Child Prostitution 3rd Largest Organized Crime


Well-known member
So Nazaroo just reposts some unattributed post from years ago, with nothing to back up his claims that "nothing has happened" and SOD (former Nazaroo stalker now left with so few friends that he's cozying up to Nazaroo) and aCW ("WHMBRRR!!") get all fidgety about TH and Barbarian. Wow, discussion's really hitting the skids. Maybe Inzl should close the thread for lameness. Or maybe serpentdove can post some sensationalist copy and paste about FEMA child prostitution death camps to keep things moving.


Active member
barbie is implying that aCW doesn't agree that it's a good thing that authorities can stop pedophiles.

are you going to confront barbie too?

Reread the conversation. aCW asked what good the laws do. Barbarian responded with information about what good they do. He was disagreeing with aCW's implication that the laws essentially do no good.
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The Barbarian

Reread the conversation. aCW asked what good the laws do. Barbarian responded with information about what good they do. He was disagreeing with aCW's implication that the laws essentially do no good.

It's troubling that he continued to argue so, even after seeing that stepped-up enforcement along with laws that addressed the internet activities of pedophiles, was bringing down the number of abused kids.

I'm hoping he's just stubborn and unwilling to admit he's wrong.


Reread the conversation. aCW asked what good the laws do. Barbarian responded with information about what good they do. He was disagreeing with aCW's implication that the laws essentially do no good.

With anybody else I might consider that their words were poorly chosen or that they had been misunderstood.

barbie however has earned a reputation for being the most dishonest poster on the site.

It's difficult to read his posts through anything but that filter.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I think citing the fact that the more vigorous enforcement that so annoys Connie, is actually bringing down the number of such crimes, is pertinent.

Don't you?

No. Connie isn't pertinant to any discussion about anything.
Ignore that yahoo.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Have we been reading the same thread? A bunch of the fundies here are saying that sexual perversion, including pedophilia, has skyrocketed and is becoming acceptable because of society's tolerance of homosexuality, pornography, premarital sex, etc.
Fundies always say some whacked out stuff, ignore them.
This thread is about organized crime traffiking children.
They are basing their perceptions of society on a bronze age book, which they believe tells them that society will decay and crimes will run rampant if we defy the guidelines it sets out regarding sex. In fact, we see the exact opposite. Rape is down, child abuse is down, child sex abuse is down, crime in general has dropped 30-50% across the board in the last 35 years. It's not surprising that a bunch of ignorant bronze age men would get things like that wrong.

But trafficking in minors still exists. Can we talk about that?

The Barbarian

But trafficking in minors still exists. Can we talk about that?

That's always been a plague on mankind. The founder of the Salvation army almost went to prison because he exposed the severity of the problem in Victorian England, because powerful people had a financial stake in it.

Do a Google search on child porn ring and see how life is for those people today. Not nearly as much fun as it was a few years ago.

It's still a huge problem, but with national governments now cooperating, a declining one. And the US, among others, now prosecutes citizens for "sex tourism" in other countries where child exploitation is common.

We need to do more of that. If you're in favor, more power to you.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Have we been reading the same thread? A bunch of the fundies here are saying that sexual perversion, including pedophilia, has skyrocketed and is becoming acceptable because of society's tolerance of homosexuality, pornography, premarital sex, etc.

They are basing their perceptions of society on a bronze age book, which they believe tells them that society will decay and crimes will run rampant if we defy the guidelines it sets out regarding sex. In fact, we see the exact opposite. Rape is down, child abuse is down, child sex abuse is down, crime in general has dropped 30-50% across the board in the last 35 years. It's not surprising that a bunch of ignorant bronze age men would get things like that wrong.
Society is in decay that is certain! Statistics do claim that crime rates have dropped, but society has removed many crimes from the score card. How do you murder thousands of babies every day and claim that crime rates have dropped!

The Barbarian

Society is in decay that is certain! Statistics do claim that crime rates have dropped, but society has removed many crimes from the score card. How do you murder thousands of babies every day and claim that crime rates have dropped!

That would be like saying that crime was rampant in the antebellum south because slavery is theft of labor. It certainly is, but it wasn't so regarded, and can hardly be considered part of the crime rate.

The good news, Delmar, is that the American public has become primarily pro-life.

A brand new CNN survey shows a supermajority of Americans want abortions proscribed in all or most circumstances (via LifeNews):

The survey asked: “Do you think abortion should be legal under any circumstances, legal under only certain circumstances, or illegal in all circumstances?” Some 62 percent want abortions illegal in all cases or legal only in certain instances while just 35% want abortions legal for any reason.

You're making a difference. Don't give up.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

In essence The Barbarian has no problem with a huge out of control fire, in fact he has no problem with people pouring gasoline on it while it's burning, he's just glad that a Fire Department is available to respond after the damage is done.

