Child Prostitution 3rd Largest Organized Crime

The Barbarian

Note how crime skyrocketed since 1960, around the time atheist Madylyn Murray O'Hare sued to have God removed from our public school system and society in general.

If so, she failed miserably. My daughter and her friends in Fellowship of Christian Athletes prayed frequently in school. No one could stop her, since the Constitution protects student-initiated prayer in public schools, so long as it doesn't disrupt educational functions.

The real reason things got so bad in the 60s, is that the baby boomers reached the prime age for criminal behavior. So there were more young adults out there, and the relative number of young adults is a major indicator for crime.

Also note how around 1990, those numbers started to go down.

Yep. The boomers aged, and so fewer of them were doing criminal activities. That's not surprising, either. That happens to all generations. It's just that ours was a much bigger one than usual.

No reason for the decline, things just "happen", right Barbie?

Surprise. When you let your imagination take the place of facts, reality hits you in the kisser with a cream pie.

Bon appetite.


Note how crime skyrocketed since 1960, around the time atheist Madylyn Murray O'Hare sued to have God removed from our public school system and society in general.

If so, she failed miserably. My daughter and her friends in Fellowship of Christian Athletes prayed frequently in school. No one could stop her, since the Constitution protects student-initiated prayer in public schools, so long as it doesn't disrupt educational functions.

The real reason things got so bad in the 60s, is that the baby boomers reached the prime age for criminal behavior. So there were more young adults out there, and the relative number of young adults is a major indicator for crime.

Yes, some prayer was and is still allowed, but only in after school activities, thanks to legal action taken on by Christian law firms like the Thomas Moore Law Center.

Regarding the 400% increase in violent crime: You're blaming it on people who were young? (walk away from the crazy guy and don't look back aCW).

Also note how around 1990, those numbers started to go down.

Yep. The boomers aged, and so fewer of them were doing criminal activities. That's not surprising, either. That happens to all generations. It's just that ours was a much bigger one than usual.

Brilliant synopsis, absolutely brilliant.

No reason for the decline, things just "happen", right Barbie?

Surprise. When you let your imagination take the place of facts, reality hits you in the kisser with a cream pie.

Bon appetite.

Thanks for enlightening me Barbie.

Now I must return to the planet earth.

The Barbarian

Yes, some prayer was and is still allowed, but only in after school activities,

You're wrong yet again. My daughter did "at the flagpole" prayers before school, and prayed at lunch, and with her friends in FCA. You're a moron, and an ignorant one, at that.

BTW, "the evidence is all faked, and they are all lying" is not a plausible defense for you. It just points out that you're out of arguments.

thanks to legal action taken on by Christian law firms like the Thomas Moore Law Center.

The ACLU has intervened, forcing school administrations to allow Bibles, prayer, and openly displayed crucifixes in school. But most school districts already allowed that.

Regarding the 400% increase in violent crime:

As you learned, it's been declining since the 1970s. They suckered you on that, too. And yes, the violent crime rate rose and fell with the age of boomers. The crack epidemic added to the fire, but of course, that fell away, too. That's why violence has been declining for so long. Here, I'll show you again:

Barbarian observes:
Yep. The boomers aged, and so fewer of them were doing criminal activities. That's not surprising, either. That happens to all generations. It's just that ours was a much bigger one than usual.

Brilliant synopsis, absolutely brilliant.

It has the virtue of being a testable hypothesis. And it turned out to be true.
No reason for the decline, things just "happen", right Barbie?

I just showed you two causes. But of course why it's declined over the past forty years is secondary to the fact that it has declined.

Barbarian chuckles:
Surprise. When you let your imagination take the place of facts, reality hits you in the kisser with a cream pie.

Thanks for enlightening me Barbie.

It's not for you. Facts mean nothing to you. You're just playing Simplicio to my Sagredo. Your usefulness in this conversation is as a bad example for others to see. You guys are out of facts, and are running on nothing more than fear and spite.


New member
While liberal fools have been congratulating each other on the fictional decrease in child porn/prostitution,

Canadian authorities have finally been embarrassed internationally enough to actually
lay some charges:

(after UK police broke giant European child-porn forum, and
revealed over 200 pedophiles to Canadian police, including
cops, firemen, lawyers, politicians, doctors, judges etc.,
Ontario cops decided to get off their behinds and actually
at least make a token show of investigating and arresting
those who make less than $200,000/yr.)

