Can Anyone Explain 'Why gay marriage?'


New member
God chose to list the sins of Sodom the way he wants, not the way you want.

'Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy." Ezekiel 16:49

hmmm...sounds a lot like you. Maybe that's why you don't like this verse.

God also listed this sin of the men of Sodom.

Gen 19:5
And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.

For those who don't know old English "that we may know them " is a nice way of saying that we may have sex with them.


New member
Fixed that for you.

Nah, it was right the when I posted it.

Promoting homosexuality is like prompting poison.

Notice you had no comment on the other sin God listed against the men of Sodom.

God also listed this sin of the men of Sodom.

Gen 19:5
And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.

For those who don't know old English "that we may know them " is a nice way of saying that we may have sex with them.


New member
The Bible says homosexuality is a sin.

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Well-known member
Ha ha! You tangle simple comments into your idea of sin, methinks.

Look, I posted up the list of Churches and congregations that support gays, or gay unions, or SSM in the USA for all to see, which clearly shows that their belief about Christianity is totally different from yours and some others on this forum. You can rant, rave, postulate, pontificate all you like, but it looks as if Christianity is beginning to accept that Moses Law is OLD LAW, and the New Testament does not cover closed unions in SSM.

The majority of the Western World clearly believes in freedom to love, which actually is a strong Christian sentiment, and if groups of more fundamental Christians have got their scripture all mixed up and believe that only they can get to Heaven........ then just keep clinging to that..... (good luck with that).... while the Western World comes around to more freedom for all.

Ok. I was really asking what you meant when you said some people here cannot have fun.

Is it because they think homosexual activity is immoral? Is that why they can't have fun?


Well-known member
SSM are not complete ! Jesus said a man and a woman leave their homes and become one flesh, and He made no provision for SSM, because that is an abomination to God.

There is no love in SS it is all about "lust".

Are you speaking from experience?


Well-known member
@Rusha doesn't have fun anymore. . . since the election :patrol:

I'm sad to hear that........ but Rusha wants support for the disabled, the needy, the down-trodden and the poor, so obviously the US might have taken a wrong turn for that.

But I'm happy because of your recent election. :) Every morning I make my tea, turn on the telly at Beeb News, and ........ Blam! I'm hearing about what your Presuident did, or said, or tweeted (Twettered, twitted?) yesterday, or what his nephew, or cousin, or son..... what they said or did....... and this lightens my day because it's much less boring that reports about sensible leaders etc....

Yes..... I'm happy about your election, in a twisted, facetious, careless kind of way..... :D


Well-known member
It was poorly phrased.

I should have written: Do you think someone has to promote homosexual activity in order to be able to have fun?

Imagine that..... all those gays 'having fun' with sex.
Question: Do you have fun with sex?

I don't have fun with sex........ It's much much deeper than that, and I guess that devoted couples feel that it's deeper than that as well.


Well-known member
Ok. I was really asking what you meant when you said some people here cannot have fun.

Is it because they think homosexual activity is immoral? Is that why they can't have fun?

Oh GlassJester you sad bloke........ I was having fun with a post. A POST!
It's called high-spirits.
Do you ever chill-out?


Well-known member
Have you got vultures in Kiwi? Or Carrion? Aren't some of those parrots carrion eaters?

Cor...... Fetid Dingo Kidneys.......... Yummy yum! (well, as far as carrion eaters go).

Hawks and Crows, Rooks too.

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Well-known member
Hawks and Crows, Rooks too.

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I'm sure I watched a telly program about some amazing parrots that live underground in NZ and hunt small game + carrion. I'm not joking you.

Anyway, earlier I listed a large number of USA congregations and Churches that either support gays, or gay unions or SSM, and the WorldWide list is huge.

I seem to remember that you are a Baptist (?) Priest, so what is your opinion and belief about this?

One more thing........ I was searching for a person with knowledge of Eastern Aramaic. Seek and ye shall find! :) Found one. Some people are just amazing.


Well-known member
I'm sure I watched a telly program about some amazing parrots that live underground in NZ and hunt small game + carrion. I'm not joking you.

Anyway, earlier I listed a large number of USA congregations and Churches that either support gays, or gay unions or SSM, and the WorldWide list is huge.

I seem to remember that you are a Baptist (?) Priest, so what is your opinion and belief about this?

One more thing........ I was searching for a person with knowledge of Eastern Aramaic. Seek and ye shall find! :) Found one. Some people are just amazing.
Nope, Old Catholic me. We also have small bats which swarm the forest floor eating wetas (large crickets) almost as big as them.

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