Christian Kids in the Public School


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...and I will pray that the homeschoolers here will stop being so judgmental and vicious towards those who choose to be involved in Public Schools.
We are only vicious to people that don't listen, like you.

BY THE WAY, do you think it is wrong to judge? You seem to be putting "judgmental" and "vicious" on the same plain.


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This post paints with a broad brush. The words you use are the same as the words used by people that hate homeschoolers. How are we to tell the difference? Just ask you?

Now, I think generalizing is a good and proper thing to do. But you seem to be a hypocrite about it.
I didn't see PJ's response to this post, but I'll look again.


New member
I never received an answer to the simple question of WHICH public school allowed PJ to teach the Bible and Jesus Christ. I would really like to commend them. I don't think that is a bad question at all, and certainly not unfriendly.


You said: "I'm talking about my 3 kids that did NOT learn to roll joints and put on condoms in public school."

I replied: "And so the question is, if your kids didn't learn to roll a joint and put on a condom in public school, did they learn that at home?"

Yes (from this thread):

You think your kids are elevated because you are in the gutter with them.

That was a JOKE.

Are you so steeped in hatred that you cannot see beyond the end of your nose?


We are only vicious to people that don't listen, like you.

BY THE WAY, do you think it is wrong to judge? You seem to be putting "judgmental" and "vicious" on the same plain.

No, you are vicious and nasty because you are vicious and nasty. There is NOTHING Christ-like about your language, your attitude or your behavior.

But you're too hateful and self-righteous to see that.


New member
No, you are vicious and nasty because you are vicious and nasty. There is NOTHING Christ-like about your language, your attitude or your behavior.

But you're too hateful and self-righteous to see that.

I have met Yorzhik personally and did not find him to be this way in the least.


I never received an answer to the simple question of WHICH public school allowed PJ to teach the Bible and Jesus Christ. I would really like to commend them. I don't think that is a bad question at all, and certainly not unfriendly.

First of all, I don't need to have a public school chemistry teacher telling my kids about Jesus. I'll do that myself. I don't need to have a public school orchestra teacher telling my kids about Jesus. I'll do that myself. And I have.

Second, if you don't think there are tens of thousands of CHRISTIAN public school teachers, doing every day what you are SCARED to do, and making a difference in the lives of children who need to see the Gospel LIVED, you are terribly deluded. Your arrogance and hatred has blinded you.

Third, I'll tell you what public school invited me in - regularly - to teach Sex Education AFTER you tell me what fictional public school SUPPOSEDLY had a 5th Grade teacher that was SUPPOSEDLY showing "how-to oral sex videos" to 11-year olds. Fair enough?

But hey - guess what - two years ago I PREACHED at one of my sons' Baccalaureate worship service that was held in the gymnasium of the public high school. But never mind the facts. I'm sure you're right. That kind of thing is not allowed in ANY of those satanic schools, is it? :doh:


I have met Yorzhik personally and did not find him to be this way in the least.
Good for you. I suppose it was at one of those homeschool conventions where you "spread the love of Christ" like you have here.

I have read what he has posted here, and find his postings to be those of a nasty, hateful, mental midget.


New member
First of all, I don't need to have a public school chemistry teacher telling my kids about Jesus. I'll do that myself. I don't need to have a public school orchestra teacher telling my kids about Jesus. I'll do that myself. And I have.

Second, if you don't think there are tens of thousands of CHRISTIAN public school teachers, doing every day what you are SCARED to do, and making a difference in the lives of children who need to see the Gospel LIVED, you are terribly deluded. Your arrogance and hatred has blinded you.

Third, I'll tell you what public school invited me in - regularly - to teach Sex Education AFTER you tell me what fictional public school SUPPOSEDLY had a 5th Grade teacher that was SUPPOSEDLY showing "how-to oral sex videos" to 11-year olds. Fair enough?

But hey - guess what - two years ago I PREACHED at one of my sons' Baccalaureate worship service that was held in the gymnasium of the public high school. But never mind the facts. I'm sure you're right. That kind of thing is not allowed in ANY of those satanic schools, is it? :doh:
It sounds like it's allowed in your public school. :)


New member
First of all, I don't need to have a public school chemistry teacher telling my kids about Jesus. I'll do that myself. I don't need to have a public school orchestra teacher telling my kids about Jesus. I'll do that myself. And I have.

Second, if you don't think there are tens of thousands of CHRISTIAN public school teachers, doing every day what you are SCARED to do, and making a difference in the lives of children who need to see the Gospel LIVED, you are terribly deluded. Your arrogance and hatred has blinded you.

Third, I'll tell you what public school invited me in - regularly - to teach Sex Education AFTER you tell me what fictional public school SUPPOSEDLY had a 5th Grade teacher that was SUPPOSEDLY showing "how-to oral sex videos" to 11-year olds. Fair enough?

But hey - guess what - two years ago I PREACHED at one of my sons' Baccalaureate worship service that was held in the gymnasium of the public high school. But never mind the facts. I'm sure you're right. That kind of thing is not allowed in ANY of those satanic schools, is it? :doh:

You know I said earlier that I was not going to get into a tit-for-tat with you. This is just silly. I asked you a simple question that was not mean or hateful in any way, shape, or form. I shared a story of a real experience we had several years ago where our friends kids were taught about oral sex in a sex-ed class in their school. I wasn't there at the school, so quite frankly I don't know what all they said. I do know at the time I had no reason to doubt their word. No reason whatsoever. The most I can tell you is that it was a public school on the eastside of Indianapolis. I don't know the name and never claimed to.