60 people arrested in Ontario child porn bust

  • Updated
    6:58 pm, September 25th, 2014
  • 10:32 am, September 25th, 2014

TORONTO ─ A massive child pornography investigation in Ontario rescued 14 underage victims of sexual abuse and led to 249 charges laid against 60 people, police said Thursday.
The approximately month-long investigation was a joint effort with 27 participating police services ─ ranging from Toronto, Windsor, and Hamilton to North Bay, Cambridge, and Port Hope and led by the Ontario Provincial Police.

A majority of the arrests were made in the past few days,
with 99 search warrants executed across the province.
Charges include sexual assault, sexual interference,
child luring, and possessing, distributing, accessing,
and making child pornography.

The arrests were made across the province, in big cities,
small towns and rural areas,
OPP Det.-Staff Sgt. Frank Goldschmidt said at a press conference in Vaughan.

"This isn't just a big-city problem anymore," Goldschmidt said.

Drugs and weapons were also seized during the sweep.
Insp. Scott Naylor ─ from the OPP's child sexual exploitation unit ─ spoke about how people engaged in child pornography differ from those in gangs or other types of criminal activity.
"If you're into organized crime, other people know you're into organized crime," he said.
"When you have a sexual interest in children, nobody else knows this. This is your deepest darkest secret."

This is why people engaged in this activity will have "anonymous relationships with like-minded people" online, he said.

"Are they connected? Yes they are," Naylor said. "Do they know each other in a normal sense? No they don't."

Police had little to say about the rescued child victims. Naylor added they were "very young."

"What I can tell you is that there are some people who have been lured," he said. "And then there are some familial contacts where victims were identified."
Karyn Kennedy is the executive director of Boost Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention, an organization that connects underage victims of sexual exploitation and abuse with therapists and relevant resources.
"If you imagine the worst possible thing that can be done to a child sexually ... often, that's as bad as it gets," she said, adding she cannot speak specifically about the victims of the most recent investigation.
"And often, we're seeing more very young children, who don't even understand what's happening to them," Kennedy said.
Last September, Boost opened Toronto's first Child and Youth Advocacy Centre to aid child abuse investigations.

Police noted that of the 60 arrested in this most recent sweep, three were young offenders.


Christian Liberty

Well-known member
"Used to"? Surely TH didn't leave TOL again?

Perhaps the liberal intellectual elitist, former? Satanist, current atheist, defender of porn and all things indecent, could add his words of wisdom to the thread.

Granite, the floor is yours.

Wow... this is just stupid. I don't agree with Town on much, but at least he doesn't basically want to shoot everyone who disagrees with him. I doubt you even know what "defending porn" actually looks like.


New member
I doubt you [aCW] even know what "defending porn" actually looks like.

Here's what defending pedophilia looks like:

Ben Levin
was sentenced to three years in prison today for child pornography.

He didn’t just have child pornography in his possession. He made child pornography.
And — most terrifying of all — Levin actually counselled a woman to sexually assault her own young daughter.
​All this would be outrageous no matter who Levin is. But he’s not just anybody.
For years, he was Ontario’s top education bureaucrat — the deputy minister, involved in every aspect of Ontario schools.
Including drafting the new child sex curriculum.
Not just that. Levin was a professor at the University of Toronto’s Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the time of his arrest. He was teaching other teachers.
How far did Levin’s influence go? What input did he have into Ontario’s child sex curriculum — a shocking new teaching plan that starts with inappropriate content in Grade 1.
Now that Levin is off to prison, how can Kathleen Wynne insist that Ontario families submit their own children to a curriculum that Levin helped write?

Yours truly,
Ezra Levant
P.S. Our petition at now has 8,886 signatures. Will you help us reach 10,000? Please share this link on Facebook and Twitter and with your email contacts and encourage them to sign.

So Levin got a slap on the wrist for attempting to procure violent sexual abuse of children.

3 years in a Canadian prison means he WON'T go to a Federal prison,
but will be allowed to serve out his sentence in a local jail like the Lindsay Correctional Center,
and even in a medium or low security place like this, he will be in "PC" (Protective Custody)
and safe from the regular prison population.

In addition, he will only have to serve about 1/3 of his sentence before parole,
and will get 'time off' for time served while awaiting trial, which means now,
at the current "2 for 1" deal, supposing he was in custody a year already,

His lawyers will secure the time served and put it against his sentence,
and he will be eligible for parole immediately.



