Christian Kids in the Public School


New member
It's amusing how clueless many of the TOL members are when it comes to public schools. You visit a few, read a few news stories, and suddenly public schools are now "ran by fools and swarmed with reprobate delinquents."

Besides, why is it necessary that God be taught in public schools? I'm not exactly sure of what use God would be in a calculus class. And since when do public schools "indoctrinate students with anti-God mumbo jumbo"? Schools teach evolution, yes, but that is because TOE is is like gravity; practically unquestioned by professionals in the field due to the overwhelming amount of evidence in its favor. Besides TOE, I never had a teacher mention or imply God (outside of my elective Religions of the World class).

No wonder so many of you are so adamantly opposed to public schools; you are basing your opposition on a bunch of erroneous and inaccurate views of the public school system.

And by the way, why don't you give ParsonJefferson a break? You all are like a pack of wolves in attacking him for simply straying from your narrow view of what a Christian should be/do. How very "Christ-like" of you all to persecute someone who believes something different.


New member
I think the back-and-forth attacks between PJ and the homeschoolers is based more on knee-jerk defensive reactions than anything else. This is a difficult subject to discuss when you're parents, as it's close to home, and every point for/against either can easily seem like an insult towards you and how you choose to raise your kids.

I think you all need to take a deep breath and remember that you all love your kids, regardless, and make an effort to discuss the topic without taking everything so personally. If you believe that your kids are getting a good education, then you should be able to freely discuss the pros and cons of both types without flying off the handle. I went to public school, and enjoyed my time there, but I don't take it as an insult that some people think public schools cannot produce well-educated children. I think they're wrong, but I see the validity in a lot of their points, and conversation will do more to help them see the validity in mine than flying off the handle will.


New member
Hall of Fame
I think the back-and-forth attacks between PJ and the homeschoolers is based more on knee-jerk defensive reactions than anything else. This is a difficult subject to discuss when you're parents, as it's close to home, and every point for/against either can easily seem like an insult towards you and how you choose to raise your kids.

I think you all need to take a deep breath and remember that you all love your kids, regardless, and make an effort to discuss the topic without taking everything so personally. If you believe that your kids are getting a good education, then you should be able to freely discuss the pros and cons of both types without flying off the handle. I went to public school, and enjoyed my time there, but I don't take it as an insult that some people think public schools cannot produce well-educated children. I think they're wrong, but I see the validity in a lot of their points, and conversation will do more to help them see the validity in mine than flying off the handle will.
:BRAVO: Great post. I think that's exactly what is happening also.


New member
parsonjefferson said:
First of all, how or why would I know that Shadowmaid is a 17-year old girl? Second, if she wants to smart off at me, she needs to put on her big girl undies and not go crying to mommy if somebody smarts off back at her.

Except she didn't smart off to you. You just took it that way. You have behaved like a baby and a blooming hypocrite through this whole thread. Like I said before. If I were Shadowmaid's dad you would have some serious explaining to do. I would sure not want someone talking about my daughter in such a fashion. She's a 17 year old girl you jerk! You have no place in the ministry dude. You're behaving like a brash, arrogant jerk. And I will call you out for it. The rebuke was inititally pretty friendly, but the worse you behave, the harsher the rebukes will become because that is what you deserve.

pj said:
I'm sorry, but I have lost virtually all - if not all - of my respect for homeschoolers, as a result of this thread.

You never had any to begin with. You came into this thread with an arrogant attitude against homeschoolers from the GET-GO! You based those opinions on what you called your weird relatives who homeschool. Many people reading this thread have lost all respect for YOU due to your arrogant behavior. So come down off of your high horse and quit playing the victim. You have contributed to the responses you have gotten from the start.

parsonjefferson said:
What has been expressed here has been nothing short of arrogant, dishonest, shameful and unChristian.

Ah yes. UnChristian to express disdain for a system that rejects our Savior. Yeah, I get that argument......

parsonjefferson said:
I have never before seen such hostility, nastiness, condescension and hatred coming from people who claim to be Christians.

REALLY? SEEMS YOU HAVE TO LOOK IN A MIRROR EVERYDAY! You have bween nasty, hostile, and condescending throughout this thread. You are the type of hypocrite that pushes people away from God as opposed to drawing them. You blast people for doing what you yourself have been doing. And I am not the only person who has noticed this, and this is not the only thread you have done this!

I'm sure that PastorKevin will feel God is leading him to Neg-Rep me - yet again - for this.


People on this site neg-rep what they think is worthy of neg-rep. Put on you (how did you term it) "Big-boy undies", or go home and cry to your mommy.

