Christian Kids in the Public School


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Well then you are silly!! ;)

But really, :jessilu: is an exceptional example. Should schools be willing and able to accomodate gifted children? Absolutely! So I think the rule is that it's silly to homeschool children because you think they'll get a bad education, but there are exceptions to the rule, your daughter being one of them. Although, I don't think she would have received a bad education had you left her in public school, but I think she received a better one homeschooling.

If a child is not learning, it is a bad education, IMHO. And, in second grade, my daughter wasn't being allowed to learn anything except how to toe the PC line. To me, that's wrong.


New member
Hall of Fame
If a child is not learning, it is a bad education, IMHO.
Fair enough.
And, in second grade, my daughter wasn't being allowed to learn anything except how to toe the PC line. To me, that's wrong.
And I fully support you taking :jessilu: out of public school in that situation. Like I said, public schools should allow gifted children to move at a faster pace.


New member
Parson Jefferson, I think everyone would like you to realize that when we say all public schools, we do not literally mean, all public schools. When we say all public schoolers, we do not mean, all public schoolers.


New member
Parson Jefferson, I think everyone would like you to realize that when we say all public schools, we do not literally mean, all public schools. When we say all public schoolers, we do not mean, all public schoolers.

Uh.. why use the word all, then? It's really not that bizarre for someone to take "all public schools" to mean "all public schools"..


Parson Jefferson, I think everyone would like you to realize that when we say all public schools, we do not literally mean, all public schools. When we say all public schoolers, we do not mean, all public schoolers.
Then say either MOST public schools, and MOST public schoolers or SOME public schools and SOME public schoolers. That would be appropriate.


Oh good grief, either America has a MAJOR problem or you're just exhibiting snobbery and paranoia, I went to a public school - as did most of my friends- and its safe to say that none of us turned into drugged up sex maniacs :doh:

America has a MAJOR problem!


Well-known member
I agree. Thanks!

Can you expand on "piss-poor"?

Yup. But I'll make it short and come back, because I could go on a lot, and I'm procrastinating on some work I should be doing ;)

1) Public schools are overcrowded. Classrooms should be smaller and have a much lower student to teacher ratio. I should have added that as a reason I think that homeshooled kids get a better education. Particularly at a younger age, the better the teacher student ratio, the better the education will be.

2) The quality of teaching is not what it should be. Because of incentive and work-environment, we have a lower quality of teachers than we should. The better teachers often move to private schools (though many private schools actually do have lower salaries, the work condition is usually much better). But I'll say in contrast to this, that there are a lot of very good teachers who teach because they believe in it's value, in lieu of taking other jobs, and I commend all of those people. I know a fair amount of teachers, and the ones I know that teach at public schools are among the most committed people I know.

3) Public school tends to under-teach. It's geared towards an average, rather than focusing on different children's abilities and levels. The most obvious example is that gifted or highly intelligent students are often held back from what they can accomplish. They get lost in the shuffle. But this extends to children besides gifted children. Children aren't averages... Each has their gifts, and generally, public schools aren't set up to deal with that. Those gifts shouldn't be lost. Everyone should learn the basics. Readin, ritin, rithmatic. But some kids are better at other things than other kids, and far too often, those things never have a chance to emerge.

4) Facilities, etc. Our public schools should be supersonic laboratories where kids always have access to the best. Most public schools use outdated books and equipment. Most public schools are dusty, beaten, depressing institutions. Mills. Pale blue and green walls, wall clocks ticking the minutes away.

5) Curriculum at most public schools is completely outdated. The system needs an upgrade. We know a lot more about teaching and how kids learn than we did 80 years ago, but we still use the same curriculum. Again, it's geared toward the average.

6) Parent's involvement is really important. For the schools and for the kids. I don't think that parents are as involved as they should be.

I have to go but I'll come back later and blather more.

By the way: I realize I'm not talking about the religious aspect of schooling. I've stayed out of this thread because of that (this is in the religion section after all)... In my opinion, religion should be kept at home, or in the Church. If homeschoolers keep their kids at home because of that, I can understand it, but I don't really support it. I support their freedom to do it, but I think it leads to a more divided world and way of thinking. But I do I think religion studies should be taught at school. I think kids should learn about different religions.

I'd say. :noway:

:chuckle: Yeah, it was pretty crazy. Like I'd said, I know I missed out on a lot of things because of it, and it wasn't something I think a kid should go through. It was very disruptive. But also like I said, I think I got to experience a lot of pretty cool things (and some not so cool), and I'm thankful for that experience.

