Can Anyone Explain 'Why gay marriage?'


Well-known member
Oh GlassJester you sad bloke........ I was having fun with a post. A POST!
It's called high-spirits.

You weren't talking about yourself. You said others can't have fun. You haven't explained what you meant by that. I suppose you did not mean it literally. But it still made no sense.

I don't see how any of this makes me a "sad bloke."

Or... maybe that is how you "have fun." By being condescending.

Do you ever chill-out?

Sure. Everyone does.


New member
Tough cookie, mate.......
You're 'fighting' a losing battle against reason, common sense, the message of Jesus and Love.

So good luck with that.
The battle is won by Jesus and God. I will fight the good fight until death, "mate". [emoji4]

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Well-known member
lol, that is used to intimidate and it does not work it might work on a 3rd grader.

No excuse or intimidation can make what is wrong right. SSM is against God and nature.

Against Nature? Oh, alright...... I'd better tell our ducks about that.
Huh.... so you clearly know naff all about nature! :D

And I would love to see any NT mention against SSM..... not gay polygamy.... SSM!
You won't find anything.

EDIT: And you wrote:-
There is no love in SS it is all about "lust".
Now, the only way you could have such intimate knowledge........ :idunno:


Well-known member
If you're Catholic then Catholics aren't Christian.

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I debate against Catholics on this forum and they are absolutely amongst the most polite, most courteous Christians I could meet with. You just chuck insults around....... not Christian, mate.


New member
Nah, it was right the when I posted it.

Promoting homosexuality is like prompting poison.

Notice you had no comment on the other sin God listed against the men of Sodom.
God didn't list any of that as teh sins of Sodom

Gen 19:5
And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.

For those who don't know old English "that we may know them " is a nice way of saying that we may have sex with them.
So Lot offered up his daughters for sex with all these gay men....right


New member
This is a big reason I fight gay marriage.

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gay may marriage isn't responsible for stupid memes


New member
eider;5066285]Against Nature? Oh, alright...... I'd better tell our ducks about that.
Huh.... so you clearly know naff all about nature! :D

Hello ! Humans are not ducks and they should not imitate them.

And I would love to see any NT mention against SSM..... not gay polygamy.... SSM!
You won't find anything.

Jesus spoke of a man and a woman becoming "one" flesh ! How about you producing one scripture where God ever spoke to 2 men or 2 women becoming "one" flesh. The reason scripture makes no mention of SSM is because homosexuality is an abomination to God.


Well-known member
Against Nature? Oh, alright...... I'd better tell our ducks about that.
Huh.... so you clearly know naff all about nature! :D

And I would love to see any NT mention against SSM..... not gay polygamy.... SSM!
You won't find anything.

Where did the NT specify that only homosexual promiscuity is immoral?
The NT prohibits homosexual activity, in general. There is no need to further specify.

You've already dismissed Paul's prohibition of homosexual activity, anyway. Any verses of Scripture that you don't agree with, you'll just dismiss as not the Word of God.

This provides a troubling picture of your priorities as a Christian. [MENTION=6696]Lon[/MENTION] has pointed this out to you numerous times, yet you seem not to care.

What it comes down to is this:
When there's a discrepancy between your personal opinion and the teaching of Christ and His Apostles, which one will you more readily do away with? And which is given priority? Which one must be wrong, in light of the discrepancy?

It seems to me, you err on the side of personal opinion, and dismiss Scripture.