I'm sure that I'll be condemned to hell for this.

What a silly statement to make. A person who knows Christ as Savior doesn't go to hell. We initially rebuked you as a concerned brother. You obviously think you are above rebuke due to your arrogance!

I'm sure I'll be rebuked - again - for this.

Yup, and I'm sure by more than just me!

I'm sure that I'll be told I don't love my kids - again - for this.

Actually this has nothing to do with your kids right now. It has to do with your stinking rotten attitude.

I'm sure I'll be accused of all manner of stupid things for this.

Not necessary. Anyone who reads your posts in this thread can see how you have behaved more and more nastily as the thread has gone on.


I think the back-and-forth attacks between PJ and the homeschoolers is based more on knee-jerk defensive reactions than anything else. This is a difficult subject to discuss when you're parents, as it's close to home, and every point for/against either can easily seem like an insult towards you and how you choose to raise your kids.

I think you all need to take a deep breath and remember that you all love your kids, regardless, and make an effort to discuss the topic without taking everything so personally. If you believe that your kids are getting a good education, then you should be able to freely discuss the pros and cons of both types without flying off the handle. I went to public school, and enjoyed my time there, but I don't take it as an insult that some people think public schools cannot produce well-educated children. I think they're wrong, but I see the validity in a lot of their points, and conversation will do more to help them see the validity in mine than flying off the handle will.

I agree IA, but I'll post a statement or two to you:

AFTER you've had some idiot ask you if your kids were taught to roll joints & put on condoms at school, or if you taught them at home, you can tell me to calm down.

Talk to me 25 years from now, AFTER you have done your best and raised fantastic kids, when you have some arrogant ninny telling you that IF you loved your kids, you'd NEVER put them in public school.

Sometimes stupidity, nastiness and arrogance need to be exposed.


New member
It's good to know how proud you are of being such a superior parent. It's good to know that you "love your own kids and your Savior" more than that. It's good to know that you'll proudly condemn parents who don't pull our kids out of public school.

Do you have ANY idea how incredibly arrogant you are being?

You obviously didn't read the post and understand what was being said. I simply said, and will stand on the fact that if my Savior who bought me is not allowed there, then I won't go there and neither will my kids. Nothing arrogant at all about that. I didn't condemn anyone in the post, I simply stated how I felt about it.


Except she didn't smart off to you. You just took it that way. You have behaved like a baby and a blooming hypocrite through this whole thread. Like I said before. If I were Shadowmaid's dad you would have some serious explaining to do. I would sure not want someone talking about my daughter in such a fashion. She's a 17 year old girl you jerk! You have no place in the ministry dude. You're behaving like a brash, arrogant jerk. And I will call you out for it. The rebuke was inititally pretty friendly, but the worse you behave, the harsher the rebukes will become because that is what you deserve.

You never had any to begin with. You came into this thread with an arrogant attitude against homeschoolers from the GET-GO! You based those opinions on what you called your weird relatives who homeschool. Many people reading this thread have lost all respect for YOU due to your arrogant behavior. So come down off of your high horse and quit playing the victim. You have contributed to the responses you have gotten from the start.

Ah yes. UnChristian to express disdain for a system that rejects our Savior. Yeah, I get that argument......

REALLY? SEEMS YOU HAVE TO LOOK IN A MIRROR EVERYDAY! You have bween nasty, hostile, and condescending throughout this thread. You are the type of hypocrite that pushes people away from God as opposed to drawing them. You blast people for doing what you yourself have been doing. And I am not the only person who has noticed this, and this is not the only thread you have done this!


People on this site neg-rep what they think is worthy of neg-rep. Put on you (how did you term it) "Big-boy undies", or go home and cry to your mommy.

What a silly statement to make. A person who knows Christ as Savior doesn't go to hell. We initially rebuked you as a concerned brother. You obviously think you are above rebuke due to your arrogance!

Yup, and I'm sure by more than just me!

Actually this has nothing to do with your kids right now. It has to do with your stinking rotten attitude.

Not necessary. Anyone who reads your posts in this thread can see how you have behaved more and more nastily as the thread has gone on.

You're a real piece of work.
I certainly hope you don't preach like that on Sunday mornings!


New member
I agree IA, but I'll post a statement or two to you:

AFTER you've had some idiot ask you if your kids were taught to roll joints & put on condoms at school, or if you taught them at home, you can tell me to calm down.

Talk to me 25 years from now, AFTER you have done your best and raised fantastic kids, when you have some arrogant ninny telling you that IF you loved your kids, you'd NEVER put them in public school.

