Child Prostitution 3rd Largest Organized Crime


Well-known member
What good are laws if we have a culture that promotes out of wedlock sex, pornography and a "if it feels good, do it" mentality?

"Men, in a word, must necessarily be controlled, either by a power within them, or by a power without them; either by the Word of God, or by the strong arm of man; either by the Bible, or by the bayonet."

The more morally corrupt a society becomes, the more laws are needed to protect the innocent. Unfortunately as Naz has shown, the innocent are still falling prey to those that aren't controlled by the Bible.

You mean state (your god) approved marriage, more laws only breeds more rebellion.

Your another Jimmy Swaggart clone blowing self righteous smoke, you like all statist gover-mentalist wouldn't know what to do with real freedom, who will protect me, who will paved the roads, who will covet, steal, muder for me in the name of my god.

If anyone needs supervision its you Jimmy, and your not so merry double minded band of facist statist who are destroying the country.


The USA was founded on high quality political theory. The Constitution doesn't proclaim the Christian character of the nation, does it?
Washington was a deist, Adams and Jefferson didn't believe in the divinity of Jesus.

Rev. Bird Wilson said this in an 1830s sermon:
"The founders of our nation were nearly all Infidels, and that of the presidents who had thus far been elected [George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, and Andrew Jackson] not a one had professed a belief in Christianity."

Repeated efforts to add a Christian Nation amendment or preamble to the Constitution have all failed.

"High quality political theory"? You're not only a homosexualist, you're an ignoramus when it comes to being knowledgeable about our nation's founding.

Here, buy or rent this video, it'll help set you...straight (at least in your knowledge of our Christian founded constitutional republic).



You mean state (your god) approved marriage, more laws only breeds more rebellion.

Your another Jimmy Swaggart clone blowing self righteous smoke, you like all statist gover-mentalist wouldn't know what to do with real freedom, who will protect me, who will paved the roads, who will covet, steal, muder for me in the name of my god.

If anyone needs supervision its you Jimmy, and your not so merry double minded band of facist statist who are destroying the country.

I've been known to make many a typo before as well Zeke.

When you say "Your another Jimmy Swaggart...", what you really meant to say is "You are", or you can use an ' to make it "you're".

Always glad to be of assistance to the morally and mentally handicapped Zeke.


Since we're on the topic of child prostitution/sexual abuse, I should share this article by Dr. Judith Reisman entitled:

Study Reveals Porn Magazines Promote Sexual Abuse of Children

December, 2011

"Judith Reisman has finished her study of Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler magazines. It is full of complicated phrases: "child magnets," "psuedo-children," "adult receiver," "pairing of stimuli," and "child/adult juxtaposition."


A dictionary will not help. A remedial English course would be useless. And a degree in syntactics would be a waste of time. But don't worry, when all the scholarly verbiage is stripped away, the conclusion of the report is quite simple: The nation's most popular pornographic magazines promote the sexual and violent abuse of children.

In a study funded by the Department of Justice, and which took nearly two years to complete, Reisman researched 373 issues of Playboy, 184 issues of Penthouse, and 126 issues of Hustler magazines.

Her findings?

Children were depicted in photos, illustrations, and cartoons 6,004 times!

"I had anticipated only half that number when we started the study," Reisman said. "And I was very shocked that children had emerged in these magazines so early--that they were there in 1954. That shocked me."

"These materials have been validating the concept of the child as being seductive and wanting sex with adults."

Reisman was referring to a 1954 Playboy issue that depicted a small boy offering money to a naked woman in bed for sex.

"Even if the children in these magazines were neutral--that is, even if they were in little dresses and gowns and tops and were not committing sexual acts--that would be of enough concern. But we found that of the 6,004 images, the majority showed children in a sexual or violent context.

"These children were much more likely to be associated with having sex with adults. And the children were portrayed as unharmed and enjoying the sexual interactions.

"I was very shocked that children had emerged in these magazines so early--that they were there in 1954."

Among the 6,004 child depictions:

•1,675 children were either nude or displayed with a naked adult.
•1,225 children were involved in some type of genital activity.
•989 children were involved in sexual activity with adults.
•792 adults were portrayed as psuedo-children, that is, adults were dressed to appear as children.
•592 children were featured in violent or forceful situations.
•267 children were associated with animals or objects

"All of this is communication," Reisman said. "All of this is education--an education that has been delivered to this society for over 30 years..."


