Can Anyone Explain 'Why gay marriage?'


New member
Well you had better campaign for love, understanding and SSM if you want to be with Jesus.
Jesus was for love........ not fighting.

SSM is not love it is lust.

Rom 1:27
And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.


New member
MrDante;5066297]God didn't list any of that as teh sins of Sodom

Sure HE did . The men of Sodom in their depravity wanted to have sex with the men in Lot's house.

So Lot offered up his daughters for sex with all these gay men....right

You obviously do not understand the culture of those in the Middle East. Anyone under their roof is provided protection at any cost.

You do know that depravity has no limits so many men have sex with other men and women. It is not rocket science.


New member
Sure HE did . The men of Sodom in their depravity wanted to have sex with the men in Lot's house.

You obviously do not understand the culture of those in the Middle East. Anyone under their roof is provided protection at any cost.
I know it would take a good and righteous man would never offer up his daughters for rape. And i know that it would take someone who is truly a sick and degenerate pervert to be willing to defend such an action

You do know that depravity has no limits so many men have sex with other men and women. It is not rocket science.
if they are having sex with women are they gay?


New member
MrDante;5066325]I know it would take a good and righteous man would never offer up his daughters for rape. And i know that it would take someone who is truly a sick and degenerate pervert to be willing to defend such an action

Amazingly you can see Lot's fault but not the men that wanted to have sex with the men in Lot's house and that speaks volumes.

if they are having sex with women are they gay?

Yes it is called bi-sexual another depravity promoted by those without God.


Well-known member
yet this whole thread is about marriage.

Hardly. There have been some significant tangents.

Anyway, what are you saying? That a "Christian" homosexual marriage would involve two partners not engaging in sodomy?

Why are you so obsessed with sex?

I am not. Why would you say that?

You asked for clarification on what I meant when I said "homosexual activity." I answered. The thing is, you already knew very well what the term "homosexual activity" means. It doesn't mean marriage. No more than the term "sexual activity" means marriage. You were just trolling.


New member
I am not. Why would you say that?
Because you are unable or unwilling to talk about gays in any other terms except sex.

You asked for clarification on what I meant when I said "homosexual activity."
I did?

I answered. The thing is, you already knew very well what the term "homosexual activity" means. It doesn't mean marriage. No more than the term "sexual activity" means marriage. You were just trolling.
your obsession is showing


Well-known member
Because you are unable or unwilling to talk about gays in any other terms except sex.

Uh... no.

I am unable to talk about homosexual activity other than in terms of sex. Just like I am unable to talk about basketball other than in terms of sports. Because homosexual activity is a type of sexual activity. And basketball is a type of sport.

I can talk about people in many contexts. For example, Freddie Mercury was a great singer.

Yes. I used the phrase "homosexual activity," and you questioned, "activity like marriage?" Then I responded.

your obsession is showing

Stop trolling.


Well-known member
I am not. Why would you say that?
:chuckle: Cracks me up, a guy comes into a thread with 'gay' or homo'sexuality' and comments that the other guy is occupied with 'sex.' :rotfl:

"GENERALLY" when I am in a thread talking about a subject, I tend to discuss the subject :chuckle: Sorry, this accusation just kills me as many times as I ever see it. In a day or too it'll be sad, but right now it is just obtuse. "Hey guys, I couldn't be bothered reading the OP or title. Whatcha fellas talking about? Sex? Again!? :doh: " :chuckle:


New member
It is a silly argument.

Ducks also engage in rape and necrophilia. Since they occur in nature, should our laws promote such activities?

I agree the argument that it occurs in nature is their ( homosexuals and their supporters ) justification and rationalization for promoting depravity and perversion,sadly.


New member
=MrDante;5066325]I know it would take a good and righteous man would never offer up his daughters for rape. And i know that it would take someone who is truly a sick and degenerate pervert to be willing to defend such an action

You may want to take a reading comprehension course ! No one defended any action I simply tried to explain the Middle Eastern culture and how they protect a guest in their home.

The perverts who are sick defend homosexuals and SSM there is your perversion and depravity the participants and the advocates of nastiness are the sick ones.

if they are having sex with women are they gay?

Sure they are homosexual one day they have sex with men = homosexual and the next with a woman = hetro= bi-sexual.