Sometimes stupidity, nastiness and arrogance need to be exposed.

Hey, I'm the kid who just got out of public school, so apparently I learnt how to roll joints and put on condoms, too!

I know it must be frustrating, but I honestly think that people are reacting to you in this way purely because they think you're critisizing them and their choices, in raising their kids homeschooled. Can you try and see it from the other side? Because I'd bet it looks fairly similar.


New member
You obviously didn't read the post and understand what was being said. I simply said, and will stand on the fact that if my Savior who bought me is not allowed there, then I won't go there and neither will my kids. Nothing arrogant at all about that. I didn't condemn anyone in the post, I simply stated how I felt about it.

Do you not understand how PJ could take that as you putting down those christians who do put their kids in public school?

Come on, guys, you're both being as bad as each other. Try to see things from the other side..


Hey, I'm the kid who just got out of public school, so apparently I learnt how to roll joints and put on condoms, too!

I know it must be frustrating, but I honestly think that people are reacting to you in this way purely because they think you're critisizing them and their choices, in raising their kids homeschooled. Can you try and see it from the other side? Because I'd bet it looks fairly similar.

Re-read my posts.

SEVERAL times - on this thread alone - I have said that if parents want to homeschool their kids, they're more than welcome to do that.


You obviously didn't read the post and understand what was being said. I simply said, and will stand on the fact that if my Savior who bought me is not allowed there, then I won't go there and neither will my kids. Nothing arrogant at all about that. I didn't condemn anyone in the post, I simply stated how I felt about it.
What is VERY obvious from your post, was that you think you're better than parents who send their kids to public school.

Holier-Than-Thou anyone?


New member
Do you not understand how PJ could take that as you putting down those christians who do put their kids in public school?

Come on, guys, you're both being as bad as each other. Try to see things from the other side..

Sure. I can understand. He takes things as personal insults that aren't intended to be personal insults, and then he turns around and personally insults. It's a silly cycle to be on, and I for one am going to get off at this point. You are right in that it has gone to the point that nothing positive will come from it. I said what I had to say on the subject. I will let God work on his heart from there.

God bless!


New member
Re-read my posts.

SEVERAL times - on this thread alone - I have said that if parents want to homeschool their kids, they're more than welcome to do that.

Look, as someone with no kids who is able to read and comment on this thread without having a personal interest in it (yet), I've seen both sides being overly defensive. I believe that you do think homeschool is great for a lot of kids, but because you're acting antagonistic towards these homeschoolers, you're creating a different impression. They, as well, are making statements about public school then acting as if they don't understand why their comments may offend/upset you, as a parent who feels they're doing the best for their kids.

I seriously think you all need to cool off. But maybe I should just butt out and let you argue in peace..


New member
Re-read my posts.

SEVERAL times - on this thread alone - I have said that if parents want to homeschool their kids, they're more than welcome to do that.

And yet you have continued throughout with your condescending attitude. But here's the skinny: I am not going to drag the name of Christ through the mud like this. If you want to discuss it with me further we can take it through a PM. I said what I had to say, and I encourage you to go back and read it from the beginning. Again, I pray God will soften your heart towards homeschoolers.

Peace to you.


New member
Sure. I can understand. He takes things as personal insults that aren't intended to be personal insults, and then he turns around and personally insults. It's a silly cycle to be on, and I for one am going to get off at this point. You are right in that it has gone to the point that nothing positive will come from it. I said what I had to say on the subject. I will let God work on his heart from there.

God bless!

You're removing all responsibility from yourself, though, which isn't entirely fair on PJ. Of course if you say that you love your kids too much to send them to public school, it's going to imply that those who send their kids there don't love them as much. How is it fair to say that you didn't mean that as a personal insult, therefore it's not your fault if he takes it as one, when it's quite clear that it could easily be seen that way?


New member
Do whatever YOU want for your kids. It's that simple. I've never encountered an instance where a conservative Christian would feel threatened, other than the Day of Silence or being taught not to pick on others. We actually had a pro-life day the week before the DoS, so...


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You said: "I'm talking about my 3 kids that did NOT learn to roll joints and put on condoms in public school."

I replied: "And so the question is, if your kids didn't learn to roll a joint and put on a condom in public school, did they learn that at home?"

What are you even talking about? Are you assuming that my kids are joint-rolling condom wearing idiots, or what?

Yes (from this thread):
I hope they continue to let the girl run around without a bra on. That was the best part of the movie! :p
You think your kids are elevated because you are in the gutter with them.