Active member
So tell us Tinark, what is the "real problem" when it comes to child prostitution?

The problem is sickos who think they can get away with victimizing children in this way. Also, attitudes in society that children should always obey adults and failure to educate them about these matters makes it easier for adults to get away with it and easier for the criminals to get the child to submit. Whether or not homosexuality, pornography or premarital sex is acceptable has nothing whatsoever to do with this.


Active member
Society is in decay that is certain! Statistics do claim that crime rates have dropped, but society has removed many crimes from the score card. How do you murder thousands of babies every day and claim that crime rates have dropped!

Abortion rates hit an all time low in 2009, so even if you consider that to be a crime/murder, that is on the decline as well.

Surprise! The abortion rate just hit an all-time low.

After years of holding steady, new Center for Disease Control data shows that the United States abortion rate has fallen to an all-time low. It dropped 5 percent between 2008 and 2009, the most recent years for which data is available, the largest decline in the past decade.

The big question for public health researchers is: Why? What was different in 2008, that might have lead to this downtick in abortions?

The answers seem to have less to do with economic trends, as some have suggested, and potentially more about the more effective contraceptives women are increasingly using.

If you were serious about furthering the decline in this "crime", you'd support everything that decreases the unwanted pregnancy rate: free contraceptives for all women and comprehensive sex education in school about most effective ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

The Barbarian

Some people have such an emotional investment in the sky falling, that they attack anyone who shows them that it isn't.

Abortion and child abuse are on the decline for various reasons, mostly unconnected.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So tell us Tinark, what is the "real problem" when it comes to child prostitution?

The problem is sickos who think they can get away with victimizing children in this way.

Dr. Judith Reisman addressed that in my above post talking about the multi billion dollar pornography industry.

Also, attitudes in society that children should always obey adults and failure to educate them about these matters makes it easier for adults to get away with it and easier for the criminals to get the child to submit.

You know nothing about the prostitution business. The reason these children (who are often times kidnapped and doped up by their pimps so that they'll turn tricks), "obey adults" is because they fear for their lives.

Whether or not homosexuality, pornography or premarital sex is acceptable has nothing whatsoever to do with this.

In essence what you're saying is this:

We as a society can have a "free love" attitude. We can embrace pre-marital sex, cohabitation, adultery, abortion, pornography and homosexuality, (whatever your "thing" is), but when it comes to having sex with children, we have a hands off attitude?

Get real.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Abortion rates hit an all time low in 2009, so even if you consider that to be a crime/murder, that is on the decline as well.

If you were serious about furthering the decline in this "crime", you'd support everything that decreases the unwanted pregnancy rate: free contraceptives for all women and comprehensive sex education in school about most effective ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

That stat is as scewed as the crime stats! Am I really suposed to feel better about baby killing because it is done with chemicals?


New member
Some people have such an emotional investment in the sky falling, that they attack anyone who shows them that it isn't.

Abortion and child abuse are on the decline for various reasons, mostly unconnected.

Maybe where you live. Maybe in the "sample" from that study but across the board, eh I dont buy into that. Again, even the studies Tinark puts up says they can not put their finger on it as to why some abuses are down. Could be the way Social Services is handling or coding their abuse cases.

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
Abortion and child abuse are on the decline for various reasons, mostly unconnected.

Maybe where you live.

America, to be precise.

Maybe in the "sample" from that study but across the board, eh I dont buy into that.

If so, you're very gullible. These studies are well-documented. Feel free to show some contrary evidence.

Again, even the studies Tinark puts up says they can not put their finger on it as to why some abuses are down.

So your argument is that if we don't know why something is happening, it can't be true? Seriously?

Could be the way Social Services is handling or coding their abuse cases.

Yeah, it's a nationwide conspiracy by independent CPS departments, run by people of widely differing political outlooks, to make it appear that child abuse is down.

C'mon. Reality might not be what you want, but it's real.


New member
Barbarian observes:
Abortion and child abuse are on the decline for various reasons, mostly unconnected.
I saw you post that Barbarian, various reasons.

The topic of the OP is Child Prostitution 3rd Largest Organized Crime. You and others are discussing child sexual abuse cases, not child prostitution.

America, to be precise.
And there are how many different States? How many State Laws are exactly the same as far as criteria, conclusions, Statute of Limitations on reporting?