Whoops, I guess that wasn't so short.


Here are some questions for you...

Who is going to teach your kids advanced trigonometry, chemistry and physics?

Personally, I am qualified to teach some subjects at a college level. But there are other subjects that I am not qualified to teach - even at a junior high level. It is silly to think that I can do a better job teaching some of these specific disciplines than those who have college (and advanced college) degrees in them.

What good is advanced trigonometry, chemistry and physics if you don't even believe in absolute Truth or that you were Created by God? Ever go on a college campus and ask students if they believe in absolute Truth? The overwhelming majority say no. Sure, they might have a great "education" but they are FOOLS going to hell.

Mark 8:36 - “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”


I learned how to rolls joints, how to give blowjobs, how to seduce men, how to do drugs. I was sexually assaulted and the peer pressure to have sex was huge.

Join the club - just like the rest of us who went to public school and are honest about our experiences.

I was 12 years old when I started engaging in sexual behavior and smoking pot because everyone else was doing it. I even learned all about how to have “safe” sex and do drugs “safely” by the experts at school, but it only encouraged my behavior. Then over the years it gradually progressed to harder drugs (acid, ecstasy, ect.) and more perverted, promiscuous sexual encounters (orgies, lesbianism, ect.). Not only did I have a baby when I was 15 and contracted an STD early on (thankfully which was curable), but I also had a very low self image after feeling used and like a piece of trash after every experience. Sure, I was more than willing to participate at the time since the pressure was so intense, and most the time it was fun, but it didn't take long for the reality to sink in that I felt emptier than before and more worthless than ever. It wasn't until I was 19 that I finally met my husband and broke the sexual cycle, but to this day I still have over 7 years worth of baggage that I will never fully recover from.



But if you recognise that that's not a representative sample, you accept that you can't generalise all public schools based on your experience, right?

Yeah - we can generalize based on all the schools we went to, based on all the schools our friends went to, all the schools in the surrounding areas, all the schools in the news, ect. ect....need I go on?

Pastor Kevin brought up a good point when you said, "Maybe I'd have done better with private school or homeschool, but I would have missed out on the majority of my experiences, which taught me a lot and made me who I am."

Is that why you are a self-proclaimed atheist? Pat yourself of the back then - the public school considers you to be a GREAT success! :thumb:


Here is a basic question for the anti-public schoolers; do you believe a Christian who attends public school can be just as "morally intelligent" as a Christian who is home-schooled?

NO! The Public schools are run by FOOLS and swarming with reprobate delinquents.

Proverbs 13:20 - "He who walks with wise men becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm."

Luke 6:40 - “A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher.”

1 Corinthians 15:33 - “Do not be deceived: Bad company corrupts good morals.”

Memento Mori

New member
NO! The Public schools are run by FOOLS and swarming with reprobate delinquents.

Proverbs 13:20 - "He who walks with wise men becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm."

Luke 6:40 - “A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher.”

1 Corinthians 15:33 - “Do not be deceived: Bad company corrupts good morals.”

I think someone's too buried in their ego to entertain different ideas but then what do I know; I'm just a 16 year old public school attending twit.


Well-known member
Well then you are silly!! ;)

But really, :jessilu: is an exceptional example. Should schools be willing and able to accomodate gifted children? Absolutely! So I think the rule is that it's silly to homeschool children because you think they'll get a bad education, but there are exceptions to the rule, your daughter being one of them. Although, I don't think she would have received a bad education had you left her in public school, but I think she received a better one homeschooling.

Actually, it's possible that :jessilu: *could* have wound up with a bad education.

Sometimes gifted kids are not only not recognized as gifted, but they are actually seen as problem learners and set back. It's like misdiagnosing a patient. If a kid is too advanced, they can become disassociated and uninvolved... And can actually be "misdiagnosed" as having a learning disability. Or probably more commonly, simply regarded as a "bad" student, and treated that way. I'm not saying it's always the case or is inevitable, but it does happen. I think a lot of gifted kids wind up being set back. Certainly a lot get lost in the system. I think that's something a parent ideally should be able to spot, but realistically, that's not necessarily going to happen.

And I'm not saying that is or isn't the case with :jessilu:... I don't know.