I don't believe that is true. The Barbarian is a flaming liberal and he and I disagree on a great many things but, accusing him of being unsympathetic to girls who are forced to be sex slaves is something I won't tolerate without evidence.

The Barbarian is a very very sick individual Del. I don't know how much of this is show, and how much of it is real for him.

I will tell you that when I was attempting to expose the works of the evil psychopath/child molesting pervert Alfred Kinsey sometime ago, The Barbarian mocked Dr Judith Reisman, the wonderful woman that was exposing him.

His track record speaks for itself.


Have you ever read an article not written by someone you agree with?

I post many articles written by sodomites in my "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!" thread to make my point.

Nothing is better than hearing the truth from sexual deviants themselves.


So Nazaroo just reposts some unattributed post from years ago, with nothing to back up his claims that "nothing has happened" and SOD (former Nazaroo stalker now left with so few friends that he's cozying up to Nazaroo) and aCW ("WHMBRRR!!") get all fidgety about TH and Barbarian. Wow, discussion's really hitting the skids. Maybe Inzl should close the thread for lameness. Or maybe serpentdove can post some sensationalist copy and paste about FEMA child prostitution death camps to keep things moving.

But zoooo, threads like this give you a reason for living. What would you do if you couldn't neg rep me on an hourly basis?


I was really hoping to get a response from Tinark on this post:

Originally Posted by Tinark
Child prostitution rates are *DOWN* res. Therefore, society's tolorance of homosexuality and other consentual arrangements among adults, as well as pornography use and availability, has NOTHING to do with child prostitution as people were claiming. That was my only point.

This isn't to say that it isn't still a problem, just that the fundies here are completely misdiagnosing the problem as having anything whatsoever to do with relaxed attitudes regarding non-biblical sex."

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Since relaxed sexual sin laws and societal attitudes towards those sins "isn't the problem", why don't you "diagnose" what the real problem is when it comes to child prostitution, which you point out is still a problem."

So tell us Tinark, what is the "real problem" when it comes to child prostitution?

Or perhaps you're of the belief that like the creation of the universe and everything in it, child prostitution

just happens without any reason behind it?


The good news, Delmar, is that the American public has become primarily pro-life.

A brand new CNN survey shows a supermajority of Americans want abortions proscribed in all or most circumstances (via LifeNews):

The survey asked: “Do you think abortion should be legal under any circumstances, legal under only certain circumstances, or illegal in all circumstances?” Some 62 percent want abortions illegal in all cases or legal only in certain instances while just 35% want abortions legal for any reason.

You're making a difference. Don't give up.

You see Del, Barbie ignores evidence like this:

Morning-After Pill Use Increases In U.S.

Morning-after pill use has notably increased in the United States. About 1 in 9 younger women have taken the pill after sex.

Surgical abortions are still holding study at 1.2 million a year.

With the morning after pill and RU-486 gaining in popularity,

the knife is slowing losing it's popularity when it comes to murdering babies in the womb.


I post many articles written by sodomites in my "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!" thread to make my point.

Nothing is better than hearing the truth from sexual deviants themselves.

So you only read articles by people you agree with and sodomites? It would be my suspicion that such a distinction may sometimes blur.


So you only read articles by people you agree with and sodomites? It would be my suspicion that such a distinction may sometimes blur.

I'm currently reading a post written by a sodomite; nothing blurrrry here, I can see your mindset as clear as the light of day.


I'm currently reading a post written by a sodomite; nothing blurrrry here, I can see your mindset as clear as the light of day.

Are you cold?

You can see my "mindset as clear as the light of day" - what number am I thinking of? which colour? Of course, I'm kidding but you're going to amalgamate your superstition with another, you really should though - I've heard psychics are nearly as profitable as churches.

As for the abortion, not too sure how that got into this discussion, lack of self-restraint I suppose. But the statistics are wrong.


Are you cold?

Stone cold when it comes to protecting a nation and it's people that was founded on Christian doctrine.

As for the abortion, not too sure how that got into this discussion, lack of self-restraint I suppose. But the statistics are wrong.

The Barbarian brings that smokescreen up frequently to give people the impression that things aren't really that bad in our morally degenerate society.

I'm waiting for Tinark's answer to my earlier post asking him what he believes is behind child prostitution, i.e. keep the air clear of unnecessary atheist/agnostic babble.


New member
Stone cold when it comes to protecting a nation and it's people that was founded on Christian doctrine.

The USA was founded on high quality political theory. The Constitution doesn't proclaim the Christian character of the nation, does it?
Washington was a deist, Adams and Jefferson didn't believe in the divinity of Jesus.

Rev. Bird Wilson said this in an 1830s sermon:
"The founders of our nation were nearly all Infidels, and that of the presidents who had thus far been elected [George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, and Andrew Jackson] not a one had professed a belief in Christianity."

Repeated efforts to add a Christian Nation amendment or preamble to the Constitution have all failed.