If so, you're very gullible. These studies are well-documented. Feel free to show some contrary evidence.
Guillible is believing just "any old research" and not acknowledging the possiblity of flaws. The big "study" you point to can not definitively say WHY. To ignore where the researchers themselves say the flaws could be (ie different State criteria, info from Police or Social Services) is not guillible but ignorant.

So your argument is that if we don't know why something is happening, it can't be true? Seriously?
Please seriously check the OP/Post #1 to see what we are discussing.

C'mon. Reality might not be what you want, but it's real.
Real is what I investigated for 15 years. Real is watcing perverts manipulate laws, victims, and others into thinking "noting was going on" and if it did make it to trial seeing them get probation. NOT ACCEPTABLE.

To say "child sexual abuse rates are down" is a good thing. However, I question the validity of studies. AGain, check the thread title.

The Barbarian

The topic of the OP is Child Prostitution 3rd Largest Organized Crime. You and others are discussing child sexual abuse cases, not child prostitution.

I consider that to be child abuse. You don't?

Barbarian observes:
America, to be precise.

And there are how many different States? How many State Laws are exactly the same as far as criteria, conclusions, Statute of Limitations on reporting?

They don't have to be identical. Abuse is down nationwide, however.

Barbarian observes:
If so, you're very gullible. These studies are well-documented. Feel free to show some contrary evidence.

Guillible is believing just "any old research"

So you have nothing, then? Show me that the data is "any old research."

and not acknowledging the possiblity of flaws.

All studies have flaws; rarely do you get complete information. However, these data are more accurate than anything else available.

The big "study" you point to can not definitively say WHY.

Barbarian chuckles:
So your argument is that if we don't know why something is happening, it can't be true? Seriously?

Barbarian observes:
C'mon. Reality might not be what you want, but it's real.

Real is what I investigated for 15 years.

Anecdotes are not a substitute for data.

Real is watcing perverts manipulate laws, victims, and others into thinking "noting was going on" and if it did make it to trial seeing them get probation. NOT ACCEPTABLE.

I would think you'd be pleased we are catching and punishing more of those guys, and that the incidence of such abuse is declining. Instead, you seem disappointed.

To say "child sexual abuse rates are down" is a good thing.

You seem dismayed by the fact.

However, I question the validity of studies.

Personal incedulity, in the absence of supporting evidence, is pretty much worthless.


New member
Dear Barbarian,
What is the OP of this thread?

So you have nothing, then? Show me that the data is "any old research."

1. I am not arguining apples and oranges to you. I do not recall that study you have gone off on a rabbit trail with mentioning Child Trafficking.

2. Even the "research" says "they do not know why the decline of reported cases is down.

3. I see you are of the "anecdote class", so nothing I saw inside the innerworkings of CPS in 3 States or the various judicial settings mean nothing.

4. I find your assumptions vile and naive (that I would rejoice in any form of abuse to a child, especially sexual abuse).

PERHAPS, given the nature of the OP, child sexual abuse is down because of people who like to give "adult rigths and consents to children who are 15, 16".Locking up a teenager for Prostitution will NOT be reported as child abuse.

Now, would you like to discuss Child Prostitution and Trafficking as a growing problem or will you bury your head?

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
So you have nothing, then? Show me that the data is "any old research."

That there might be systematic underreporting doesn't mean that a decline isn't real. If we miss half of all cases, a decline in reported cases still means a real decline.

And this doesn't support your claim, either.

1. I am not arguining apples and oranges to you.

Posting that first link did that.

I do not recall that study you have gone off on a rabbit trail with mentioning Child Trafficking.

You don't think that's child abuse? How so?

2. Even the "research" says "they do not know why the decline of reported cases is down.

How does not knowing why it's declining mean it's not declining?

3. I see you are of the "anecdote class", so nothing I saw inside the innerworkings of CPS in 3 States or the various judicial settings mean nothing.

It means you saw a tiny percent of all cases, while the research took all of the cases into account. This is why comprehensive surveys are better than anecdotes.

4. I find your assumptions vile and naive (that I would rejoice in any form of abuse to a child, especially sexual abuse).

I find your attempt to smear me by claiming I have that opinion to be an admission you don't have anything to offer in the way of evidence. I'm puzzled why the drop in child abuse seems to dismay you, but to twist that into me assuming you "rejoice" at child abuse is contemptible. Shame on you.