New member
Important facts about porn, especially CHILD porn:


  • Porn sites receive more regular traffic than Netflix, Amazon, & Twitter combined. (HuffPost)
  • 35% of all internet downloads are porn-related. (WebRoot)
  • 34% of internet users have been exposed to unwanted porn via ads, pop-ups, etc. (WebRoot)
  • Porn increased marital infidelity by 300%. (WebRoot)
  • 30% of all data transferred across the internet is porn-related. (HuffPost)
  • Most common female role in porn is women in their 20’s portraying teenagers. (Jon Millward. In 2013, Millward conducted the largest personal research study on the Porn Industry in the U.S. He interviewed 10,000 porn stars about various aspects of the business.)
  • Child porn is one of the fastest growing online businesses. (IWF)
  • 624,000 child porn traders have been discovered online in the U.S. (Innocent Justice)
  • Approximately 55% of teen girls living on the streets have engaged in prostitution. (
  • Child porn is a $3 billion industry. (TopTenReviews)
- See more at:



While liberal fools have been congratulating each other on the fictional decrease in child porn/prostitution,

Canadian authorities have finally been embarrassed internationally enough to actually
lay some charges:

(after UK police broke giant European child-porn forum, and
revealed over 200 pedophiles to Canadian police, including
cops, firemen, lawyers, politicians, doctors, judges etc.,
Ontario cops decided to get off their behinds and actually
at least make a token show of investigating and arresting
those who make less than $200,000/yr.)

60 people arrested in Ontario child porn bust

  • Updated
    6:58 pm, September 25th, 2014
  • 10:32 am, September 25th, 2014

TORONTO ─ A massive child pornography investigation in Ontario rescued 14 underage victims of sexual abuse and led to 249 charges laid against 60 people, police said Thursday.
The approximately month-long investigation was a joint effort with 27 participating police services ─ ranging from Toronto, Windsor, and Hamilton to North Bay, Cambridge, and Port Hope and led by the Ontario Provincial Police.

A majority of the arrests were made in the past few days,
with 99 search warrants executed across the province.
Charges include sexual assault, sexual interference,
child luring, and possessing, distributing, accessing,
and making child pornography.

The arrests were made across the province, in big cities,
small towns and rural areas,
OPP Det.-Staff Sgt. Frank Goldschmidt said at a press conference in Vaughan.

"This isn't just a big-city problem anymore," Goldschmidt said.

Drugs and weapons were also seized during the sweep.
Insp. Scott Naylor ─ from the OPP's child sexual exploitation unit ─ spoke about how people engaged in child pornography differ from those in gangs or other types of criminal activity.
"If you're into organized crime, other people know you're into organized crime," he said.
"When you have a sexual interest in children, nobody else knows this. This is your deepest darkest secret."

This is why people engaged in this activity will have "anonymous relationships with like-minded people" online, he said.

"Are they connected? Yes they are," Naylor said. "Do they know each other in a normal sense? No they don't."

Police had little to say about the rescued child victims. Naylor added they were "very young."

"What I can tell you is that there are some people who have been lured," he said. "And then there are some familial contacts where victims were identified."
Karyn Kennedy is the executive director of Boost Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention, an organization that connects underage victims of sexual exploitation and abuse with therapists and relevant resources.
"If you imagine the worst possible thing that can be done to a child sexually ... often, that's as bad as it gets," she said, adding she cannot speak specifically about the victims of the most recent investigation.
"And often, we're seeing more very young children, who don't even understand what's happening to them," Kennedy said.
Last September, Boost opened Toronto's first Child and Youth Advocacy Centre to aid child abuse investigations.

Police noted that of the 60 arrested in this most recent sweep, three were young offenders.

Everything I've seen says that child trafficking/forced prostitution is and has been on the rise. Especially in places like Indonesia. I don't think many people are of the opinion that it's been shut down


New member
Everything I've seen says that child trafficking/forced prostitution is and has been on the rise. Especially in places like Indonesia. I don't think many people are of the opinion that it's been shut down

And the only explanation after governments and police have been granted
unprecedented sweeping powers to surveil, violate individual rights,
confiscate property and money without cause, and arrest on a whim,
is that those in power ARE the pedophiles.


And the only explanation after governments and police have been granted
unprecedented sweeping powers to surveil, violate individual rights,
confiscate property and money without cause, and arrest on a whim,
is that those in power ARE the pedophiles.

We're gonna have to agree to disagree on that one