cheap salvation


Salvation should not be complicated.

But you seem to think it is complicated. That's why you ask question such as "do you know how to be saved?"

And I have been repeating the threads about obedience to Jesus, and you still don't know whether I know how to be saved or not.


Of course I know. If you don't know you should not call yourself a Christian.

And your question is just absurd. Why do you call yourself a Christian if you don't know how to be saved?
I'm asking if you know how to be saved. I believe I do.

We only have difficulty describing if a person is saved by obedience or not saved by obedience, as the need for obedience in all shows all condemned while the need for obedience in Christians is met by the result of being saved in that the saved and born again person is a new creature with the Spirit of God dwelling in them. They are able to obey, even if their obedience is met with opposition within themselves. To obey God may be difficult in the world. We also have an enemy in satan. To obey God and Christ is good, and anyone who says we should not probably doesn't understand salvation or the life of the believer saved in Christ. But this does not mean I did anything to save myself. I was told to have faith maybe somehow? And I do! But it is the result of what God has done in me. How can I say it is me. And yet I know it is I who have faith, and not someone else. No one else can have faith for you, in regard to your own salvation.


But you seem to think it is complicated. That's why you ask question such as "do you know how to be saved?"

And I have been repeating the threads about obedience to Jesus, and you still don't know whether I know how to be saved or not.
I don't know if you believe obedience is required for salvation or the fruit of salvation and required of the unbeliever. The requirement of obedience for the unsaved is there. But the person is unsaved until what point? Does this requirement of obedience for the unsaved mean that the unsaved person is condemned in his sin as he recognizes that he wants to obey by finds that either he cannot at all obey or he finds difficulty and somehow sins even when he tries? He cannot make himself a Christian. He cannot make himself obedient. But God and Christ require obedience from him. Is it because he can obey? Or is it because in his flesh he cannot, and simply that he needs to be born again of the Spirit of God and saved by God thereby on account of Christ?


I'm asking if you know how to be saved. I believe I do.

I am not reading your lengthy posts. I always get to the point without beating around the bush.

Since you don't seem to know what I believe how to be saved, I will tell you how to be saved:

It is by obedient to Jesus.

Salvation is all about Jesus being Lord and Savior.


I am not reading your lengthy posts. I always get to the point without beating around the bush.

Since you don't seem to know what I believe how to be saved, I will tell you how to be saved:

It is by obedient to Jesus.

Salvation is all about Jesus being Lord and Savior.
You should take the time to read these two posts. You will be eternally grateful if you do. I address everything that is between you and I in regard to understanding what the gospel is and how I have seen what you are saying. Your post here shows the same as what I know you believe.

Is there a time when you knew you had become completely and perfectly obedient to Jesus? If so, was it then that you knew or had come to know that you are saved? How do you know you are saved?

If obedience to Jesus is required for salvation is it true that no one is saved?

Do all who are saved obey Jesus? I believe yes. But I don't believe that is how they became saved. I believe God had to save them. I believe Jesus is Lord and that God saves people on account of what Christ accomplished. He died on the cross for the forgiveness of your sins and mine. Otherwise your destiny is the lake of fire. Some believe they are obedient to Jesus and they are not. Do any believe they are obedient to Jesus and they actually are? Did they become obedient to Jesus because God saved them and made it so that they could and that they were then able to?


I am sorry. This is my opinion of your view that you make salvation complicated more than necessary.

I am a simple Jesus' servant.
I believe that you either are saved or you are not. It is not complicated. What you need to understand is that nothing you can do can save you. Otherwise Jesus would not need to be your Savior. You can't have a Savior by being obedient to Jesus thinking you will be saved by your obedience. But this in no way means you should not be obedient to Jesus.

So, how can you save yourself if you can?

Where does your salvation come from? Does it come from anything you do or from anything you have done?


New member
Jesus clearly commanded His followers to teach everyone to obey His commands.

Yet, so many Christians preach obeying Him is not get you salvation.

Just amazing.

Too many seem to want cheap salvation which will not save them.

Salvation, meshak, is not cheap, God paid an awful price so that you can agree with Him and know that you are a sinner going to hell in a hand basked and God has provided His only way of Salvation and that only way to get to Him is Jesus Christ and His finished work on the Cross of Calvary in your place.

Jesus Christ and His finished work on the Cross of Calvary is a COMPLETED work. Nothing else CAN BE added to it, that is why Jesus said 'It is finished.' When something is said to be 'finished' nothing else can be added to it for nothing else is needed to complete it, for it is already finished.



You say you are Jesus' follower meaning He is your Lord.

You ought to know Jesus is the one who judges whether you are saved or not. Not you nor anyone else.



You say you are Jesus' follower meaning He is your Lord.

You ought to know Jesus is the one who judges whether you are saved or not. Not you nor anyone else.
Yes. But some say a person is elect of God or not and cannot know it, to which I disagree.


Asking whether one is saved or not is judging, friend.

When you say "I am saved", you are boasting and it is not of God to be arrogant.
If you know Jesus died for you you can say He is Lord and acknowledge that you are saved, if you are born again of the Spirit of God. You can know you have eternal life. Do you believe otherwise?

1 John 5:11-13 NASB - 11 And the testimony is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. 12 He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life. 13 These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life.


New member
Asking whether one is saved or not is judging, friend.

When you say "I am saved", you are boasting and it is not of God to be arrogant.

Oh, meshak, the most awesome, fantastic, incredible thing that can happen to a person is that God saves that person.

And the most awesome, fantastic, incredible feeling is the knowing that He has saved us.

When God saves a person, that person knows it and declares 'I am saved' because of Jesus Christ and what He did at the Cross of Calvary for me.

Praise God for His incredible grace and mercy toward a sinner such as myself.


If you know Jesus died for you you can say He is Lord and acknowledge that you are saved,

Jesus also says that not everyone who says Lord, Lord will not inherit God's kingdom.

We can claim all want but it is up to Jesus whether one is saved or not.

Arrogance is not such good thing to possess.

patrick jane

Jesus also says that not everyone who says Lord, Lord will not inherit God's kingdom.

We can claim all want but it is up to Jesus whether one is saved or not.

Arrogance is not such good thing to possess.

He might have some shocking news for you - :shocked:


Praise God for His incredible grace and mercy toward a sinner such as myself.

If you are truly grateful to Jesus and what He has done, stop spreading cheap gospel by saying "your works cannot save you".

Jesus says "if you love Me, keep My commands".

Obedience to Jesus is everything for salvation


Jesus also says that not everyone who says Lord, Lord will not inherit God's kingdom.

We can claim all want but it is up to Jesus whether one is saved or not.

Arrogance is not such good thing to possess.
Arrogance is what people who believe salvation is by works are about. See Ephesians 2:8-9 NASB.

Ephesians 2:8-10 NASB - 8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.

Is this the arrogance you are talking about, this boasting, or was it something else? I am actually opposed to this boasting, and attempting to show this to you. In that it is in agreement with the false idea of salvation by works.