PERHAPS, given the nature of the OP, child sexual abuse is down because of people who like to give "adult rigths and consents to children who are 15, 16".Locking up a teenager for Prostitution will NOT be reported as child abuse.

But finding the pimp and locking him up for it, will be. BTW, the age of consent has gone up in the last 100 years. Back then, in the U.S., it was as low as 7. There are some states where legislators, eager to appear tough on crime, made it possible to try children as adults. But it's not a common thing, even in very conservative states.

Now, would you like to discuss Child Prostitution and Trafficking

You miss a lot of things, don't you? That's what we've been talking about. But it's only a part of a much larger problem that you seem to want to ignore.

or will you bury your head?

Funny you should mention that. BTW, many of the same laws that have targeted sexual abuse of children geneally, have been effective for sexual trafficking.

The "sex tourism" laws, for example, have made it extremely risky for Americans to travel to other countries with easier access to child prostitution. I think it's a good thing, and we should strengthen and expand such laws.

I still don't understand why this bothers you. We know that this approach works:

Human trafficking flourishes where the law is weak

International Justice Mission, an human rights organization, in collaboration with the Gates Foundation conducted a four-year study in Cebu, Philippines. The study found a 79% reduction in minor sex trafficking “when anti-trafficking laws are enforced by well-trained and equipped police and courts.”

This criminal activity can be decreased significantly by removing the incentives and “reign of impunity.” It will continue to rise until then. Law enforcement across California say that local gangs are moving from selling drugs to selling women and children.

Instead of objecting to the effort to increase penalties and enforcement, you should be enthusiastically supporting it. California, amazingly, has no penalties at all for trafficking in children unless it can be shown that they are forced into it. Again, laws make a huge difference, if they are good ones, and strongly enforced.


Overall cases of child sexual abuse fell more than 60 percent from 1992 to 2010

US crime rate drops substantially in the past 20 years.

What's the old saying?

"If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."

Underreporting of Crime

"The underreporting of crime in our country has become an epidemic that threatens our Republic with increased violence and urban anarchy. The lack of accurate data about crime in our communities results in more risk to citizens and law enforcement personnel. If towns and cities don’t report crime data accurately, state and federal statistics won’t be accurate and planning and resource allocation cannot be effectively deployed to combat the criminals in our society. It is a bottom-up process. The F.B.I. Uniform Crime Reports are only as accurate as the information they receive, or don’t receive, from local jurisdictions....

The arcane world of the police subculture provides a myriad of ways to bury the truth about crime in a community if elected officials so direct police executives. There are three different groups responsible for the willful underreporting of crime:

1. Politicians at the city and county level

2. Police and Sheriff Department administrators

3. Rank-and-file law enforcement officers.

Political pressure is the main reason for underreporting of crime. While “political correctness” plays a part, the prime motivation for underreporting is to make a community appear to have less crime as an inducement for tourism or new businesses and people to move into that community...

The newest area of underreporting is with regard to illegal alien crime.

When cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York City refuse to enforce federal immigration laws and city after city across the country back out of the Secure Communities program, it is certain that citizens are not getting the correct illegal alien crime picture...

A result of two decades of underreporting crime, non-enforcement of immigration and employment laws, and ignoring the southern border combined with the illegal alien Anchor Baby Boom is reported in the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ)’s National Drug Assessment for 2010..."

Our politicians surely wouldn't lie to us about the state of crime in the US would they?


Chicago: Sanctuary City, Murder Capital

On July 7, 2012, the Democrat mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, announced a “Welcome to Chicago Ordinance” establishing the Windy City as a sanctuary city for illegal aliens. Chicago thus joined some 60 localities across the United States that currently choose not to enforce the federal rule of law on deportation of illegal aliens.

Emanuel formerly served as White House Chief of Staff in the Obama administration, which condones sanctuary cities. Such municipalities ignore U.S. immigration law that makes it a crime to enter the United States without documentation. Emanuel thus set the tone of his administration by condoning immigration law breakers.

What followed is a crime wave in Chicago so severe that voices of reason suggest the new mayor may not be up to the job. In August 2012, The Chicago Tribune reported that Emanuel had called for the assistance of federal law enforcement. President Obama (once a Chicago community organizer) responded with 50 federal agents. Their assignment is to reign in the shootings and killings by crime gangs that are tying Chicago in knots..."

Nice try Barbie. BTW, the sky isn't falling because good people are still holding it up.