harder drugs (acid, ecstasy, ect.) and more perverted, promiscuous sexual encounters (orgies, lesbianism, ect.). Not only did I have a baby when I was 15 and contracted an STD early on (thankfully which was curable), but I also had a very low self image after feeling used and like a piece of trash after every experience. Sure, I was more than willing to participate at the time since the pressure was so intense, and most the time it was fun, but it didn't take long for the reality to sink in that I felt emptier than before and more worthless than ever. It wasn't until I was 19 that I finally met my husband and broke the sexual cycle, but to this day I still have over 7 years worth of baggage that I will never fully recover from.


I started engaging in sexual behaviour and doing drugs (I started with crystal meth and then smoked pot) while in that training program. It's where I met my ex-husband. I was pregnant before we were married and found out after we divorced that he was a child molester.