Can Anyone Explain 'Why gay marriage?'

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
'For' is not 'of'. Your analogy has been tried before and it still doesn't hold water. (pun intended) :eek:

How many people do you suppose would prefer to drown than get on a life raft?

If you're honest you'll concede that it's very few to none, and even those that didn't were probably too dazed and confused to know what was going on...

I believe that most people would prefer to deny that the ship is sinking until the water reaches their ankles, by which point all the lifeboats will be gone

So it comes back to a matter of choice - have they chosen to drown by refusing to believe the risk they were warned of?

Or have they only chosen to ignore the risk and the warnings and reaped the consequences of that choice?


Well-known member
You think my Church gets plenty wrong. Do you believe I will be damned for that reason?

If I am right, you will be alright.

So hang on... you think my Church got some doctrine wrong, yet you don't think I'll burn for it? So isn't it possible for me to believe that all those pro-homosexual churches got their doctrine wrong, without believing that every single attendant of those churches is damned?

Get off your high horse, and stop saying stuff like this:

All that lot.... of Churches ... all writhing, twisting, tearing, screaming and cursing in everlsting infinite agony... because they supported folks who fell in love and lived in happiness during their lives?

And..... will the devout and goodly folks in enfolding, luxurious, delightful, ecstatic joy that-knows-no-bounds, will they be able to look down into the fiery depths and see me, my wings all burned, feathers on fire... because I debated for love? And will this sight delight their senses of rightousness?


Well-known member
I believe that most people would prefer to deny that the ship is sinking until the water reaches their ankles, by which point all the lifeboats will be gone

So it comes back to a matter of choice - have they chosen to drown by refusing to believe the risk they were warned of?

Or have they only chosen to ignore the risk and the warnings and reaped the consequences of that choice?

He stopped arguing that point after he found out there was no preposition before the word "all" in that verse.


Well-known member
So hang on... you think my Church got some doctrine wrong, yet you don't think I'll burn for it? So isn't it possible for me to believe that all those pro-homosexual churches got their doctrine wrong, without believing that every single attendant of those churches is damned?

Get off your high horse, and stop saying stuff like this:

It's fun!
Like life can be fun..... but I don't think some members on this thread can possibly have ever had fun!


Well-known member
Do you think someone has to promote homosexuality in order to be able to have fun?

That's... odd.

Ha ha! You tangle simple comments into your idea of sin, methinks.

Look, I posted up the list of Churches and congregations that support gays, or gay unions, or SSM in the USA for all to see, which clearly shows that their belief about Christianity is totally different from yours and some others on this forum. You can rant, rave, postulate, pontificate all you like, but it looks as if Christianity is beginning to accept that Moses Law is OLD LAW, and the New Testament does not cover closed unions in SSM.

The majority of the Western World clearly believes in freedom to love, which actually is a strong Christian sentiment, and if groups of more fundamental Christians have got their scripture all mixed up and believe that only they can get to Heaven........ then just keep clinging to that..... (good luck with that).... while the Western World comes around to more freedom for all.


New member
Nope, you are. Why cant God name more than one sin? (hint: because you cant handle that God is clear that homosexual relations are wrong and you want Him to not mention them)

God chose to list the sins of Sodom the way he wants, not the way you want.

'Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy." Ezekiel 16:49

hmmm...sounds a lot like you. Maybe that's why you don't like this verse.


New member
SSM couples are not depraved........ they are complete.
SSm couples are not perverted......... love is not perverse.

Honi Soit Qui Mali Pense.

SSM are not complete ! Jesus said a man and a woman leave their homes and become one flesh, and He made no provision for SSM, because that is an abomination to God.

There is no love in SS it is all about "lust".