The aspect of being able to recognize a child's gift is extremely overlooked in public school. Like I said, I believe that extends past typically gifted children. Being able to spot a kid's abilities/gifts is so important. What I was saying about a problem with being geared towards teaching to the average (I think) is really important. No child his/herself is an average.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Actually, it's possible that :jessilu: *could* have wound up with a bad education. Sometimes gifted kids are not only not recognized as gifted, but they are actually seen as problem learners and set back. It's like misdiagnosing a patient. If a kid is too advanced, they can become disassociated and uninvolved... And can actually be "misdiagnosed" as having a learning disability. I'm not saying it's always the case or is inevitable, but it does happen. I think a lot of gifted kids wind up being set bck. Certainly a lot get lost in the system. I think that's something a parent ideally should be able to spot, but realistically, that's not necessarily going to happen.

You're right. And, when she was in kindergarten, her teacher tried to tell me that she had ADHD. I told her that I don't believe that that "disease" exists and that if she couldn't handle actually teaching my daughter, I would find someone who could teach her. :chuckle:

And I'm not saying that is or isn't the case with :jessilu:... I don't know.

The aspect of being able to recognize a child's gift is extremely overlooked in public school. Like I said, I believe that extends past typically gifted children. Being able to spot a kid's abilities/gifts is so important. What I was saying about a problem with being geared towards teaching to the average (I think) is really important. No child his/herself is an average.
:chuckle: You got this one spot on. My nephew was diagnosed ADHD by his school. He came out here (to Indiana from California) for three months when he was in third grade. My sister "forgot" to send his medication and his asthma inhaler. We had no health problems while he was here, so I'm inclined to believe that his asthma has more to do with allergies to the toxic air in central California. Anyway, within two weeks, I taught him to read. His reading level soared then. He went from basically a kindergarten reading level to a sixth grade reading level within two months. He also greatly improved at math, science, and history once he learned to read.

By the way, my nephew is now fifteen (sixteen at the end of next month) and back on all of his medications.

Memento Mori

New member
The aspect of being able to recognize a child's gift is extremely overlooked in public school. Like I said, I believe that extends past typically gifted children. Being able to spot a kid's abilities/gifts is so important. What I was saying about a problem with being geared towards teaching to the average (I think) is really important. No child his/herself is an average.

I disagree. At my school there are plenty of students that receive higher education than their grade level is required. Plus, there is a program called AP (Advanced Placement) that allows students to receive college credit in high school as long as the college will accept that credit and the AP Final is passed. I'm not 100% but I think that most states also have AP classes. From what I see, any child, that has the ability and chooses to use it, will be recognized and put ahead of their class.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I disagree. At my school there are plenty of students that receive higher education than their grade level is required. Plus, there is a program called AP (Advanced Placement) that allows students to receive college credit in high school as long as the college will accept that credit and the AP Final is passed. I'm not 100% but I think that most states also have AP classes. From what I see, any child, that has the ability and chooses to use it, will be recognized and put ahead of their class.

That's a high school. When I was talking about my daughter, I was talking about second grade. At that time, they didn't allow gifted children into the GATE program until the fourth grade.


New member
Here is a basic question for the anti-public schoolers; do you believe a Christian who attends public school can be just as "morally intelligent" as a Christian who is home-schooled?

NO! The Public schools are run by FOOLS and swarming with reprobate delinquents.

Proverbs 13:20 - "He who walks with wise men becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm."

Luke 6:40 - “A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher.”

1 Corinthians 15:33 - “Do not be deceived: Bad company corrupts good morals.”

This post is saddening to me, and insulting to many more.

1 Corinthians 15:33 - “Do not be deceived: Bad company corrupts good morals.”

Indeed it does. But what exactly is company? If you go to a restaurant filled with atheists, do they become your company and corrupt you? No, this is silly. Plenty of God-less people can be around you, but it does not give them any influence over you; any chance to corrupt you. It is when you let 'bad company' have influence on you when it corrupts your morals; morals do not travel by osmosis. A kid can choose the right company in a public school and keep good morals. There were many people in my high school that I did not associate with because I did not see eye to eye with them morally. Those I did associate with generally held the same moral principles as I did.

The same extrapolation can be made for the Proverbs verse, where a stronger word, companion, is used.

Luke 6:37-42:

37 “Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. 38 Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.”
39 And He spoke a parable to them: “Can the blind lead the blind? Will they not both fall into the ditch? 40 A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone who is perfectly trained will be like his teacher. 41 And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the plank in your own eye? 42 Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me remove the speck that is in your eye,’ when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck that is in your brother’s eye.

DXpose you judged all the Christian kids in this nation that attend public schools as being less morally intelligent than those that attend public schools. If a disciple is not above his teacher, and if my parents are my teachers, as you firmly believe, what is to become of me should they send me to a public school?

Please stop from passing unwarrented and erroneous judgements on the entirety of Christian kids who attend public schools.