Do you know the name of the school you say you taught the Bible and Jesus Christ to kids in or not? If someone cannot discuss this subject with you, then why even participate in a discussion.


New member
Good for you. I suppose it was at one of those homeschool conventions where you "spread the love of Christ" like you have here.

I have read what he has posted here, and find his postings to be those of a nasty, hateful, mental midget.

You cannot possibly be serious. The game is up.


It sounds like it's allowed in your public school. :)

Which is VERY interesting, isn't it? Considering all the ranting, hatred and name-calling of some people here, the EXACT things they vow CANNOT happen ARE happening.

Funny thing... just last night I was talking to my brother-in-law, who is a English & History teacher at a public high school in our city. He's not only a Christian, but has been a pastor for years - until returning to teaching last year. The majority of teachers in the high school where he teaches are CHRISTIANS. They have a huge FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) club that not only is allowed but is endorsed by the school. Their Chorale sings classical CHRISTIAN music, as do most public high school chorales.

But I guess people would have to get close enough to see that. And the people that just sit at home, screaming curses at public schools, will never see any of that.


You cannot possibly be serious. The game is up.
Find me one decent, intelligent thing that yorzhik has posted on this thread. One thing.

Of course, I suppose you would consider his accusing me of teaching my kids to roll joints and put on condemns a "christian" thing to do... Christlike, indeed.


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First of all, how or why would I know that Shadowmaid is a 17-year old girl? Second, if she wants to smart off at me, she needs to put on her big girl undies and not go crying to mommy if somebody smarts off back at her.
Crying to mommy? She didn't go crying to daddy, much less mommy. Is your mind always in the gutter about womens undergarments?

ParsonJefferson said:

I'm sorry, but I have lost virtually all - if not all - of my respect for homeschoolers, as a result of this thread. What has been expressed here has been nothing short of arrogant, dishonest, shameful and unChristian. I have never before seen such hostility, nastiness, condescension and hatred coming from people who claim to be Christians.

First, since since you are so weak on evidence, I'm not surprised that it only took a thread on a public forum to sway your mind. Second, I'm glad we are able to move you one way or another, at the very least - remember, God would prefer you be cold than warm. And third, you seem to think that hostility nastiness and condescension are un-Christian; they are very Christian, as well as judging. You may have answered from when I asked you before, but if you didn't I'll ask again - Do you think judging is wrong?


New member
Find me one decent, intelligent thing that yorzhik has posted on this thread. One thing.

Of course, I suppose you would consider his accusing me of teaching my kids to roll joints and put on condemns a "christian" thing to do... Christlike, indeed.

I would like to know what is "Christian" about saying the best part of a movie is seeing a woman run around topless. You say you were joking around, but that would fall under the category of coarse joking. Any way you try to spin it, that was not a very Christian thing to say at all.


New member
Crying to mommy? She didn't go crying to daddy, much less mommy. Is your mind always in the gutter about womens undergarments?

First, since since you are so weak on evidence, I'm not surprised that it only took a thread on a public forum to sway your mind. Second, I'm glad we are able to move you one way or another, at the very least - remember, God would prefer you be cold than warm. And third, you seem to think that hostility nastiness and condescension are un-Christian; they are very Christian, as well as judging. You may have answered from when I asked you before, but if you didn't I'll ask again - Do you think judging is wrong?

Good points Yorzhik! Shadowmaid didn't cry to anyone. I rebuked PJ for how he talked to her and he didn't like it. He has behaved himself like an immature ogre towards that young lady.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
No, you are vicious and nasty because you are vicious and nasty.
:darwinsm: And PJ calls me a metal midget. Hey, PJ, if this is indicative of how well your kids think too, I'm not sure you want to be so quick to tell everyone how great their education was.

There is NOTHING Christ-like about your language, your attitude or your behavior.

But you're too hateful and self-righteous to see that.
I've been very Christ-like. Rebuking and making fun of a fool like you will get me a commendation from Christ. But I have to admit, the hate and pride you've demonstrated this thread might be good enough to get a mention on judgment day. But I'm not sure, maybe you are worse than this in real life.


You know I said earlier that I was not going to get into a tit-for-tat with you. This is just silly. I asked you a simple question that was not mean or hateful in any way, shape, or form. I shared a story of a real experience we had several years ago where our friends kids were taught about oral sex in a sex-ed class in their school. I wasn't there at the school, so quite frankly I don't know what all they said. I do know at the time I had no reason to doubt their word. No reason whatsoever. The most I can tell you is that it was a public school on the eastside of Indianapolis. I don't know the name and never claimed to.

Do you know the name of the school you say you taught the Bible and Jesus Christ to kids in or not? If someone cannot discuss this subject with you, then why even participate in a discussion.

IF you honestly suspected that an oral sex movie was being shown to 5th Graders, it was your MORAL and LEGAL obligation to report it. And you didn't, did you?
Why not?

A teacher showing oral sex "how-to" videos to 5th graders would be fired and prosecuted. No question. But you didn't pursue it, did you?
Why not?

Do you know that you, as a "pastor" are considered, by law, a "mandatory reporter"? Do you know what a mandatory reporter is?

There are only three things possible here:
1. You don't know your moral and legal obligation as a mandatory reporter.
2. You NEGLECTED your moral and legal obligation as a mandatory reporter.
3. You know, deep in your heart, that it's not true.

I suspect the 3rd.

Concerning this supposed requirement that public schools "teach & preach Jesus"... Did you not read what I just wrote? And who decided that a public school has to teach Jesus in order for it to be a good school?